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Music idea for a Scene. · 4:23am Oct 1st, 2023

Ello, your friendly neighborhood cowmare here.

So for the past couple of days I've been obsessed with the song Lips Of An Angel part 2 - for those who doesn't know, the ex lead singer of Hinder and this girl Shaylen did like a different version of the song.

Now I love the original version but something with the girl's pov of the song and the actual singer's voice (he's literally singing with her in the video) together.

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DELETED SCENE(Sweetie Belle's small problem) · 6:28am Jan 29th, 2016

You know, it pained me to remove this due to me having planned this reunion scene since the time travel portion of the fic but in the end, adding her into the story again by this point is not really needed due to the fact that Sweetie Belle after has a wide cast of support characters.

"You know, your looking really nervous right now. You should lay off the caffeinated drinks." A calm but nerdish voice said.

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Report Deathsia · 376 views · #deleted scene

Behind the Scenes: Donation Drive · 3:56pm May 19th, 2020

Hello everyone who stumbles on this page, and/or gets notified of this! I'm still new to the whole "tag a story with a blog" thing so I'm not sure who'll see this. Anyway, thought I'd share some interesting facts about the story that I didn't want to leave in an A/N or comment, since those seem so tacky.

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A Look Behind the Scenes: Supervillian Flu · 7:21pm Nov 17th, 2018

Here's a special behind-the-scenes look at my writing process! This episode, we're covering the final chapter of The Supervillain Flu, as well as some deleted scenes from earlier chapters.

For those who are interested, the following are my unedited "jot these down so I remember later what I want to write" notes on the chapter (I suggest not reading this until after you've read the chapter, as it does not just contain spoilers, it is spoilers distilled):

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DELETED SCENE(Sweetie Belle's small problem) · 3:43am Dec 16th, 2015

At first I wanted to solve the situation between the cmc as quickly as possible and allow AB and Scootaloo come into the supporting roles they began as but that would be shortcutting a lot of character development plus story. So I opted to remove this from the latest chapter.

"So, you gonna tell us what Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon have you or not?" Applebloom asked in a slightly annoyed tone.

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Report Deathsia · 393 views · #deleted scene

Part 4: Chapter 2 Interrogating the Sisters · 11:30pm Feb 1st, 2020

Continuing on my series about how I’ve been writing Equestria’s Changeling Princesses and the Kinsbane, here is what happened with Chapter 2.

First off, I'm on the Barcast on February 1, please feel free to comment, ask questions etc.

And if you're live, see here:

Previous posts here:

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Report vren55 · 415 views · #behind the scenes

Cool fight scene · 5:52pm Oct 17th, 2017

A matrix reloaded ripoff is going to be in the next chapter of Return of the great mighty poo.

Report RaritySimper44 · 367 views · #Fight scene

Scaleless alterations and deleted scenes. pt. 2 · 4:10am Nov 13th, 2016

So folk want to know what's gotten cut or altered during the course of 'Friendship is Scaleless' up to now. While no doubt this list is nowhere near complete as I'll no doubt continue to change things as time goes on, hopefully this gives some insight as to how my thought process and reaction to reader commentary works towards producing each chapter:

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Report Limescale · 416 views · #deleted scenes

Apologizes for the delayed chapter + a deleted scene · 6:07am Nov 13th, 2016

I've been distracted these past few weeks by one thing or another (including the USA elections), and as a result suffered a bit of writer's block. Also, I wrote a whole segment featuring Luna visiting Mabel's dream, and was working on her visiting the others--when one of my editors, MyOwnNameWasTaken, made me realize that those scenes were adding nothing but unneeded drag to the story. As Mabel's dream was the only scene finished, I'm

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The More Things Change Deleted Scenes: PROLOGUE and INTRODUCTIONS · 9:47pm Mar 22nd, 2017

As a kid, I always really liked watching deleted scenes and commentary tracks on movies. Even today, I really like seeing where stories could have gone and what kind of things could have happened to them. So, as I write the Equiforce series, I'll expand on each chapter in the comments and display deleted scenes on my blog.

