
Viewing 581 - 600 of 1,163 results

We need more questions! · 11:51pm Feb 6th, 2019

At this point in time, Ask Roseate Grimsbane chapter 6 has only 10 questions. While I have no issue with the small number of questions, I thought I would just go ahead and give people the chance to ask some more. Thus I have extended the deadline for questions from the 5th (yesteday) to the 14th of this month.

Also since the new deadline is Valentine's day, feel free to ask Roseate some Valentines themed questions. :duck:

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Should I? · 11:51pm Jul 11th, 2019

So, i'm currently typing up a mini chapter that details what happened to Trixie from chapter 3 of 'The Witches of Everfree Manor', and it's basically a "Bad End" for the magician. I'm debating on whether or not I should even post it at all. It'll effectively be the only time I do this kind of thing, since it doesn't make me too comfortable, and I do genuinely like Trixie. For the most part, it's just me stepping out of my comfort zone so that I may grow as a writer, and, hopefully, become a

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Do you ever want to start a story over? · 5:59am Aug 12th, 2019

Welp, first blog or whatever.

Anyways, after rereading my first story on this site, I kinda want to start it all over with a new one but still have the same characters, maybe get rid of a few. It just doesn't sit well for me anymore and I have no idea why.

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A Unitarian Question: When a Changeling wants to Measure Something, What do they Measure it In? · 11:01pm Jul 24th, 2020

So, I had a thought.

As near as I've been able to tell, it's popular fanon across the fandom that Changelings absorb, store, and use 'love' energy within their forms.

The question then is, how would they measure that? What units might they use?

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If you ever.... · 10:25am Sep 2nd, 2019

If you ever -

Met your OC, what would you say to them?

If you ever met one of the Mane Six / Seven, how would you spend the day with them?

If you ever ended up in Equestria, would you live in Ponyville, or would you venture across the world and settle someplace else?

Met Dr Hooves, where would you like him to time travel with you to, and why?

Had a choice between being an Earth pony, pegasus or unicorn, which one would you be, and why?

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Livestream Tonight! · 12:29am Jun 7th, 2015

Tonight I will be doing the Q&A session. If you have a google hangouts account, PM it to me and I might add you to it.


Question of the Week #34 · 1:40am Dec 5th, 2021

Hello everyone, sorry for the late blog. After last week I have just felt a bit more tired than usual. Probably just recovering from the 4-day weekend. Anyway, the question for you all this week is that, since it is technically winter now (at least here in North America), do you like snow?

Personally, I'm not a huge fan. It's just too cold. I don't like being cold. If snow was warm and fluffy I'd love it more, but that's just me.

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Quick Question · 1:54pm Aug 23rd, 2018

What pony am I most like?

The reason I'm asking this is because I've seen quite a lot of people posting pictures of cartoon pastel horse characters they're attached to. I could technically pick whoever for this, and under normal circumstances I'd pick my favorite, but I honestly don't know which one that is at this point since there's quite a lot of characters I'm attached to.

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Question about school lunches · 6:47am Oct 18th, 2019

Question: who here had a school where the cafeteria had a menu with multiple options? Like, every day, they had multiple options that they could choose from for the entree?

I ask because I was watching something, and in it, the school cafeteria had multiple options. A variety of choices that the students could choose from. Granted, it was a limited variety, but a variety all the same.

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What makes an interesting conversation? · 6:14pm Jun 24th, 2019

Something I'm wondering about. Would like to hear some other people's opinion on it.

There are two stories. Both these stories have a scene where two characters are talking. However, in one story, the scene is considered entertaining, but in the other, it is boring.

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New Story: Natural Histories (Lost Cities Sequel), and a philosophical question · 9:43pm Apr 28th, 2020

Hey folks,

Bit of a delay on getting this story the gate, but things have been crazy with all the covid and stuff. On the plus side, I'm practicing piano a lot more than usual.

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Status update of 'How To' · 8:49pm May 14th, 2020


My Apologies and a Q&A · 9:10pm Nov 22nd, 2019

As stated in my last chapter, for this week until after Monday morning I don't really have the time to write my usual chapter a week. The reasoning is simple, I had two papers and two different presentations, the papers and one of the presentations due throughout the week, and my final presentation on Monday. This means that I don't have time to work on the chapters for Illuminate the Shadows, unfortunately. However, it is fall break and I will be able to write at least one chapter over

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10 Month Anniversary · 1:17pm Sep 22nd, 2020

I started on here and made my account 10 months ago! I know it’s not a year yet, but I was just hope-wondering:
I hope I’ve helped others out with having great days/nights. So, have I been a nice person/pony on here?:scootangel:

In two months I’ll reveal why I joined on here, and how I found out about this website.


Chapter 3 Rewrite Complete! (+C6 Sneak Peek!) · 12:28am Sep 8th, 2020

Took me a while to get around to it after a few events to attend and recharging from them, but I finally got it done!

TA Dragon's Hoard
A forbidden child is raised in the outskirts of Equestria.
Amethyst_Dawn · 17k words  ·  74  4 · 2.2k views

And now to give you a taste of what this has been for, here's a small segment of the in-progress Chapter Six: Reflections!

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Very Blunt Question: Does anyone even care for the FireRain brand, or are you glad it's gone? · 4:33am Dec 29th, 2020

Okay, I'm going to ask a very straight-forward and blunt question: Did anybody really like or care for the name brand of FireRain?

Personally, I ended up hating the OC and the name along with all I created with it for some reasons I have only told maybe two people. But I never asked my followers or others who have known me for a while if they even liked me as FireRain?

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It's time for Q&A · 12:43pm Aug 7th, 2019

Ask me anything in the comments and I'll answer them accordingly.

Questions can be about MLP, cartoons, music, artists, hobbies, etc.

Fire it up!


Generation 8 has officially begun! · 2:07pm Feb 27th, 2019

First off, it looks amazing! The Galar Region is gorgeous! #KJHSUKAG

Secondly, which are you: #TeamSword or #TeamShield? #TeamGrookey, #TeamScorbunny, or #TeamSobble?

Personally, I'm #TeamSword and #TeamScorbunny.


Cards Against Harmony · 1:01am Jan 22nd, 2019

No, I'm not doing a Cards Against fic (no matter how tempting the thought is).

However, I did read a new one this morning and start tracking it. As you might've guessed from the blog post title, it's Cards Against Harmony - and it already seems to have vanished. WHY?

Link (dead):

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Ladies, I have a question for you that's baffled me for years that only you can answer about guitarists... · 6:14pm Aug 25th, 2020

Okay, ladies, answer me a question that has baffled me for years:

Why do girls find guitar players / musicians attractive?


Viewing 581 - 600 of 1,163 results