I Hate Equestria Daily 641 members · 642 stories
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Is it just me or does it seem that a large bias against certain genres eists there?

The biggest one I notice is the paucity of "Human" tagged stories.

So far, I've seen only three: Anthropology, A Mighty Demon Slayer Grooms Some Ponies, Eclipse. And only one of those is a space opera-esque story.

In addition, science fiction also seems to be poorly represented.

This is in comparison to the multitude of slice-of-life,
shipping and adventure stories.

My question is this: why? Is it because these stories have a higher likelihood of being poorly written? Or is it because they're likely to be inflammatory and provoke hostile responses? Or is it because the pre-readers just plain don't like these stories?


Don't forget about poor represantion of Dark and Grimdark stories.

974297 The pre-readers only put what they like, not like here. Here, everything gets through, but that's really only a good thing for those like me who planned on getting better from the start.

There used to be more human stories accepted ... when the site was still decent and the HiE sub-genre wasn't filled with Mary Sues and humans turned into alicorns/over-powered assholes


Here, everything gets through, but that's really only a good thing for those like me who planned on getting better from the start.

I second that!

there are a few more. Fact of the matter is, there aren't a whole lot of good HiE stories for how many are written. It tends to be the 'noob author's genre.

Maybe they simple hate humans?

974406 Not at all. The majority of the pre-readers there are biased faggots who think they look smart by using "big boy" words, homonyms, and 'code words'. They believe that the site should be for "expurt storehs" when it garners fanfiction.:ajbemused:


when the site was still decent

can't imagine a time when that was true.

The genre counts in the queue might shed some light on this. Of the 86 stories in the queue, currently there are 14 shipping and 27 slice of life submissions but only 2 sci-fi. There's no stat count for human stories, but a quick look turned up three: one Fallout crossover, one Portal crossover, and Friendship is Optimal, which you will probably enjoy if you like sci-fi and human stories.

I really like science fiction, and I like human stories, too; we just don't receive many of them. Personally, I enjoyed reading Awakening, and I'm eagerly awaiting the next update to Days of Wasp and Spider.

As for Human stories, there is also the Order from Chaos trilogy, Arddun Lleuad, History Repeats, and Through the Eyes of Another Pony.

I haven't read Arddun Lleuad or Anthropology, but they are on my read later list. Through the Eyes of Another Pony is one of my favourite fics.

Personally, I have my eyes on Kleptomania and Through the Well of Pirene . I think Pirene is likely to be posted when it's resubmitted, especially considering what Seattle's Angels had to say about it.

I've also encouraged BronyWriter to submit his extremely popular human fic, No, I Am NOT A Brony, GET ME OUTTA EQUESTRIA!!!.

I just wish they'd accept humanized fics. A couple of good ones get through and BAM! Instant acceptence of the "human" tag being respectable. :pinkiegasp:

But yeah... sad but true.:ajsleepy:

But one thing i'm still wondering about.
The thing about Clopfics and Gore, ok i understand but why do they hate so much HIE fics?
Sure there plenty of bad ones like in every genre but there are still many good ones too.

However i still think they just hate humans (especially humans interacting with their beloved ponies).
Probably goes to a good part of the fandom too.

In the first few months of its life, when it was more of a "personal blog" than what it is now, it actually was somewhat decent. But it was back when bronies were just a small group and season 1 was still half way going.

974468 Refer to the comment you responded to, and add "The pre-readers also only let pass what the specific pre-reader likes. He'll most certainly add some things that he/she pulled out of his/her ass, but they won't let it through if they don't like it."

974400 I don't know about that. cheating death act I and II, blue angel (if you can get over dash), the audience and a shit ton more are all pretty decent. not forgetting the classic "X goes to Y human world and becomes a badass" type fic and crossovers you've got one of the best genres on the site. the whole 'human stories are just mary stu bollock' is pretty much a myth. I'm not saying they don't exist, but I've can't think of a single non parody one that I've come across. that said most of the stories I find are through watches, feature box and filters so I'm not really on the front lines of bullshit.

Well, as a reviewer on the frontline, that's just my experience. I know there's several good ones out there, but there are a ton of bad ones.

As Amacita said earlier, they aren't submitted often, and the ones that are usually aren't up to the standards. If you want human fics, tell authors to start writing them better.


