
Viewing 141 - 160 of 450 results

Chapter progress bar updated, story taken off of Hiatus. · 6:52am Mar 7th, 2017

Woop woop.
Things are happening!
Silver dies.


On Sunny Skies... · 3:31am Jan 8th, 2018

I'll just get this out of the way right off of the bat: I had absolutely no plan when I started this. I was just kinda reading FOE stories (Project Horizons specifically) and thought "Wow, this is a cool world, I should try doing something in this." Then, I just kinda threw a bunch of ideas floating around in my head together and started writing. I got pretty much as far as the story on here did before I ran into a wall asking one simple question: "where am I going with this?" At the time I

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FoE: Devils - rewrite · 2:51am Jul 13th, 2015

I've put my first chapter to a few people and have gotten some much needed feedback. I'm rewriting the first chapter and temporarily pulling the story from the official submissions while I work through rewiring and fixing.
Any suggestions you might have would be much appreciated.

Report Ravvij · 275 views · #rewrite #notice #FoE #Devils

Dead is a strong word... · 3:06am Oct 27th, 2015

Alright so I suppose an explanation is in order.
I stopped watching the show (for the most part)
Work and life consumed more of my time
I just kind of fell away

I know that isn't what people want to hear but its what happened. I've changed most of the stories I never completed to Cancelled as I doubt I'll go back... with a few exceptions.


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SAPR Rewrite - Update 2 · 8:15am Sep 26th, 2020

The second part of the SAPR Rewrite is now complete, with the whole of the Blake Arc having been rewritten, and I mean rewritten very literally in this case as it will probably stand out as the most substantially changed arc in the story.

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Rewrite of Dusk's New Dawn · 1:19pm Apr 27th, 2020

So yeah, exactly the title.

I started Dusk's New Dawn for giggles and didn't exactly have a plot in mind, as more people began to actually be interested i decided to rewrite the dang thing because frankly, it's shit.

So I'm trying to make it atleast not look like shit, so yeah.

Don't worry, major key points are still there. It's just much more hidden as i continue to write.

Its still RGRE and the premise/concept is still the same.

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Chapter 3 - Rewritten · 4:05am Dec 31st, 2015

It may not be a true update but I did work my ass off writing a new version of chapter 3.

Hope you guys enjoy it

Report AutoKnight01 · 238 views · #update #kinda #rewrite

Announcement! · 2:40am Feb 9th, 2018

HI, I DiegoProductions announce that I will be rewriting my 2 stories The Day Twilight Died and My Little Human: A Pony Disaster. I'm going to make the grammar better since that was the main critique I got. I will also modify to make them have better story since that was very bad since I wrote these when I was in 4th and 5th grade and now I'm in 6th grade so I actually know how to write! Also, I bet I can find a proof-reader.

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Magic is coming back~ · 5:48am Feb 12th, 2019

The first story I have ever made was an MtG fic called Magic: The Gathering, Friendship is Magic -I think-. It was... rusty beyond belief but I had fun and over the years I completed it because I wanted to do something new with Jace... Well, seems I have to go back to my roots.

Yeah, I'm rewriting that fic, it's nice and all but I want to write Jace- or should I say, Lloyd- again. So keep an eye out for that story :3

Report ExoDemonG · 298 views · #rewrite #New stuff #MtG

Order of the Alicorn Update #10 · 10:18pm Oct 6th, 2018

Hello again, back with another update.

So I know that the last update may have been a bit underwhelming for most of you, but I am glad to report that things are looking up this time, in a sense.

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For Those Interested · 10:40pm Feb 4th, 2018

So chapter 1 has received a massive rewrite and I will be doing the same at least through chapter 4 while Hitomi works on the next part.
Hope you all enjoy and understand the extra efforts while I write some cute fics that are, rather, raw and unedited ;)


Chapter 1 Rewrite Done! · 11:04am Feb 27th, 2018

We did it! Chapter 1 Rewrite complete!
Special thanks to: Enigma

Go on take a look at the new FoE chapter 1, completely redone from the ground up.

Report Fiaura · 178 views · #Fallout #FoE #Rewrite

What do you think I should change Odium into? · 9:36pm Oct 31st, 2021

In terms of personality, backstory, design, etc., what do you think I should change Odium into make him a better OC/character and why? Can someone give me a specific answer for how to do that besides just vague answers like "his existence" or "make him better"?

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Rewrite or Repost? You Decide! Or, Alicorns & Bodhisattvas! · 8:20pm Jul 26th, 2019

So, this blogpost is actually kind of a repost, inspired by the lovely lunch discussion at the post-TrotCon writers-have-to-eat-too informal-get-together-thingamajig. Originally, I think three years ago now, I put out a blog post which I later deleted, during one of my college courses on East Asian Philosophy and in this case Mahayana Bhuddism. Fear not, dear reader, I don't require you to know what that is. Only know that it has Bodhisattvas in it, and that for the Bhuddists who practice it

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Awesome Story/Newsies #20.5 · 4:02pm Jul 16th, 2019

I just read the most AWESOME STORY EVER! Parlous, by Carabas. This thing is AMAZINGLY well written, and had me on the edge of my seat. Nigh on 12,000 words flew by in a heartbeat and at the end I loved Best Princess even more than I already did, and was pumped for an epic tale of high adventure!

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MEF Rewrite Beginning! · 9:00pm Mar 27th, 2021

It’s here!

Despite the majority wanting me to finish all the chapters first before posting, it was taking a lot of time and I wasn’t really using all of my time as effectively as I could have been. Some readers were getting impatient (I understand, of course) and so I followed my editor’s advice and decided to just go for it.

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Major Rewrite of Fanfiction · 4:25pm Apr 8th, 2023

Hey guys.

So, a lot of you are probably wondering why my current Fic,

[Adult story embed hidden]

has no chapters. Well, the reason is that I'm rewriting some parts of the first chapter, and completely rewriting the Prologue from the ground up. It might take a bit of time, but, I'm hopeful that it'll be done soon.

Anyway, here's a small sneak peek at the new Prologue.

November 9th, 1989

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Sunset Shimmer: No Equestria Girls(?!) · 12:59am Apr 1st, 2023

"What if Sunset Shimmer never left Equestria for the human world?"

That's an interesting what-if scenario that a lot of fans have speculated on and even made lots of interesting stories based on the concept, such as "Witch of Everfree" and "Freeport Ventures".
But I raise you an even more thought-provoking scenario: "What if Equestria Girls was never a thing, and Sunset Shimmer appeared as an original character in the show?"

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Haven't posted for a while, here are some updates on the story · 4:01am Apr 14th, 2016

Alright, so as you may (or may not) know, I am rewriting The New StalLi-ion. I was going to do it later, but then I would have to rewrite more chapters at once, and decided it would be easier and faster to rewrite only 5 chapters. I am doing the prologue to chapter 4, and am current at about 54% total on the rewrite of chapter 1. (The rewritten prologue is already out, and you can find it

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Rewrite planned · 2:45pm Apr 5th, 2023

For everyone that has read Life of a new Pie so far, thank you very much in taking interest an interest in it. And for being patient with me on my story updates and the quality of them so far.

After some much needed criticism ; I am going to be rewriting it from the ground up to be more coherent, longer, and generally better. My goal is for most chapters to be two thousand words long and to flesh everything out properly.

Viewing 141 - 160 of 450 results