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About "The Invisible Alicorn" · 3:07am Apr 13th, 2017

Over the years I’ve gotten occasional comments to my stories on this site regarding my use of mind control as a plot device (especially that one chapter in Best of All Possible Worlds where Celestia admits her fault in practicing it on not only her ponies, but on herself).

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Report McPoodle · 677 views · #Behind the Scenes

IRL Update and DELETED SCENES: A Slow Start. · 1:53am Mar 30th, 2017

So, I finally got a job! I'm a factory worker at Imfac making brake lines and cables, which is boring, but I can do it and it pays money. I'm really happy I can finally be a functional adult again. Thanks for those of you who said you were praying for me, and anyone who just thought nice things about me. I really can't express how glad I am to have something. You may remember back in January that I

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Update on first Chapter and a deleted Scene · 6:21am Oct 11th, 2016

Still working on the first chapter - work has been slow, especially since it is sometimes hard to decide between things to keep and to remove completely, because they do not fit into the "flow". I hope I made the right decision with the last thing I changed.

Still, the scene I deleted contained a nice theory. I don't want to remove it completely, so I will just post it here:

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Deleted Scenes · 12:43am Jan 4th, 2020

I mentioned some deleted and alternate scenes for A Mad Pony in a Box in a previous journal. Well, here they are.

This first scene was going to be part of the first proper chapter. I removed it mostly because I thought it would take readers who weren't familiar with Doctor Who out of the story.

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Report EchoWing · 274 views · #deleted scenes

Behind the Scenes: A Hint of Peach · 5:53pm Aug 23rd, 2020

Hello there, everyone! This story unfortunately marks the beginning of my slowdown as I enter the new college semester. That said, I thought I'd offer some insight on this little piece of work!

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Real Places Inspiring Forest of "Will to Survive" · 3:08pm Jul 18th, 2016

Now that I've finished "Will to Survive," I'm planning on writing several shorter fanfics in the coming weeks. Before I move on, I thought I'd give a sort of "Behind the Scenes" of "Will to Survive" for anyone interested. When I was considering the forest of Underworld, I performed some research to craft the jungle. Many of the seemingly fictional plants, beaches, and bodies of water used in the story are actually inspired by real places. Unfortunately, I'm having difficulty using the "Insert

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Another deleted scene from "Sweetie Belle's Small problem" · 6:45am Jan 21st, 2016

This was removed due to the fact that while I loved the idea of a secret all teenage pony club hidden right under the residents noises, it literally added nothing to the overall plot of the story and I doubt I would ever came back to this location in my fic again so in the end, I decided to remove it.

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Report Deathsia · 406 views · #deleted scene

DELETED SCENE(Sweetie Belle's small problem)(Rude Rarity) · 9:50am Jan 29th, 2016

"And no funny business." The unicorn added much to the chagrin of Scootaloo whom blushed heavily and gave her an offended glare.

"The buck do you take me for?! She just tried to-" Scootaloo began to snap only to see the wide grin on Rarity's face and scowled upon realizing it was a bad joke. "Not… Cool." Scootaloo said hotly before she resumed trotting up the stairs.

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Report Deathsia · 416 views · #deleted scene

Behind the scenes. · 7:53pm May 1st, 2018

So I've started working on a back story recently. I can't tell you much as I haven't really worked on it but it's kind of a secret project. I will be trying to make the next chapter for No Matter Where. I might not get to until next week. Until, enjoying looking at this duck.

Report Clean Karma · 221 views · #behind #the #scenes

Deleted... Chapter? ("Deep Blue, Part 2") · 12:57am Aug 21st, 2015

It's true! There really was a deleted chapter! Or, that is to say, a pretty different version of "Deep Blue, Part 2." After writing it and having my editor take a look at it, I decided it needed some heavy rewrites. Since a lot of it is the same, I won't post it all here; it would be tedious to look through and compare. Instead, I'll post some differences followed by a large scene that was cut entirely.


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