
Viewing 61 - 80 of 395 results

This Image Is Amazing · 12:29pm Mar 6th, 2018


I want to write a 'ponies are Napoleonic infantry' story so bad now. Like Sharpe's Rifles but with friendship.


Plot Bunny Theater: A Naruto Crossover · 4:09am Jan 28th, 2021

Kakashi, Sakura and Sai all trooped out to Naruto's apartment when the blonde didn't show up for their usual meeting. Kakashi could hear the sounds of loud, riotous laughter and party horns, as well as music. Sai raised an eyebrow, as Sakura growled.

"That stupid idiot! He missed our meeting because he's partying?!" She demanded. She strode in front of Kakashi, and ripped the door open-Nearly off its handles. "NARUTO-!"

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Plot Bunny Theater: Morning Tea · 4:37pm Apr 9th, 2021

Twilight is having tea with Princess Celestia and Luna. And notices that sometimes their attentions are elsewhere.

Luna: "Fifty for me!"

Celestia: "Fifty-five."

Twilight: "What are you doing?"

Celestia: "Alien invasion. Sixty."

Twilight: "An alien invasion?!"

Luna: "We are dealing with it. Seventy!"

Twilight: "Dealing with it?!"

Celestia: "Yes! I control my sun, and Luna controls her moon. Seventy-five!"

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Plot Bunny Theater: An Alternate Trixie · 2:36am Nov 26th, 2019

Trixie did apply to Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns and passed the academic portion with flying colors.

But at the practical exam? She failed. Miserably. So she worked as her father's assistant for years before striking out on her own.

Years later, Twilight sees Trixie's techniques for magic... And realizes she was taught incorrectly by her father how to use it. And she actually has enormous talent! She offers Trixie to become her apprentice.

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Brand New Animal Inconvenience! · 5:46pm Aug 3rd, 2020

A bunch of 'furry' themed anime came out in the past year, apparently jumping on to the popularity of the manga "Beastars" and it's first season of anime. As with most quickly-made copycats, the non-Beastars were lackluster.

One, however, garnered enough interest to draw fans in.. and then quickly disappoint most of them. It did at least inspire me to do.... this.

Producer Guy: So, you have a fetish for me?

Writer Guy: A wha-

Producer Guy: An anime! That's what I meant.

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Regarding: Character Development and Plot · 6:07am Sep 23rd, 2021

Recently, I was talking to a close friend, and they mentioned something, and I quote,

Cause it'll be an awfully short chapter, especially compared to our previous ones

And that got me thinking.

Is wordcount the important thing in the story?

To that, I say no.

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Being a Better Writer: Should I Build a Plot Structure? · 10:09pm Nov 16th, 2015

Sorry for the lateness today, guys. I'll see about making these more timely in the future.

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Updates to "Wooing" · 10:48am Jan 16th, 2017

So today I uploaded two chapters to "The Wooing of Sunset Shimmer". However, to me, it's still Sunday. I haven't been to bed yet. I get these spells where 36 hours will pass before my brain says "Sleep, you foolish girl."

So, today - or when it's Monday to me, so probably late afternoon or early evening - I'll finally reveal the two gifts we really care about; The first gifts Sunset and Twilight give each other.

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Plot Bunny Theater: Villains of a Different Tribe · 9:36pm Dec 10th, 2019

We've had villainous alicorns and unicorns, but no actual Pegasi or Earth Pony villains. Not on the level of Nightmare Moon or Sombra. Sure there was Cozy Glow but still!

Now granted, the unicorn is the mage class and thus more prone to tapping into primeval forces of doom or corruption, but damnit! There should be some evil Pegasi and Earth Ponies! So let's think up some villains!

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Worlds Reset lives on! · 6:11am Oct 11th, 2019

After almost a quarter year of complete silence from the story, I've finally gotten around to posting a new chapter!

TWorlds Reset
The world she once knew is gone, replaced by an infinite canvas.
TheMajorTechie · 11k words  ·  29  4 · 624 views

Worlds Reset isn't quite the type of story that you'd normally expect when someone says "sci-fi". There aren't any robots, for one-- and there definitely isn't much anything along the lines of cyberpunk.

