• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,657 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 17 - Dark Revelations

Arc and all of his friends eat a nice meal, prepared ahead of time just for the occasion, in The Equinox's cafeteria. As they eat, drink, and make merry, Arc and company talk and laugh together into the very wee hours of the following morning. Eventually Natalya yawns as she finishes giving Twilight a fairly detailed description of the Griffon Kingdom’s social hierarchy. Twilight giggles as she responds to this.

“It would appear that you’re coming to the end of your batteries, Natalya.”

Pinkie walks over with jumper cables for some reason. “Need a jump start?!”

Applejack rolls her eyes. “I think Twilight just meant that Natalya is getting tired.”

Rainbow Dash stretches. “Yeah, yeah. But it was worth it to be here for all of this.”

Fluttershy smiles at the new couple happily. “Maybe we should let them get some rest then.”

Rarity nods as she stands. “Yes. And the fillies are up far past their bedtime.”

Sweetie Belle groans. “Aw, come on, mom! I’m not even…!”

She yawns widely before continuing.

“… that tired!”

Applejack pats her sister’s head. “You’re looking mighty bushed too, sugarcube.”

“Yeah, well… it’s not every day we get to go to a wedding.”

Rainbow Dash looks to Scootaloo. “How about you, Scoots?”

Scootaloo shrugs. “It’s fine. I’m a night pony, after all.”

Dinky smiles sleepily. “Well, I could go for a nice warm bed right about now.”

Derpy giggles. “So could I if I’m being totally honest.”

Hammer laughs heartily. “Come on! The night’s still young! Who’s up for another party game?!”

Ember raises a claw. “I am!”

Auriel giggles. “While I too would like such a thing, I should probably get back to Canterlot Castle. This was just a break from my current project.”

Frank raises an eyebrow. “Oh? What are you working on these days?”

Auriel smiles nervously. “It’s a bit of a state secret I’m afraid.”

Lily puts a hand on Frank’s arm. “Then we won’t push the matter any further.”

Frank nods. “Correct.”

Shelly smiles as she rests her head on Max’s shoulder. “Right. Wouldn’t want to get you into trouble now.”

Max nuzzles his girlfriend’s head. “Come on, Shelly. We need to get you to bed.”

Ashe nudges the griffon whom is dozing next to her. “That goes for you as well, father.”

Gestal slowly raises his head. “I suppose you are correct, my dear.”

Luna taps Celestia’s shoulder. “Sister? It’s time to wake up.”

Celestia opens her eyes and looks around. “Where…? Oh! Right! The reception!”

Twilight giggles as she stands. “We should get you back to your suite, Princess Celestia.”

Everyone gets to their feet as Arc and Natalya head for the door. They see their guests out one at a time. Twilight is the first to speak.

“I’m glad I could be here for your special day.”

Arc smiles at her. “Thanks for coming.”

Eidolon’s Ward giggles as it claps. “That was the highlight of my… um… lifetime, I guess! “

Celestia nods as she looks to Natalya. “You two will be very happy together. I can tell.”

Ashe looks to Arc. “My father and I will see to it that the forms are sent to the Aviary for processing first thing in the morning.”

Gestal chuckles. “You mean later this morning.”

Auriel looks at the clock. “Yes, the hour has long since past midnight.”

Ember smirks. “Party hard when you can, as I always say.”

Frank shakes Arc’s hand. “Pleasant dreams, my friend.”

Lily embraces Arc as she smiles widely. “I’m so proud of you right now!”

Shelly nods weakly. “As are Max and I.”

Max salutes. “I’ll see to it Shelly gets home safely, sir.”

Luna looks to the three humans and one set of armor. “Shall I give you four a portal back to the shop in Ponyville before I return Twilight to Canterlot?”

Lily appears grateful. “That would be helpful, yes.”

Frank nods. “Indeed.”

Eidolon’s Ward shrugs. “I can walk from there back to the orphanage.”

As Luna begins giving everyone portals, the rest of the Mane Six approach to offer their own farewells. Applejack beams as she removes her dress hat and looks to Arc.

“We’re all super excited that you did what you did, sugarcube.”

Rarity nods happily. “Indeed, we are.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “That and we’re really excited to see what comes next for all of us!”

Pinkie giggles. “And whom you’re going to marry next!”

Fluttershy points a hoof. “That should be Rarity though.”

Sweetie Belle nods her head fervently. “Right! Rarity’s been waiting really patiently, after all!”

Derpy smiles. “Yes, she should be next in line.”

Dinky points a small hoof. “Then my mom, I hope!”

Apple Bloom giggles. “And next my sister!”

Scootaloo shrugs. “There will be time to talk about all of that later.”

Sereb chuckles. “Like after a good long sleep.”

Arc embraces everyone one by one as they each take portals to their respective towns. Eventually only he, Natalya, Gallus, Gabby, Ashe, Gestal, and Hammer are left in the cafeteria. Hammer looks to Natalya as she speaks.

“Hey, uh… you okay?”

“Just fine. Why do you ask?”

“You were really quiet while everyone else was saying their goodbyes.”

Natalya puts a talon to her forehead. “Sorry about that. I’m just… a bit overwhelmed by everything that’s happened today.”

Ashe puts a talon on Natalya’s shoulder. “Well, getting married is certainly a very… mentally taxing task. At least from what I’ve seen.”

Arc smiles sleepily. “That it is.”

Ashe takes her father’s talon. “But in any case, why don’t you get some rest in my suite before returning home in the morning, father? There’s a spare bed and ample room for you.

Gestal yawns as he is lead toward the door. “Yes, I think I’ll take you up on that, Ashe.”

Hammer looks to Arc as Ashe and Gestal leave the room. “I think that’s our cue to head on out too.”

Arc nods. “Yes, I agree.”

Gabby frowns. “But I still want to eat more cake!”

Gallus groans. “I’m sure there’s going to be leftovers of it tomorrow.”

Natalya pats her little sister’s head. “That and you need to get some sleep too, Gabby.”

“I’m not tired though!”

Arc chuckles. “Pretty sure I saw you yawning a time or two.”

“That was just me taking extra deep breaths!”

Gallus rolls his eyes. “Yeah! Which is what a yawn is!”

Hammer picks Gabby up. “Yeah. So, let’s get a move on.”

Gallus looks down at himself. “Don’t need to tell me twice. After all, I want to get out of the penguin suit.”

Walking down the corridor, they head upstairs and down the corridor. Gallus and Gabby head for their suites as Arc, Hammer, and Natalya make their way toward Arc’s quarters. However, as Hammer puts a hand on the door handle, Natalya speaks.

“Um… excuse me?”

Hammer turns to her. “Yeah, Nat?”

Natalya wrings her talons nervously. “I… um… was wondering if you would be in any way… upset if I were to… ah… ask to be alone with my new husband tonight?”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “You won’t feel uncomfortable?”

Natalya shakes her head. “No, I… I’ll be okay.”

Hammer shrugs. “Sure thing. That is, if your husband’s okay with it.”

Arc nods. “Yes, that’s fine.”

“Then I’ll head back to my room for some shuteye.”

Arc chuckles. “Good night, Hammer.”

