
Viewing 401 - 420 of 478 results

Chapter 19 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is done. · 9:43am Mar 12th, 2017

Chapter 19 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is finished. I have been thinking that I might write one or two one-shots after I finish this story. I have some big ideas for the third part and there are some things I want to explore before doing it. One idea I want to do is a story where Lyra and Bon-Bon have their tenth anniversary of the day they met and hijinks ensue. I like writing their relationship and want to expand on it more. The other idea I won't say yet because it

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New Story! Magic School Zord · 11:25pm Dec 6th, 2017

Hello again. I have a new story. It's called Magic School Zord. It stars Cheerilee. As the name implies, it's about Cheerilee using her Zord for a fantastical school trip. Where? The moon of course! This is a silly idea that floated in my head that I wanted to make reality and I thought Cheerilee deserves more love. I think she is the most underappreciated of the Luna 6.

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Timeline Meddling · 5:47am Sep 2nd, 2018

Last time I posted a tease of things to come. Since then I've had a couple unexpected things pop up. Good ones. Including the long-awaited best one:

My mojo's back. :rainbowwild:

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Magic School Zord is finished. · 11:07am Feb 15th, 2018

Hey again. Magic School Zord is finally finished. To be honest, I don't think this was my best. I am happy with it for the most part, but there are some parts I made some mistakes in. The biggest one is that it took me forever to find a voice for all the foal characters. I just couldn't find the right places to put dialog in for them, so it was mostly Cheerilee talking. I finally found their voice in chapter 5 of all things. That was when I was the most comfortable writing for them. On the plus

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Read It Now Reviews #102 – Six Ponies & One Corpse, Those Who Wield Power, Friendship 101, Friendship Hate Mail, Captains Crash · 11:30pm Feb 8th, 2017

Been a while since I did one of these! Five recent(ish) stories, five reviews. Let’s get cracking before this becomes a Read It Later review set, eh?

Today’s stories:

Six Ponies & One Corpse by Estee
Those Who Wield Power by PresentPerfect
Friendship 101 by BlazzingInferno
Friendship Hate Mail by PonyThunder
Captains Crash by Estee

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New story! Galaxy Rangers, the movie! · 8:07am Jun 22nd, 2020

Hello again. Sorry about being so radio silent, but I've been working on a big story! Galaxy Ranger: The Movie - Shocker Crisis. In this story, after a terrible teleportation accident, Trixie finds herself in an alternate world where an evil organization called Shocker has taken over the world. She makes new friends as she tries to free this new alien world from Shocker's grasp.

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Skullgirls OST #11 - The Seat of Power · 5:56pm Aug 3rd, 2022


Chapter 7 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is done. · 6:11am Nov 1st, 2016

Chapter 7 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is finished. I hope you like it. This is the chapter where Greengrass is finally making his move against Trixie. His plan will finally come in full motion next chapter. Also, next chapter this fic will surpass the first story in word count. Isn't it strange how sequels tend to be longer than the original? Of course, Nevermore was a lot simpler than White Raven, so it really shouldn't be that surprising. I suppose as one grows as a writer

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something · 7:46am Oct 19th, 2016

so i've been reading a ton of SCP entries and tales, now somewhere near a total of around 3000 including deleted content. Two things that stood out to me were SCP-2480 and SCP-1730, both of which feature pictures of real world buildings, which i have found to actually still exist, so if someone wanted to go find it, they could. I have actually found a vending machine in my building's basement that exactly matches how SCP-294 looks, so I am curious, are there any other entries that give a real

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WOW! · 6:05am Mar 17th, 2016

So you know how I read a lot of fanfiction? And how everything that I thumbs-up gets put into my 'Liked Stories' bookshelf?



Seriously, 3000 fics in my bookshelf. I do have to re-read a few of them to get caught back up, but still... THREE THOUSAND FANFICS!

I feel like I should feel like I read way to much of this shit. I don't feel like I read too much fanfiction, but I probably should.

Still though... 3000!