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Being a Better Writer: Playing Out Your Puzzle Pieces · 8:51pm May 23rd, 2016

Welcome back, readers, to a Monday post that’s actually on a Monday! BaBW is back to its proper day once more! So, to commemorate the occasion, what’s today’s writing topic?

Puzzle pieces.

I can see the curious, questioning looks even from here in the past, so let me explain a little further.

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I said it once before, but... · 5:22am Aug 12th, 2015

After reading a ton of displaced fanfics I have decided to eventually try my hand at it. It will take a while, and research needs to be done... but I really want to write this one.

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Plot Bunny Theater: Equestria: Civil War · 5:00pm Jan 18th, 2020

Chrysalis seeks redemption. Twilight Sparkle is willing to help her, but Shining and Cadence are against it. And as it turns out, Chrysalis is using this proximity to manipulate everypony involved. But they don't find this out until Shining and Twilight are taking up arms against one another in actual civil war. The sad thing is, she's not putting thoughts into ponies' heads: She's just enhancing what ponies keep hidden inside themselves. And even after defeating her, there's still a lot of

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Plot Bunny Theater: Help Wanted. Two Vacancies... · 6:29am Jan 28th, 2020

If you're a RWBY fan, you'll know that the lore is that there were two creator Gods, the Brother Gods. The Brother Gods have basically abandoned Remnant due to stupid crap I won't bore you with. So there are two spots wide open for better deities. But given Remnant's history with gods, perhaps what they need... Are Princesses.

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Classic Being a Better Writer: Plot Problems! · 6:17pm Sep 8th, 2017

Hey hey! I'm almost back to full health, and it's been far too long since a Classic Being a Better Writer post went up on the site!

New? Unsure what those words meant? Let me clarify! Being a Better Writer is a writing feature that's been running for almost four years now, posting every Monday. These posts cover a wide, vast assortment of topics, from subplots to mystery to dialogue, all with the goal of helping writers young and old improve their craft.

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Ominous hints and perhaps a bit of insecurity. · 4:50pm Feb 1st, 2017

I've been thinking a lot lately about my fic and just how I want it to proceed. I may have had a brief moment of panic when I thought that the way I wanted my story to go would make it less a Fallout: Equestria story and more... something else. I even went as far as writing Kkat for her input (no response yet, but she is very popular and likely gets A LOT of PMs). I think I'm mostly over it. I've tied my elements together in a decent fashion without it being too deus ex machina (or, simply

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Plot Bunny Theater: Cutie Mark Crusader Necromancers YAYYYYY · 5:42am May 1st, 2020

The Cutie Mark Crusaders got their hooves on a book of necromancy, and try to use it to raise Applebloom's pet mouse from the dead.
Applebloom: "Aw shucks... This stupid spell ain't workin' at all!"
As the rest of the Ponyville Graveyard rises from the grave
Applebloom: "Mister Squeakers ain't ever comin' back!"
Bright Mac: "Howdy Applebloom!"
Pear Butter: "Howdy little one!"
Applebloom: "... Who are you? Why do you smell so bad?"
"Ya don recognize your own parents?"

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Newsies #2 · 7:20pm Aug 31st, 2018

So, everypony! A wee update for your taste buds!

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Plot Bunny Theater: S.M.I.L.E · 8:24pm Aug 20th, 2020

The agency known as S.M.I.L.E has been in existence in secret for a thousand years. Helping to fight, detain and contain entities and objects that would destroy Ponykind. It's agents are sworn to secrecy to preserve the peace of Equestria and many have paid the ultimate price in service to Harmony.

That said, S.M.I.L.E does far more than merely contain. They also study, observe, experiment and make hard decisions.

And die in the dark so that ponies can live in the light.

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Write Like You're Running Out Of Time Part 4: Immediacy vs Investment · 7:06pm Sep 19th, 2021

Part 4: Immediacy vs Investment

In our past three lessons we have covered various aspects of narrative capital, making analogies to actual currency and how authors write good stories by making convincing exchanges. In short, making plot development feel earned by purchasing them.

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Viewing 61 - 80 of 395 results