Hammer turns and walks away. “Night Arc. Night Nat.”

They watch as she makes her way down the corridor and enters another suite. Hearing the door shut behind her, Arc and Natalya look to one another for a few moments silently. Eventually, Arc breaks it.

“So… I, uh… guess we should probably get some sleep too.”


Opening the door to his room, Arc allows Natalya to enter ahead of him. Closing it behind them, he turns to her and smiles.

“It… was a nice ceremony.”

Natalya nods. “That it was.”

“So, you liked it?”

“Very much so, yes. Your friends all did their very best to give us a wedding to remember.”

“Yes, they did.”

Looking over to his dresser, Arc continues.

“Well… guess I’d better get changed into something a bit more, ah… conducive to sleeping so we can get to bed.”

“Go right ahead.”

Pulling shorts and a t-shirt from the dresser, Arc heads for the bathroom as he calls out to Natalya.

“I won’t be long. But don’t wait up for me.”

Closing the door, Arc quickly gets changed and brushes his teeth. As he does so he muses to himself.

“Quite the day I had. Wasn’t really sure I could go through with it when I woke up though.”

Spitting out the toothpaste, Arc rinses his mouth as he continues with his train of thought.

“But it did have to be done. And when I was up in front of everyone, Natalya just looked so happy. So… ready.”

Sighing, he dries his mouth on a washcloth and tosses it into the nearby hamper before leaving the bathroom and turning off the light. Natalya is waiting for him just outside. Looking to her, Arc raises an eyebrow.

“Uh… something wrong?”

Natalya smiles nervously. “Not… exactly wrong, no.”

Arc yawns as he turns toward the couch. “Then we should probably get to…”

He stops talking as he feels pressure on his tunic. Turning back to Natalya he sees that she is holding the hem of his shirt.

“I, um… need to tell you something, Arc.”

“What is it?”

“While I do understand that this wedding was purely out of necessity, it is still our wedding night. And as such I would… very much like to… ah… feel like any other bride would right now.”

“How so?”

“I know that I’m not ready for sexual intimacy yet, as I told you earlier. But at the same time, I would enjoy it if we could maybe… share the bed tonight. That is, if you’re okay with doing such a thing.”

Arc smiles. “Honestly, I’d like that, Natalya.”

Natalya takes his hand. “Then let’s get to bed, dear.”

Leading him over to the bed, Natalya hops up on top of it and pulls back the covers. Watching Arc make himself comfortable, she too lays down and looks to him again.

“Would it be alright if I laid close to you?”

Arc nods. “That’s fine.”

Scootching closer to him, Natalya allows Arc to pull the covers over both of them. Reaching over to the bedside lamp, Arc turns it off and lays back down. For a few moments the air is quiet and still before Arc looks to his bride and smiles.


“I am, yes.”

“Um… can I ask you something?”

“Sure, go ahead.”

“Is there anything I should know?”

Natalya appears confused. “Know?”

Arc sighs. “Sorry. That came out a bit off. But you have to understand that this is the first time I’ve been in bed with a griffon. So, I was just wondering if there was anything that I should be aware of.”

Natalya shakes her head. “I don’t think so, no. But then again, I should probably ask the same of you, as I’ve never been with a human before.”

“Nothing out of the ordinary.”

“My apologies, but you see… I’ve actually never slept with anyone else before. Well, other than Gabby a number of times during thunder storms, that is.”

“It’s fine. And like I said a few moments ago, I’ve also never been in bed with a griffon before.”

Natalya sighs. “Not really sure what it is that I’m allowed to do in such a situation. Or supposed to for that matter.”

Arc shrugs. “It varies from couple to couple.”

“I assume that you’ve slept with any number of mares in your herd back in Equestria.”

Arc nods. “Sleeping, yes. Intimacy, no. It generally boils down to us falling asleep in each other’s arms. Or hooves as the case may be, I suppose.”

Natalya appears hopeful. “So… I can do that?”

“Sure. But only if you’re okay with it.”

“I think I’d like to experience that, yes. However, I don’t really know how to get started.”

“Want me to show you?”

“Please do.”

Pressing his body against Natalya, Arc puts an arm around her and pulls her closer. Natalya’s breath quickens and she blushes in the darkened room. As he holds her, Arc speaks.

“This is what my fiancées and I did. Just kinda… cuddled.”

“What… is it that I should be doing?”

“Just whatever makes you feel comfortable.”

Natalya grimaces. “But what if that makes you feel uneasy?!”

“Then I’ll just ask you to stop.”

“Um… okay.”

Putting a talon across his belly, Natalya drapes one of her hind legs over Arc’s thigh as she presses her face against his chest. Sighing contentedly, she speaks softly.

“This feels… nice.”

Arc puts a hand on her back. “I’m glad you like it.”

Natalya sounds suddenly nervous. “This is okay though, right?!”

Arc nods. “Sure. But we should probably get some sleep now. Well, what little we can get before the sun comes up, that is.”

Closing their eyes, the pair fall asleep together. However, sometime later that night Natalya awakens with a start. Looking around for a few moments, her eyes eventually fall on Arc whom is still holding her in his sleep. Smiling, she carefully moves away in an effort not to wake him up. Slowly getting out of bed, the young griffon leaves the room and walks down the corridor toward the Observation Lounge. Seeing the room’s decorations still in place from the wedding the previous evening, she looks around for a few moments before noticing Gallus, wrapped in a blanket, standing at one of the many windows and looking outside silently. Smiling, Natalya makes her way over to her brother. As she approaches, he turns to her.

“Couldn’t sleep, sis?”

Natalya sighs. “Not exactly. Had a bit of a start and woke up though.”

“Bad dream?”

“I don’t actually remember. But I was fully awake and figured I’d take a little walk.”

Gallus sighs. “Guess that’s why I’m out here too.”

“Are you okay?”

“Kinda. I was just doing some thinking.”

“About what?”

“Something Lord Arc and I talked about yesterday at the clothing store.”

“While Gabby and I were picking out her outfit?”

Gallus nods. “Yeah. I… couldn’t really pick which one I wanted though. So he, uh… bought them both for me.”

“That was very Generous of Arc. I hope you thanked him properly.”

“Not actually sure if I did or not.”

“But that’s not why you’re out here, is it?”

Gallus shakes his head. “Nah. It was because of a, uh… a choice that I made before the ceremony.”

Natalya raises an eyebrow. “Regarding what exactly?”

“Which of the outfits to wear.”

“I’m sure they were both very nice, Gallus. And you did look especially nice in that suit.”

“They were, yeah. But you see… I… I just wanted to wear the other one so badly! So, when I woke up a little while ago, I decided to put it on before coming out here to think.”

Natalya looks him over, confused. “So, it’s under that blanket?”

Gallus nods. “Yeah.”

“Why though?”

“Because… I didn’t want anyone to see me in it.”

“You’re not making any sense, Gallus. If you like the outfit, why try to hide it now?”

Gallus blushes slightly. “It’s not exactly something someone like I would traditionally wear.”

“Can I see it?”

“I guess you probably should.”

