
Viewing 121 - 140 of 307 results

Interview with Predernight · 6:04pm Jun 15th, 2018

Predernight was kind enough to ask me for an interview for his youtube channel!

Give it a watch if you're curious for a peek at yours truly as we discuss several topics! Mr. Predernight is also a writer on here on site too, for Fallout Equestria. Check him out!


Rogue Crew has been update! · 9:44pm Feb 8th, 2018


Two year anniversary · 9:21pm Sep 9th, 2016

Tomorrow marks my two year anniversary posting stories here on fimfiction. I know that not all of my stories have been good(Let's be honest, some are complete crap and I have NO idea what I was thinking) but for the most part, a large number of people really like my stories. I would like to thank all of my fans, as well as my fellow writers whom I have collaborated with/shared ideas with. You are the ones who remind me why this fandom is so great.:pinkiehappy:


Gleeking Out · 3:47am Nov 27th, 2019

Hello dear fimfictioners! Long time, no see.

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Is it me or has things utterly changed? · 10:36pm Mar 17th, 2021

Know I disappeared along with what I am assuming was several others from this site as the series continued on into its later years and basically just checked out with the series final. Yes, I keep taps on here and I decided to see how the last year went.

Ok, wtf happened?


These are actually pretty comfortable. They're Champion Duo Dry. I think they're like, 8 years old · 2:08am Oct 14th, 2019

Something interesting happened today. I put on pants.

If you hang out with me during the right time of year, or see me jogging early in the morning or late at night (probably the latter), you’ll notice that I dress differently from most people. Even when I put on a windbreaker, a fleece, or maybe even a true winter coat, I’ll still be walking around in shorts.

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Commissions? More Than Likely! · 10:30am Jan 28th, 2017

Hey, guys.

So, it's been a while since I've blogged anything. There's a myriad of reasons, ranging from work and wonky night shifts, to a few new irl friends, to Overwatch/FF14, to buying my first house that I'm now all settled into. But really, that'd only be a half truth.

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The Quickening: Star Wars... Why have you lost The Force? · 2:28am Sep 20th, 2019

I'm back with new eyes, so to celebrate here's a post about Star Wars.

To say that the universe created by George Lucas under the name Star Wars is an cult classic is little. There’s literally an unofficial religion in this regard that revolves around The Force, so trying to deepen the significance of Luke and company in the popular imagination would be a futile exercise.

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Happy ten-ten y'all, have a podcast · 9:13pm Oct 9th, 2018

Today is 10/10, which is a happy coincidence of timing because I've been meaning to mention this podcast I stumbled on to you all.

Friendshipping! is a little podcast out of Chicago. It's a relationship-advice-column type podcast, but the niche --and relevance-- is that it focuses on friendship. Seemed like something this fandom would be interested in.

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If you ever.... · 10:25am Sep 2nd, 2019

If you ever -

Met your OC, what would you say to them?

If you ever met one of the Mane Six / Seven, how would you spend the day with them?

If you ever ended up in Equestria, would you live in Ponyville, or would you venture across the world and settle someplace else?

Met Dr Hooves, where would you like him to time travel with you to, and why?

Had a choice between being an Earth pony, pegasus or unicorn, which one would you be, and why?

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And now it's time for the Wednesday Whine! · 6:35am Oct 23rd, 2014

None of these whines are before their time. Trust me.

Stuff that annoys me:

(Here's the quick version: if you think this aesthetic isn't girly, I want to know what you're taking so I can have some of it, too.)

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Whelp. · 6:25am Dec 2nd, 2015


The Fandom is Dying · 12:49am Nov 21st, 2016

Been here over 3 years, and never posted a blog. So of course, when I do, it'll be this topic.

The fandom is dying. Rapidly. I've seen no less than 6 artists on Deviantart say that they can't focus on just ponies anymore, because they no longer make enough money. Most notably is SilverSlinger, who likely isn't going to be making custom jewelry at all anymore.

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Stranger then Fanfcition and all the references you could have! (SPOILERS!!) · 9:47pm Jul 31st, 2016


So, after watching the latest episode of stranger than fan fiction, and boy does it really capture the convention experiences and kinda pokes fun at fandoms. Not in a bad way, cause let's face it everything in this episode about us in the fandoms IS true. :rainbowlaugh: All in all it was a thrill to watch.

Over crowded halls. Check.

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Clone!Pinkie Pie Spotting and Canon Validation · 9:38am May 23rd, 2016

So I heard that the latest episode includes a reference to clone!Pinkie still being alive. Well, okay, I didn't "hear" it. I saw a buttload of fics in the featured and popular boxes, all using the same screencap as their cover.

I'm not ecstatic about the reference. Now the fandom is going to repeat all the same fanfics and plotlines from the first time the clone episode aired, and they were already fairly cliche the first time.

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I'm Leaving The Fandom · 10:31pm Jun 16th, 2016

The title says it all here folks, I'm finally leaving. I've been a part of this fandom since the very beginning and I just can't take the amount of autistic content going around as well as how the "new" side of the show is going. The only real reason I was staying anyways was because of the art and music. That being said here are a list of people that have kept me strong in the fandom up to this point. I highly recommend you take a look at them:
Proenix: vector artist @ Deviant art

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All I Ask of My Self Before This Fandom Dies [A Gift to My Followers] · 11:29am Dec 25th, 2015

is to write 3 great stories.

2 will be in 5,000 to 20,000 word range. I know what they are and what they will be about. I just need to actually start writing them.
And an epic of at least 50,000 words, because I feel that will show that I can actually write a book.

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Help! My Heart is Full of Pony! - Solstice · 7:40am Dec 22nd, 2019


Commissions are closed · 4:25pm May 20th, 2019

Well guys hate to say it but i'm closing commissions for a while, because i've got a good few commissions that i need to focus on, but good news one of these commissions i've got might turn into a fimfiction, but if you liked it enough it'll be a physical book just for you guys, it's a Djinn story along the lines of Spike and the Lustful lamp, that's also known as The Genie's Delight. So I have that instore. So let's see what we got. Would you like that for one of my stories to become an actual

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"Overrated" and "Underrated" do not exist · 1:38am Nov 30th, 2020

No, really, they don't. And I'll explain why.

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Viewing 121 - 140 of 307 results