• Member Since 11th Dec, 2015
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Very divisible.

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  • 1 week

    Tomorrow is my birthday, and I turn 36. I keep trying to wrap my head around my age only to give up. I thought I'd "feel" like an adult by now, but every day I still feel like I'm just figuring it out. Is this how my parents felt? Or did they just trick themselves into thinking they had all the answers? Previous generations certainly presented themselves as capable adults, at any rate.

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  • 4 weeks
    RariTwi Love & Accepting Fic Requests

    The new RariTwi fic is out! This is a direct sequel to All The Little Rings. It's not super necessary to read the first story, but I think you'd enjoy the new story more if you did. If you read the story, please consider leaving a like and comment!

    TAll The Little Rings
    Rarity is in the grips of an existential depression when Twilight comes calling... Love sprouts in the gloom.
    Nines · 27k words  ·  136  6 · 2.5k views

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  • 5 weeks
    Here we are. Again.

    I didn't really want my comeback blog post to be about the election. And for the most part, it won't be, but to say I'm feeling chipper or optimistic would be a lie. I feel like crap. I've cried a lot today. I feel pain in my heart for my little three-year-old girl. I feel like our generation, I feel like I've failed her. The repercussions of this election will be felt for (literally) decades.

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  • 46 weeks
    an update

    Hi all. I hope everyone is doing well. I've been taking an extended break from FimFiction lately. Had some undesirable interactions with some users. That coupled with some of my creative frustrations just makes logging on... kind of unpleasant? If I do log on, it's usually to try and catch up with the fics I'm reading and then I quickly log off. I'm just feeling drained with the MLP fanfic

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  • 51 weeks
    holidays '23

    Writing updates. Chattin' up about life. Not a dense post, but get it after the jump.

    Art by Nookprint

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Writing update #X · 6:34pm Apr 3rd, 2018

Generic writing update. I have so many drafts for several stories, not all of them pony related, and somehow one keeps pulling ahead of the pack.

I think the next chapter for HCHL is 2/3 of the way through. It hasn't taken the direction I quite expected it to, but it feels right.

I keep waffling on whether or not I should find a new editing partner. Beast has had to bow out, and without an extra eye to catch my various screw ups I worry that the writing quality will dip. (If it hasn't already?) He did so much more than just line editing, but the line editing is the one thing I can replace in terms of help. (Because seriously, Beast's unique voice is irreplaceable) Editing was never my strong suit. Actually, I'm utter shit at it.

I don't know... Who has the time, the will, and the know-how to help keep my story from sounding like a grammatic nightmare? I don't have any kind of schedule I'm keeping-- I just sort of write as the will comes to me-- but I'm not keen on handing someone a complete draft only to have them sit on it for two weeks, y'know?

Meh. Just putting that out there. Editor or no, Chapter Eleven of HCHL will probably be up sometime this week or early next.

(Oh! And just FYI, I've mentioned on my blog that I will be moving out-of-state at the end of the month. The closer we get to the fateful date, the less time I'll have to write!)

P.S. COMPLETELY unrelated, but I read this article on why moms mix up their kids names (even kids and pets names) and now I feel better about getting my son and cat's name mixed up.

Comments ( 5 )

I wouldn't mind giving it a shot, if you're still looking for editing help. Don't know that I'd be able to contribute much creatively, but I've got a pretty good head for grammar at least, and I've done a bit of editing for some of my friends.

Cool! I write with Google Docs. Once I finish this draft, I can send it to ya? I prefer comment mode for editing suggestions. I know I said I was aiming for the end of the week, but I'm more than willing to push that back if it means the chapter is cleaned up and purdy!

Sure, PM me the link when you're ready!

So is What They Expect to Give dead then?

Nah, I wouldn't say that! But it's my most intricate story as I have all these details and concurrent plotlines that I need to recall. So before I get back into it, I preeeetty much gotta read it over again. Since I've been not writing for sooooo long, I've been going for the stories that were easiest to get back into. All I can say is, we'll see! I've been known to update ongoing stories after years of inactivity. (maybe not what you wanna hear, but it's the best I got atm)

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