The Writeoff Association 937 members · 681 stories
Comments ( 38 )
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Cerulean Voice
Group Contributor

Since I'm such a classy individual, I figured this could be fun.
List something as a potential reason for having to take a drink / shot in a theoretical drinking game involving the group. Can be either in here or on Skype. Try to limit it to one reason per member.

I'll start with three:

1) I (Adrenaline) mention something to do with Australia or say something in a distinctly Australian manner ("Stone the crows," "Strewth," etc)
2) M1Garand8 says :V at the end of a comment
3) Cold in Gardez says "Hey folks" to introduce himself

How shall we get shit-faced the quickest? (Take a drink for my Strayanism)

Take a drink every time you face anxiety about not writing as much as you should be!

Hahahahahahahahaha dead in minutes

EDIT: since this is about skype instead, how about "take a drink every time you procrastinate writing by talking to someone on Skype?"

Group Contributor

Take a sip of your <choice of alcoholic drink> each time M1Garand8 says "Welp."


Cerulean Voice
Group Contributor

We want to last at least a few minutes. Gawd. :applejackconfused::rainbowlaugh:
Edit: included the main Fimfic group too. only a tenth of users here are in the Skype group.

Group Contributor

Take a drink whenever Present Perfect uses one of his cleft-chin emoticons. :B

Group Contributor

Or when TD starts with "Well" and then types for three minutes.

Group Contributor

Take a sip each time monokeras mentions that he's French in any writeoff thread.

Orbiting Kettle
Group Contributor

Take a sip each time a Event Thread derails on a tangent that has nothing to do with writing.

Cerulean Voice
Group Contributor

Could also be when I mention Aussie food or drink like Vegemite™, Cottee's-brand cordial, Weet-bix™, or Shapes™. :rainbowkiss:

Cerulean Voice
Group Contributor

Endangered species. Time in prison for that shit. Same goes for killing a snake of any kind, or for feeding a live animal to a snake. Seriously. :pinkiegasp:

Group Contributor

Take a sip for every two emoticons in a PresentPerfect post, rounding up.

Take a sip for every time my review gets sidetracked by a minor detail.

Finish your drink for every page of unrelated debate on the review thread. Pour and finish a second drink if the fiftieth post is yours.

Skeeter The Lurker
Group Contributor


Take a chug when someone posts a pointless post in The Writers Group.

...On second thought...

~Skeeter The Lurker

Group Contributor

Here's a review reading mini-drinking game/survival mechanism:

Take a drink every time a review points out you should have done the thing that you totally intended to do but didn't have enough time or words.

Take a drink every time a reviewer loves something about your story the previous reviewer hated (or vice versa.)

Take a drink every time a reviewer totally misses a major detail or the entire point of the story.
--Take two drinks if there's no way to correct them without revealing yourself.
---- Down the bottle if everyone seems to be missing it.

Take a drink every time a reviewer really likes or dislikes something in your story that's totally subjective and has nothing to do with your writing (a character, a genre, a ship, etc.)

Take a drink before you read Titanium Dragon's review of your story. (This isn't part of the game, it just helps.)

Just drink the whole damn bottle when you realize that you've made a major typo or formatting error the day after submissions close.

Cerulean Voice
Group Contributor

Oh man, I could have been so trashed if this existed before I posted Diamond Eyes xD

Group Contributor

there's a Writeoff skype group
There needs to be some non-alcoholic equivalent of a drinking game.
I'm not sure if that even makes sense.

Cerulean Voice
Group Contributor

Cough medicine kgo

Group Contributor


Take a drink every time a review points out you should have done the thing that you totally intended to do but didn't have enough time or words.

Or if you intended to include it but talked yourself out of it at the last moment.

Take a (celebratory) drink if a reader actually catches the nuance thing you included or the point of your story.
(They shouldn't all be unfortunate occasions, after all.)

Author Interviewer
Group Admin

People will die D:

Dubs Rewatcher
Group Contributor

Would this really work over a two-week period...?

Oh, whatever.

Take a shot whenever someone does a title drop in a Minific round.

Dubs Rewatcher
Group Contributor

I'm with you, brother. Whenever the Royal Rumble or Wrestlemania rolls around, I always want to partake in the drinking games... but I don't drink.

Group Contributor

Take a drink every time I say that I'm going to post reviews and then don't.

Door Matt
Group Contributor

Whenever I mention Cards.

Your livers will not survive.

Group Contributor

4316578 take a drink every time Broken Bow introduces himself with "[greeting][synonym for friend]" (for instance "Greetings, chums" or "salutations, pals")

Foxy E
Group Contributor

Drink every time Cold in Gardez posts a maths problem to the skype chat, then take a drink at each ten-minute interval while you try to solve it.

Guaranteed knock out.

Super Trampoline
Group Contributor

Take a drink every time Super Trampoline actually manages to submit something to the Writeoff Competition. Finish the bottle if it's not a minific.

Group Contributor

4319358 Can confirm.

Group Contributor

Take a drink every time I post five messages in an unbroken string in the Skype chat. Yes, they stack. Think of it like a greatest integer function.

f(x) = |_x_| ÷ 5

look I can math too D:

Group Contributor

Take a sip every time Spectral tries (and horribly fails at) using self-depreciating humour - and proceed not to get drunk because Spectral never posts anything in the first place.
See what I did there?

Group Contributor
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