
Viewing 101 - 120 of 498 results

PaP Flash Fiction #5 · 12:20pm Feb 11th, 2017

So this one sat half-finished for several days now, finally had the time to finish it. Can credit ResidentCody from the discord server for this particular idea.

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PaP Flash Fiction #2 · 11:44am Feb 1st, 2017

Same Biz as last time. One hour to write, had to stop when it ended. Concept was fleshed out in the PaP Discord late at night when I had another fresh idea. This will not be a daily thing. This one was written to this video. A pattern may be forming here.

As before, this one won't be edited. It's just about getting as much story as I can as quick as possible.

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I wonder if my new avatar will give the wrong idea... · 1:02am Oct 16th, 2016

I like it purely for the irony, I swear! :raritydespair:

...Aaaand maybe for her looks. :twilightblush:


Bomb Cyclone · 6:40am Mar 19th, 2019

So this is really late, for the bomb cyclone that hit the midwest of America, but I was wondering if anyone else was hit by it, as I got hit by the winter hurricane in Colorado, I was snowed in by 7+ foot high snow drifts, DIA closed all runwayd for like the 4th time since it was built, and my heart goes out to the police officer who risked his lofe to direct traffic about 7 miles away from my house, I hope his family is fairing well


Aspadol (Tapentadol) Uses and Review- HealthNaturo · 7:04am June 10th

Aspadol, containing Tapentadol (Nucynta), is a prescription medication used for managing moderate to severe pain. It works by binding to opioid receptors in the brain and inhibits norepinephrine reuptake thereby providing dual pain relief.
Aspadol is effective for acute pain, such as post-surgical pain, chronic conditions like osteoarthritis and pain that requires around the clock management, such as diabetic neuropathic pain.

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Peridot is a Cat · 7:16pm Oct 3rd, 2015

she is
she has favorite people
she hates other people
she wants her stuff
she likes to hide
and climb curtains
and shes afraid of thunder

oh my gosh shes becoming one of my favorite SU characters


I'm lauging way, way too hard at this · 9:47pm Jan 20th, 2017


MIlestonez? · 6:58pm Apr 30th, 2016

Oh yeah, the 'z' was no accident! 'Z' means buiznezz mofo's!

I've decided that should we reach 100 followers you'll get to see my ugly face. A generous Screw You Gift from me to you:raritywink:.

Anyways, I've got Devil May Cry to write! See you guys soon!


There is an Adren in my living room! · 9:54pm Jun 13th, 2016

Hey guys! Adren is here from Australia traveling through the US to attend Brony con in case you don't know Adren is Cerulean Voice!


Do you want a follow up on Let Us Out? · 12:02am Apr 15th, 2017

Wrote a oneshot by the name of Let Us Out, which is a first person perspective Horror/Creepy fic staring Pinkie Pie (drew the art for it as well). For those of you that have read it, or are thinking of reading it, would you like a follow up that deals with the aftermath of the stories events?

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[TF2] How to Trolldier: Simple but Useful Hightower Jumps · 10:12pm Dec 8th, 2017


Vote and Be Good to Each Other (Not a Story Update) · 7:41pm Oct 27th, 2020


A little tryout of translation... · 10:39pm Apr 19th, 2020

Well, at last I started my translation experiments to make story affordable to readers. Besides word to word translation I also try some "auto-translate" with some in context tweaks and changes. But still result seems bad. Really bad. So it no good even for rough 1st step translation ether. Sad, but I need to try it too before start.

-----------Here small example from one of my story: Demicorn without sky------------

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YOU can help write the story! · 4:41am Jun 30th, 2020

Finally! Sorry for the wait, should get better as I write more.

Now, why do I do this? Am I lazy? Do I not have my own ideas? Well, I am lazy, but I do have enought ideas on my own. Heck, I have another 5 storys in the making, so...
No, the answer is that I simply want to know what you all think would be interesting, and what you think would fit into the situations I´m putting the characters through.

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PaP Flash Fiction #3 · 12:02pm Feb 5th, 2017

"Why did we have to go so far, Paladin Forge?" Meadow Sweet pressed her head up against the window of the Skimmer, watching the ocean blast by below them. She had seen so many incredible things over the last few months, the least of which had been her initial recovery. Much of those early months had passed in a blur of travel, spent in one of Athena's Skimmers.

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PaP Flash Fiction #4 · 8:23am Feb 6th, 2017

This one took about two hours to write instead of the usual one, but I think it was worth it. Right before the end, I hit a place where the scene would be so long and detailed it deserves a fiction of its own, so I'm going to save that one to write another day. I can't make these this long normally, or else I'll defeat the purpose of this exercise. Was still fun though.

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Just thought I'd give you a small preview of the Megazords that are going to be used in Wild Access... · 7:24pm Jan 24th, 2017

Okay, just thought I'd give you a small preview of the returning Megazords that are confirmed to appear in Wild Access. Enjoy.

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Ask Us 3/5/2016 + Live Event Annoucements · 3:58pm Mar 5th, 2016

March Live Event

The March live event went off without a hitch last night and was a lot of fun. We had a lot of new faces and the crowd was pretty large. Plus we had a ton of great questions. We hope you'll join us in April for our next event!

There were a few announcements this month that we wanted to follow up with here.

Cameo Call Winners

2016s first cameo call was a big success! We had over 40 unique entries! Here are the winners:

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Smoking Tiger · 11:03am Oct 9th, 2018

Firstly, my apologies for delaying my participation in the month of spookery for so long. Best Kirin will be on display for the rest of October, courtesy of Badumsquish.

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Forced Happiness · 1:07am Mar 4th, 2017

I don't smile very much. It's just the way I am. I have whatever is the male equivalent of Resting Bitch Face. So, at the best of times, I look like I want to stab whoever I'm talking to.

I had a not great day today, so I actually am in a bad mood. If, at rest, I look pissed at the world, you can only imagine how I look when I am indeed not feeling the best.

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Viewing 101 - 120 of 498 results