• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 20 - Beyond the Door

Two hours later Rose walks over to Arc and gently taps his cheek with her hand.

“Arc? It’s time to wake up.”

He sighs as Rose turns on the flashlights. “Already?”

Rose nods. “Two hours have gone by. Should I let all of you continue sleeping?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. We need to get back to it pretty soon here.”

He looks down at Twilight’s sleeping form on his chest and then at Ember and Auriel on either side of him. Arc gently strokes Twilight’s mane.

“Twilight… Ember… Auriel? We need to get moving.”

The three slowly open their eyes and sit up. Ember stands and stretches.

“Are you sure?”

Auriel yawns. “It’s still dark out…”

Sereb chuckles. “We are still in the temple, Auriel.”

“Oh… right. I thought that was a dream.”

Brightwing jumps up. “Fight time!”

Arc shakes his head as they all stand. “I sure hope not, Brightwing.”

Ember picks up her armor and puts it back on. “I second that!”

Arc nods as he puts his own armor back on.

“Where to next, Rose?”

Rose brings up the map on the wall again. “Back the way we came ultimately. I estimate it will take us about an hour to reach the estimated position of the next pedestal. And another hour’s trek to the final keystone.”

Arc looks over the map. “On the up side, the walk back to the door should only take half as long.”

Twilight smiles. “That’s at least some comfort.”

Sereb shakes the sleep from his eyes. “Shall we depart?”

Ember nods. “Yeah!”

Another hour later finds the group in front of yet another pedestal. Arc looks around.

“We’re here, Ahuizotl. Let’s hear your riddle.”

The voice from before echoes through the corridor.

“If you have no teeth for me, I'll only satisfy curiosity. I am the hole in your security that cannot be passed when it cannot be filled. What am I?”

Sereb chuckles. “That is simple. You are a key.”

A click can be heard as the gem rolls toward the edge of the pedestal.

“Perhaps you mortals are not entirely as hopeless as I thought.”

Sereb steps toward the pedestal as he asks his question. “Are you the only living thing that resides within the temple?”

“I am not truly alive. However, nothing else currently resides in this temple. Save for you mortals. We will see how long that remains true.”

Peals of laughter echo throughout the halls of the labyrinth.

“Come to the fourth keystone and we shall see!”

Sereb picks up the keystone in his mouth and walks it over to Arc. He stashes it safely in his backpack as Arc yells out to the guardian of the temple.

“We’ll be there! You can count on it, Ahuizotl!”

Brightwing grins. “Friends smart! Brightwing not able to think of what these strange sayings mean!”

Twilight smiles at the wolf. “Good one, Sereb! I wish I had thought to ask that question! We could have avoided a LOT of stress.”

Arc nods. “Agreed.”

Rose turns to walk down the corridor. “One more keystone to go! This way everyone!”

The trip to the last pedestal is longer than expected, but without incident. Eventually Auriel’s light hits the final keystone.

“There it is!”

Arc sighs. “Okay, Ahuizotl. Let’s have it.”

“The fourth riddle, and my personal favorite! Sometimes dark and sometimes bright, I make my way among twinkling lights. Seas and oceans obey my call, yet mountains I cannot move at all. My face is marred and gray, but I am majestic anyway. What am I??”

Everyone looks around at each other and shrugs. Twilight looks nervous.

“Is it perhaps… Princess Luna when she gets old?”

There is a stunned silence from Ahuizotl.

“Wow… really? Mortal, that is by far the WORST answer that one could have come up with! Pray, for your sake the Princess of the Night never finds out!”

Ember laughs. “That was AWESOME!”

Twilight blushes heavily. “Come on! I feel bad enough about my answer!”

Brightwing giggles. “Brightwing believes the dark coated princess will still be VERY pretty when she gets old!”

Arc shakes his head and sighs. “Nice… you really were closer than you think, Twilight.”

Ember frowns. “Arc?”

He steps toward the pedestal and lays both his hands on its cool surface. “The answer is quite simple really. It really does make a lot of sense too. The answer is… the moon.”

