
Viewing 161 - 180 of 430 results

Update on the Wanderer and a few other things · 2:58am Jan 11th, 2016

So this is the first blog post I've ever made on this forgive me if I'm not great at this.
But anyway, reasons chapter three hasn't come out. (Please don't think I'm just making excuses about this, I do want this story to be finished.) First off it is actually done...sort of. I have finished writing it, I just need to edit it and fix whatever mistakes there may be.
Other then that the holidays got me busy and so did Fallout 4 (which is amazing!)

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Hey, Enigma wanted to leave everyone a message · 6:42pm Nov 29th, 2017

His life is in turmoil, but he wanted you all to know what was going on. It's actually kind of important. Read about it OVER HERE.

As for me... expect some new content by next week. I'm serious. It's almost done and way way overdue.



Stories · 7:07am Feb 26th, 2016

Okay, so update. I am working on BBO, I am working on Discovering Friendship. But I am also pretty damn sick at the moment and in need of a job. So I was job hunting, and thats not going so well. And then I woke up yesterday so sick I thought I was dying. Then I woke up this morning and my voice was gone. Kinda scared of what I am going to be missing tomorrow morning. ANYWHORE - I noticed I sort of abandoned my smut stories. So ima work on my smut stories. Starting with Colors of the Rainbow,

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Major Delay · 3:14am Jan 26th, 2018

I'll make this quick - I have another delay but this time it's major. I won't have internet for the next two weeks so don't expect much updates on my stories or on my blogs. More will be explanied soon (two weeks later or when I visit my friend).

Sorry for the inconvenience, but in the meantime...

Enjoy reading!



Thanks for the Memories · 1:50am Oct 13th, 2019


Will Twilight Sparkle get even bigger? · 8:25am Oct 13th, 2019

That seems to be the most important thing to me about the final. Will Twilight Sparkle get even bigger? Will she outshine Princess Celestia in size one day? And would Princess Celestia get mad and magically make herself bigger out of spite if that happens?


I'm not dead! · 10:25pm Oct 17th, 2017

Yeah, I'm still alive. I've been dealing with life troubles lately, and been having a really bad time. I've put Surviving Hell to find Heaven on hold for now to deal with what's going on. I'll probably get to writing in a few days, it all depends on whether I can cheer up or decide to go to a therapist and talk about my problems.


MLP Season 9 final thoughts/Series closing thoughts SPOILERS · 1:56pm Oct 13th, 2019

To be honest, this season has had many ups and downs, but it was just an okay season. Not great, not bad, just... okay.
I'm not exactly thrilled that Grogar was Discord all along. While in hindsight, it was foreshadowed, I can't say it was a good idea. Though the stakes were raised with the other villains, i couldn't help but feel disappointed that Grogar wasn't the final threat like everyone wanted him to be.

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I know nothing about modern China: A review of Cixin Liu’s “The Three Body Problem.” · 3:54am Sep 6th, 2015

TL;DR: A spoiler free review thought piece of the first book in a trilogy of the current most popular Sci-Fi novel in The People's Republic of China.

If you got here via Googling "Three Body Problem fanfic," my MLP story set in the Three Body universe is readable here.

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How to Troubleshoot the Xfinity Login Problem · 10:05am Jun 7th, 2021

Xfinity email service is accessed by millions of users.  Several users consider Xfinity email as the first choice for sending across and receiving messages. Despite the efforts of Xfinity at times, users come across Xfinity login problems. To access Xfinity email easily it's crucial to resolve the pertaining issue.

Major Xfinity Email Issues 

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Cons and Woes · 9:22pm Feb 15th, 2023

What a year, and it's only February! I was initially hoping to get the next chapter of Bluebird ready for proofreading just before I went to a furry convention in Glasgow... only for my computer's power supply to fail two days before I was set to travel.

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Selfishness has been my wrong motivator for the longest time..... and people don't see who I really am because of that. · 12:25am February 19th

A lot of people in the fandom don't understand who I am and think of me as a bad person. My friend sometimes does, too, and doesn't trust me anymore because of that. There have been moments when she literally asked me "Who are you?". I was always thinking this was stemming from trust issues that she developed because of events in her past and I was only marginally attributing the cause for this question to myself. Now I know better. I was much more the cause for this question than I always

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Mechanic: 15 Escape VREF failure · 11:46am Jun 19th, 2021

Rather than regale you with the tale of putting a junkyard engine in a Chrysler 200 (which went surprisingly well) or timing chains on an Acadia (which didn’t), I figured it was time to get back to electrical stuff, because that’s going to be a good time.

Spoiler alert: it wasn’t

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You know that moment when you think... · 8:08pm Jul 20th, 2018

You know that moment when you think you've got a handle of everything, then life looks at you, laughs, and says challenge accepted even though you weren't giving a challenge and was just calmly sitting on the porch drinking your beverage of choice in peace...

That's what's been happening to me, so while the current stories are not on hiatus, they will be having to take the back burner a bit because of a few things... FINDING WORK SUCKS!!!

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I just didn't understand it..... · 6:37pm February 1st

I was going back and reading a Discord conversation me and my friend had..... We were talking about woke ideologies and rascism and women and she told me a few things she is concerned about, things that concern her about me..... And I didn't understand it..... I was reading this conversation for the first time again since we had it and it looks so different now..... She tried to help me, tried to make me understand in what direction I was going, and she put so much effort into explaining it to

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A Goodbye · 12:33pm Dec 15th, 2023

Things are taking a turn for the miserable again..... I wasn't checking my mails last week, when I did yesterday, I found a goodbye mail by her. I was citing the fact there's no goodbye message by her as a good sign, now it turned out there is a goodbye message by her. Things were looking up slightly, especially because I let police perform a wellness check on her, which thankfully turned out as her just being sick with the flu and nothing worse, and she told them that she will follow up with

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Depressed · 1:51am Oct 6th, 2015

Hey everybrony! Your favorite writer is once again back, though in lower spirits.

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Thoughts on Christmas on New Year's Eve · 4:18am Jan 1st, 2016

Deleted. Sorry. It was clear from the comments that my post made my circumstances sound harsher than they were.

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So my job is being full retarded · 10:25pm Jan 20th, 2017

Like two days ago, I clocked in at 10:50 P.m. (the time I'm supposed to be there by) and I get some whole spiel with a few other people from the Department Manager about how being late is bad and youll miss the team lead meeting which is at the start of the shift(which I didn't!) And that ended up leaving me in a ' I wouldn't piss on this building if it was on fire' mood all night:ajbemused:

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Another Birthday · 6:34pm Jan 26th, 2017

[Sorry the date's wrong, but this is how i feel about my birthday compared to what the rest of my life is doing around me; causing more shit for me...]

Another day, another number to add to myself.

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Viewing 161 - 180 of 430 results