Taking a deep breath, Gallus allows the blanket to slide off of his back and down onto the floor. In the glow of the moonlight streaming through the large windows, Natalya sees the beautiful dress her brother is wearing. Raising an eyebrow, she speaks.

“Gallus? Why… why are you wearing a dress?”

Gallus looks down at the floor. “Because I… it’s what I wanted to wear.”

“But… why?”

“You don’t understand, Natalya. I’m not… like other guys. I don’t want to find a nice gal and settle down with her.”

“Then what is it that you do want, Gallus?”

Gallus blushes heavily. “To find a nice male and…”

He turns away clearly ashamed before continuing.

“…and become his wife.”

The pair are silent for a long time before Natalya breaks it.

“Gallus, I… I never imagined you were… um…”

Her voice trails off as Gallus nods sheepishly.

“You should know that when I told Lord Arc about my secret, he was really understanding about it. That’s why he bought me this dress. So that I could choose which one to wear at your wedding yesterday.”

“That’s another thing I don’t understand, Gallus. If you liked the dress better, why did you wear the tuxedo?”

Gallus looks to his sister with a sheepish smile. “For you, Natalya.”

Natalya tilts her head to one side, confused. “For me?”

Gallus nods. “Yeah. You see… the wedding… that was your day to shine and be seen. Not mine. I didn’t want to take that away from you by making a spectacle of myself with such an outfit when I walked you down the aisle. So, I chose to wear the tuxedo instead.”

A voice rings out behind them.

“Very commendable of you, Gallus.”

The pair turn to see Arc standing in the doorway. He approaches them as Gallus speaks.

“Sir, I’m really sorry for making you spend all that money on an outfit I didn’t actually use.”

Arc smiles at him. “It’s fine, Gallus. After all, you just wanted to make your older sister happy on her big day. Nothing wrong with that.”

Natalya turns back to her brother. “I really appreciate you thinking of me like that, Gallus. But why didn’t you say something about before we left the clothing store? I mean… we could have talked about it.”

Gallus sighs. “At that point in time I felt that it was far too late to have such a deep conversation, as the wedding was only a couple hours away. That and I figured, at the very worst, you’d be really upset with me.”

Turning away, he continues.

“That and I really didn’t want to be the one to add any more stress to that which you already had on your plate at the time.”

“Gallus, I…”

Gallus interrupts her. “Natalya, I’m really sorry that you had to find out about my secret all at once like this. But I honestly couldn’t keep it to myself any longer.”

Natalya puts a talon on her brother’s cheek and turns it to face her before speaking.

“Listen. I need you to understand something, Gallus.”

Gallus groans. “I’m listening.”

“And that is… that I’m really proud of you.”

“You… you are?”

Natalya nods. “Yes, I am.”

“How though?”

“You had the courage to be honest with me about your true feelings. About your… potential future.”

Gallus raises an eyebrow. “Isn’t that a bad thing though? I mean… none of this is even remotely legal here in the Griffon Kingdom.”

“I suppose it isn’t, no. But you’re aboard Lord Arc’s ship at the moment. Which, I must point out, is legally an extension of Equestria.”

Arc nods. “And there aren’t rules there about what someone can wear and whom they can or can’t fall in love with and marry.”

Natalya smiles. “So, when all of us return to Equestria, you’ll be free to pursue romance with the individual of your own choosing.”

Gallus looks away nervously. “I, uh… kinda already did that.”

Natalya appears confused. “Oh?”

“Back at the clothing store, after I told Lord Arc everything, I… I volunteered to take your place.”

“Take my… place?”

Gallus nods. “I was willing to marry Lord Arc and become his wife instead.”

Natalya gasps. “But… but why?!”

“Because I hated the fact that you were yet again forced into something due to more stupid griffon laws, Natalya! You had already lost your position in the military, your citizenship, and even your freedom because of it! And then you were more or less being forced to get married to someone just to protect Gabby and I from having to return to the Griffon Kingdom and younglingsit dad’s fortune!”

Arc puts a hand on Natalya’s shoulder. “You have to understand that Gallus was just trying to protect you, Natalya.”

Gallus nods as he composes himself and looks to Arc. “And I… I’ve always dreamed of falling in love with someone who was willing to accept me for who I am. Whom would be willing to take me as their wife and allow me to be there for them and they for me.”

Blushing heavily and looking down, he continues.

“And I… I wanted someone whom could accept my differing sexual desires and treat me as the griffon I want to be.”

Natalya smiles at her younger brother. “Gallus, I… I had no idea you felt this way.”


“What for?”

“Not being the brother you think I am.”

“To be honest with you, I always thought that you were a little… different, Gallus. Not seeming interested in females or dating from what I could tell.

Gallus groans. “Well, now you know why.”

“That I do. And it doesn’t change how I feel about you in the least.”

“It… it doesn’t?”

Natalya shakes her head. “No, Gallus. You’re still my little brother. And I love you very much.”

Leaning forward, the pair embrace as Arc watches and nods approvingly. Eventually they break it off and Gallus speaks.

“So… just to make sure that I’m understanding what you just said, Natalya… you’re okay with me being like this?”

“The only question I’m interested in is ‘are YOU okay with it’, Gallus.”

Gallus blushes. “I… don’t really know how I feel right now. Well… other than a bit embarrassed about how Lord Arc reacted to my… proposal.”


Arc steps forward. “When he volunteered to take your place and marry me himself. I told Gallus that I was flattered at the offer, but didn’t feel the same way about him.”

Gallus smiles sheepishly. “To be honest, I was a bit sad that he didn’t say ‘yes’. I mean… he’s probably the only one in the entire Griffon Kingdom whom would have responded to such a thing with a response other than anger or laughter after my confession. But at the same time, he turned me down with dignity and respect for my feelings.”

Natalya looks to Arc and smiles. “As I’ve come to expect of him, yes.”

Gallus sighs. “Look, sis… I’m really sorry I didn’t say anything about this whole thing earlier. And for sorta kinda almost nearly trying to come between you and Lord Arc with it.”

“It’s alright, Gallus. After all, you did have my best interests at heart.”

Gallus looks to Arc. “And I’m sorry for the way I acted a few days ago in your office, sir. This whole time you’ve just been trying to do what was best for my sister AND both our countries.”

Arc nods. “Right. And you have my word that nothing will change for Natalya. She’s still free to do as she sees fit.”

Natalya turns to her brother. “Yes, well… as long as we’re on the subject of admitting our secrets, it’s time for me to confess something to you now, Gallus.”

Gallus raises an eyebrow. “What is it, sis?”

“This past week here while dealing with this whole inheritance matter, Lord Arc and I have gotten closer than I thought possible. We’ve… shared a few very nice moments and I’ve told him that I’d like to be given the chance to continue to deepen our relationship.”

“So… are you trying to tell me that you’re in love with Lord Arc, sis? Like… for real in love?”

Natalya blushes slightly. “I kinda am, yes.”

Arc puts a hand on Natalya’s shoulder. “But you have to understand that the two of us are going to take things slowly here. Get to know each other better before committing to anything. Maybe go out on a date at some point. And do a lot of talking.”

“With the rest of the herd too.”

Arc nods. “Right. Can’t keep something as big as this from them, after all.”

