• Member Since 6th Feb, 2015
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Ice Star

🖤 i eat children 🖤

  • EAshes
    In the ruins of a world they were never truly a part of two fillies travel with only each other as company, yet the elder starts to have doubts about their destination and wonders if everypony she loves is doomed to leave her. (EFNW '16 Finalist)
    Ice Star · 6.4k words  ·  43  1 · 1.4k views

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  • 2 weeks
    Reader interaction poll!

    Please check it out here.

    Since comments are a little scarce and I’m new to long-form mature fiction, I wanted to do a quick survey. It’s all anonymous but it’s going to be very helpful because of the content slated to appear in the next few chapters. Your votes will help me gauge reader feelings and the intensity of how graphic things will be.

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  • 3 weeks
    Pretty Pony Poems

    Lately, I have been going through various complete entries in Missing Pages that were too short to publish. I decided that "Just Weep" shouldn't be left to gather dust there. I've since published it as its own story with the addition of eight new poems about Celestia (and Luna) so that it is long enough to count as a one-shot according to the site's minimum wordcount rule. If you read the

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  • 3 weeks


    Yes. I did. Two horses having normal horse sex. It's a completely serious story, but I decided to go out of my usual skill area for April Fool's Day. If you've been following Stay Golden and you want a quick peek of what's to come, this story is for you.

    It's also getting a lotta downvotes for not being porn. RIP in pepperoni.

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  • 9 weeks
    I had a few chapters of backlog left. Or, a modest update.

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  • 15 weeks
    Hi, it's been a while since I've been on here. But enough about me. I need y'all's help.

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Scribblefest results! · 8:56pm Apr 14th, 2016

I didn't win. (Oh well. I had fun anyway.)

However I would like to know what the judges thought of my story since it made it to the finals and reviews are always nice.


Titanium Dragon
Pen Stroke
Silver Flare

That's quite a lot of folks to ask... :twilightoops:

Comments ( 2 )

I think it was very atmospheric... a dark, strange world the reader is unfamiliar with, and full of this sense for foreboding. Characters are strange this many years ago, and that lends it an air of mystery too. Where it fell apart for me is that, as a story, it doesn't really go anywhere. I actually have in my (quick) notes (I read this on a plane with no internet) that it felt like a scene from a longer story, and didn't stand on its own. When I got back on the ground I saw the description, that it's a sequel, and that makes more sense. However, I had to judge it as it stood, and that just wasn't quite solid enough by itself.

So to summarize,

1. Pretty decent writing, (but the archaic "our"s and "we"s didn't mesh well with the other dialog.)
2. Very interesting setting, made me want to know more.
3. Starts AND ends in media res. There's just a scene and setting, not enough story.


Thank you for this comment, it means a lot to me. :scootangel: :raritystarry: As you can see, I have other works involving this AU so if you want to know more they are there.

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