• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 6 - Mother and Daughter

Arc hurries down the corridor toward the Infirmary. Entering, he spies Doctor Whooves and Nurse Redheart standing outside the curtain. They part to allow him access. Pushing through the cloth Arc sees Auriel standing next to the bed. She hurries over to him and whispers in his ear.

“My mother is starting to wake up!”

“I’m here for you, Auriel. We’ll see her together.”

Auriel groans. “That’s just it! You have to understand that she hasn’t seen me since I was a baby!”

“What’s that got to do with…?”

“Doctor Whooves says that she’s very fragile right now. Physically and mentally. I need you to be the one she sees when she wakes up.”

“But where will you be?”

“Outside the curtain with the doctor and nurse.”

Arc sighs. “If that’s how you want to do it, okay.”

Auriel bows her head. “I really don’t. But it’s for the best.”

Turning, she hurries through the curtain and closes it behind her. Walking over to the bedside Arc puts his hands on the railing and looks down. A few minutes later the woman slowly opens her eyes and looks up at him.

“Where… where am I?”

“A medical facility.”

She puts a hand to her forehead shakily. “Head feels… funny. Eyes aren’t… focusing correctly either.”

“That’s either the medications or a result of what happened.”


“Do you remember anything?”

“Everything’s… kinda fuzzy right now.”

“Why don’t we start with your name then. Do you remember it?”

“Maria. Maria Knowles.”

“What do you do for a living, ma’am?”

“I’m a… a researcher. A scientist.”

She looks around for a few moments before speaking again.

“Tell me, is my husband here?”

Arc grimaces. “Not… exactly.”

Maria sighs. “That figures. He’s probably tied up in some kind of meeting, or something equally redundant.”

“I could...”

“If you could just send a messenger to tell him I’m laid up in here, he’ll come when there’s time.”

“Yes ma’am. Um… is there anything I can get you?”

Maria nods. “There is actually. Would you please send word to my nanny to bring Auriel here?”

“Bring… Auriel?”

“Yes, she doesn’t do well being separated from me for long periods of time. I’m sure the staff is having quite a bit of trouble keeping her calm with me laid up in here.”

“Believe me when I say that she’s fine.”

“Send for her anyways.”

“Yes ma’am.”

“By the way… how long have I been out?”



“I’m… not sure you fully understand what happened.”

“Perhaps not. But I’ll listen to everything you have to tell me after Auriel is here. I want to make sure she’s been properly cared for in the interim.”

“Why don’t we see if the doctor can do something about your vision first?”

Maria frowns. “But I…”

Arc interrupts her. “After all, you want to be able to see your daughter when she arrives, don’t you?”

“I suppose you’re right.”

“One moment.”

Turning, Arc motions for Doctor Whooves to come forward. He does so and enters through the curtain. Arc turns back to Maria as he speaks.

“The doctor is here, ma’am.”

“Is that you, Magtheridon?”

Doctor Whooves shifts uneasily. “Um…”

Arc interrupts. “No, ma’am. This is Doctor Whooves.”

Maria frowns. Where is the Royal Physician?”

Arc looks to the doctor. “He’s… unavailable at the moment. But rest assured that the doctor here is fully capable of helping you.”

“That I am, miss. Shall I examine you now?”

Maria nods. “Go ahead.”

Doctor Whooves looks into Maria’s face for a few moments before removing a small flashlight from his pocket and shining it in the patient’s eyes. Looking at her pupils for a time, he puts the light away before turning to a cabinet.

“It appears that you just need some medicated eyedrops to help your cornea focus properly. But not to worry, as I have them right here.”

“Very good. I’m glad to see Magtheridon has at least one competent apprentice.”

Returning to the bedside, Doctor Whooves leans over Maria and opens the bottle before inserting a small eyedropper.

“Are you ready, miss?”

“Go ahead.”

Allowing three drops to fall into each of Maria’s eyes, Doctor Whooves replaces the cap and returns the bottle to its place in the cabinet as he speaks.

“That should do it.”

Arc looks to the physician. “How long until they take effect?”

“Just a few minutes. Now I need to go check on another patient, but I’ll come see you in a bit, ma’am.”

“Thank you, doctor.”

Quickly leaving the curtained space, Doctor Whooves motions for Redheart to follow him to the back room. Arc waits patiently as Maria blinks innumerable times and rubs her eyes.

“I think they’re starting to work. Everything’s slowly coming into focus.”

Grimacing, Arc reaches for his ring and pulls out a magic cloak. Quickly putting it on he pulls the hood down to cover as much of his face as possible as Maria’s vision clears. A few moments later her gaze falls on him.

“That’s better. Um… but whom are you?”

“I’m… uh…”

Maria interrupts him as she looks around the room. “This doesn’t look like the palace’s medical facility to me.”

“It’s not, ma’am. This is a… different facility.”