He turns to Gallus before continuing.

“That and I’m sorry for not saying anything to you earlier either. But this really is a very recent revelation for us both.”

Natalya takes Arc’s hand. “Yes, in truth it’s something we brought to each other’s attention shortly before the wedding ceremony.”

Gallus grins. “It’s okay. I know you would have said something to me sooner if you could, sis. And I really do want you to be happy.”

He turns to Arc before continuing.

“And I know that Lord Arc will make you very happy. That is, if you decide to get together. For real, I mean.”

Natalya hugs her brother. “And I’m sure that you’ll make someone very happy one day too, Gallus.”

Arc motions to the doorway. “Agreed. Now then, I think that at this point all of us should get to bed and try to get what shuteye we can before morning is upon us.”

Natalya sighs. “Right.”

Gallus grins as the three of them head for the doorway together. “Yeah, I think that’s sound advice. And… thanks. To both of you, I mean.”

They head back to their respective rooms together to get a bit more sleep. Sometime later Arc opens his eyes to the early morning light streaming through the windows. Looking down at Natalya, whom is lying in his arms with her face pressed to his chest, he smiles and gently shakes her. Opening her eyes, Natalya looks up at him sleepily and smiles at him.

“Good morning, dear.”

“Sleep well?”

Natalya sits up and stretches. “Yes, actually.”

Arc pats the sheets. “It’s probably the bed.”

Natalya giggles. “Or being held by someone whom cares about me.”

Arc chuckles as he tosses the covers back. “That could also be a factor too, yes.”

Natalya stands. “So, I guess we’ll be heading back to Equestria soon?”

“Not quite yet. First, I have to make sure Ashe gets the proper paperwork sent to the Aviary in order to make our marriage official and legally binding. Knowing her, she’ll probably be taking care of it after breakfast I would assume. Then I need to be sure to thank Lord Gestal for performing the ceremony.”

“He did do a very nice job, yes.”

“After that, we should probably see about starting the paperwork to transfer your father’s manor to the Griffon Kingdom.”

“That will probably take quite some time to figure out I would imagine.”

Arc shrugs and stands. “We’ll just see about getting the process started before we leave. I’ll make a sigil somewhere and head back as needed in order to take care of signing the paperwork when it’s available.”

“Anything I need to do?”

Arc shakes his head as he walks over to the window. “I don’t think so. Remember, now that we’re married, I’m legally allowed to sign for anything on behalf of your father’s estate.”

Natalya joins him in looking out over the city. “A fact that I am very happy about.”

“Me too.”

Natalya appears confused. “Arc?”

“Now you can go back to the Little Hooves Orphanage and continue with your life as it was before.”

“I suppose that’s true, yes.”

Arc calls forth his gauntlet. “In fact, if you’d like I could give you a portal back to Ponyville right now.”

Natalya shakes her head. “Not just yet, no. I’d like to stay here in the Griffon Kingdom until this matter is settled. If that’s okay, I mean.”

“Sure. Shouldn’t take too much longer, I would imagine.”

“So, what now?”

Arc chuckles as he recalls his gauntlet. “Breakfast?”

Natalya nods. “That does sound nice.”

“Alright. Let’s head over to the cafeteria and see about…”

He is cut off as his earring chirps. Sighing, Arc touches it and calls out.

“Arc here.”

“Sir, this is Lemon Hearts. I’ve just received a message from a Doctor Horse at Ponyville Hospital. Your presence has been requested there at once.”

“I’ll head over there right away. Anything else?”

“Lord Gestal departed the ship a short time ago and asked me to relay his thanks to you for the hospitality extended.”

Arc chuckles. “He did seem to have a nice time last night.”

Natalya gasps. “We didn’t get a chance to thank him properly though!”

Arc turns to her. “I’ll be sure to catch up with him later and do that.”

Lemon Hearts continues. “Ambassador Ashe went with him to take care of some important paperwork as well, sir.”

Arc shrugs. “Kinda figured she’d do that. Probably for the best that it gets filled out and filed with the proper authorities.”

“While I have you on the line, sir, Captain Soarin wanted to know if you had a timeframe for departing.”

Arc shakes his head. “Not at this time, no. We still have a few more diplomatic matters to iron out before leaving for Equestria. Anything else though, Lemon Hearts?”

“No, sir. That’s everything.”

“Alright. Tell the captain that I’ll let him know when I figure out a departure date and time. Arc out.”

Touching his earring, he severs the connection and turns to Natalya.

“Sorry, but it looks like I’m needed back in Equestria.”

Natalya sighs. “Such is the life of a public servant, I would imagine.”

Arc nods as he calls forth his gauntlet again. “Right. But I think I’m a bit busier than most. Tell the others that I’ll be back when I can.”

“I will. But, um… aren’t you forgetting something, Arc?”


Natalya gestures to his outfit. “You’re not exactly dressed for the occasion.”

Looking down at himself, Arc sees that he is still wearing his shorts and t-shirt from the previous night. Groaning, he hurries over to the wardrobe and pulls out fresh clothes.

“Now I just plain feel silly. Thanks for stopping me from making a total fool of myself, Natalya.”

Natalya giggles. “Yes, well… I’m just doing my job as your wife.”

A short time later Arc appears on the sigil in the Ponyville Hospital waiting room. Walking down the corridors, he eventually comes to the now familiar room. Knocking lightly before entering, he spies Cerulean Skies sitting next to her sister’s bed. She looks up as he closes the door and walks over.

“Good morning, Cerulean Skies. I’m told I was needed here.”

Cerulean Skies nods as she stands. “Yes sir. Thank you for coming.”

“It’s no problem. What can I do for you?”

Cerulean Skies gestures to the bed. “It’s Tempest. She came around a short time ago.”

Arc looks to the unconscious mare. “Looks like that didn’t last though.”

“Right. She woke up just long enough to wake me up. I called for Doctor Horse, but she had passed back out by the time he arrived.”

“I suppose that’s to be expected, given her condition.”

Cerulean Skies appears embarrassed. “The doctor said he’d call for you before he left the room. I’m guessing he didn’t want my sister to wake up again without you here.”

Arc shakes his head. “Nah, I asked him to contact me if either of the patient’s conditions changed. Which it would appear it did.”

There is a knock at the door. It opens and Doctor Horse walks in with a clipboard. He approaches Arc and speaks.

“Thank you for coming, sir.”

“It’s no trouble. How are the patients doing though?”

The doctor gestures to Tempest. “As I’m sure you’ve already heard, your friend here awakened a short time ago. Even though her vitals still show her to be very weak.”

Cerulean Skies shrugs. “Tempest has always been a fighter. On and off the battlefield, I suppose.”

Doctor Horse sighs. “It would appear that is true, yes. Most whom sustain trauma of this magnitude stay down for quite some time.”

A low groan from the bed rings out as they all look down. Seeing Tempest’s eyes slowly opening, the doctor hurries over to her bedside to check her vitals. She grunts and speaks.

“I’m not… most.”

Cerulean Skies puts a hoof to her sister’s cheek. “Shush! Don’t try to talk, Tempest!”

The doctor nods. “Yes, please don’t strain yourself, ma’am.”

