
Viewing 161 - 180 of 404 results

(Just a thing I found) FOUR Versions Of The Same Song 'Lost On The Moon' · 8:37pm Mar 28th, 2016

My favorite? I can't decide.

Though it's fun when you play them all at once. :pinkiehappy:


I have updated a story. · 1:12pm Mar 3rd, 2023

Go read it! The last chapter drops tomorrow.

I will now retreat back into writing assignments and horsewords.


RATINGS ARE OPEN · 2:26pm Oct 13th, 2023

Act two begins! Get ready for more Marigold over the fall and winter. Now, there is the bonus of the ratings no longer being disabled. Please be sure to give these stories a thumbs up if you enjoy them. My M-rated stories tend to get very few upvotes and many downvotes, and they're certainly not related to quality. Upvotes will also help make this story more visible across the site and to prospective readers, so all in all, you're just doing me a huge favor in showing appreciation for my work.

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Coming Soon to Horsewords near you! · 10:15pm Jan 19th, 2020

guys look new words do you like new words i do

  • Second chapter of Distance is up! It will update again next week. (I know it's a little earlier than 7 but it's better to have it up now.)
  • Another chapter of Sunset's horse poetry story is up. It will resume updates in March.

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Survey Boost · 5:36pm Nov 11th, 2021


Apologies & Edits · 7:39am Mar 30th, 2020

I went over the two published chapters for my 100th story. Unfortunately, I found one of the published chapters (the second) was left unedited. I'm not sure why this was, or at least why it was unedited but published, something I really only have when a chapter is ready to be submitted on an unpublished story. That was incredibly embarrassing, but I've fixed everything now. :facehoof:

Sorry y'all, it's been fixed now.


Ways to make your library more manageable: Probably contains spelling errors edition (It does) · 2:58pm Apr 2nd, 2016

Ways to make your library more manageable:

1) Sort stories properly by making multiple bookshelves: tracking, read it later, favorites/read, stories I didn't like. This is a good way to keep track of everything *and* if you're too busy to comment on a story or review them, brief titles and descriptions can serve as the more opninon based feedback some writers crave.

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Scribblefest results! · 8:56pm Apr 14th, 2016

I didn't win. (Oh well. I had fun anyway.)

However I would like to know what the judges thought of my story since it made it to the finals and reviews are always nice.


Titanium Dragon
Pen Stroke
Silver Flare

That's quite a lot of folks to ask... :twilightoops:


That one episode with Rainbow Dash [spoilers oh no] · 6:27pm May 7th, 2016

Season 6, Episode 7
Something about Rainbow Dash
Spoilers be here, ya know?

*affixes headphones*

0:10 The otaku part of me can't help but imagine Scoots saying "Senpai notice me!"

0:17 I love how the Rainbow Dash Stalker Club was not a one off thing.

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Eeee~! · 11:53pm Jul 10th, 2017

Hi, everyone. I'm here to announce that once again, the user Lotus Moon has gifted with a lovely reading. All That Lingers is now available to listen to as well if you prefer that to reading. Or maybe you experience the story again. Either way, it's now possible to hear the banter between King Sombra and Cadance! :yay:


I did a thing again! · 8:19pm Feb 7th, 2018

So, out of the stories I was going to revise, 'Through the Snow' wasn't one of them. I ended up revising its first chapter and fixing a couple things in it, as wells as adding the 'lost chapter' from 'Missing Pages & Scrapped Footnotes'. I really liked revisiting the story and getting to add some new stuff, especially about historical Equestria/Tribal ponies. I had a lot of fun when first writing this, and when I went over this again.

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more update stuff · 11:35pm Mar 8th, 2019

Enemy of Mine updated and I forgot to blog about it. Oh heck, let's fix that. I, uh, also published anthology stuff too. Words are happening. Hope y'all enjoy!


Hey Nerds · 3:04am Sep 23rd, 2020

Y'all know that I've been making progress with revising my stories for print. Well, I only have one story left to work on for the first collection to be ready in terms of "Wow all these stories look nicer now" but I also did another cool thing.

The Luna and Celestia interludes of Enemy of Mine have been revised and expanded. I also fixed up some colored text whoopsies that I spotted in the latest chapter that fuckin' slipped by my initial dozen editing reads because formatting.

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Contest Entry: Part Two · 11:16pm Mar 3rd, 2020

I've been super busy lately. However, I've managed to push out the second part of my entry for the worldbuilding contest. Since the deadline is tomorrow at midnight, I've tried to arrange things so I'll have the last chapter done by then. Until then, enjoy the second chapter. This story hasn't gotten nearly as much attention as some of my other recent stories, despite it being more in line with my usual writing and with more ties to my longer works. If you like island getaways, G1 references,

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Follower Question: Staying or going? · 5:39pm Oct 11th, 2019

Are you going to be hanging around (reading, writing, or what have you) after the finale, or will you be retiring when the final-final credits of the finale end? Pretty simple stuff, I suppose. As I've mentioned before, as much as my activity on here can be fluid, I still have stories that will be written.


"Hey Ice Star, you know that story you have that no one reads? You didn't put investment in it, did you?" · 6:10pm Jan 21st, 2021

Oh, but I did. Originally, I was going to wait until I had both commissions to show, but I figured it was worth showing off. Especially since I have a custom cover now, and will for the main/mature story Stay Golden too. I'm going to need something to post about if not stories for a bit, and I do have some fan art, commissions, and stories I helped with but forgot to blog about to get around to.

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Some news about FA... · 2:26pm Jul 21st, 2017

I'm going to be needing to split the latest chapter into two, which means that the story's run is going to be a bit longer.

Hope you stick around anyway!:twilightsheepish:



What's this? The first story of 2021? · 5:53am Jan 21st, 2021

Yeah. It is, and it's probably going to be the only one I release for a while. I've just had enough of this written, plus I'm absolutely sick of just editing and revising my older stuff. Staring at my older prose so much can get boring just because I don't really like editing. Though I do like reading, sometimes all work and no play is just awful.

So have a story about Ivory Scroll.

TVictory for the Dark Horse
Ever since Twilight Sparkle has taken the steps to princesshood, Ivory Scroll has become obsolete as Ponyville's Mayor-Mare. Nothing could be more devastating to her, and she aims to renew her sense of purpose in the world.
Ice Star · 14k words  ·  54  11 · 785 views

Sunset Story Stuff · 3:02am Jan 15th, 2020


It lives! · 3:11am Sep 1st, 2020

TEnemy of Mine
A few years after Luna's return it seems that Equestria will finally know an era of peace and appears to be on the verge of a new renaissance. Ponies are happy. Luna is recovering. Celestia is miserable.
Ice Star · 280k words  ·  116  14 · 6.8k views

I'm partway into the next update too! See the author's note on the most recent chapter for more!

Viewing 161 - 180 of 404 results