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Autum Breeze

a home-grown australian who embraced being a member of the fandom 2 days before joining. Willingly delved into the fandom whole-heartedly and has never looked back

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prank ideas 2 · 3:39am Feb 6th, 2016

Okay, next chapter Screwball will be visiting Canterlot for certain reasons, however, she has some time to kill and i wanted her to pull some pranks on Jet Set and Upper Crust... and maybe Blueblood.

So, i'm looking for ideas. I wanted to know what you guys think those stuck up snobs deserve. Keep in mind it mustn't be violent, but go wild. Screwball's got Chaos magic and, aside from Spoiled, she dislikes these two snobs a lot for how they acted around Rarity and the rest of the mane 6

Share your ideas.

Now, if you'll excuse me, i'm going back to watching this unusuaul anime i've found called Girl meets Girl

Report Autum Breeze · 499 views · Story: It's A Screwed Up Life ·
Comments ( 30 )

Flying money: As they try to touch bits or paper money, it grow wings and go away

Rain Cloud: A cloud that follow the pony and usually rain in him

Sound Hoof: Everytime the pony walk, the sound of "gas" coming from the back is heared.

The Musical: Everytime somepony say his name, a little group with music from mexicolt sound... "Oh my Bluey, Oh, My bluey, is our bluey snob"

I could also suggest a couple more but the only I can think are from the fic "The Chase" and because is not mine, I can't suggest his pranks, but exist a couple of good pranks.


Well, you can turn their mane into cake frosting! :trollestia:

For blue blood you should make him feel like all the mares that he led on rejected and was completely rude to just like rarity. You should have screwball turn him into a mare and make him feel what they felt

As I have suggested before, Screwy could hand out candies that gender swap whomever eats them for a set time. :twilightsmile:

3735928 I only really agree with this one being played on Prince Blue Blood.

You could have her mess with their clothes.

OH I just thought of this but what about that one scene from the movie, Bruce Almighty, where Bruce uses his divine powers to type on an invisible keyboard to make the one guy talk gibberish and stuff?

3735928 hmmm our suggestions go hand in hand lol

Instead of the news, the newspapers of Canterlot are suddenly full copies of their baby albums.

Nothing embarrasses people like their baby pics.

3735944 you mean like how i suggested?

.... well crap i can only think of terrible evil pranks...... uhhhhh

The Poet - every time someone mentions a piece of music , art or text they will hear a person screaming in their ears recipes from cook books

The Tulip Massacre - whenever someone see's a tulip they must eat it, no matter what they are doing. the world could be in flames all around them but they must eat that tulip.......

SUPRISE! SEX-CHANGE! - as 3735915 said i want blueblood to get a taste of his own medicine >:D say hello to...... uhh mareified blueblood i guess? bluebelle? , blueith?

The Mugger - whenever they say something like '' bah that peasant stepped 2 hooves too close to me! guards! jail him at once! '' a pony dressed in a black suit and trench coat will run out of the alley they were conveniently next to and kick them in the nads then run away

Remember reading this in a displaced fic but forgot which on.
The Freeman: Have the targets every action or thought be publicly narrated by the disembodied voice of Morgan Freeman.
Will edit when I remember the fic.

I'm on the fence about this one. It isn't really a prank. It would be funny though, but only because anime/manga has desensitized me to gender transformations with Ranma, Hagani, SNAFU, Sword Art Online, Gacha Gacha Paradise, MX0, Steins Gate, and Gonna' be the Twintail. I suppose Kampher (spelling?) could be put into there as well, but I can't seem to convince myself the character was ever male to begin with.

Make it so that all their money disappears, or that they are suddenly invisible to everyone. Another good one is body swapping so that they are in each others bodies.

The Quasimodo: Turn Blueblood into someone as ugly on the outside as he is on the inside.

The Language Barrier: No one can understand a word they say.

3736120 ooh! The Quasimodo make me think of Greek gods and such, Athena ( i think ) turned a woman into a giant spider which then became the mother of all spider and etc. i........ could see screwball doing something like that to blueblood..... actually it fits rather nicely.

Here's a thought, and it's not entirely cruel. You could make it so that Blueblood's reflection is that of Rarity. He couldn't help but see her then, or you could make it so everyone else (or no one) is aware of the reflection looking like Rarity except him. And, it somewhat covers the gender swap theme a lot of the others seem to be interested in without crossing the line.