Tempest tries to turn her head. “Decimus… how… is he?”

Arc nods to the bed next to hers. “Still out like a light.”

“He hasn’t made so much as a whisper though, sister.”

Doctor Horse looks over the nearby chart. “Although his test results show that he is improving. Very slowly though, of course.”

Arc nods. “What of Tempest though?”

“Still very weak as you can see, sir. However, she too is slowly improving.”

Cerulean Skies bows her head. “I still don’t understand how this could have happened though. After all, my sister has always been so resilient!”

Arc frowns. “And she’s always been able to regenerate during our… encounters in the past.”

He turns to Tempest before continuing.

“What changed?”

Tempest groans weakly. “S-s-stim…”

Cerulean Skies frowns. “You want a stimulant, Tempest?”

She nods weakly as Cerulean Skies shakes her head and continues.

“No, sister. You’re still much too weak to…”

Tempest grimaces as she squeezes her sister’s hoof. “Please…”

Looking to the doctor, Cerulean Skies awaits his answer. Doctor Horse turns to Arc for guidance. Sighing, Arc nods as he speaks.

“Give it to her.”

“Yes sir.”

Walking over to a drawer, Doctor Horse pulls out a syringe. Returning to Tempest’s side, he purges it before injecting the mare with its contents and stepping back. After properly disposing of the needle, he turns and waits as it quickly begins to take effect. Cerulean Skies looks to her sister nervously as she speaks.

“Tempest, are you okay now?”

Tempest grunts. “Much better.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “That’s good to hear. Because I’d like to know what the heck happened back at your organization’s base, Tempest.”

“The Dark One was probably… upset that I broke one of the Council of Shadow’s so-called ‘golden rules’.”

“Golden rules?”

Tempest nods. “That we not interfere in the affairs of other members.”

Arc sighs. “So when you told him that you wanted to go after Chrysalis…”

Tempest cuts him off. “…he knew it was for revenge. But that wasn’t the end of it.”

The doctor appears confused. “Miss?”

“I also physically attacked him. Another of the rules is that we are not to attempt to harm other members either directly or indirectly.”

Arc looks to Tempest’s bandages. “That still doesn’t explain your current inability to just… regenerate. Or whatever it is that you do.”

Tempest puts a hoof to her chest and winces slightly. “Yes, that is… a new development. However, I need to check something before I can answer that for certain.”

Looking to the doctor, she points a hoof at the closet before continuing.

“Can I assume that my things are in there?”

Doctor Horse nods. “Yes, ma’am. It’s standard hospital procedure to keep a patient’s personal property in the room with them whenever prudent.”

“Then bring me my armor.”

Cerulean Skies stands. “I’ll get it for you, sister.”

Making her way over to the patient closet on the other side of the room, Cerulean Skies opens it. Looking inside the young mare quickly spots her sister’s trademark leather armor hanging there on a hook. Picking it up, she returns to the bedside and gives it to Tempest. Laying it in her lap, Tempest unlatches a small blade and pulls it out. Before anyone can stop her, she deftly runs it across the top of her fetlock lightly. Gasping, Cerulean Skies cries out.

“Sister! What are you…?!”

Tempest interrupts her as she removes a cloth from another pouch. “Just checking something. Give it a moment.”

They stand there silently as Tempest holds the cloth to her fetlock for a solid minute. Looking down to it, she removes the fabric. The small cut is still oozing blood as she does so. Arc frowns.

“Just like the wound The Dark One gave you the other day, it isn’t healing.”

Tempest frowns. “Right. Now then, one more test.”

Holding out a hoof, Tempest frowns. A few moments later Cerulean Skies looks to her sister and speaks.

“Um… did you want us to give you something, Tempest?”

Tempest groans. “No. I was trying to call for my weapon.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Light’s Bane? But we left it back at your base.”

“Yes, I know that! However, I should have been able to call it to me by the power of thought.”

Doctor Horse frowns. “I’m a bit confused here, miss. What does that prove?”

Tempest sighs. “That I’m back to my original self.”

Arc gestures to her cut. “So… no more so-called blessings from the Council of Shadows?”

A voice rings out behind them.


They turn to see The Dark One standing there in a corner. Taking a few steps forward, he looks to the bed and Tempest as she glares at him.

“What do you mean, ‘no’?!”

“Exactly what I said. You have been banished from our midst for your violations against the council.”

Tempest points an accusatory hoof at him. “Me?! It was YOU whom betrayed the order when you attacked ME!”

“Mine was in self-defense though.”

Arc steps forward. “And what of Chrysalis? Is she not out as well?”

Tempest nods fervently. “Right! She left us!”

The Dark One shakes his head. “She may have left our midst in a huff. However, in doing so she did not actually break any rules. Merely walking away because one doesn’t get their way is not a violation of…”

Cerulean Skies interrupts him. “What about my sister?! Will she be alright?!”

“That is up to the medical staff here. But if it is any consolation, I was careful not to pierce her heart or any other major vital organs other than her lung.”

The doctor nods. “Her only real risk now would be complications from infection. Which we’re currently monitoring her for, I might add.”

Tempest groans. “Whatever! Give me back my weapon then!”

The Dark One sighs. “I don’t think you understand the severity of the situation, Tempest. When you were removed from our order, I took Light’s Bane back into my custody.”

Tempest seethes. “We had a deal!”

“That we did. Please note the past tense though.”

Arc chuckles as he puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “Interesting.”

The Dark One appears confused. “You believe this matter to be humorous?”

“Kinda. I always thought you asking for Tempest’s soul upon her death was a bit much for what she received in return.”

“It was a very fair exchange from my point of view. She was immortal to injury when she took up her weapon thanks to my endowment.”

“And what did you get out of it?”

“A powerful warrior whom would fight for this land and the Council of Shadows’ ideals.”

Arc narrows his eyes. “There was more to it than that though, wasn’t there?”

Tempest nods. “I was gathering power in order to fight back the coming darkness. As I defeated others and gathered souls, their strength was added to my own. Hence why I was so powerful in the dark artes even without my horn.”

Doctor Horse raises an eyebrow. “So, you’re saying that the weapon in question acted as a replacement focus for your missing horn?

Tempest shrugs. “More or less, I suppose. A small price for an individual to have to pay in order to save this land from the coming evil.”

Cerulean Skies gasps. “But that just seems so cruel! One mare shouldn’t have to face such things alone!”

The Dark One shakes his head. “She would not have, as I would have been by her side in the battle.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “Sounds like you had it all figured out, Dark One.”

“That I do.”

“But there is one small hole in your plan.”

“Is there now?”

Arc nods. “If Tempest had died before this alleged ‘great evil’ came to Equestria.”

Tempest shakes her head. “No, he did think of that.”

“Hence why I insisted on her soul being mine upon death.”

Arc chuckles. “And now that’s a moot point.”

Cerulean Skies appears hopeful. “It is?!”


The Dark One looks to Arc. “Do tell.”

“With you withdrawing your power from Tempest, you yourself broke the deal she made with you.”

Tempest smirks. “And my soul remains my own.”

Cerulean Skies breathes a sigh of relief. “Thank goodness!”

