
Viewing 81 - 100 of 142 results

Working on My Non-Pony Novel · 2:40pm May 17th, 2017

I'm trying to dig in and finish my fantasy novel about talking marsupial monkey-dogs, giant bunnies, and (of course) carnivorous magical horsies. Will it sell well? No, it will not. Do I want to write it? Yes I do.

What does this mean for you? Nothing, really. Learn to Fly is already finished; I just need to do final edits and post the rest. And I'm likely to churn out occasional dumb clops and weird pony short stories for the rest of my life.

I'm just yammering, really.


New Chapter! · 6:34pm April 16th

Alright guys!

Quick update. I have started to do 500 words a day, and that has worked really well for me so far. My hope is my story will be done Sunday, if everything goes smoothly. Then I will pass it along to SoloBrony, who will hopefully use his magic powers of editing to make is smoother to read for you all!

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Songs · 3:54pm Sep 16th, 2016

I am writing yet another song parody for The Roses of Success.
Yeah, this isn't anything all that new. I've been writing lyrics for my stories almost as long as I've been writing. I've never had the drive, skill, or social skills to make audio recordings of them.
This song is basically a duet between one male and one female character, with the chorus serving as a mouthpeice for a dead person, and I don't have anywhere near the recognition required to be taken seriously by real singers.

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Until Friday, Saturday at the latest, I am currently taking a short break from writing · 7:33pm Mar 17th, 2021

I'm sorry this announcement comes so late, but, I am currently on a short writing break. February has been a turbulent month, in both positive and negative ways. Some personal things that happened and needed to be worked out, many exciting analyses for Generation 5 I did (and more analyses will come, currently planning with the next five!), the shock over it that the Generation 5 show was suddenly revealed to be in full CGI rather than 2D animation (by the way, thank you for lying, Hasbro!) and

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My fimfiction goals. · 5:16pm Jan 10th, 2016

Hi. I've already told you some things, (well, not much), about me in a separate blog post entitled 'About me', however, I didn't mention what my goals are. So now I am going to tell you.

Finish all of my current stories.
Start some new stories.
Get more recognition for each of my groups, The Crystal Corn's, The Derpy Appreciation Society and Advertisements. HALF DONE
Get more recognition for each of my stories, The Other Alicorn, The Shipping Game and My Top Secret Diary.

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The Year in Review - What's My Progress So Far? · 8:34pm Dec 15th, 2015

Cross-post excerpt from Unusual Things. Check there for the full post.

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Being a Better Writer: Getting in the Zone · 8:11pm Jun 5th, 2017

Welcome back, all, to another Monday! I've got to type fast with this post, as I've got another shift at my part-time today. This time, it's in the afternoon rather than the morning, however, so as long as I keep my fingers moving, you're getting a Monday post! Really quick, however, before I get started: some quick news updates!

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Healthy Changes #1 · 5:17pm Dec 31st, 2017

With 2018 literally peeking around the corner (Yes, we all see you. You aren't hiding from anyone anymore.) I decided to get this down in writing to hopefully help motivate myself... The thought being that if it is written down then I have committed to it more than just thinking it and I'll be more apt to follow through.

With that said.. get ready for a kind of long read (I do try to make it skimable)... if anyone actually reads this things.

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Being a Better Writer: Character Motivations · 9:27pm Apr 4th, 2016

Why do your characters do what they do?

It seems like a simple question. And, likewise, a simple answer. Why do they do what they do? Because they want to.

Okay, but why?

Character motivation is one of those topics that seems pretty straightforward. You have a character, and you want them to do something, so they need a reason to do it, right?

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we have invented a new thing · 3:57am May 29th, 2020

when your story gets good views, but the like/dislike ratio is almost exactly even

that's 'darf energy'

it would be cool to review video games semi-professionally. we think we will make that a goal for this year.

here is our list of goals so far. some of these may or may not be able to accomplish within an infinite time frame.

  • publish a video game review somewhere, preferably for pay
  • join/start a band/music project
  • get a new bong/vape/smoke piece

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My summer goal... · 7:44pm Jul 8th, 2019

Hey guys,

So I've been thinking, since it's the summer, I should set a goal for myself.
And I did!

So, this summer, I Frosty rainbow, will be trying, pushing and working to get 40 followers by the end of the summer!
Now, I can't complete this without you guys, so could you please tell everyone you know on Fimfiction to follow me, so i can achieve my goal.
Pretty please, with a cherry on top?:scootangel::raritystarry:
And in return, I'll be posting more blogs!

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Story Milestone - Lightbearers Call for Editors · 4:59am Jan 14th, 2018

Well, after a lot of work and grief and general self-loathing, I've finally managed to bash this story into something readable. Barely readable. But at least I finally have a workable first draft. To make it actually worth reading, however, I'm going to need some help.

Anyone out there who has way too much free time and a highly critical eye is abjectly begged to cast that eye on my poor literary ramblings and help me attempt to make something entertaining out of it.

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The 2010s has been a questionable decade for me · 3:47am Dec 14th, 2019

Here is a timeline on what I've done throughout this decade:

2010-2013 - went to and graduated from college

2014 - unemployed

2015-2016 - took the personality development program at John Robert Powers

2016-2019 - worked for an HR agency near my house

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Seeking her Crown: Update 2/3 · 3:33am Jul 21st, 2020

Good evening, fillies and gentlecolts!

Let's go ahead and get the shaming out of the way. Another week is down, and it's another week with massively sub-par returns on word count to report. Here's the numbers:
Start of 7/20 Shift Goal: 8,000 words
Actual Word Count: 2,192 words (5,808 word deficit)

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Being a Better Writer: Don’t Force It · 9:45pm Aug 24th, 2020

Hello readers! Who’s ready for a busy week?

Why ask? Because it most definitely is going to be a busy one. For starters, Axtara – Banking and Finance completed the Alpha 1 this weekend! Which means it’s time for Alpha 2!

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Being a Better Writer: Applying Writing Advice and Feedback · 1:34pm Oct 16th, 2017

Welcome back readers! Another Monday is upon us, and I’m diving right in today. by picking up a request topic from Topic List X!

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My New Goal · 3:11am Dec 13th, 2015


Hey, y'all! So recently, I broke 190 followers! Woah, I actually matter to some people! This is awesome! I'm literally steps away from joining the 200 Club with writers such as... Er, that one fella, who wrote that fic about... TwiDash... Or something.

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Seeking her Crown: Update 1/3? · 4:44am Jul 14th, 2020

Greetings fillies and gentlecolts!

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One Million Strong · 6:29pm Jan 17th, 2016

Normally I wouldn’t be putting up a Sunday post. But this post is different, different enough that I’m going to make an exception.

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Life Ramblings · 4:01pm Oct 17th, 2016

Happy October everyone :) Don't you just love Halloween? I'd like to thank all of you again for the feedback, likes, comments, and even the dislikes on my stories. It has come to my attention that there are a ton of interesting bloggers on here, so I've decided to try and be more active in my own blog, and what better way to do that than rant about my life?

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Viewing 81 - 100 of 142 results