
Viewing 1 - 20 of 165 results

Vanilla Mocha Draws *Episode 5* · 7:33pm Apr 1st, 2016


Update 27 Patch Discussion · 4:40am Apr 1st, 2018

Added new Power Armor item

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Report A Random Guy · 376 views · #April Fools?

(April Fools) We're European Now. · 11:16am Apr 1st, 2017

Canterlot was decorated with blue flags that have 12 stars forming a circle. Equestrians of all races gathered near Canterlot Castle to listen to the announcement by the Princesses. Excited whispers was the only thing you can hear before Princesses Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Twilight and a middle-aged human appeared at the castle balcony. The whispers hushed, and Celestia started speaking.

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Report La Vallett1 · 313 views · #april fools

April Fools! · 11:32am Apr 1st, 2022

Alright, the joke is up! I will not be stopping this story at all and would like to say sorry for misleading those who thought I was. I would also like to apologize for my author's note on the story because it went to far. To make up for my conundrum, I will be posting a new chapter.

Hope you all have a great and fun-filled day!

Report Bossypants · 284 views · #April fools

Post-Fools 2016 · 4:43am Apr 2nd, 2016

That was fun, wasn't it?

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Always One of the Three · 7:49pm Jun 10th, 2021

"Full Lance," Sweetie Bell asked.

"Sweetie Bell?" Full Lance turned around to see Sweetie bell leaning by the side of portcullis.

"Sorry to stop you just before you left, but..."

Full Lance grunted questioningly.

"I need to give you something, Full Lance. Before you leave." Sweetie Bell said this, turning her face to the floor beside her, lips pulled tight.

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Report Merallakos · 151 views · #April Fools'

Soon™ · 9:46pm Apr 1st, 2017

Report Csquared08 · 1,796 views · #April Fools!?

Goodbye, everyone. · 4:00pm Apr 1st, 2017

Hey, guys. Got some sad news for you, I'm afraid.

Because of my new job at my local insurance company, I'm not gonna be writing stories for FimFiction anymore or doing that 100 followers Q&A I talked about. I'm just not motivated to write anymore so I think it's best I just close my account altogether. But I couldn't go without letting you all know first. But still, supporting myself comes first. :ajsleepy:

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Report Awesomo3000 · 379 views · #April Fools

Best jokes you've seen today? · 9:13pm Apr 1st, 2021

I just got off of work, so I haven't had a lot of time to look, but Derpibooru rebranding to Preenhub is pretty good.

How about all of you? What have you all come across?

Report milesprower06 · 274 views · #april fools

Coming Soon To FimFiction... · 7:02pm Apr 1st, 2016

He was one of the most brilliant cartoonists in history, his influence can still be felt today, he is the genius cartoon king that taught them all how to swing.

But his genius can not comprehend what will happen to him next.

Coming soon, experience the story of a cartoonist from the Golden Age of animation, exploring a new and magical world filled with friendship and harmony.

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Report ADRNEL · 332 views · #april fools

Well Played, Derpibooru · 2:25pm Apr 1st, 2020

Derpibooru, brought to you by Geocities.

Anyone else spot some tasteful April Fool's tomfoolery going on today?

Report milesprower06 · 310 views · #april fool's

I have the great pleasure of announcing... · 1:19pm Apr 1st, 2022

that it's April Fool's day.

Nothing more. No pranks.

Have a good day.

Report Mkchief34 · 169 views · #April Fools

Live Action MLP Series Announced · 7:47am Apr 1st, 2014

I've been keeping this under my hat for a while, but I've known about the upcoming live-action Netflix series for a few months now, having been asked to preview the first episode as part of the test audience, as the show needed to pass muster with both the primary and peripheral demographics (which I am part of, I am not quite sure).

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Obligatory April Fools Post · 6:59am Apr 1st, 2016

The following are all true:
Star Trek: Voyager was not terrible.
Jar Jar was the best Star Wars character.
Zootopia sucks.
There is nothing in MCU that gets me excited on a near daily basis.
I wasn't salty at all about certain plot elements in the season 6 premiere.
I am not obsessed with Stardew Valley, and Penny is not best waifu.
There was no delay in new chapters since January.

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HAPPY March 32! · 3:50pm Apr 1st, 2016

April Fools isn’t much of my day. Because everything is a lie, nothing is a lie, am I lie, is anyone a lie, who is a lie, lies, lies, lieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees.

Anyway I’m gonna work on something better than a bland April Fools joke most likey my home work since i have a bunch of that)


This isn't an April Fools post, I swear · 2:25am Apr 1st, 2017

Hey, it's April Fools! I'm sure you either have been or are going to be inundated in fake story chapters and leaving-the-fandom-goodbye-forever posts, so here's something a bit different.

As you may or may not know, I'm a proud changeling. I enjoy holes. (hardy har har) A tunnel is a sort of hole—quite a large one, in fact.

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Report Kryssi · 378 views · #I was bored #april fools

Fic Recommendation · 9:15pm Apr 1st, 2015

I'm only going to make a short post today, but I'd like to acknowledge one of the better-known fanfic authors on this website: Windlife.
I recently did a reading of one of their more acknowledged stories, an unfortunately unfinished piece called "An Alicorn's Struggle." The reading can be found here.

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I Quit · 9:24pm Apr 1st, 2019

Welp, this was bound to happen sometime. I just can't do this anymore. The blatant lack of enthusiasm for my stories, low like ratios and follower count. I even bothered getting cover art for them yet they're not on the featured list! And then the lack of comments and praise for how awesome I am as a writer. Honestly, what's the point of continuing to write if I'm not noticed for my efforts and remarkable skills? Then there's the fucking show ending in a shitstorm that I can't even bother to

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Report Mewrilah · 425 views · #News #Stories #April Fools

I'm leaving Fimfiction to build a Dyson Sphere · 8:20am Apr 1st, 2021

Let's face it, nothing on this site is a productive use of our time. We're like pigs in the line to the slaughterhouse, sniffing each other's butts instead of figuring out a way to save ourselves.

The Earth is full and we have no new land to spread to anymore. But we're like viruses, we need to spread. So the obvious choice is to build a Dyson Sphere around the Sun where we can spread to and prosper.

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Doxing myself: Bad Dragon = Enforcer Mat · 10:45pm April 1st

I've already doxed myself in the stream, talking about My Little Pony at 2:14:50

, so I might as well come clean here.

All along, I've been Enforcer Mat. The cult of Enforcer Mat is the cult of Bad Dragon.

Viewing 1 - 20 of 165 results