The Dark One chuckles. “Not exactly.”

Arc frowns. “Don’t tell me you’re going to try and claim your prize without keeping up your end of the bargain.”

“No. But that point leads us to the reason for my presence here today.”

Tempest frowns. “Do tell.”

“I came here to do… this.”

A dark aura surrounds him as the room suddenly goes dark. Arc looks all around but can see nothing. Reaching for the bed in order to steady himself, he finds it gone. As he is about to call out, his surroundings begin to brighten again. Looking around, he sees a barren wasteland in all directions. Kneeling down, Arc picks up a handful of soil. However, instead of vibrant and rich dirt he finds it to be more akin to a mixture of sand and ash. Hearing a sound behind him, he quickly straightens up and whirls around to see the Dark One approaching him. Frowning, Arc speaks.

“What have you done?! Where are we?!”

“The future, Arc.”

Arc appears confused. “Future?”

“Or more accurately, the most likely one.”

Gesturing to their surroundings with a hoof, he continues.

“A long, long time ago a great evil came to this land from beyond. Its wickedness knew no bounds and its capacity for cruelty was without limit. This energy sought to cover the entire land with its presence and snuff out the light of life from it.”

Arc narrows his eyes. “Sounds to me kinda like what you’ve been trying to do since I came to Equestria.”

“Believe me when I say that my methods are to ultimately preserve life. Not take it.”

“Could have fooled me.”

“In any case, the former ruler of the land, a mare named Queen Faust, sent her two daughters through time along with the remaining survivors.”

Arc nods soberly. “Celestia and Luna.”

The Dark One appears surprised. “You already know of this story?”

“More so than you yourself, yes.”


Arc frowns. “That’s none of your concern.”

“Very well. In any case, they were entombed in what is known as the Tree of Harmony which birthed the Elements which go by the same name.”

“Twilight and her friend’s Elements of Harmony.”

“Correct. And when the time was right, they were awakened and sent out into the world.”

“To the orphanage, you mean.”

The Dark One appears confused. “Orphanage?”

Arc chuckles. “It would again appear that I know more about this story than even you yourself do.”

“I imagine that the Keeper of Time Kronos has something to do with that.”

“Think what you want. But get to the point of your tale.”

“Very well. In the span of time between when the ponies left this land to when time caught back up to them, the evil which had covered the land began to recede due to a lack of nourishment. It needed the negative energies of the land’s inhabitants in order to survive. And without such a thing it began to starve.”

“So the queen sent her daughters and the other survivors forward in time as far as she could in an effort to give the evil time to waste away to nothing.”


“And the ponies have continued to inhabit the land since then.”

“That is correct, Arc.”

“But if the evil in this story starved long ago then why are you preparing for its return?”

“The evil did not die. It merely went into a state akin to hibernation in an effort to conserve energy in the interim.”

“Yet we’ve seen nothing to prove that your story is true.”

“You are correct. I cannot prove any of this. However, I feel the power of the creature growing back in our world.”

Arc shakes his head. “Again, something that supposedly only you can sense.”

“Eventually it will amass enough energy to regain its corporeal form and once again threated Equestria!”

“And your ‘great idea’ was for Tempest to kill enough ponies with Light’s Bane to make its wielder powerful enough to challenge it?!”

“More or less. However, that one didn’t have to be her.”


The Dark One shakes his head. “No, I am unable to do this task myself.”

Arc scoffs. “Unable, huh? Sounds like cowardice talking to me.”

“You believe that I am afraid to fight the coming darkness?!”

Arc shrugs. “If the shoe fits. I mean, you’re oh so willing to send others to fight this phantom menace. But you yourself can’t be…”

He is cut off as the Dark One picks him up with a Telekinesis Spell and holds him close to his face angrily.

“I fight against the energies of the coming darkness daily, you fool! And I have done so for far, FAR longer than you can even IMAGINE!”

Throwing Arc violently across the terrain, he slams through a pile of rocks. Picking himself up, Arc spies a number of bones at his feet as the Dark One Blinks over to him and points at them.

“These poor lost souls never stood a CHANCE against it! And they paid the ultimate price for their complacency!”

“Then why come to me?! Why not approach the princesses about it?!”

The Dark One turns way angrily. “I have in the past! Celestia herself ignored my warnings due to my inability to prove them!”

Taking a few moments to compose himself, the Dark One continues.

“But I have found you to be a bit more… open-minded than Celestia and her ilk are.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “So, you’re hoping that I can be convinced that all of this is real so that I’ll go to Canterlot and change their minds.”

The Dark One chuckles. “Now you are beginning to understand.”

Arc looks away. “Hard pass.”

“After all of this you still do not believe me?!”

“It’s not so much a matter of believing you, as I have my own source of information on this subject. But considering what you and your Council of Shadows has done in the past, I can’t see myself working with you.”

“Very well. I cannot force you to do that which you will not.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Really?”


“That seemed a bit too easy.”

“Shall I elaborate, Arc?”

“I wish you would.”

“With the betrayal of Tempest, you and I are the only ones capable to carrying out the task of protecting this land when the time comes.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “You and I?”


“What about the princesses?”

“As I stated earlier, they are unwilling to do what needs to be done.”

Arc frowns. “I get the feeling that you’re holding something back here. After all, I’m certainly no substitute for an alicorn princess’ power.”

“You are not. However, I believe that you have the potential to surpass them all in every conceivable way.”

“How so?”

“It is… merely a feeling that I have. And I am seldom wrong about such individuals.”

“What about Tempest?”

“I was still correct regarding her abilities. She spearheaded our organization’s efforts for a time, yes. However, I did have the feeling when she signed on with us that such a mare wouldn’t be able to go the distance.”

“So she was just a stand-in for you?”

“More than that. Tempest was the best I could find whom was willing to join the Council of Shadows. But you have to understand that I never stopped looking for her successor.”

“You mean her replacement.”

“Call it what you will. But the needs of the world require the best of the best’s efforts if it is to survive.”

“Sounds more like you were always looking to cast her aside.”

“For one such as you, yes.”

Arc scoffs. “Thanks, but no thanks.”

“It will remain an open invitation.”

“Perhaps you didn’t hear me. I already said ‘no’.”

The Dark One shrugs. “Very well. For now. But I would ask one thing of you.”

“What is it?”

“Take a long look around at our surroundings.”

Arc does so as the Dark One continues.

“Remember my words… if nothing is changed, this is our world’s future.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

Things again go dark as the world around them vanishes. A few moments later Arc finds himself back in the hospital room with the others. Cerulean Skies runs up to him.

“Sir! Are you alright?!”

Arc nods. “Yes, I’m fine.”

Tempest glares at the Dark One. “What did you do?!”

“I simply showed Arc the future.”

“The world of ruin?”


Arc frowns. “You’ve made your sales pitch, Dark One. Now then, any chance of you leaving so we can get back to the matter at hand?”

“I do have one last proposition.”

Sitting down on his haunches, the Dark One holds out his hooves as Light’s Bane materializes in them. Extending the weapon to Arc, he continues.

