• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 2 - Perception

Meanwhile, the Cutie Mark Crusaders along with Sereb, Tempest, and Moonlit Dusk walk through the Everfree Forest together. Several large shadow creatures surround their group’s perimeter. Dinky looks to Moonlit Dusk.

“So what’s the story with this crystal we’re going to get?”

“Its dark powers will fuel the All-Seeing Eye.”

Tempest frowns. “Think of it like a very powerful magic battery.”

Apple Bloom looks to Sweetie Belle. “I didn’t know something that small could power something so… powerful, I guess.”

“Me either.”

Moonlit Dusk points to a small gem in the center of the amulet. “Well, this can. Or at least it did once before.”

Tempest nods. “It’s a one-time use only.”

Dinky sighs. “So that’s why we’re going to the spring, right? To get another of these crystals?”

Moonlit Dusk nods. “Yes. One should be ready by now.”

“Then we take it where exactly?”

“A very… special spot at the heart of the Everfree Forest. It’s a heavily tainted place.”

Sereb growls. “Is it safe?”

Moonlit Dusk shrugs. “More or less.”

Tempest rolls her eyes. “More inasmuch as the dark energies keep away pretty much all the creatures of the forest.”

“Less since we have to brave those creatures to get to both places.”

He gestures with a hoof to the shadow creatures surrounding them.

“Which is why I summoned these before we set off.”

Sereb looks to the shadow creatures surrounding them. “I would imagine their presence would be quite the deterrent. But how much longer until we reach our destination?”

“Several hours.”

Tempest turns to Moonlit Dusk. “Shortly before dawn?”

“Correct. The spring will ward away anything that may wish to eat us, so we’ll make camp there for the day.”

Dinky raises an eyebrow. “Day?”

“We need to be well rested for journey ahead. It wouldn’t do to have us exhausted when we reach our final destination.”

Apple Bloom looks to Sweetie Belle. “That kinda makes sense.”

“I suppose it does.”

Sometime later, as the sun sets, Arc stares up at the tent overhead. Sighing, he gently nudges Scootaloo.

“Hey. Time to get up.”

She opens her eyes and looks around.

“What… what’s going on? It’s… still dark out.”

“Do you remember what happened last night?”

Scootaloo looks all around and sighs.

“That wasn’t a dream, was it?”

Arc shakes his head sadly. ”No, I’m afraid it wasn’t.”

“S-so… um… yesterday… yesterday really… happened?”

“Yes, Scootaloo.”

She lays back down and rolls over to look away before speaking again.

“And my parents really are… gone?”

“I’m sorry, but yes.”

“It’s… all just so hard to believe. Up until then my life was… normal. Maybe not the best, but… it was everything to me. But now it’s gone.”

“I know how you feel.”

Scootaloo nods sadly. “You really do. And now I do too. What’s it like to lose everything. Having to leave behind everything you’ve ever known. And now… what it’s like to be a slave.”

“Now wait just a minute. You’re not a slave to me.”

“I really am. You could tell me to do anything, and I’d do it.”

She puts a hoof on her chest.

“It’s a very… strange feeling. Being owned both mind and body.”

Arc puts a hand on her shoulder. “Look, Scootaloo. I’m not going to hurt you, or anything. If nothing else, I’m taking care of you.”

“I know that, but…”

Sighing, Scootaloo rolls over to look Arc in the eye.

“…but I should feel different than I do.”


“Part of me is sad after losing everything and everypony I ever cared about. But the other part is happy and excited to be serving somepony who honestly cares about me and my well-being.”

“Your dad didn’t really care much, did he?”

“I was just a challenge to him. And he used his powers to control and manipulate me. Made me do some pretty bad things.”

“He must’ve cared at least a little bit. After all, you didn’t remember anything, right?”

“Not a bit. But I always knew when something had been done.”

“How so?”

Scootaloo sighs. “Just a feeling of mental intrusion, I suppose.”

“I won’t be doing that to you. Anything I tell you to do will be a conscious act.”

