
Viewing 81 - 100 of 147 results

Pondering · 8:00am Feb 28th, 2019

So, y'know how I've been spending time watching Netflix and generally unwinding in my freetime instead of writing?

Yeah, that's given me quite a bit of time to think as well, which led me to both the set of story ideas I pitched earlier on, and just some general pondering of what I'll even do with my stories in the future. Heck, I'm still wondering what I'll do with my life in the future.

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Happy anniversary to my descent into madness · 11:49pm Apr 6th, 2021

Beginning of the End premiered two years ago.

I only posted this to Youtube so I could put it here, don't expect anything else from me. Unless I figure out how to record my art process, but I think that'd be boring.

Today, I allowed you to hear my voice, tomorrow, who knows?


Prerogative Chapter 7 is Now Live! · 6:05pm Nov 14th, 2017

Sorry about the delay folks, but time slipped away from me and I had to push it back a day to make sure the chapter was up to snuff for you. Not only that, but I made a last-minute decision to split the chapter in two. So while you won't get quite the same level of revelation as you did with the original (which was 11,000+ words long), you'll get a much better experience with this one and new chapters next week and the week after!

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Alright, Bitches! Time for a Story! · 11:34pm Oct 15th, 2016

I was pretty salty about most of the day, but something kind of funny, kind of embarrassing happened!

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How Much Water Does It Take To Make a Pound of Beef? (or: Why You Should Always Sanity Check Your Math) · 8:49pm Jun 1st, 2016

How much water does it take to make one pound of beef, including the water required to grow the food to feed the cow?

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Ice Star’s tonsils are dead crab rave · 1:39am Jan 18th, 2021

Well, I’ll start with the bad news first: I had to go to the ER yesterday. For the past two weeks, I have been dealing with what I now know for sure is tonsillitis. I don’t know when (or if) I’ll be able to get them removed, but hopefully it is soon. Even though I was pumped full of five days worth of steroids and painkillers (no seriously, they told me it was that much) I still cannot talk and have a hard time breathing right, especially when I need to wear my mask. At least I’m going to get

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Holy shit · 5:27am Jan 17th, 2016

I realized today that I have a giant scar running a little bit underneath my left shoulder blade in a kind of ( sort of shape. It's also purple for whatever reason. Don't ask why, I couldn't tell you. Although the scar itself is from a surgery I had as an infant. Like moment out of the womb infant. I had to have my heart operated on. I almost didn't make it. But I'm here now! Suck it death! :rainbowlaugh:


She · 12:11am Oct 12th, 2015

Am I allowed to look at her like that
Could it be wrong when she's just so nice to look at

And she smells like lemongrass and sleep
She tastes like apple juice and peach
You would find her in a polaroid picture
And she means everything to me

I'd never tell
No I'd never say a word
And oh it aches
But it feels oddly good to hurt

She smells like lemongrass and sleep
She tastes like apple juice and peach

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Everfree Northwest Day 1 · 9:18am May 19th, 2018

I hung out with a bunch of people since I got into Seattle on Thursday. A partial, horribly incomplete list would include:

Xepher (rooming with him, cool dude as always, fair bit of presence IRL. Good at running panels, very efficient and good at sparking/spurring conversation)

Winston (Cool dude as always; a bit quiet, but nice to hang out with and chat with. He’s on the staff, so secretly rules over us all, like Xepher)

Mudpony (I’ll read that story, I swear!)

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I finished all my applications! · 9:25pm Sep 23rd, 2016

I submitted two and finished one. I have to get it reviewed and approved before I can submit it. Now the only thing I have to worry about is getting good grades.


Random Ramblings CLXVIII · 12:00am Apr 26th, 2017

Hi. I won't keep you long. I just wanted y'all -- my three-ish loyal readers -- to know that I have updated THE GUIDE to include more recent information (read: crazy ideas), as well as some hints at where my story arcs will be headed.

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State of the Lemur - 2021 · 1:11am Mar 24th, 2021

Art by dm29

This Is What Pure Joy Looks Like | Or Maybe Starfish

So it is Christmas 2021, and what have you done?

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So...a new story is on the way tonight... · 7:55am Oct 31st, 2015

Yes, yes, I know what I said. I can admit when I'm wrong. I caved and decided to spend the next 24 hours writing that Clock Tower fic I mentioned in the last blog entry. While I did want to put it off, I also couldn't resist the allure of posting a horror-based story on Halloween of all nights. That being said, here's a quick rundown of what I have so far (contains a major spoiler for Friendship Games, so read at your own risk):

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These dreams about a person I know keep occurring. I don't like talking about this subject at all, but it worries me. (Warning: vent post for getting it off my mind and trying to feel better about it, which I don't.) · 4:44am Jul 21st, 2020

I probably have mentioned it before, and it is a topic I purposely avoid for certain reasons, but I do have dreams. Not the kind I'd like, but ones that either rub me the wrong way or they rattle an emotion deep inside of me that I try to block out. These dreams aren't nightmares, full of scary things that'll make anybody scream and want to hide in their sheets, but rather the opposite. They stir up strong anxiety instead of true fear.

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Update on Things (as of 6/2022) · 9:57pm Jun 22nd, 2022

I've realized I haven't really posted anything in the way of new fics since May of last year, so I just wanted to pop in and assure that I am still working on new content, just haven't gotten anything complete to post as of yet...partly due to things not always going a fic's particularly way, or for other reasons entirely.

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I keep staying around 83 followers · 4:57am Aug 31st, 2017

I mean I had 82 like two months ago and 84 like a week ago.

But I wonder if old accounts that aren't used anymore get expunged or something because I track my followers and maybe that happens?

Or maybe I just got in a writing mood and wrote something someone didn't like.

I have no clue how people with 1000 followers deal with their numbers.

I'm probably thinking too much about it.


Soooo, I just saw No Second Prances! (Spoilery!) · 5:08pm Apr 30th, 2016

...And it reminds me a bit of the situation in SFaCF, specifically between Sunset and the Dazzlings.

Okay, episode gushing first (spoilery bits!):

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Activity · 12:10am Jan 5th, 2018


It IS a ghost story - they're ALL made up! · 11:08pm Sep 3rd, 2017

Warner Brothers is being sued over The Conjuring, a series of movies loosely based on the "true story" of Ed and Lorraine Warren and the haunting of a certain house, in what is possibly one of the most amusing lawsuits I've heard about this week.

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i guess we got featured last week???? · 1:39pm Nov 23rd, 2022

if a fic falls in the featured box and the author's not around to hear it, does it make a sound?

Viewing 81 - 100 of 147 results