“With my blessing, you will be allowed to wield this scythe in battle. It will augment your already considerable combat prowess with the power of the souls already contained within. That and any others whom fall to its bite will be added to it.”

Tempest rolls her eyes. “Wasting your time there, Dark One. He’s a filly scout when it comes to battle.”

Arc frowns. “Thanks, but I’d rather not have my soul on the line here.”

The Dark One shakes his head. “You won’t be forced into any such pact. I simply want to see it go to a worthy warrior in defense of the land.”

“That and I don’t want to be indebted to you in ANY way, shape, or form.”

“Very well then.”

Turning to Tempest, he continues.

“Would you like to make amends to the Council of Shadows?”

Tempest scoffs. “Not a chance!”

“Then I shall take my leave.”

Recalling Light’s Bane to… somewhere, the Dark One looks to the stallion’s bed before turning to Tempest again and speaking.

“However, for your past service to the cause, I would like to give you a bit of a parting gift.”

Tempest narrows her eyes. “What kind of ‘gift’?”

“Just a little something an old friend of mine taught me so very long ago. Think of it as your severance package.”

His horn aglow, the Dark One casts a strange spell on the stallion before him as he vanishes into nothingness. Cerulean Skies gasps as she looks to Tempest.

“What did he do?!”

“I have no idea!”

Arc looks to Doctor Horse. “Take a look at him.”

“Yes sir.”

As the doctor walks over to the stallion, his eyes suddenly open. Gasping, Doctor Horse instinctively steps back. Tempest looks over, her eyes wide as the stallion speaks.

“What the…?! Tempest, what happened to you?!”

Tempest frowns. “ME?! What about you?!”

The stallion looks himself over. “I… I don’t…”

Putting a hoof to his forehead, he groans.

“So much… has happened. I don’t really know where to start.”

Arc steps forward. “Then why don’t we start with your name?”

He salutes stoically. “I am Captain of the Royal Guard Decimus, sir.”

Tempest appears confused. “Uh… why are you saluting him?”

“It’s traditional for even an officer such as myself to salute the Hero of Light, Tempest.”

Arc raises an eyebrow, confused. “I… suppose it is, yes. Anyways, my name is…”

Decimus interrupts him. “Hero of Light Arc.”

“So you know who I am?”

“I do, yes.”

“Then can you tell me why I shouldn’t arrest you here and now?”

Doctor Horse looks to Arc. “Sir, I must point out that this stallion has not yet been cleared to be released from the hospital.”

Arc groans. “Other than that, I mean.”

Decimus nods soberly. “Yes, I’ve committed innumerable crimes against Equestria, the princesses, as well as you personally, sir.”

“Then start with how you came to be in the clutches of Chrysalis.”

“It was some time ago. Tempest had just called me on my quarter’s personal line to talk about some kind of lead regarding strange occurrences in the Vanhoover Woods.”

Tempest raises an eyebrow. “The Vanhoover Woods?! But that was a couple of years ago!”

Cerulean Skies looks to her sister. “Back when you were still the matron of the New Beginnings Orphanage?”


Decimus sighs. “I’m aware of that, Tempest. You had called me to ask for some troops to be dispatched in an effort to get to the bottom of the matter.”

Arc looks to the stallion. “Did you send them?”

Decimus shakes his head. “No, I didn’t. A few moments after I hung up the phone there was a knock at my door. When I answered it though there was a carbon copy of what looked like me standing there.”

The doctor frowns. “A changeling, perhaps?”

“It must have been. Because, before I could do or say anything, they cast a strange spell on me and everything went dark.”

Arc nods. “What’s the first thing you remember after that?”

Decimus puts a hoof to his forehead and groans. “Being put into that awful prison-like room with a number of other ponies.”

Tempest appears hopeful. “Did you talk to any of them?!”

Cerulean Skies nods fervently. “Like our parents?!”

Decimus shakes his head. “I only saw them for a few moments before being podded.”

Doctor Horse gasps. “Was it supposed to be some form of suspended animation?”

“Quite the opposite actually. The clone of myself, or changeling, walked, talked, and even sounded like me. However, whenever they needed information that only I had, they could access my mind somehow.”

Arc grimaces. “That sounds… unpleasant.”

“Very, sir.”

Tempest grits her teeth. “So you could see what was going on around you? Or more accurately, around the changeling?”

Decimus nods. “And feel what they felt.”

He looks to Arc before continuing.

“I can still remember the pain from the magical flames you used to incinerate me at the end of our battle in Canterlot Castle.”

Tempest seethes as her gaze snaps to Arc. “WHAT?!”

Decimus turns to her. “Let it go, Tempest. The Hero of Light was merely doing what he had to do in order to safeguard the castle and princesses.”

Arc nods soberly. “So what happened with the changeling impersonating you was killed?”

“I would awaken in great pain inside my slime filled pod. While I could see those imprisoned with me at that point, I couldn’t interact with them in any way.”

Shaking his head, he continues.

“While I’m loathe to admit it, every time I was killed, I noticed that the ponies around me seemed thinner and gaunter than I remembered them being previously. At one point, they stopped moving entirely. And the last time I awakened was after quite a long span. During which I had been declared the nation’s new Hero of Light by Princess Celestia whom also appeared to be suffering from some sort of… mental infirmities. When I met my end in the Audience Chamber from some kind of blow to the rear, I remember that the pod was roughly ripped open by Chrysalis herself.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “She let you out?”

Decimus grimaces. “Only long enough to drag me to a cage of my own.”

Tempest frowns. “Didn’t you try to escape?!”

“I wanted to, of course. But I found that my own body was heavily malnourished by that point as well.”

Cerulean Skies gasps. “So you didn’t have the strength?”

Tempest shudders. “And the other ponies in the room?!”

Decimus bows his head. “All skeletons by that point. Chrysalis threw me in a nearby empty cage and told me that I was going to die in there.”

Doctor Horse frowns. “How long were you in that cage?”

“No idea. It felt like years, but in reality I believe it to have been merely days.”

Tempest scowls. “Sensory deprivation.”

Cerulean Skies shudders. “Were you at least fed?”

Decimus shakes his head. “Not a bite to eat or a drop to drink, no. In truth, I survived by spending the majority of my time licking the slime from the walls for water and minor amounts of nourishment.”

The doctor looks over his clipboard. “That explains the stomach infection that you had early on. Which has been treated, I might add.”

Decimus looks to Tempest. “The last sight from the changeling imposter of myself was of me saying goodbye to you at the Council of Shadow’s headquarters.”

“Where did you go? I mean… where did THEY go?”

“That was a day or so before our nation’s forces led an assault against the changeling’s primary hive cluster. Chrysalis had recalled every drone from Equestria in order to defend her territory. When they arrived at the hive thought I was… disconnected from their consciousness. That’s when I was transferred to the cage.”

He turns to Arc before continuing.

“Considering that I was probably in the deepest reaches of the hive at the time, I can only assume that the changelings were soundly beaten.”

Arc nods soberly. “Every warrior was defeated, yes. However, that was part of Chrysalis’ plan at the time.”

Tempest appears confused. “To lose the battle on purpose?”

“Actually, yes.”

Arc brings them up to speed on his own encounter with Chrysalis’ attempted mind control and how they were ultimately overcome.

