
Viewing 1 - 20 of 50 results

I disappeared..... · 6:45pm Nov 2nd, 2017

I'm so sorry that I disappeared. My life's just gotten extemely busy recently..... I thought it was busy already but turns out that was just the start of it..... And it only gets busier from this point..... I really don't know where I was going with this blog post, but I just wanted to post something to say that I'm sorry for falling off the face of the Earth and also just want to say that I haven't forgotten about any of the stories or groups I was already working on, and I know that some of

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Report The Corn · 269 views · #thecorn

WOOOO!!!!! · 4:15pm Apr 8th, 2017

OK, so I feel slightly better. Still not 100%, but good enough to actually leave the house and get out of my pyjamas so yaaaayyyyy!!! :pinkiehappy::yay::pinkiehappy::yay:

Also, It's also around 20 degrees C (about 68 degrees F, for you Americans) here today which is amazing!!! Ahh, sun! :raritystarry::raritystarry::raritystarry:

Also, it's the grand national! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

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Report The Corn · 234 views · #thecorn

My head is a mess... But hi · 10:10pm Nov 21st, 2018

Okay so in the last blog post I said I was probably going to be leaving FimFic and didn’t know whether or not I would be coming back... Well, it looks like I’m back... For a little while at least.

I just wanted to update everyone on my life, if anyone’s interested, and explain a few things.

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Report The Corn · 226 views · #Thecorn

I miss talking to people · 10:49pm Nov 30th, 2018

I mentioned in one of my last blog posts that I'm staying with my Grandad every weekend. We live in the middle of nowhere, really, just fields and farm land. There's not many people here, and those that do live here tend to be rather elderly. I don't really know where I'm going with this, but the bottom line is I don't have anyone to talk to out here. It's the main reason why I came back to FimFic if I'm honest; I miss talking to people.

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Report The Corn · 329 views · #Thecorn

AAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHHHH · 9:50pm May 26th, 2019

Life. Stress. People. Houses. College. Grades. AGH!

Sorry! Kinda left the brony fandom... Please don't kill me though, I still like the show and everything but I don't think I've seen any further episodes than season 7 (or was it 8???) and don't have a clue where anything's at anymore?????

Shall occasionally come back on FimFiction just to check on things but for the most part I'm out... Maybe one day I shall catch up with everything and return to the brony fandom.

See ya

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Report The Corn · 233 views · #thecorn

Soo... I just got FanFiction... · 9:18pm May 23rd, 2017

...Well, Kinda. I say kinda because I haven't just got FanFiction becuase I set up an account on it quite a while back, except that I never actually used it. I created an account to see what it was like, but I couldn't get to grips with it at the time, though now I've decided to go back to it and give it another shot, so I've filled in my bio with a bit about me (a lot more than my bio says on this site, put it like that), although filling in my bio is about as far as I actually got...

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Report The Corn · 359 views · #fanfiction #thecorn

Corn · 1:38pm May 30th, 2017

Hi.... So uh, I'm The Corn, but I'm on Shia's account right now because I have her phone and she told me I could sooo... Hehehe... Yeah... I dunno what to say but I am The Corn and Shia hasn't posted a blog in a while so I'm sat here like WELL IMMA POST ONE FOR YOU... So yeah... :trollestia: You should follow Corn, and PM Corn, and spam Corn, because I am The Corn and I give you permission to do so :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh: Don't worry though, I won't go through her messages

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I've figured out spoiler view · 8:20pm Jan 11th, 2016

I can't believe I didn't know this before... But for all of those of you, like me who are/were left scratching their heads at spoiler view I HAVE YOUR ANSWER!!!!

Just to show those of you who don't know what I'm going on about, this is spoiler view:

When text is inside a box like this.

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Report The Corn · 273 views · #Spoilerview #thecorn

New York or Tenerife? · 4:42pm Jan 29th, 2018

Update: He booked Tenerife.