“Thank you, Big Brother. That really does make me feel better.”

“Why don’t we eat a little something and pack the tent up? We have a long way to go.”

“Okay. Should I get our breakfast ready first?”

“Sure. You do that while I get everything ready to go back into the backpack.”

A short time later the pair sit down to eat. Scootaloo turns to Arc.

“So how long do you think it’ll us to get to Vanhoover?”

Arc shrugs. “No idea what kind of scale that old map used.”

He reaches into the pack and pulls it out.

“Take a look. We’re walking west toward this road here.”

“Why that way?”

“Because there’s a town right there called Dodge… Dodge…”

He puts a hand to his forehead as fragmented visions of Cherry, Ruby, and the ranch fill his head. Scootaloo appears concerned.

“More memories?”


“Anything concrete?”

Arc shakes his head. “Just bits and pieces really. But let’s hurry up and finish eating so we can get moving.”


A short time later they stand. Arc picks up his backpack as Scootaloo slips her saddlebags over her small back.

“Just let me know if you get tired and we’ll stop.”

Scootaloo grins. “You know, we could just transform. We’d be a lot stronger and fully able to take on anything that comes at us.”

Arc shrugs. “That makes sense. How do we… transform as you call it?”

“Just look at the moon. Like this.”

Throwing back her cowl, Scootaloo looks skyward. Her breathing intensifies as her body quickly undergoes the dark metamorphosis. She turns back to Arc and smiles a toothy grin.

“See? Nothing to it.”

“That looked… painful.”

“It’s more along the lines of uncomfortable. Give it a try, Big Brother. It’ll make traveling a LOT easier.”

“Well… okay.”

Taking a deep breath, Arc too looks up at the full moon. Wincing, his skin pales as he transforms. Straightening up, he turns to look over at Scootaloo.

“I feel… interesting.”

Scootaloo laughs. “Is that what you call it?”

Arc clenches a fist. “Alright. Then how about I feel like I could accomplish ANYTHING!”

“Together we probably could. But at least we don’t have to worry about something out here eating us.”

Arc grins as he motions for Scootaloo to follow him. “Yeah? Now I kinda hope they do. It’ll be a nice workout.”

“Well, we should probably do our best to keep hidden. While that’s not really going to be a problem way out here. Once we leave the forest it’ll be a totally different story.”

“What do you mean?”

“There’ll be other ponies out there whom probably won’t take our presence very well. Especially if we look like this.”

“We’ll figure something out.”

“Like traveling by day and keeping these forms out of sight?”

Arc nods. “If we have to, yes. But as it stands I feel as if I could walk all night.”

Scootaloo giggles as she spreads her wings. “Or fly.”

Arc looks over his shoulder. “Well, as you can see, I didn’t get wings.”

“Maybe you got some other kind of powers? Do you feel anything?”

“Not really. Other than stronger, faster, and more energized, that is.”

“Well, I’ll try to help you figure it out.”


“You’re welcome, master.”

“Please don’t call me that.”

Scootaloo giggles “Sorry.”

Meanwhile, Dinky and the others approach a clearing. A large pile of rocks sits in the center with glowing dark blue water gushing out of it and pooling in a large stone basin. Tempest frowns as she looks to Moonlit Dusk.

“So this is it, huh?”

“Yes. The Nameless Font.”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “Um… what?”

“The Nameless Font.”

Dinky shrugs. “I don’t get it either. You’re saying it’s called… what?”

Moonlit Dusk groans. “Again, The…”

Sweetie Belle frowns. “But if it’s nameless…”

Apple Bloom looks to the stallion. “…then why are we calling it…?”

Moonlit Dusk rolls his eyes. “You know what? I don’t get it either. So let’s just get what we came here for.”

Stepping forward, Moonlit Dusk reaches into the pool. Feeling around for a few moments he pulls out a pea sized orb. Removing the All-Seeing Eye from his cloak, he places the gem into the socket and returns it to his cloak before turning to the others.

“Now we have what we need. Let’s make camp for the day.”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “You mean night, right?”