There was "What Separates" as well, but that read more like an essay than a story. It received 5 stars back when the star system was still on. That was also when there was no 'HUMAN" tag, so it gets difficult searching in the old archives.

974577 so. there's a shit ton of bad stuff in every genera. for every xenophilia you've got a 13 year old's clumsy attempt to write about to pony's having sex in order to satisfy his urges. doesn't mean that people bash the whole romance genera. this is FANFICTION and most people on this site (my self included) give it a lot more respect than it deserves. to many people this is stuff that's meant to be crap, so just because some of it is doesn't meant that people should base an entire genera, and for a website, commercial or not to sucumb to this kind of stuff is just disgusting. Imagine if steam didn't allow indie devs (who are the closest thing to fan writers in gaming) to submit certain types of games because there a lot of sitty games in that genera. doing that reduces creativity and the flow of new ideas and leads to a stagnated marked. in FIMfiction/EqD's case this would lead to just million of slice of life fics, which while nice never really have that much of a long term plot or much meat to them. I don't mind slice of life (though I'm not much of a shipper) but just having stuff like that pisses me off. heck I would be pissed of if EqD was to ban glue fics (stories about the graphic killing and torture of ponies for the purpose of shocking the audience) because while I don't like them nothing should be denied. the beautiful thing about FIMfiction is that as long as a story is readable it get's through. the mods don't judge you, they leave that to the user base. so why does EqD think that it''s so far above the common brony writer that they deny genres that can and have turned out spectacular stories because the mainstream is full of shit? brony culture has never been mainstream else no one would give a shit about it. so why does EqD not reflect this. there is no advantage to EqD in the fanfic department, they have less stuff, less author/reader interaction, a harder navigation system and they have show unprofessional standards. EqD should come here, not the other way round.


There are a couple good examples of Humanized fics. Namely Brave New World and The Kindness of Strangers. The former is a reimagining of MLP a High School slice of life (far before the inception of the soon to come Equestria Girls, mind you), where only Pinkie Pie is in any way aware of the world they're in. The latter is a Pony on Earth story where Fluttershy ends up becoming Human in the midst of 30's-era America, and must travel with a kind stranger to a gate that can bring her home.

Not too bad. I'll have to look them up--odds are they'd put mine to shame.

Though I am proud of the alt universe humanized fics I've got going, if I'mma toot my own horn. If EQD accepted them, i feel as if they're good enough to present.

There's reasoned debate, rational discourse, and then whatever it is you're doing.
Your grasp on reality appears to be tenuous at best, at least when it comes to EQD. While I fully expect this comment to be thumbs-downed to oblivion, it might behoove you to take a moment and compare the words of the pre-readers in this very thread to how you present your side of things.
You may notice a marked difference.

974913 No. I don't. And your comment changed nothing. Also, note on a previous comment that I had written "most". Also also, why would your comment be downvoted? It is a simple expressing of your opinion (with eye-burning ponyisms).

974913 On a personal note, I only know one pre-reader, and a second( who is no longer one) who can be considered TRUE pre-readers, Alexstraza and Argembarger (BURGEEERRRRRRRRRRRRR!). That's about it.

Comment posted by TJAW deleted May 11th, 2013

Thank you for replying to that comment. You summed up what I wanted to say, but with less insults and cursing.

Your words have made me smile! :pinkiehappy:
Also, I agree that they take their "jobs" just a bit too seriously. If they were a big-name publishing company like Random House, Macmillan, or The Penguin Group, who make money doing what they do, then it'd be a different story.

974468, sadly, I honestly think there's an undercurrent of misanthropy that runs under the fandom, which seems to manifest in a blanket dismissal/hate of "Human" tagged stories.

In contrast, I honestly think the quality of a given story goes down when its author introduces humans, and it goes down even more when they don't need to be humans, and it goes down even further when the number of humans in that story can be counted on one hand. It's not misanthropy; it's a combination of my dislike of humans in Equestria and of the human stories I've seen being just plain bad. Ponies on earth, on the other hand, I do like. (I don't like X goes through a portal and ends in Equestria crossovers, either. I kind of hate those. Actually, I really hate those.)

Edit: What I'm saying is, opinions differ. According to about 40% of the EQD survey participants, they don't want EQD to feature human stories. Assuming the survey reflects readers and writers in general, that's 40% who would rather avoid human stories. It's a minority, but even so, 40% isn't small compared to however many people think Slice of Life or whatever shouldn't be posted on EQD at all from that survey, I would imagine.