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Report The Corn · 627 views · #thecorn #idiotbrother

IT'S SNOWING!!!!!!! · 3:29pm Jan 14th, 2016

ITS'S SNOWING!!!!!! Wow, FINALLY!!! I'm going to..... Actually, I don't know what I'm going to do yet... It's not exactly deep enough to build a snowman... I guess I'll have to wait :applecry: But still... SNOW!!! :pinkiehappy:

Report The Corn · 331 views · #It's snowing #thecorn

The other alicorn · 10:46am Oct 10th, 2015

Hi! I just thought that I'd let you know about my story " The Other Alicorn".


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Group banners and profile picture. · 7:43pm Jan 9th, 2016

Hello. For those who don't know, I am the founder of three groups on fimfiction; The Crystal Corn's, Advertisements and The Derpy Appreciation Society. For each of those groups, I am holding a contest to design a group banner. To find out more you can visit any one of those groups an click on the thread which shall be entitled something along the lines of 'Group banner contest'. There is currently a group banner for each of the groups, but lets face it, the current banners aren't that

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Report The Corn · 251 views · #groupbanners #thecorn

Results for the OC contest and other stuff · 1:05pm May 21st, 2016

Hello! For everybody who entred the OC contest on Advertisements, you can find the results by clicking on this link.

Also, check out Project; Community

That's all.

Report The Corn · 284 views · #Thecorn #occontest

Questions and answers. · 5:46pm Nov 17th, 2015

Hi. I'm thinking about doing a question and answer thing on my user page, so if there's anything that you want to know about one of my stories, or my user, or group, etc, then either send me a private message or post a comment on my user page/story/group. I shall reply in the same way that the message was sent, for example, if it was sent on private messenger, I shall reply on private messenger, if the question is asked as a comment, I shall reply to the comment on the same page the comment was

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Report The Corn · 264 views · #TheCorn #Q&A

Flagcounter · 11:03pm Apr 17th, 2017

Just thought I'd make a quick blog to say I added a flagcounter - That's all.:pinkiehappy:

Now I can watch you.


Vote for the best title. · 5:41pm Feb 8th, 2016

So I'm writing a collab with CristalGalaxy and Magical Shield. It's a adventure-romance type of story, and we shall be shipping Twilight X Celestia, Applejack X Spike, Derpy X Doctor Whooves and Luna X Equal, (our OC). However, we have a problem. We need a title. We have two possible titles so far, but we're not really sure which one to go for... So I'm going to let you decide. The choice is:

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What do you think to Cupcakes? · 9:43pm Mar 26th, 2016

Not just Cupcakes but mlp horror in general. What do you think to it. I really can't make up my mind. I don't really know if I agree with it or not... But I can't stop watching it. I guess I'm fine with people making this stuff, but because it's based on a kids show, I think they should make it harder to find, instead of having it all out there for anyone to see. I mean, what if an innocent child had searched for 'my little pony cupcakes' to try and find a recipe for their birthday party... And

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Am I... A furry?! · 12:45am Nov 25th, 2018

Soooo it's past midnight, I should be asleep, but yaknow I have this pressing matter which I feel inclined to blog about... An issue far greater than any I have faced before... Issue being that I could be a furry...

Of course I have nothing against furries, I mean I'm a part of the brony fandom and I'm also a morris dancer, if I was against furries I think I'd really have to reconsider some of my life choices... But anyhow, point is, I could be a furry myself.

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PARTY! · 12:25pm Oct 10th, 2015

Just minuets ago I posted a blog about my story The Other Alicorn. I stated in the post that I would do something special when my story reached 100 views. Well, now it has. Thank you to everyone who took the time to read it, I appreciate it very much. Also, a massive thank you to everyone who liked! I know, I know, my story isn't the best, it has more dislikes than likes and most of the comments are criticising, but it's only my first story and I shall try to turn it around and make it better,

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Life update · 12:00am Apr 8th, 2017

So we've finally reached the Easter holidays noe, yaaayyy!!! :yay::yay::yay: Unfortunatly, I'm ill with some sort of stomach bug :pinkiesick::pinkiesick::pinkiesick: Which has also caused me a lot more issues as well as the obvious physical effects. I couldn't go to school because of it, and I had an assignment due, and my absence meant that I couldn't hand it in. This is a big issue because it's an assesed peice of work and will count towards our final grade, so I don't really know what

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 50 results