Moonlit Dusk chuckles. “No.”

Tempest rolls her eyes. “Whatever. In any case, I’m going to gather some wood for a fire.”

“That’s not really necessary. As I said before, the beasts of the forest won’t attack us here due to the energies coming from the Nameless… okay I admit, that name really is ironic. But there’s nothing to fear.”

Sweetie Belle looks around the darkened forest nervously. “I’d still like some light.”

Apple Bloom shudders. “Other than the creepy kind coming from that spring, you mean?”


Tempest rolls her eyes. “Fine. The fillies will pitch the tents while I get the wood.”

Dinky steps forward. “I’ll come with you.”

“Why? Are you afraid something will lunge out and eat me?”

“There’s strength in numbers. That and somepony needs to watch your back.”

Sereb growls. “I will come as well.”

“No, Sereb. You stay here with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle.”

“But, I… very well.”

Tempest and Dinky turn around and vanish into the brush. Sereb sighs and returns to the others.

“Be careful out there, Dinky.”

Tempest picks up several large branches as Dinky collects kindling. She watches the filly out of the corner of her eye.

“Something tells me you wanted to get me alone for a reason.”

“Yeah, kinda.”

Tempest smirks. “Why? You looking to try to finish me off, or something?”

“No. I just wanted to talk.”

“What about?”

“My dad.”

“I doubt if I know any more about him than you do.”

“You and him had a very… interesting relationship.”

Tempest scoffs. “That’s putting it mildly.”

“I was just wondering… how you felt about him.”

“What are you suggesting?”

“Well… I know you wanted my dad to do certain things to you a while back.”

Tempest blushes. “That was because of a stupid spell, or something! What?! You think I would normally…?!”

“You’re not saying no.”

Tempest opens her mouth to retort. However nothing comes out. They look at each other for a long moment, silently.

“I… guess I wanted the same thing any mare does.”

“A husband?”

“No. Somepony to love, and be loved back.”

“You don’t have anypony like that, huh?”

“I… used to.”


“Captain Decimus.”

Dinky grits her teeth. “HIM?!”



Tempest glares at Dinky. “Because he pulled my sister and I out of poverty and homelessness! He took me in when NOPONY else would!”

“You don’t owe him anything.”

“I owe him my very LIFE!!!”

Tempest breathes heavily as she attempts to regain her composure.

“You should understand that, Dinky! After all, Arc took you in and raised you when your real father wouldn’t!”

“That’s right. But he didn’t ask for anything in return. If nothing else, he did nothing but give and give and GIVE!

“So does Decimus!”

“Give what?!”


“You’re just seeing what you want to, Tempest! That stallion only cares about himself!”

“I’ve known him longer than you’ve been ALIVE, runt! So if you know so much, then tell me this! Why would he have brought me this far if he didn’t care, huh?!”

“Because you’re useful.”

“Of course I’m…!”

“But the moment that ceases to be true he’ll toss you aside.”

“He wouldn’t. He needs me.”

“For now maybe. But will that always be true?”


Dinky smirks. “You’ll eventually get old and slow down. Retirement will come, and your legend will fade as the years pass.”

“Shows how much YOU know!”

“Oh? You’re immune to the passage of time now?”


“Listen to me, Tempest. That’s the difference between him and my dad. Decimus will use somepony until they have nothing more to give. My dad would fight until HE had nothing left to give.”

“There’s no way he was that perfect.”

“Oh? I saw that look on your face when he was near. You saw something in him you had long ago.”

“And what would that be?!”

“Somepony who took an interest. Somepony who genuinely cared about you. Somepony whom you wanted to spend the rest of your life with.”

Tempest grits her teeth. “I will spend it with him!”

“Is that what he wants?”

“Of course!”

“How do you know?”

“Because he told me so!”


“Years ago! He used to…!”

Tempest stops talking as Dinky nods.

“So he hasn’t told you that in a while, huh?”

“Because I already know!”

“Who are you trying to convince, Tempest? Me? Or yourself?”

