• Member Since 28th Sep, 2012
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I'm an IT Brony who writes stories based on a show for 8-year old girls whose content is meant for anything but 8-year old girls.

More Blog Posts705

  • Sunday
    At long last... Midnight Rising part 23 off to prereaders

    Sorry it took so long, but my attention has been split three ways of late, between a rapidly approaching deadline at work, my X-rated anthro novel, and Unleash the Magic. In fact, I daresay that for the first time in many years, my muse seems almost solely focused on writing for my Dominion Academy series again, as I've had made excellent progress on it of late, much to prereader

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  • 2 weeks
    Weekly update - Midnight Rising and Feathered Hearts

    Wow. I can’t believe we’re almost all the way through August already. Seems like the year has just flown by. But since nobody wants to hear me wax philosophical on the passage of time, I’ll just give my weekly writing update.

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  • 4 weeks
    Progress report and teaser for final Lemon Zest chapter

    Progress has been slow of late, mostly because work decided to have not one, but two crises erupt this week. Only one directly involved me, but they forced me to full workplace throttle and prevented me from doing much writing this week.

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  • 5 weeks
    Midnight Rising Chapter 22 launches tomorrow morning

    Sorry for the delay, but I've been tweaking it/adding to it and waiting on a second and third preread. Regardless of whether they're done or not, the chapter goes live tomorrow morning and will mark the middle part of the Lemon Zest arc. Didn't get much done on the next chapter this week due to work concerns and some editing work on my next Dominion Academy novel, but the final Lemon Zest chapter

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  • 6 weeks
    One Midnight Rising preread in...

    AJ_Aficionado completed his pass. He loved both the banter in the comments section, and the ending, where... well, I'm not going to spoil that, except to say expect the unexpected and there's a reason I'm breaking the chapter right there.

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Feathered Hearts: Eros - release week complete! What would readers like me to work on next...? · 3:44pm Jun 7th, 2021

The release of Feathered Hearts: Eros is complete, and I generally couldn't be happier with how it went. The Memorial Day launch of five chapters followed by five more at the rate of one per day worked--the story not only featured after an hour in fourth place and stayed on the board for most of the day, but it pulled a slew of new readers onto the main story as well, taking it from 66 likes to knocking on the door of 100 while picking up a whopping 90 new tracks. That alone makes writing the side story worth it, never mind the 80 likes it's thus far garnered!

To be sure, there were a couple naysayers in the mix, who either didn't like the approach I was taking to the Feathered Hearts relaunch or perhaps took exception to the side story, but in the end, I don't care. :twilightsmile: In the end, for all my pre-launch anxiety, this went about as good as it could possibly go.

Hey, even the original Feathered Heart picked up a slew of new likes and readers from the side story's release, pulling some attention back to the old-school Gentlemanverse DEL created again, which is never a bad thing. Hopefully they'll branch out to the other G4M stories as well in due course!

And as a final bonus, I picked up 9 new followers, taking me all the way to 600! That's been a long, slow 8-year climb, as I've never had a smash hit like Gentleman for Mares or Feathered Heart to pick them up en masse. So now the question becomes... what to work on next?

Well, folks... I think that as a celebration of the story's success, and as a thank you to all returning and incoming readers for helping me reach that 600 follower mark, the choice should belong to all of you. So sound off in the comments: what would you like me to work on next? Here are your options as argued by our illustrious and sacred Mane 6 + Spike:

  1. Don't stop now, partner! Keep that griffie goodness comin'! Give us more Feathered Hearts main and side story chapters! :ajsmug:
  2. What, are you still drunk on that cider, AJ? I want action! You've done enough hen-humping, Firesight, so get back to work on Firefly, you lazy @#$#%%^!! :rainbowdetermined2:
  3. Um, Firesight? I was really hoping you'd go back to Midnight Rising so we can see what happens to the rest of the Crystal Prep girls... you know, if that's okay... :fluttershysad:
  4. Me too! Midnight Rising! Midnight Rising! I'm having so much fun over there with Ember and the dragon girls! :pinkiecrazy:
  5. I would much prefer you work on Nightmare Night, darling, as I believe my new power and radiant beauty as Nightmarity deserves to be showcased! And if I recall correctly, I still have some diabolically erotic plans for Discord yet to be revealed... :raritywink:
  6. Never mind that! Skip right to the Nightmare Night finish! I want to see what happens when Midnight and Eclipse finally face off! Midnight is not getting the better of me! :twilightangry2:
  7. Are you sure you aren’t rushing to the finish because you know what he's planning for us in the epilogue, and you want to see it happen, Twi? :moustache:
  8. Maybe... :twilightblush:

Know what? I'll even be fancy and create a poll. Unfortunately, I can’t embed it properly, so I can only give you a link:

The call is yours, folks. :eeyup: With my muse seemingly sated for now, I will make my decision of what to work on next based on the poll and the comments to follow.

Comments ( 8 )

i did my part lol

While I voted for Nightmare Night I would also enjoy Midnight Rising or firefly but not so much Feathered Hearts because it doesn't interest me. Simply put I would enjoy it if you worked on a story that I follow rather than one that I don't.

Voted for Firefly because it has been stalked for long enough. But if I could have picked a second choice I'd also say keep working on the main Feathered Hearts story. I am enjoying both of them and look forward to both of their releases. :twilightsmile:

It depends. Would Feathered Heart be returning to updating and editing the old stuff, or does your muse currently have more OC in the wings?


i did my part lol



While I voted for Nightmare Night I would also enjoy Midnight Rising or firefly but not so much Feathered Hearts because it doesn't interest me. Simply put I would enjoy it if you worked on a story that I follow rather than one that I don't.

Makes sense. I certainly can’t argue with that.


Voted for Firefly because it has been stalked for long enough. But if I could have picked a second choice I'd also say keep working on the main Feathered Hearts story. I am enjoying both of them and look forward to both of their releases. :twilightsmile:

Thanks for saying so! :pinkiehappy: The only source of frustration to me so far with Feathered Hearts: Eros is the lack of content-based comments. But that seems to always happen with both heavy clop stories and chapters. :ajsleepy:


It depends. Would Feathered Heart be returning to updating and editing the old stuff, or does your muse currently have more OC in the wings?

The latter. Chapters remain to be written for the side story, and as for the main story, it’ll take at least a couple more OC chapters to get it synched back up with the original, at which point I can resume editing the old chapters.

Does it make me a bad person if I want it bad end of any of the Midnight series?

I'm voting for 5 because I love feral sex and I cannot lie.

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