Then again, transforming him into the spitting image of whichever mare he ignores, is rude, or disrespectful too without him being aware of any physical changes could work as well. I could imagine him quickly winding up in an orphanage or becoming the butt of Celestia and Luna's jokes very easily. Then again not everyone knows the protocol for being a gentleman. I, for instance, being from several generations of working class stock could never avoid being rude unless I was aware of the rules first.

And, on the subject of butts one can find many a joke, I find myself inspired by Ace Ventura when I say make it so Jet Set is talking out his gas blaster.

You could also make it so someone has to take care of a very termpramental sweetie bot, and keep her happy or face the consequences...

"The king is naked" prank.

They think that they are wearing most exquisite garments, while in reality they wear nothing or wearing dirty rags.

I wouldn't have thought I would ever defend Blueblood, but there is more than one iteration of Jerk-Blueblood.
For example:

Blueblood the bureaucrat.
He is arrogant and pedantic, but he deeply cares for order and law. He would willingly trample over himself if it were to preserve and protect these values. Yes you do not want to be in the same room with him, but he would be the first to defend you against a legally acknowledged injustice. For example there is no law against being a changeling and he would immediately act legally against you the moment you tried to get someone punished for being a changeling.
"Why in the world would I do that? While I am sickened at the miscarriage of justice that has been performed here, there's no law against being a changeling."
That however does not mean he would hesitate to bring the changeling to trial for things like
"...unlicensed usage of mental magic, using mental magic on subjects without their awareness, magical unbalancing of subjects via forced extraction of emotional essence, unlawful impersonation of a pony, falsification of medical records, falsification of civilian records, unregistered immigration, collaboration with an armed enemy force, utilization of Equestrian governmental property for own purposes, and... housing dangerous species without obtaining a permit, apparently."


Blueblood the secretly considerate.
His public mannerism stems from his desire to shield and protect the uninformed from what his „family“ would do to a mare of insuffienct social status. And being an outright jerk is the easiest way to discourage any potential paramour from trying to get intimate. But as long as you do not try to manipulate or court him he is a decent, understanding and forgiving individual.


Blueblood the secretly engaged and annoyed.
He already has a secret lover that he can not reveal because of politics among the noble houses. However because it is not publicly known that he is already romantically engaged, he is still courted by countless mares who only seek status, money and influence. And therefore he is plainly annoyed by it and does not care to act polite to such mares as long as politics do not dictate something on the contrary. Aside from that as long as you do not annoy him by trying to get into his „pants“ he is quite pleasant to be around.

Blueblood the secret agent.
He is Celestia's intelligencer regarding house politics amongst the noble houses for which he has to remain a bachelor, at least for the time being, to be more efficient at it. Therefore he reacts unpleasant if a mare publicly tries to romantically engage him, which a noble mare, and potential target for espionage, would never do in an obivious way.

Blueblood the aristocrat.
Noblesse oblige is something very important for him. He takes great care to ensure the well-being of his subordinates/subjects and would very readily accept personal saccrifice to do so like a political marriage. However noblesse oblige is not only a give but also a take. He expects from his inferiors to act appropriately as otherwise he would be hindered in his duties which stem from noblesse oblige. Afterall noblesse oblige comes with the need to maintain a certain image.
This Blueblood would be kind, generous and understanding to his subordinates, but has no hesitation to call Rarity a lowly miner (gem cutie mark).

Eventually, there was a small knock at the still open doors to the study. Whisper looked over and saw that it was a maid at the door.
“My Lord Blueblood?” the maid said politely.
“Yes my dear?” 'Blueblood' replied while still writing down some notes.
“The CEO from New Paradigm is here,” she said from the doorway. “He is waiting for you in the main lobby, Lord.”
“Ah. Thank you, my dear,” Blueblood said with a smile and simply placed his new notes atop a pile of old ones on his desk.
“I wish you'd put your ledger away, Lord,” the maid said with a tone of concern. “Something so important and vital to your personal businesses and finances should be kept secure or at least out of sight.”
“Oh, it's not that vital,” Blueblood said with an easy going smile. “I have everything I could ever need about my finances and various businesses memorized in my head. The loss of this book would simply mean I'd have to spend the better part of a day creating another one.”
“Even so, Lord. Such a thing should be kept out of sight where only you can look at it,” the maid stated.
“Ah, what could I have ever done to deserve such bothersome servants?” Blueblood said with a false put upon sigh. “Very well. I shall endeavor to lock away this vulnerable tome post haste. Right this moment in fact.”
With that, Blueblood took the book and opened the drawer with the lock on it. Placing the book in the drawer, Blueblood then closed and locked it before raising up from his seat.
“Hmm... does the new owner of New Paradigm happen to be that detestable gold digger?” Blueblood asked with a frown as he approached the door.
“I am afraid so, my Lord,” the maid answered as she stepped aside to let Blueblood pass.
“How truly unpleasant,” Blueblood tutted with a sigh. “Very unpleasant. Ah well, business is business.”
“Of course, my Lord,” the maid said and closed the door behind him.

