
Viewing 141 - 160 of 308 results

Editors and Pre-readers wanted · 11:02pm Mar 19th, 2023

Here's the thing: I'm not dead.

In order to prove that I'm not dead, I entered 3 writing competitions that I'll try to win. I'll start publishing the stories in a day or two.

However, as my follower, you don't have to wait. And if while you're reading my pre-published stories you throw in an edit or two before I publish, I'll certainly appreciate it.

Here are the the 3 stories:

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Translation Beta Reader Wanted! · 7:52am Nov 3rd, 2016

Read my last blog and you'll find I'm trying to translate a splendid Chinese fan fiction, which I really want to share with you, into English.

However, there's a problem that my grasp of the language is inadequate, which is going to ruin the whole story. It would be a failure if the language doesn't match the story. So, if anypony is so nice to be interested with my work, PLEASE contact with me and we'll talk about this.


Dear princess Celestia, Could you send me a beta reader? · 8:45am Jul 24th, 2016

I'm working on a next gen story that I plan on putting here But I'm worried about getting the characterization.

So if anyone would be willing to help, please send me a message,


The Human is Evil? · 1:05am Nov 4th, 2015

in case you have not yet seen the comment i posted on the story, people seem to like it, so i'm now working on it more, currently brainstorming like crazy, trying to make it all work together with most of the ideas i have about the story.

so you people who wanted me to write more on it, your wishes shall be fulfilled :)

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Thought a few things over and... · 11:46pm Sep 23rd, 2019

Well, I'm probably retiring from FIMfic in a semi-official capacity. I say Semi-Offical because I still have a few stories to complete. Quite a few actually.

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Workin' on a THING. · 4:17pm Feb 1st, 2019

A non-pony thing, even!

Fancy that. Guess I got a little tired of feeling sorry for myself and started kicking some ideas around. Or, well, really, just refining some ideas I already had, as I'm fiddling around with a sci-fi project/setting I've gotten a couple of false starts on for ... four years now? Yeesh.

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OCs wanted! Rules inside! · 3:55pm Mar 4th, 2020

I'm planning a clop story based around OCs, probably more a nudist fic rather than lots of constant sex, although there might be some too. It will be a mostly lighthearted piece about my own main OC, Beatrix Belladonna, exploring a Garden of Eden style paradise planet of free love. Rules:

1. This is for followers only, as a reward to readers and me for you sticking around!

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First chapter of the Sequel will be up today · 11:42am Aug 4th, 2018

Since I woke up before daybreak today and got a lot of work done I have gotten an early start on working on the first chapter today (I had the rough draft done, now I'm mostly just adding and changing things) so it should be up sometime today or this evening depending on how long it takes me to proofread and edit everything.


Random Ramblings CLXIII · 12:00am Apr 15th, 2017

Yes, this is my second blogpost today (even though I did the first one before going to sleep, the calendar doesn't lie). I generally dislike making multiple posts on the same date, but sometimes it just works out that way.

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Reader Request Poll #2 Results · 9:26am Oct 13th, 2022

Hello again everypony!! Thank you all so much for the help you have provided in giving my newfound inspiration guidance on which stories you want to see updated the most!! For those of you that voted, please accept my most humble gratitude for your assistance in this matter and give yourselves a heartfelt pat on the back for me and for your fellow readers. I am pleased to announce the results for the second Reader Request Poll, and in honesty, I was stunned by the consistency of the voting.

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Looking for beta readers - PM me for details · 1:18am May 30th, 2019

There's this project I have in the form of a short story that I'm requesting feedback for from anyone interested in being a beta reader. I'm not going to disclose any information about it here, but, if you're interested, send me a PM.

No rush, just trying to make a list of volunteers for when the time is right for viewing.

That is all.


With love, from England,

- FireRain 💛


Stories Are Still Active · 3:27pm May 12th, 2022

My Stories are still active, it's just I've been running into a few snags on my end, or the story hasn't progressed due to the fact it runs on reader input, and there has been a distinct lack of reader involvement for those sorts of stories.


Looking for a Pre-reader and an Editor for a rather... Interesting short story I've come up with. · 2:15am Mar 1st, 2023

Yes, thats right. I've started writing a short story and it's... different. If theres anyone interested in pre-reading or editing what I have so far as I go along, I would be happy for it!


Looking For Pre-Readers For New StarTrix Rom-Dram-Com · 8:39pm May 16th, 2020

Hello, friends! After several months of off-and-on-writing and plenty of procrastination, I have finally finished the first draft of Killing Me Softly, a 4,569-word StarTrix romantic drama comedy told from Trixie's perspective, and I'm looking for some people to help me polish it! This is the longest one-shot I've written in six years, and I legitimately have put a lot of work into it, so I'd really like it to shine! (And ideally make it to the feature box.) You know it's serious when

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Feathered Hearts: Eros - release week complete! What would readers like me to work on next...? · 3:44pm Jun 7th, 2021

The release of Feathered Hearts: Eros is complete, and I generally couldn't be happier with how it went. The Memorial Day launch of five chapters followed by five more at the rate of one per day worked--the story not only featured after an hour in fourth place and stayed on the board for most of the day, but it pulled a slew of new readers onto the main story as well, taking it from 66 likes to knocking on the door of 100 while picking up a whopping 90 new tracks. That alone makes

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Maybe I Overdid It a Bit? (Beta Readers Needed) · 6:03pm Feb 15th, 2018

I've gone a little crazy in the last month, and currently have about 25K of finished, unedited fanfic on deck. Plus other projects as well. I think I might be mentally ill? Actually, I know I'm mentally ill.


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Intent doesn't always meet hopes or expectations · 12:16am Jun 24th, 2019

I’ve recently updated a new story, the intent was to take advantage of RPG setting to have the readers sort of play along with deciding how things go, I even stated this few times in the author’s notes a few times with my phrasing things like it was a sort of game. But only 2 readers have actually shown an active in this sort of approach, I’m kind of disappointed more readers aren’t taking advantage of this sort of thing. Yes, the story is Mature, but when I put it to a poll, for of the

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Survey for those participating in the OC story, Updates, Small good news! · 6:08pm Apr 1st, 2020

Hello everyone! If you read my last update you know I have limited access to upload my fics; thankfully, the local library was kind enough to let me use their wi-fi, so I can update with a brand new story and another chapter update for Depths of Oblivion! (The two finished pieces I have on hand, otherwise I'd love to upload more, but nothing else is anywhere near ready for publishing!) Expect to see the mystery story soon, unrelated to anything else I've written.

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Overthinking or Not? · 11:56pm Apr 19th, 2020


Vote for the name of the Kingdom · 11:44am Jul 17th, 2020

Hey guys, I'm in need of some help with The Equestrian Anti-Magic Night. The time has come for Asta to embrace his role as a true leader and start building up the Black Bulls as a full on knight Squad. There is no issue there, the problem lies in the Town off Waillen. Eventually the town well be the seat of power for Asta's kingdom and this is the issue. What should Asta's Kingdom be called? The Black Bull Kingdom or The Clover Kingdom? Give me a vote please.

Viewing 141 - 160 of 308 results