Edit 2: And assuming this 40% number can be also assumed to be 40% for writers, that means there are significantly fewer authors who write human stories than those who write non-human Slice of Life, Adventure, Comedy, Shipping, etc.

One of the reason why i sometimes really wish they should just introduce some humans to the show, i mean really little annoying girls as new main characters:trollestia:. Just to piss them off.
Oooh...the rage this will cause would be really amusing.:rainbowlaugh:


Meanwhile, in Sci Fi, I remember a Sci-Fi story that was underlooked. I'm not sure if it will ever be completed, but it was called Arcadia. It's an AU that replaces the ponies and pastures with Cybernetics, Nanomachines, and a giant Colony Ship.

Maaaaaaaaaybe it's just me but My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is not a good basis for a sci-fi story.

Well, my human story touched too much on mature themes that EqD won't accept. Probably didn't want a universe based on a mature sex universe. So... yeah.

Too bad I was too late to submit it. Maybe if I caught them without their stupid rules, I'd be able to post it up. Hell, its not as half as shitty stories like Fallout Eq. Of course, there's a possibility its not their tastes...

hmm, what ifs what ifs.

Well, this site is filled with beastly HiE stories, don't know who's going to EqD, but must be scrubs.

976429 from the site that brought you cupcakes, we now give you:the graphic sex ban!!!
because loving and intimate relationships are so much worse that a innocent pony being murdered by her best friend...


Well, to be fair, if Cupcakes was submitted after the rules were implemented, it'd be shot down... or so we hope. But it irks me when shit like that and the original TCB is still in EqD Archives. Yeah. Way to promote high quality fics eh? :rainbowlaugh:


No wonder why everybody freaked out over Equestria Girls. While it may probably have a better chance of failing from what we've seen, I still believe it can be good. On EqD, the comments that were like NO or NOPE or those two spammed over and over got well over a hundred upvotes, even though I don't think something that unproductive even deserves that consideration. Rational ones were upvoted too, but not as nearly as much.

On the other hand, I don't like EqD for anything but news. I hope The Pet Shop Insider and Pet Shop Daily (That name change for PSD was voted, although I think it's too much like EqD) don't have their fanfiction section degrade to that.


You just made me realize how stupid/hypocritical that was...

976810 I don't have a problem with anything getting on to EqD, what pisses me off is when things don't get on. EqD has set standards that aren't consistent or logical, hence I don't really care for their opinion. hell, many people who have started on EgD have moved to FIMfiction and had vast improvements in quality. look at mort takes a holiday, one of the fest stories on this site (in my opinion).
the author posted a original version on EqD but moved to FIMfiction to continue the story as well as rewrite the finished chapters, and it's gone from decent to one of the most upvoted stories on the site.
EqD does not have greater quality of stories, it just has less quantity, so the ration between good and bad is less obvious.

I think he's talking about Nicknack's stories, specifically the trilogy with hard to pronounce German name that starts with Heart of Gold, Feathers of Steel.


one of the fest stories on this site (in my opinion).
the author posted a original version on EqD but moved to FIMfiction to continue the story as well as rewrite the finished chapters, and it's gone from decent to one of the most upvoted stories on the site.

That one. 977018 said it might be Nicknack, so I guess I'm asking for confirmation.

975645 They have. It's called "equestra girls".:ajbemused:

I don't see them as humans.

More anthro like.

978193 Still, it's about boring girls in a totally uninteresting environment that's been done to death by disney that will certainly talk about their unintersting lives while adding teensy amounts of magic to try and make things intersting. If I had to make a scale, the magic would weigh about one gram of fun with a counter-weight weighing about five-hundred tons of boredom. Not too good.:applejackunsure:

Well, every story written by Karazor disagrees with you. Granted, 2/3 are crossovers, but still.
As well as the entire Fallout: Equestria universe. Granted, it's also a crossover and the high-tech things are actually magic, but that's semantic.
As well as... the list goes on.

Frankly Fallout: Equestria is boring slow shit and tonally completely off. It has ponies but doesn't do anything with them that humans couldn't do despite all the work to establish horses in Fallout, and it's Fallout with none of the dark humor, social commentary, or Avelone. In other words it's not using either property right.

I don't know about this Karazor guy but I can assure you Fallout: Equestria is not evidence against what I said.

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