
Viewing 1 - 20 of 58 results

How Pinkie and I Spent the Weekend · 5:19am Jan 25th, 2016

Stay warm, East Coasters. Warm wishes and blessings from the West :pinkiehappy:

Report Summer Dancer · 428 views · #Chill

Merry Sunday · 11:33am Jul 26th, 2020

Merry Sunday.


  1. Sleep
  2. Sleep even more
  3. Yawn
  4. Sleep again
  5. Repeat as necessary

I am pretty tired though. Anywho, merry Sunday. 💛

Report Ribe_FireRain · 155 views · #Chill

Why do I always attract the stupid ones? · 11:55pm Jun 28th, 2015

It's a blessing, I guess.

Now if you're going to continue to try and strawman my argument, change my words, and ignore what I'm said,


I'll draw your attention to this line, here.

I don't like to use the term over-analyzing but I think you're missing the forest for the trees, here.

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Netflix binging! · 8:11am Feb 13th, 2018

Yeah, yeah. I should probably get back to my usual nightly updates, but with how far I've been pushing myself to go when it comes to robotics, even to the point of which I've slipped from A's to B's in certain classes, I think that watching some shows on Netflix is a good way to spend a bit of off-time.

Besides, even with how limited it is, the Surface RT I got runs silently for obvious reasons, and has an up-to-date Netflix app still available.

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And we got another one. · 2:29am Nov 5th, 2016

good idea, make sure to find a way to punish the ppl who upvoted those comments too, for also having and expressing their opinions on a matter that u specifically asked for feedback on


And gals. Sometimes it's hard to tell by usernames.

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Have some chill... · 4:52am May 26th, 2016

New thing I did today. My GF borrowed me her keyboard, which happens to have MIDI controller as well. So I worked out some things and voila! I did this. Wanna chill? I think this might help:

Sorry for no episodes lately. I'm trying to polish a little the stories.

Also, this mix was based off of a fanfic. Check it out:
Gazing to the Ocean of the Sky

Report redspark · 386 views · #Electronic chill

Sewing. · 1:06am Feb 8th, 2018

"Hey B-PICKLELESS-n, do you know what the strongest thing in the world is?"


"A fart, not even Superman can hold it, wanna know what the sharpest thing in the world is?"


"A fart, it can go right through clothes without piercing it! Wanna know what the most painful thing in the world is?"

"A fart?"

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Sitting with my laptop, with a can of cider; · 11:29pm Nov 16th, 2017

Looking at Tempest Shadow things;

Whilst listening to the new themes for the returning leaders for Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon on repeat.

What you lovelies up to right now?


Somebody decided to downvote my story without an explanation on April Fools Day. · 1:32pm Apr 4th, 2016

If you're out there, I just want you to know you're creative and hilarious.

In other updates, one of my authors got back to me, granting me permission to do an audio reading of their work. :pinkiehappy: I'll be excited to get working on it once I'm done with Exam P.

Works on FimFiction I've Proofread/Edited for (From most recent to first)

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So... My Friend Asked If I Wanted To Smoke Pot... I Was Basically Like... · 6:47pm Aug 21st, 2020

Report Forgetful · 430 views · #Friends #pot #chill

Easter · 6:55pm Apr 7th, 2020

Yo guys. ^^

Who says yo guys?? :rainbowhuh:

Shut up Rainbow or I’ll put you into another maid outfit!!!


Anyway.. just wanted to let you guys know the reason no chapter has come out yet is because I took a few days off for myself. Just enjoying some games and helping my mate with a garden project. But Easter is just around the corner and my writings will continue from Thursday, so expect chapters coming out around there. ^^


Another Special Day · 8:49am May 13th, 2018

So... how's everyone gonna spend this Mother's Day?

Me, I'm gonna make some phone calls, watch TV, just relax overall. Have some biscuits and eggs in the morning, spaghetti at night. Catch something on Netflix while the trial period lasts. Finally got to see Aggretsuko and Devilman Crybaby. Good shows, good shows.

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Recruiting for destiny 2 clan · 12:12am Sep 7th, 2017

Okay, so if you got destiny 2 on ps4 and feel like joining my random clan, I'd love to have dudes to chill with.

Link bruh


You guys need to chill out trying to get others to abide by your own ideals and thoughts · 7:19am Sep 4th, 2015

Why does everyone act like this sight is such a serious place I mean come on its a fanfic site, and while I love it you have to realize that this all doesn't really matter.

I mean seriously none of us get paid to do this so therefore we should all just take a chill pill and leave people the hell alone.

I mean if you don't like someone don't talk to them or read their posts.


Out and About · 6:48pm Jul 15th, 2019


Super Cool Anouncement · 11:42pm Nov 8th, 2017

Hey! Long time no see everyone.

So I'm super excited to announce a few things. I'll go ahead and start with the most minor news.

1. If any of you know who Applety is (if not you should). I met her on the Rarijack discord server and she recently helped me unstick myself on both of my major projects. CSR and A Place That We Call Home are no longer causing me undo stress. So expect new chapters of those soon! (Hold me to that.)

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Opinions on Season 7 · 8:47pm Apr 22nd, 2017

I know I don't watch the show but seeing the reviews of others has made me think.
I think the writers have found themselves in a bit of a pickle.
They had To Where And Back Again as a Season Finale, long-awaited and well-received by all accounts but with that out the way, they've kind of been a bit pushed for ideas.
I mean after that kind of showdown, it takes a while to decide where to go from there without anything to build up to.
I think, given time, they'll win back the crowd.

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Finished watching She-Ra Season 5! · 7:17am May 17th, 2020

Holy crap did they confirm a lotta ships.

I love it!

Now time to harvest some of its vibes for Splintershard


First look at the next chapter of The Wayfarers. · 2:27am Nov 5th, 2017

So, I know I said I'd post the first half of the chapter. But I'm a little stoned, very tired, and riding high off a good day of writing.
That's means I'm posting the entire chapter, cause why the fuck not? Most of the chapter is edited, but not all of it.

Hope you like it.

Here's the code: Madeyoulook

Here's the link:

Welp, that wraps it up. Let me know if there's anything wrong with the link or the code.

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Check out my 'Key To The Heart EP' · 11:39pm Jun 12th, 2015

I have gained many new follower since I last posted about music, but I do make music for those who don't know! I like to keep my Aliases separate from each other so their is little to no connection just in case. (But that went out the window.)

I recently, as in like two weeks ago, released my first EP! The music is all melodic and classical/chill based. Made to relax and calm and bring people to ease with it's simple yet loving melodies and soothing sounds.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 58 results