Blueblood the cursed.
Blueblood has because of his involvement with the same secret organisation as Sweetie Drops made some serious enemies like Grogar. He knows Grogar will come seeking him out to torture and kill him, not necessarily that order mind you. Therefore he does not want others to get involved and tries to keep his distance as he would otherwise doom an innocent.


There are many very intresting versions of Blueblood which act like a jerk but have good reason for doing so or at the very least relatable reasons. Please do not reduce all antagonist in your story to one-dimensional jerks. That could very easily affect the quality of the story negatively. As a side note aside from the bureaucrat every Blueblood-Jerk mentioned here is only a minor character.

And here some prank ideas:

1.) The more unpleasant and rude one acts the more their body odor turns for others to an at first unpleasant and later unbearable stench. However acting kind, polite, caring etc. has the opposite effect.
This would be a good prank in my opinion because it teaches a lesson without outright being crippling. It could potentially also be used to ones advantage.
2.) The Morgan Freeman quill. It is a dark enchanted quill with which an indiviual writes their own name down. Afterwards for the next 24 hours every action they do will be narrated by Morgan Freeman. Mind that the narrator is easily audible through a normal, closed doors and said narrator narates EVERYTHING including what happens in the bedroom. In the fic which included it it was used by Faust to figure out if a plead/request/suggestion was sincere or not. The perfect present for Celestia.
3.) The more greedy they behave/are the more valubales, even those which they do not own, are magnetically attracted to them. Be aware to incorporate safety precautions for flying gem-encrusted swords. Slight greed equals a nuiscance whereas major greed equals an outright threat.
4.) Enchanted tie, which makes everyone think they see a servant/waitor.
5.) Every trait he uses to sincerly describe someones appearance while in their presence will be applied to him. Both the negative and positive ones. Does not work with the same pony more than once a day if it is a positive trait. Examples: fat, lithe, ugly, beautiful, small, tall, big, well-toned...
6.) The bureaucrat: He continuously encounters officials who address him regarding some administrative matters (bills, taxes, pleas at court etc.) he still has to resolve. Also every time he stalls or deflects another matter pops up that also has to be resolved and any unresolved matter will come back every few minutes for the whole day until it is resolved.
7.) Angel Bunny gets each time a treat when he acts a certain way to a certain indiviual. And if said indiviual is about to lash out Fluttershy appears out of nowhere.
8.) Every time they look at their reflection said object moans/screams/whimpers in horror and tries to get away. For example a mirror begins to screech while melting and trying to flow/crawl away.
9.) Their reflection treats and talks to them the exact same way they treated the last individual they spoke to.
10.) They hear and see absolutely everything as a musical. Imagine an apple about to be eaten to sing about the end of life and how its doom has finally caught up with it.
11.) A plant in that has been located in an auditorium for a while now corrects EVERY mistake a lecturer makes.
12.) A blackboard which writes upon itself sarcastic comments whenever the teacher/lecturer has their back turned to it.
13.) A pizza delivery boy appears every few minutes delivering an already paid for pizza. If told that no pizza has been ordered the dilivery boy says it has already been paid for and he is just doing his job.
14.) Someone goes to a jewellers just for the jewellery to start uttering picky comments about the customer as if said customer is who is about to be bought.
15.) The money one spends gives its opinion upon what it should be spent on like charity.
16.) Someone sees hairstyles/manestyles acting as if they were market criers trying to sell and praise the ponies upon whom they are.
17.) Two stuck-up nobles meet and are about to greet, but their clothes start talking very sophisticatedly about how they pity each other for their living arrangements.
18.) A dress that looks diffrent to everyone.
„It's yellow. No it's black. No it's a yellow and red plaid.“
19.) Someone SOUNDS like the last person they have insulted for the rest of the day or until they apologize.
20.) Whenever they say certain words miscellaneous objects start acting them out.
„Detestable GOLD DIGGER.“ And suddenly all quills and pens start digging for gold while commenting/whining or acting out an accident happening while digging for gold.