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Chapter 2 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is done! · 6:29am Sep 29th, 2016

Hey again. The second chapter of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is done! This chapter basically sets up what has been happening with Trixie and other Galaxy Rangers since their secret identities have been revealed. I thought it would be nice to address the good and bad of it. This chapter also has a magic show and that was super fun to write if a bit difficult. Can you guess how Trixie did these tricks? The last trick was inspired by

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Chapter 8 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is done. · 4:50am Nov 8th, 2016

Hey again. Chapter 8 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is finished. Recently, I have been trying to work on my editing. I am using several programs like Grammarly to help me out. I am terrible at editing. I think it is going along rather well. I still feel my writing is a little too simple, though. That is something I really need to work on. I really hope I don't write so simply that my writing is boring and doesn't grab anyone's attention. Ah, the perils of being a writer.

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Chapter 17 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is done. · 6:06am Feb 7th, 2017

Chapter 17 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is finished. I am a little surprised how often the Mane 6 keep showing up. I suppose I just like using them as supporting characters. Plus, I like writing Pinkie. I try to balance her craziness with being reasonable and intelligent at the same time. I don't like having her random for the sake of being random and have some method to how she thinks. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the chapter.

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F/F/T3K15 5/15: Other blitz puns! · 4:00am May 16th, 2017

Yeah, I've run out.

Last week's monstrosity is all set. Have a look.

This week is the end of the most obnoxious and unnecessary crossover I've ever seen, plus the start of the very last story we're featuring. This is the home stretch; try to survive.


Chapter 26 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is done. · 5:20am Jun 21st, 2017

Hey again. Another update! This chapter was a lot of fun to write. Fight scenes are hard, but rewarding to write. I always feel exhausted after writing one and they require a lot of effort and energy. Part of the difficulty of doing them is making sure they make sense in my head. I end up rewriting them over and over again because I feel something doesn't work for me. This can make writing slow and frustrating and I often have to take breaks. I find working in small chunks helps. Anyway, I hope

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New Story! Anniversary of True Love · 8:13am Sep 12th, 2017

Hello again. I have a new story I am working on. It's called the Anniversary of True Love. It's a side story of my Galaxy Rangers story. I know I said this would be a one-shot, but I thought the story would work better in multiple chapters. This is going to be a short story though. It will probably only be about three or four chapters or so.

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Chapter 21 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is done. · 8:16pm Apr 12th, 2017

Hey again. Chapter 21 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is finished. I don't want to spoil anything, but this is the chapter you all have been waiting for. I wasn't sure I would even be able to make it this far. I had a thousand different ideas how this chapter would go. For the longest time, I wasn't sure exactly how this would play out. Somehow I got it done though, and I am pretty happy with how it turned out. I hope you enjoy the chapter.

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Chapter 29 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is done. · 9:53am Aug 15th, 2017

Hey again. There will be one more chapter after this then the epilogue. The next chapter will be a bit longer than usual. I just have so many plot points that need to be resolved. Sigh. Hopefully, it wouldn't take too long to finish it. I'm mostly already done with the chapter. I think it might end up one of my favorites. It has a Luna and Trixie conversation that I really enjoyed writing.

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Chapter 5 of Secret Agent Dinky is finished. · 8:35pm Jan 29th, 2019

Another new chapter. I am not sure where exactly this disaster movie chapter came from, but, as usual, I can't make things easy for my heroes can I? I have this weird compulsion to make things worse at random moments. Oh well, makes for interesting writing. I hope you enjoy the chapter.

Chapter 5


So I've Heard About The Rings Of Power · 8:37pm Mar 20th, 2022

So I'm actually quite looking forward to The Rings Of Power, the soon-to-be cinematic series based on Tolkien's Middle-Earth lore. The Lord of the Rings is probably my favourite film trilogy and, while it's debated to this day, I really enjoyed The Hobbit series.
And there's something I feel I need to say...
I get that Amazon is...not a perfect company run by perfect people. I won't say anything else about that because frankly...I don't consider it relevant.

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Viewing 401 - 420 of 478 results