“Is it now?”

“Yes. You see…”

Maria frowns. “Sir, at the risk of sounding rude, I wasn’t born yesterday.”

Arc sighs. “I guess I’m not very good at lying, huh?”

“No you are not. Now then, where are we really?”

“The Infirmary in Canterlot Castle.”

Maria raises an eyebrow. “Canterlot?”

Arc nods. “Yes. It’s the capital of…”


“How do you know about that?”

“My husband often spoke of it. Usually in a rather, shall we say… negative manner. So I am a prisoner of your land then?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. You see…”

Maria moves to sit up. “Then if you will excuse me, I must be getting back to…”

The woman suddenly doubles over, due to weakness. Auriel rushes through the curtain and puts her hands on her mother’s shoulders.

“Please! You mustn’t strain yourself!”

Maria groans as she puts a hand to her forehead. “Your concern is appreciated. However I need to…”

She stops talking as her eyes slowly move up to Auriel’s face. The pair stare at one another for a long moment before Maria speaks.

“No… no, it can’t be.”

Auriel grimaces. “I… um… I just… wanted to say…”

Auriel steps back and bows respectfully.

“…please don’t go, mother.”

Maria gasps. “A-Auriel?!”

“Yes, it’s me.”

“But… but how is such a thing POSSIBLE?!”

Arc looks away nervously. “I’m sure it’s a very long story.”

Maria groans. “I… I don’t…”

Auriel steps forward and helps her mother lie back down.

“Please rest now, mother. You need to regain your strength.”

“…you… can’t be… her.”

“I assure you that I am, mother.”

“But my daughter is still an infant!”

“I grew up.”


Arc sighs. “Auriel and King Malevolence say that you disappeared from Tartarus years ago.”

“I did?!”

Auriel nods. “Yes. Father told me that he ordered the entire realm scoured for any trace of you after that.”

“When… how long ago…?”

“It’s been over twenty years, mother.”

Maria puts a hand to her face. “Twenty… years?!”

“Yes mother.”

“I… I’m and old woman then?!”

Arc forces a smile. “At the risk of sounding… um… overly polite, you don’t really look a day over… uh… actually, I don’t think I’m going to finish that sentence.”

“Honestly, you don’t look any different from the picture on your badge.”

Maria appears confused. “My badge?”

Auriel nods as she pulls the card from her pocket. Looking at it, her gaze moves from the picture to the woman lying on the bed.

“Your ID from Damocles Base, mother.”

Maria gasps. “How do you know about that place?!”

Arc sighs. “We… had to go there a few times.”

Auriel smiles nervously. “Right. You see…”

Maria puts a hand to her forehead. “Please… I think I need some time to process all of this. Might I have some alone time?”

“Of course, mother. I’ll be within earshot though.”

She helps her mother by covering her with the blanket again before turning and motioning to Arc to follow her. As they step into the corridor Auriel turns to him with an ear to ear grin on her face.

“That’s really her!”

“It would appear so, yes.”

“While I admit she isn’t exactly what I expected, I’m still thrilled to finally be able to meet her!”

Arc chuckles. “Well, try to contain yourself long enough for her to get some rest.”

Auriel nods happily. “I most certainly will! But… where do we go from here?!”

“After she wakes up, you mean?”

“Of course!”

“We should probably be honest about everything. That and tell her what we know about the events leading up to her waking up here.”

“That might take a while though.”

“I don’t think she’s going anywhere. And it’ll give you two a chance to get caught up.”

Auriel sighs as she looks back toward the doorway. “Imagine losing twenty years of your life in the blink of an eye.”

“Not something I can fathom myself. The world went on without her though. She has to feel left behind.”

“There’s someone else whom needs to know about this though, Arc.”

Arc nods soberly. “Your father, King Malevolence.”

“Yes. But you might want to leave out the part about her memories. At least for now.”

“If that’s what you want. However I don’t really understand why though.”

“I want to be the one to tell him. In the presence of my mother, that is.”

Removing his cloak, Arc puts it back into his ring and calls forth his gauntlet.

“Luckily I still have that sigil just outside your father’s old palace. Uh… what’s the etiquette for showing up to see the king unannounced?”

“It’s forbidden for anyone to come into my father’s presence without being summoned. Other than me, of course. That’s what protected you the last time.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “But you won’t be there with me.”

Auriel reaches into her pocket. “True. In that case, take this.”

Removing the ID badge she looks it over for a moment before handing it over to Arc.

“Show this to the guards and tell them that you come on behalf of Princess Auriel.”

Arc grins as he accepts the badge. “Going by ‘princess’ now?”

“While it’s not a title I’ve used much, I am the daughter of the king.”

“Sure. But how will this badge help me?”

“Every guard knows just how dedicated my father was to his queen. Any possession of hers is considered sacred by him. Even more so that this has her likeness.”