Ok I think this is enough for now.

well if you've read motherly scootaloo (which Im sure you've confirmed before) jet set and upper crust are lightning blitz's godparents
but I know that has nothing to do with the story

Boring character choice. Make your own characters for her. It will be good if her pranks connect to some conflicts or major plot points.


OOOh! I like your way of highligthing ,,Stuff" better than my way of highlighting 'stuff' and [nonsense]. I hope you don't mind if I borrow it. I'm planing on reading the St.Martin's Handbook this month so I'm hoping my base punctuation improves. Lord knows a decade of DOL exercises taught me practically nothing about writing and my visual media degree only covers a lot of theory behind storytelling in a more visual format.

With regards to your prank ideas...
1) There is a psychosomatic disorder where the reverse of this is true, if someone smells like death or skat (for lack of another socially acceptable term). It is related to the unconscious guilt they have directed towards that individual. I guess if it works out like a skunk the guilty party will eventually leave their victim alone or become nose blind.

3) The secret law of attraction would make this likely to happen anyway. For instance, I always find good deals on books and at a decent price. I want books because they help me fulfill some desire or need I'm not getting socially or physically. I read books because I'm looking for the cause of my avarice, If my needs were met I wouldn't need to find something to patch the hole.

For instance, It has been argued that books are very much like cats. If you set up a box of books on a street corner or in the back of your car more will show up to fill in the empty space.

4) No matter what job you're in, you're job is customer service. If you're a young man people always assume you work wherever you shop, no exceptions regardless of what you wear or if you haven't shaved for a week. People have a genuine sense of who's most likely to be of assistance or helpful and who's not.

10) Doesn't that happen in MLP anyway? Wouldn't it be more interesting if they noticed everyone broke out into showtunes but couldn't enjoy it because of some miracle of endymion made them jealous, or percieve others as one half a lunatic, or seem unsympathetic.

Screwball makes them ALL talk like Applejack, as in, farms, apples, farming apples. And diper them. And bib them. And yell insults at everypony who complements them. Okay, maaaaaaybe not the last one. But still.

Make a spell where everyone else thinks that they're full of mud on their manes/furs but when they look they're completely clean.
Or just dump a lot of mud on them when they're on the middle of a crowd of stuck ups.

What if Blueblood was pranked and assumed that Tia did it.

Here are four more prank ideas for you!

1: A truth telling prank: Screwball can cast this spell on any "Noble" that annoys her (or that she just feels like using it on) Causing the "Noble" it is used on to speak (or write) nothing but the truth. {Example} If a Mare/Stallion asks the effected Pony what they think of an outfit they are wearing and the effected pony things the outfit is hideous they will say as such.

2: BANANA: This prank will cause the effected target to yell out the word "BANANA" randomly and suddenly no matter where the effected pony is.

3:Backwards Speaking: This Prank will cause the effected to say sentences in reverse. {Example: "Having are we day fine a is it" instead of "It is a fine day we are having"}

4A: Foal food Prank: this Prank causes the effected to get very bad Stomach aches when they eat food that is NOT foal food.. As to how they learn they can eat foal food, after the target tries for a few days to eat something that does not upset their stomach a jar of foal food will appear, most likely prompting the target to eat it, and realize it does not upset their stomach.

4B: Version 2 of Foal Food Prank: The Prank causes anything the target eats to taste like foal food. Amusingly should the target actually EAT foal food it would instead taste like Apple Cider

They're ponies most walk around naked anyways

3738369 Don't forget that it is THE Canterlot.
Home of elite.
Base of operations for snobs.

Here are a few more Prank ideas!

5: The Mime Prank. This Prank forces the effected Target to be unable to speak, and the only way of communication (knowledge given to target upon effect) is to mime things.

6: Speaking in Riddles Prank: "This prank causes the effected to speak in riddles"

7: Illusionary Bad Oder Prank: This Prank causes the effected target to small something foul that unknown to them isn't really there. The unaffected will not smell what the effected thinks they smell

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