“And now the remaining changelings are led by King Thorax.”

Cerulean Skies looks to her sister. “And they’re our allies too from what I read in the newspaper.”

Tempest sneers. “Strange as it may seem.”

Doctor Horse shrugs. “The newspapers claim that they were victimized nearly as much as the Equestrians were.”

Arc nods. “Right. Chrysalis had wanted them all to die in order to bring forth the next generation of changelings. Out with the old and in with the new, so to speak.”

Decimus puts a hoof to his forehead. “It’s… just so hard for me to come to terms with all of this madness. After all that was done to me, we made a treaty with them?”

Arc sighs. “No one knew about you or the others at the time. That and you were found when they were demolishing their hive.”

Tempest bows her head. “While what was done to you was indeed terrible, it couldn’t have compared to the horrors that our parents and other villagers went through in there.”

Cerulean Skies shakes her head sadly. “They were probably nothing but snacks for Chrysalis.”

Arc nods soberly. “When I find her, she’ll pay for that.”

Tempest seethes. “Not if I find her first!”

Doctor Horse looks to her. “Please calm yourself, miss. Remember, you’re still quite weak from your own medical emergency."

Arc clenches a fist. “She can’t hide forever, after all. Eventually Chrysalis will have to stick her head above ground. And when she does, I’ll go after her… personally.”

Decimus nods fervently. “Please do, sir. She is a most dangerous loose end that needs to be cut off as soon as possible.”

The doctor looks to Arc. “Sir, as the healthcare professional here I must point out that both patients should be allowed to rest at this point. So unless you have other urgent questions to ask of them, I request that you please conclude your interview soon and allow them time to get some sleep.”

Arc nods. “Yes, I suppose that’s for the best, doctor.”

Looking to Decimus, he continues.

“On a final note, I would like to take a moment to inform you that the land is currently at peace and all four princesses are safe.”

Decimus appears relieved. “That’s good.”

“You and Tempest should do your best to rest and recover from here on out.”

Cerulean Skies looks to her sister with a hopeful look in her eyes. “I’ll stay too, sister. That is, if you and Captain Decimus will have me.”

Tempest smiles weakly at her sister. “Yes, I’d like that.”

Decimus nods. “As would I.”

Arc looks to the door. “Well… I should do as the doctor says and let you two rest now.”

Decimus turns to Arc soberly. “Sir, before you go, there is one last thing that I’d like to say to you.”

“And what’s that?”

“That I’m very sorry for everything that happened. I caused you and Equestria quite a bit of grief.”

Tempest frowns. “That wasn’t you though! It was Chrysalis and her cronies!”

Cerulean Skies nods fervently. “Right! You were as much a victim as anypony else!”

Arc looks the stallion in the eye. “If I have anything to say about it, you won’t be held accountable for the actions of a changeling imposter. So don’t worry about facing justice for that which you couldn’t control.”

Decimus bows his head. “I still feel somewhat responsible though.”

Arc puts his hand on the door. “We can talk about it more when you’re feeling a bit stronger.”

He turns to Doctor Horse before continuing.

“I would like Captain Decimus to receive another full medical examination though.”

Doctor Horse appears confused. “Sir? He’s already had…”

Arc interrupts him. “There’s no telling what the Dark One’s magic did to him. Meaning that this surge in his condition could be only temporary.”

Tempest scoffs. “Not likely. In truth, he does have very powerful healing magics. It’s likely that the Dark One just used them on Decimus.”

“Still, I want him looked over. Just to be sure.”

Cerulean Skies turns to the beds. “These two should have some rest first though, sir.”

Arc nods as he heads out the door. “Agreed. So, I’ll leave and let them get to it.”

Doctor Horse looks to Decimus. “I’ll come back to perform that examination in a bit after you’ve had time to do some more resting.”

“Thank you.”

As the doctor leaves, Tempest turns to her sister.

“Why don’t you get something to eat at the cafeteria now, Cerulean Skies? I’m sure you’re hungry.”

Cerulean Skies puts a hoof on her belly. “That I could. But I don’t want to leave you alone right now.”

“I’ll be fine.”

“Are you sure?”


Decimus motions with a hoof. “That and there’s always the call buttons next to our beds.”

Cerulean Skies puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “I suppose that’s true, yes.”

Tempest grimaces. “And there’s something I’d like to talk to Decimus about privately.”

“Ah! Alright. I’ll take my time then. But I still want you both to rest after your talk.”

Decimus nods. “Thank you, we will.”

Cerulean Skies leaves the room and closes the door behind him. Tempest turns to Decimus and smiles.

“Um… I…”

“What’s wrong, my dear?”

Tempest bows her head. “I need to… apologize to you.”

“For what?”

“While you were gone, I…”

She wrings her hooves nervously before continuing.

“…I did some things that I’m ashamed of.”

“Did you now?”

“Yes, I… cheated on you.”

Decimus raises an eyebrow. “You did? With whom?”

Tempest looks out the window sadly. “The changeling that was impersonating you. We would often… you know.”

“I know.”

“You have to understand that I honestly thought it was you though!”

“But I already know what you did, Tempest.”

Tempest gasps. “What?! How?!”

Decimus sighs. “Remember, I said that I could see everything the changeling imposter did. And feel what he did.”

Tempest looks away nervously. “So, you could feel… what I was doing with him?”

“Yes. And it wasn’t your fault either. Everyone just assumed that the one standing before them back then was me. It really was a perfect disguise, after all.”

“There was another incident though.”

“Like I said, I don’t blame you for doing what you did with that changeling, Tempest.”

“It… wasn’t with them though.”

Decimus frowns. “Huh?”

“There was some kind of magical… issue a while back and I… um… kinda tried to have sex with the current Hero of Light.”

“Why though?”

“I was under the influence of some weird magical spell, or something. He was able to find the cure and made me drink it before I did anything too embarrassing though.”

“Did you have sex with him?”

Tempest makes a face. “No, luckily for me!”

“Then I forgive you.”

“How though?!”

“Because there’s been a lot of things that have happened recently that we couldn’t control, Tempest. And if you won’t hold what I did back then against me, then how could I hold your transgressions against you?”

Tempest grins. “I love you, Deci.”

Decimus smiles back at her. “And I love you too, Fizzlepop Berrytwist.”

Tempest licks her lips seductively. “I still think that it’s really sexy when you say my name.”

“I’ve always liked how it rolls off the tongue. But you look like you’re coming down from that stimulant now.”

Tempest groans. “Yes, I have been for quite some time now.”

“Then get some sleep. After all, I want you to be fully recovered as soon as possible.”

“Fine. After all, we have work to do out there.”

Decimus nods. “Agreed. But first things first.”

“Rest, right?”

“And lots of it, yes.”

Tempest smirks wickedly. “Alright. But as soon as I’m all better, I want you to do all the things that you used to, and then some more.”

Decimus smiles. “Nothing would make me happier than to hold you in my hooves again, my dear.”

Tempest giggles sleepily as she closes her eyes. A few moments later she is fast asleep. Decimus watches her lying there for as long as he is able to before sleep finds him as well.

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