
Viewing 41 - 60 of 208 results

So, y'know how I've been talkin' about a Pony-Me reboot? · 12:28am Jun 15th, 2020

I just figured out the perfect way to combine the intended ending of Into Equestria with Pony-Me's official ending. :ajsmug:

Like, y'know that part where Lisa/Twilight returns to Equestria and has a talk with Celestia and says goodbye and all?

That's gonna be the flashpoint of the story.

Also, this is all actually stuff I came up with for the original fiction adaptation, but I wrote it with the ability to carry things over to Pony-Me in mind. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Pony Fiction Archive Moves to AO3 · 12:47am Dec 11th, 2022

I happened on an Admin post from Archive of Our Own in a RSS feed today. Apparently, The Pony Fiction Archive has moved their content to AO3. I looked up and all I got was a 403 "forbidden" page. Elsewhere I saw indications that it had been started in 2011 and that it is (was) popular in the Russian Federation. Via the Wayback Machine I saw

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So, what's been taking Pony-Me so long? · 9:57am Jan 16th, 2021

Lisa going through an existential crisis in two different ways, that's what. Gotta love writing two versions of the same story! :V

Definitely getting closer to finishing though, but the chapter that goes up to publish isn't what I'm currently writing.


New Pony-Me/My Own Reality chapter! · 7:57am Feb 23rd, 2021

Guess what?

Timothy's back!

EPony-Me™: Rebooted
What happens when you realize that your life is a simulation? Well, you put the headset back on. A rewrite of 2017's Pony-Me.
TheMajorTechie · 26k words  ·  133  10 · 2.1k views

Original fiction version:
My Own Reality (draft 3)


AO3 Story Mirroring · 4:17am January 15th

Been a while since I started the process, but I'm almost done mirroring M.L.G. over at Archive Of Our Own. I've gotten as far as "Shine Aqua Illusion", and I expect to have it fully posted within the next 3-4 days. So if by some chance you want to read it over there instead of here, feel free.

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This is just becoming a Miraculous fanpage at this point, lmao · 3:32pm May 16th, 2023

Okay okay okay, I know that I sound like a broken record constantly babbling on about Miraculous but I found an absolute gem of a fic on AO3. Signed up for an account last week, also called GT3RS if you're curious. (I'm shocked the username was available)

I don't plan to start writing anything non-MLP related unfortunately, so I can only recommend it if you're interested in seeing my favourites are on there.

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Why I was absent · 2:12pm May 27th, 2018

The reason why I haven't written anything on here lately.

Tamago - Lost in Another World

This is the first chapter of my own book (series).

Maybe it'll be 4 small books. Maybe one bigger one.
Point is: It's the first thing that I created on my own.

I finally got around to loosely translating the first chapter.

I hope you enjoy it.


The direction "My Own Reality" will take as far as plot goes · 7:33am Jun 9th, 2018

Outside of major plot points, character names, and places, My Own Reality will not be a carbon-copy of Pony-Me with MLP stripped away. While previous blogs might've made it sound like that was the direction it was heading in, I'm treating the new story as an essentially overhauled version of Pony-Me, complete with several revised elements that would set the story apart from the original. Though, there will still be small Easter Eggs tossed in referencing Pony-Me. For example, the date of

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Pony Superiority (beta version) · 10:14am Feb 10th, 2021

I have released an early beta version of my new story Pony Superiority on Archive of Our Own. Just go to my dashboard to find it. For those of us who may want a Pure Bendyfic with no edits.

My user profile:

I also added a link to my AO3 profile on my userpage. I may post more previews there in the future.


"Snow Cave" A new Pokémon fic Hosted by · 10:33pm Oct 18th, 2021

So recently, I've been getting into Pokémon. There's still a lot about it that I have to learn but I understand one thing and understand it well; it makes for great porn! Unfortunately, I wasn't ready to cross it over with MLP (yet!) and so I had to post it off-site for it not containing any pony. I know, I know. Pathetic! Well, man cannot live on pony alone and Glaceon is sexy as hell so if you're willing to make the journey, and don't mind that the male an underage Vulpix, enjoy this literary

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Did [Spoiler] [Spoiler] Die for Nothing? Read at Own Risk. Full of Star Wars Spoilers · 7:33am Dec 28th, 2017

          So, last year in March, I wrote that I was okay with seeing characters that I don’t sympathize with get redeemed.  I was mainly talking about Starlight Glimmer, but in the process of giving my reasons for supporting the redemption of unsympathetic characters, I ended up comparing her to Kylo Ren from the newer Star Wars trilogy movies.  You see, I had written that if Kylo didn’t get redeemed, then his father would have died for nothing.

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My Own Reality status update (7-2-2018) · 6:59am Jul 2nd, 2018

1 - "Wake up" - Draft 2
2 - "Take a look around" - Draft 2.1 (Unfinished)

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A musing on original story publishing · 8:00am Jun 25th, 2018

I certainly want to keep all rights to my own story, which means that I'll practically be ruling out every major publishing house there is.

I guess I'll self-publish, then. I can handle writing and editing myself, I can join some reviewing groups to get the thing proofread, maybe stir up some hype with Kickstarter and some marketing muscle, and partner up with a printing company to get the thing rolling into stores.

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The intentional vagueness is through the roof! · 7:14am Jul 23rd, 2018

I'm gonna take a short hiatus from my usual stories to focus on rewriting My Own Reality and working on an entirely new original fiction project meant to push the boundaries with my current writing style.

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I just woke up to this (Video) · 12:14pm Feb 5th, 2021

Sony, you've been perving in on me again, haven't you? Scary fact: I was aggressively criticising a game at one point while playing it and talking about how glitchy it was and my PS4 ejected the disk...does that prove the above? :pinkiegasp:


The Nightmare Initiative, Deadlines, and Other Notes · 12:37am Feb 6th, 2016

So, first off, I'm terrible at keeping schedules that I set. Its my fault. I'll work on it more, I promise. Blogs will get on a weekly schedule... soon... ish.

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My Own Reality status update (7-4-2018_1) · 8:54pm Jul 4th, 2018

Daily Blog

My Own Reality progress

1 - "Wake up." - Draft 2.1
2 - "Take a look around." - Draft 2.1
3 - "There's so much to see," - Draft 1

Added in a missing detail to the first chapter, began work on third chapter. The third chapter also addresses a minor plot hole pointed out by commenters in Pony-Me, replacing the food that Lisa eats after waking with something that'd be more digestible to someone who hasn't eaten solid food in years.

Story updates

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Pokémon Bored and Yield · 9:16pm Nov 20th, 2019

So I visited my cousin yesterday and for some reason he really wanted me to play the new pokemon game, so I spent the 3 hours I was there playing it.

To make a long story short, it was exactly how I imagined it would be.

That is not a good thing...

I should probably make a bullet list of things that I did and how I felt...
But I don't feel like it right now.

But I caught a Wooloo which was cool. Those really are the cutest things ever.

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Eternal Darkness Part 2 (The Choose How The Story Goes Comic) · 11:46pm Jul 6th, 2015


Log into DA, comment on the comic page, and choose the next part of the story:

1. Celestia leaves Equestria until it's safe

2. Celestia spies on Luna to learn of her plans

3. Celestia goes to Twilight Sparkle for help

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Forgetting to save your game. · 7:11pm Jul 6th, 2017

*Spend effort writing a oneshot of Sunset and Twilight accidentally mutating a lab rat to giant proportions. They have to save the school.*
*Post it, it's not the best fic but I wrote a oneshot today so life's good.*
*Wake up.*


Viewing 41 - 60 of 208 results