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Fembruary · 3:34am Feb 2nd, 2019

I'd like to introduce y'all to a friend of mine.


Cuz January of 2019 was cringe-inducing enough as it is. And what does February exist for except to dial it up a notch? So, without much further ado...

This is Cherish Lynne. This is the narcissistic vessel through which I explored Second Life as mentioned once or twice in all those blarghs of yore. He is a feather-soft snuggly bubble of joy who loves fashion, purses, pretty things, and being a modern day Princess. If Cherish looks like a muppet to you, chalk it up to a sixteen year old game engine. I'd venture to say the avi actually looks damn-well above-decent by SL standards, thanks in no small part to a very good friend of mine who helped give him with a 3D makeover back in the day.

"Oh my fukkin' Nietzsche, shortskirtsandexplosions! You're sharing femboysonas now?! This is going too far! Austraeoh's not gonna be picked up until goddayum 2034, isn't it?!"

Somewhat yes and then a solid no, oh my adoring fans! Let's be real for a second here. This is no "coming out," as t'were. I've always snickered at the idea of treating bronyism confessions as a "coming out," and this Second Life reveal is no different.

But it is still kind of a big deal to me. Only cuz--years ago--I would scarcely have admitted that I went on Second Life, much less implied that I enjoyed the program for the full fruits of digital feminization. In truth, I'm as gross and hairy and masculine a lemur in reality as you can imagine. I don't identify as female and I never will. Which--to my personal perspective--makes the whole subject matter all the more tantalizing. But that's just me. And Cherish was the embodiment of it. I used to only talk about him with closely (coughcough) cherished friends, but now I've gotten to a point in this online train wreck that is SS&E that I can share him with y'all.

I've learned to relax... and that's really what this latest "meme-a-thon" with shortskirtsandexplosions really means. It's about being at peace with who you are and what you like. It's about having fun. I've lost a lot of subscribers and feature bar potential, but so what? I've already enjoyed all of that... now I'm enjoying something else.

I suppose if I should apologize for anything, it's for shoving it in y'all's faces. So brace yourselves as I proceed to shove it even deeper!

Last year, I was fortunate enough to have the talented and lovely twilite-sparkleplz draw a fluff ton of adorable art farts for mesa. This includes an Equestria Girls version of Cherish, as seen above. I can't accurately recreate my joy at seeing him fully realized. I can only show more photos, like an excited aunt at her teenage nephew's soccer practice:

In that^^^^last pic, Cherish is featured alongside Twilite-Sparkleplz's OC Mandarine Mélange, along with Felicity/Flash Sentry... the latter of whom deserves a blargh all on his own. If you're wondering why in some of the pics Cherish has a really snazzy-looking arm-p00ter, it's cuz I was originally plotting to introduce him in an insanely-convoluted AU EqG Superhero epic... which is precisely the reason I branched off from Lemur Cave to make a whole new "NSFW" Discord Group: so I could work on that.

But the Superhero Epic proved too... insane and convoluted. And I struggled to think of a way in which I could properly show-off Cherish in some sort of fanfictional Gary (Garette?) Stu fashion. Lo and behold, I may have discovered it:

[Adult story embed hidden]

Welcome to SS&E's first femboi harem fic. There are many like it, but this one is my own... to first upload. F'naaaa. I have--like--two or three more ideas in the works, but this is gonna exist purely for instant gratification.

I say that, and yet--it's not the kind of "gratification" that one would expect from a typical Rated M story. It's moreover about cuddles and crossdressing and poetically exalting the pre-established Humane 7. True, it might get to "naughtier" stuff later, but it'll be slow going... and the fic makes no pretense about anything other than it is: super delicate adorable femboi snuggle pr0n. If a tvtropes page doesn't already exist for that thennnnn... I hope it never does. Cuz (BUYSOMEAPPLES) that site.

And I'm not telling you all of this as some sort of hug-box-seeking plea to "go read my fic and lovvvvve and adorrrrrre it." The story's still niche as all Hell, and I doubt it will do very well. It'll get a lot of downvotes and never make the feature box, like all my other kinky 2019 pursuits. My narcissism over the delightfully femme digital skin puppet that is Cherish Lynne won't be slighted by the inevitable-inevitable.

I was just lucky enough to brush shoulders with the insanely talented T-Hoodie as of late who was able and willing to draw this latest masterpiece which I made the cover art for the fic. Feels good, bro... sis... sis bro. F'naaaaaa. Whoever and ever.

If we're not here on this earth to write/draw wish-fulfilling fantasies, then what else are we here for?

Speaking of wish fulfillment, I want to take a moment and throw an invisible tomahawk missile of thanks straight at the marsupial alumni who read and responded to Intricate Disguise's blargh. I dunno who each and every one of you are, but I do believe your contributions have paid off quite well. I won't get into it myself, because it's not my place, but expect the multiple-browser-tabs-fetishist bastard to make a comment on it all sooner than later. Even in 2019, the generosity of this community astounds me. So, smiles all around.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to eat and then join a good friend of mine in marathonning something. Oh shiiiiiii--more downvotesssssssssss!

Comments ( 20 )

Come ooonnnn Eileeeeeeen! :heart:

[sees Cherish]

Ooooooooh, I just wanna... snuggle and cuddle and headpat and hold hands and go shopping with him!!!

Trap him in Equestria in an hie fic starting back in season 1. I would happily read it. :scootangel:

Good god you've got an adorable and fetching boi, Skirts. Kudos on sharing him with us.

cherished friends

Goddammit skits :facehoof:

edit: That first drawing is cute AF, tho'.

I give him a 10 out of pink.

Your story "The end of Ponies" once saw me through a very dark valley in my life, so if this helps you, I am all ears.

I would like to see SS&E interact with the season 8 setting.

Only problem with that is he could get home way too soon for any true cuteness to even start...

Cherish is the best and it was rad as fuck to run around Second Life with you that one time and get to digitally shop for accessories with you. Literally the girliest, gayest thing I've ever done in my life. We should do it again sometime, dreit?

Thatta boy

Well that's just adorable. Happy whatever this is!

Enjoy your fantasy free of guilt, skirts. You're only beholden to yourself, and should be free to imagine whatever you desire. Life is short. Too damned short. Live it how you wish so long as you harm no one.

That said, Cherish is adorable.

I have to say, I’m digging the princess underwear on the right two 2nd Life avatars. And Cherish is adorbs. :twilightsmile:

twilite-sparkleplz makes ridiculously adorable art. I especially love the Sunset Shimmer pieces :twilightsmile:

If you ever need to talk, I'm here. :raritywink:

That's pretty and pretty cool.

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