
Viewing 181 - 200 of 420 results

WIP: Celestia x Thorax - Pre-readers and Editors wanted · 10:43pm Dec 23rd, 2021

Working on my first fic. It is going to be a NSFW piece featuring Celestia and Thorax. I am super hyped to write about this unusual pair.

I am looking for pre-readers and editors, shoot me a message if you're available.
My goal is to learn and improve.



Ahhhhhhhhg... can I get some help? · 9:04pm Oct 29th, 2015

So... I would go to Looking for Editors, but I feel like I've been there far too many times asking for help.

So I'm wondering if any of ya'll know any editors, or can offer said editing services. What I need it a Perma-Editor, someone I can rely on to call forth and edit the trash I call a story.

You don't even have to be a straight up mega boss of an editor, just I need someone who can go through my works and fix up typos, errors and offer some advice on how to make it better.

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Editors behold! · 7:35am Mar 5th, 2016

Yeah so, hey. I'm still looking for editors for my stories. If you're interested or know anyone who is, drop me a line or something.
Look through my submitted stories and see which one/s you're interested in editing. (Please don't post your edits in the comments section of my stories. Thank you.)

Report Ravvij · 189 views · #Editors #Need #wanted #writer #pony

I need help! · 11:32am Feb 9th, 2016

Seriously. I have three stories and all of them are understaffed for editors. I would also like pre-readers to help make sure my ideas aren't too bonk. Any help is good at this point, and for any of my stories.

My inspiration is waning. If at least one person responds to this blog with a comment, I could nearly guarantee that I could finish and pass of the next ATTTP chapter to the editing stage.

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Update on Twins at the Beach · 12:52pm Jun 5th, 2019

Hey guys,

Just a brief update on what's going on. Chapter 2 of Twins at the Beach is still currently in the works right now. I'm in the process of doing some rephrasing/changes and so far it's coming along quite well. However, I'm getting a bit stuck and may require a second editor/proofreader to help out. If anyone is interested and is free to help please leave a comment or PM me for more details.

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Editing is...tiring · 7:14am Aug 3rd, 2016

Well, just an hour ago, I finished my editing (for now) of Cool Breeze's fanfiction...chapter one of the FO:E one, at least. Goodness, marking a Google Doc with every single edit you can think of can really be enervating e.e But I'm certainly happy to do it if it helps!

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I am alive!!!! · 1:34pm Mar 10th, 2019

Sorry everyone for the lack of updates. There has been some stuff going on here and I kinda had to do some running around to get things done as well as trying to figure out a way to proceed with some of the stories.

I'll be trying to get updates ready as soon as possible but it might take a while. I am really sorry about this. I'll also try to get more than one chapter sent at a time if possible.

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Editors Desperately Needed!!! Call to Arms, TO ARMS!!! · 7:06pm Feb 26th, 2023

Hello to all of my faithful readers and followers!! I have a desperate need for an editor or team of editors who would be willing to work with me on my books, specifically Battlestations: Equestrian Seas. However, if any of you would like to offer your assistance with any of my other books, I would like to hear your thoughts as well, so this is a general call to arms against the Grammer-Illiterate Forces of Overstatement, hailing from the Region of Clearness Extermination. We'll call them

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Editor Wanted · 1:47am Apr 29th, 2020

It has come to my attention that one of the reasons my newest story isn't getting a lot of comments might be because there are grammar errors. To that end, I'm asking if anyone would care to scan over the story and point out any errors to me. I request that someone reply soon. The deadline for Dirty Little Secret's contest is Saturday, and edits will not be allowed after that point.


Chosen Update · 5:02pm May 13th, 2016

This is a picture of the alicorn filly in my story. As you can guess by now I really like red and orange.
There ya go. I thought I should show you guys this. Thanks again, SolarStreak OUT! :yay:

(P.S. Still need artists and editors.)


Welp, here we go! · 6:26am May 31st, 2016

Macromantic Gestures only has one chapter in my buffer, which is barely edited at all.


I guess that makes it better than Twilight's Thrones, which... had half of chapter when I posted it.

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Looking for proofreaders...maybe even an editor · 7:25am Oct 26th, 2015

So, with Chapter 4 of The Changeling That Bugged My Heart going up, I had to realise a few things.
First, never give a longass title to your fic...well, next time.
Second, from the incoming PMs and comments on my sub par grammar (which I'm glad you guys don't fail to notify me of...keep them coming if you find something's off), I came to a decision that this is no system for this, and it looks very unprofessional.

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How Does Story Editing Work? · 11:28pm Mar 19th, 2017

I know what story editors are supposed to do, but how do they edit the story? Do they get the story pass and just fix the errors, or do they point out the mistakes to the author and they fix it?


Editor needed for a new story · 11:31pm Oct 6th, 2015

Hello everyone, you are probably wondering why on Earth I am cancelling that story of mine. Well.. I realize I may have taken a wrong story idea and a wrong character. You see, I have been contemplating more on the Equestria Girls trilogy than anything. And I was wondering where I can possibly find an editor and be explained how the whole thing works.

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List of stories I've edited and proofread for: · 12:58am Jan 19th, 2018


Writing update #X · 6:34pm Apr 3rd, 2018

Generic writing update. I have so many drafts for several stories, not all of them pony related, and somehow one keeps pulling ahead of the pack.

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Okay, HELP NEEDED! · 11:15am Jun 19th, 2018

Okay, so I've been trying my best to keep my grammar mistakes and phrasing errors in check. However, it seems as though I am failing miserably. So I would like to ask if anyone would be willing to help me by being my editor. I would really appreciate the help. If any of you guys know of somebody that can help me out with this, please let me know.


Looking for a new editor · 3:47pm Jul 24th, 2016

I need to talk about these things. I don't know if anyone is going to read or comment this but I can't deny the truth anymore.

1. No more darkfics.

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So I guess I should talk about Eyeball now... · 1:28am May 10th, 2017

...or its revised form, specifically, which I refer to as "Sunset Shimmer is Lonely and Depressed and Sometimes There's an Eyeball."

Incidentally, I finally published the original story to FiMfic, as a bonus chapter, if anybody's interested in reading through it and comparing.

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Good news every one! My Girlfriend/Editor just got her drivers license, so YAY FOR HER!!!

Also, new MLP Season, soooooo, DOUBLE YAY! My favorite parts were either when Pinkie somehow summoned a party cannon for all of the mane 6 or when Ember begged them to stop singing :pinkiehappy:

Overall, I really liked the premier, and I think this will be a good season just based on what I have seen so far. So I look forward to what the show staff has to offer us.

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Viewing 181 - 200 of 420 results