
Viewing 1 - 20 of 27 results

haha · 12:37am Apr 27th, 2022


Chapter 13 Update · 6:00pm Aug 4th, 2022

Hi, everyone!

So sorry it’s taken so long to get Chapter 13 out, I did not intend for it to take this long!:twilightsheepish:

Life just hit kinda hard this time. Struggles with motivation on top of family vacation followed immediately by COVID has just not helped production in the slightest:pinkiecrazy:

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A Tale of Two Suns Chapter 13 will be out soon · 2:16am May 14th, 2018

Hello everyone. Happy Mother's Day to everybody, and I hope it was a good day for you all. Yes, I realize that tomorrow will mark three months since I last updated the story. I hate that. I really do. But I did want to let you all know that chapter 13 WILL be done soon. I'm 95% done with it. I just need to finish the last two scenes and go over everything, and add some little bits here and there.

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TheIdiot Regarding: Revamp of Chapters · 6:58pm Jul 27th, 2020

Hello, everyone! TheIdiot here once again to provide you, our readers and watchers, an update on what's going on.

Or rather, I’m not alone this time. Because I have someone else present. Say ‘ello, Vox.


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Chapter 13 In Progress! · 3:49am Jan 14th, 2022

Well hello there strangers, It’s been a while since we spoke last!

Life has a funny way of blindsiding you, and I’ve been trying to get back to some normalcy for a while now. Between family trips, holidays and work I think I’m finally getting back to that stability. Hopefully once my future roommate and I can get a prospective apartment I’ll be able to really nail everything down and start getting back into the flow I had before.

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A Tale of Two Suns Chapter 13 out tomorrow! · 1:55am May 16th, 2018

Hello everyone. I know it's really late, or at least it is here. But anyway, promised, here's an update. Chapter 13 will be published tomorrow. I'm going to try to have it posted in the same window as last time, between 9:30 AM and 10:30 AM EDT. Be prepared for the next chapter, and a big one too.

See you all tomorrow. :pinkiehappy:


Chapter 13 is now up! · 2:27pm May 16th, 2018

Good morning everybody! As promised, the new chapter has now been published and is ready for reading. So go say hello to A Tale of Two Suns chapter 13: Maneuvers Clandestine and Chaotic!


Hey! You! Chapter 13 is out NOW!! · 4:46am Jan 19th, 2022

You read that title right!! Chapter 13 is fresh out the proverbial oven and ready for your ravenous eyes to devour! … that sounds rather strange now that think about it, but regardless! Stop wasting time reading my ramblings and go read the new chapter! I know you want to! … you do want to right?

Right we’ll, I’ll be here when you get done. Probably. Unless I decide to get a snack or something.

Anyway until next time everyone, stay safe and stay awesome!


Chapter 13 is Live! Let's talk about Summers and Suede · 11:22am Nov 24th, 2021

Welcome to Chapter 13, everybody! These chapters have been getting noticeably longer since I started using text-to-speech when checking for mistakes, and I am not sure why. I wonder if I go back and start reviewing the previous chapters if they'd get longer as well after a few passes. Probably not 1-5 since those drafts were sitting in my folder for ages, back when I was gonna write the whole book and then release it one drip at a time. Who knew that releasing it weekly was a better practice to

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D&D 5e: Tales of the Fairy Queen - Chapter 13: Bone Dry Knights · 8:33am Feb 7th, 2023


D&D 5e: Tales of the Fairy Queen - Season 2 - Chapter 13: Wasteland Wonders · 9:31pm May 9th, 2023


"Princess Flurry Heart, Destroyer of Worlds!" is on indefinite break because of hiatus depressions. · 9:00pm Nov 2nd, 2016

Just kidding. I continued writing Chapter 13 today and it's coming along very nicely. Not that much missing anymore, so, unless natural disasters or sudden illnesses strike, expect Chapter 13 for tomorrow!

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Why still can't I quit you Cheda Blade (Monster Hunter part Deux) and Flash's Demon 1.1 update · 6:46am Aug 25th, 2016


I might have to delay the next chapter again. · 11:41pm Jan 16th, 2020

To everyone waiting for the next chapter of "Letters to Cozy Glow", I might have to delay it again, in the worst case by a couple days. I had a pretty bad, personal incident today I need to recover from, so my mind is not really focused on writing right now. I'm sorry. I'll let you know when the chapter will come.


"A Distress Call from Another World" reaches you: Answer it here by reading Chapter 13 of "Dreamwalker Dash"! · 3:15am Mar 4th, 2021

Chapter 13 of "Dreamwalker Dash" is now here and we're getting another step closer to the peak..... Today we will meet a filly made of mysteries..... Can her nightmares bring light into them and will Rainbow Dash and Luna be able to help? Answer the call here to find out:

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Weekly updates resume: Chapter 13 of "Princess Flurry Heart, Destroyer of Worlds!" is released! · 11:16pm Nov 3rd, 2016

The time has come, dear readers. After a long time and an unplanned semi-hiatus, "Princess Flurry Heart, Destroyer of Worlds!" returns today!
Chapter 13 just went off the printing press and is now available for your reading pleasure:

This chapter brings us to more feels, but also to some unexpected developments. And it introduces some new characters!

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Cozy Glow writes her master: Chapter 13 of "Letters to Cozy Glow" is ready for reading! · 4:21am Jan 24th, 2020

I hope you're all in the mood for more adorable fanfilly. Cause there is more coming your way in the next letter. Cozy Glow writes her dear master and idol Tempest Shadow, in an excited, enthusiastic and passionate response to Tempest Shadow's letter.
Are you ready for a bit of Cozybetes today?

Stay easy as a filly!

~ Fluttercheer


A little bit of news from the "Dreamwalker Dash" front · 10:30pm Feb 28th, 2021

I have picked up Chapter 13 of "Dreamwalker Dash" again today. My condition with writing it is strange at the moment. Writing it was a strain today and I pushed on as long as I could, but then the pressure got too strong and I had to stop. Somehow, this CGI announcement about Generation 5 has seriously messed me up at the moment. I forced myself to write today, but now I feel doing that was too soon.

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"Aunt Millie" will be over soon: The Last Chapter and What Comes After It · 9:04pm Apr 4th, 2017

Greetings, fellow readers of "Aunt Millie". As you have probably heard by now, "Aunt Millie" is nearing its end. I started writing the last chapter today, which will get published on Saturday, and this is a good moment now to talk about what happens after the fic is completed:

So, what is going to happen once the fic has seen its last chapter?

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The Final Chapter of "Aunt Millie" is released: Witness the "Showdown"! · 9:53pm Apr 8th, 2017

Now it happened. More than ten months since I started writing "Aunt Millie", it is now finished, as the Final Chapter is released:

And in this final chapter we see..... a showdown. What you will witness here is in my head since I started writing and now it is finally immortalized here! I went all out on this and it shows, because the chapter is a lot longer than I thought it would be.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 27 results