Tempest shakes her head and turns away.

“Let’s get this wood back to camp. I’m sure the others are waiting for us.”

Heading back the way they came the pair return to the Nameless… okay I admit that REALLY was a terrible name for it. In any case, Dinky and Tempest head back and get a fire going. They eat a small meal together before heading to the tents. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom look back to Dinky.

“Aren’t you coming?”

Dinky shakes her head. “Not yet. You two get some rest now. I’ll catch up.”

Sweetie Belle nods. “Okay. But don’t stay up too late.”

Dinky giggles. “Okay, mom.”

Sereb follows the fillies into the tent. Tempest watches them do so before shaking her head and retiring to her own shelter. Dinky sits in front of the fire alone for a time. Eventually she sighs and calls out.

“I know you’re back there.”

Moonlit Dusk steps out from behind a tent.


“You told me.”

Moonlit Dusk frowns. “I most certainly did nothing of the…!”

“Yes, you did. When you stepped out into the open, that is.”

“You mean…?”

“I honestly didn’t know where you were. But after you thought I did, you figured there wasn’t any reason to stay hidden.”

Moonlit Dusk chuckles as he sits down across from Dinky. “Clever. Make your opponent think you know more than you do.”

Dinky shrugs. “Just a bit of word play.”

“Crude, but effective.”

They sit there silently for a time. Eventually Dinky breaks it.

“So what did you want?”

“What makes you think I wanted anything?”

“You were watching me.”

“How do you know I was?”

“Because there isn’t anything else around here worth looking at. That and I knew you hadn’t gone into your tent yet. It was a simple process of elimination. The only thing I don’t know is why.”

“I want to know what you and Tempest were talking about.”

“My dad.”

Moonlit Dusk appears surprised. “Me?”

Dinky frowns. “No. My real dad.”

“But I…”

“Donated the sperm. Nothing more.”

“You don’t really need to stick to that story here. After all, there isn’t anypony around.”

“But it’s true. My dad cared about me… cared FOR me… and was always there when I needed to talk.”

She looks at Moonlit Dusk with a sneer on her face.

“What have you ever done?”

Moonlit Dusk shrugs. “I didn’t think you needed anything else. After all, the former Hero of Light sounds like quite the parent.”

“He is.”

“You mean ‘was’.”

“I meant what I said.”

“Miss, you need to face reality. Knowing the truth won’t bring him back.”

“That’s true, yes.”

“Then why are we out here in the middle of nowhere? What is it you’re really after?”

Dinky sighs. “Cloture. I need to know exactly what happened.”

“To what end?”

“My dad deserves to be found. I feel as if he’s still out there somewhere.”

“You know that isn’t very likely, right?”

“I do, yes. But… but even if he really is dead, I want to bring him home for burial. Then I’ll tell everypony the truth about what really happened.”

“So you don’t believe the official story, huh?”

“Not for a second!”

“Why not?”

“Think about it. My dad risked his life along with his troop’s lives to rescue Princess Celestia and bring her home to Equestria. Why would he throw all that away by trying to kill her?”

“Power? Influence? A permanent seat on the throne?”

“He wouldn’t do that!”

“One never really knows.”

“No, I mean why would he have risked so much to actually save her?”

“What are you saying?”

“If he wanted to get rid of her, it probably would have been a simple matter to kill her on Earth. Defending somepony versus a full retreat is quite a bit more complicated and dangerous.”

“Perhaps. Or he was waiting for the right time to make his move.”

“The right time was inside the castle, surrounded by guards, during a full scale search?”

“Maybe he’s just not very good at planning.”

Dinky narrows her eyes. “The one whom fully laid out and executed a plan to assault a military base with zero fatalities wasn’t a planner?”

“Stranger things have happened, I suppose. But you do raise a good point. After looking at it this way, things seem a lot less certain.”

“So now you understand why I’m doing this?”

“Not really. After all, even if you knew the truth, who’s going to believe a filly and her friends?”

Dinky scoffs. “You just leave that to me.”

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