“Alright. Um… are you sure about this?”

“I am.”

Arc raises a hand and opens a portal. “Well, wish me luck then.”

Stepping through the swirling energies, Arc calls forth his armor as he allows the portal to close behind him. Looking around he spies a number of demons constructing simple looking huts from leaves and limbs. Heading for the massive palace Arc begins climbing the stairs. However, as he does so the guards at the doors call out the alarm. A moment later an entire squad rushes forth with their weapons drawn. They quickly surround him as the leader approaches.

“State your business, outsider!”

“I’m… here to see King Malevolence on behalf of Princess Auriel.”

“For what purpose?!”

“A deeply personal matter regarding the king and his daughter.”

“His royal majesty has ordered no interruptions until further notice! He is quite busy coordinating the rebuilding of our kingdom as you can plainly see!”

The demon gestures to the fledgling town with a wave of his sword before continuing.

“Now then, if you have no other reason to be here I suggest you turn around and walk away! That is, before things get… messy!”

Arc steps toward the commander as he speaks. “Nevertheless, I must see the king.”

He pulls out the ID badge and holds it up.

“My business is urgent.”

“Didn’t you hear me…!”

He stops talking as the face of Maria comes into his field of vision. Gasping, he kneels before the badge.

“On your knees, maggots! He bears the likeness of the queen!”

Doing as they are told, the soldiers kneel respectfully as Arc looks down at the commander.

“Might I be able to see the king now?”

“Yes sir, of course!”

Standing, he escorts Arc up the stairs as the rest of the guards fall into line behind them. Arriving at the now somewhat restored massive double doors the commander steps aside and turns to Arc.

“You will find King Malevolence within. While I am required to permit you entry, there is no guarantee that he will not lop off your head upon laying eyes upon you.”

“Thanks for the heads up.”

The commander rolls his eyes as Arc continues.

“Sorry for the pun.”

As the commander motions for the guards to open the doors Arc steps into the Throne Room. They are quickly shut behind him as the guards chuckle menacingly. Sighing, Arc walks down the red carpet toward the podium on which the demon king sits. He is hunched over a desk going over innumerable scrolls as Arc approaches. Waiting patiently for the king to acknowledge him he stands there in silence. Suddenly the king speaks as he continues his work.


Arc shrugs. “Um… kinda both actually.”

Looking up from his work the king turns to the sound of Arc’s voice.


He stops talking as Arc’s figure comes into view. Tossing down his quill, the king jumps off the podium to land with a colossal crash that shakes the entire room (rather impressive for a building built into a mountain I might add). Hurrying toward Arc he frowns.


Arc holds up the badge. “Auriel sent me with this and a message.”

Accepting the plastic card, the king stares at the face of his lost wife for a long moment before speaking.


Arc nods. “It was mostly to make sure the guards let me in. But I should probably tell you my reason for coming here today.”


“Auriel sent me here to tell you that… that we found her.”


“Her mother.”

Malevolence gasps. “YOU FOUND MARIA?!”

Arc nods. “Yes sir.”


Arc points to the picture on the badge. “She looks exactly like this.”


“Very well. But I’ll need to shrink you down first.”


Holding out a hand, Arc casts the Matter Compacting Spell. Slowly but surely the king shrinks down to roughly a foot taller than Arc. He hurries over to the desk, grabs a stack of papers off of it with a Telekinesis Spell, and marches past the young man as he motions for him to follow.

“Let us be off!”

“Uh… sir?”

“Waste no time, Arc!

Arc holds up a gauntlet. “I can open a portal from here.”

“Yes, but that would not give me a chance to tell my subjects of my departure!”

“Have it your way.”

Following the king toward the doors, the demon throws them open to a large group of demons whom have pressed their ears to it. Glaring at them he roars.


They falls all over themselves moving as the commander from before runs over to their retreating monarch.

“Sire, what can I do to…?”

Malevolence does not turn to the commander as he tosses the papers to him. “Watch over the city while I’m out!”


“I have business to attend to in the pony capital! Keep the workers at their tasks and have them follow my orders as laid out here to the letter!”

“Yes sir. I’ll see to it. But might I ask when you plan to return?”

“When I am ready! Not sooner or later!”

Clomping quickly down the steps, they make their way toward the sigil as the soldiers and their commander watch on, confused. Powering up the sigil, Arc teleports himself and the king to his quarters in Canterlot Castle. Motioning to the door with a gauntlet, Arc leads the king out and down a corridor. Malevolence turns to him.

“How is she?!”

“Very weak, I’m afraid.”


“Yes. But not with any kind of normal sickness. I’m told she simply needs time to rest and recover on her own though.”

“I will see her for just a moment then!”

“Very well.”

“Where is Auriel?!”

“By her side as we speak.”

“Good! A daughter’s place is with her mother.”

He sighs as he looks at the badge in his claw.

“As is mine.”

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