Ahuizotl laughs as the final gem falls into Arc’s waiting hand. “Very good, mortal. You have collected all four keystones.”

Arc nods as he collects the stone. “Tell me, Ahuizotl. Why does magic not work within the temple?”

“That is due to the material that composes the Inner Sanctum. Now come! Use the keystones! Open this door long since sealed, and answer my final riddle to collect that which you desire! I await your arrival with breathless anticipation!”

Sereb frowns. “Final riddle?”

Ember shrugs. “As well as we’ve been doing on these riddles, one more won’t slow us down.”

Twilight sighs. “I sure hope not. This journey nears its end and I don’t want to falter on this! It’s like the very last question on a test!”

“Brightwing have bad feeling about this!”

Rose nods. “As do I.”

They begin the walk back to the sealed door with Arc and Rose in the lead. Cherry calls out to them.

“What do you suppose it’s like to just sit around for centuries waiting for someone to challenge with riddles?”

Auriel shakes her head. “Not much fun, I can tell you that much.”

Arc frowns. “Auriel?”

“It’s like sitting around Tartarus, probably.”

Ember shrugs. “Makes sense.”

Following the map Rose leads the group back to the ancient door. Brightwing excitedly flutters over to it.

“It’s just like Brightwing remembers it!”

Sereb shakes his head. “Of course it is. We only left it a handful of hours ago.”

Twilight looks to Arc. “What now?”

Arc puts down his backpack and opens it to reveal the keystones. “Now we put them in the slots and open this door.”

Cherry sounds nervous. “Do you think it’s safe to do so, Arc?”

He walks toward the door with the keystones in hand. “No. But we’ve come this far. Might as well go the distance.”

Everyone nods in agreement. The keystones are placed in the slots and a rumbling can be felt reverberating through the temple. Brightwing flutters around frantically.

“I do not like this! No Brightwing does not!”

Auriel grabs Brightwing before she flies away down a random corridor. “It’s okay! I got you!”

Brightwing calms down as Auriel holds her. “Pretty lady make Brightwing feel better! Will someday return favor!”

The doors slowly open to a black maw. They shine their flashlights into the darkness but can see nothing.

“Nowhere to go but forward. Everyone… follow me.”

Arc steps past the doors and into the Inner Sanctum with the others. The doors which had previously opened so slowly slam shut with a bang. Ember frowns.


Suddenly a great number of torches come alive and the room is quickly illuminated. In stark contrast to the rest of the temple, it is a very large and well maintained room. Murals line the walls along with many treasures of gold. Twilight looks around the room. Her eyes wide at the priceless ancient artifacts.

“Astonishing! This place is the archeological find of the century!”

Ember looks around. “What a collection! This might even be bigger than my father’s own horde!”

A voice comes from the shadows.

“Thank you, young dragon.”

The group looks around, but sees no one. Arc frowns.

“Is that you, Ahuizotl? Show yourself!”

“As you wish.”

A large creature jumps down from a high perch. It lands with a thud in the center of the room, sits down and looks at them all with obvious disdain. He is different shades of blue with luminous yellow eyes. Ahuizotl has the head and body of a dog, but the hands of a human. However his most notable characteristic would be the hand that dangles from the end of his long tail.

“By opening the door to this room, you mortals have solved the temple’s final riddle.”

The guardian looks at them, clearly unimpressed.

“Hmph! Somehow I thought those who could answer the riddles would be more… impressive looking.”

Ember steps forward, spear in claw. “Impressive?! I’ll show you impressive!”

Arc puts a hand on her shoulder. “Hold it, Ember.”

He turns toward Ahuizotl.

“Ahuizotl, I presume?”

“You presume much, mortal! But yes! I am Ahuizotl! Master of this temple! I suppose congratulations are somewhat in order! To date, no creature has set foot in this room since it was converted to a storehouse.”

Auriel looks confused. “A…storehouse?”

Ahuizotl nods. “Yes. The treasures you see here are proof of that, are they not?”

He gestures at the incalculable riches that surround them.

“As a reward for coming this far, you may take for yourselves as much gold as you can carry on your backs. Or, if you prefer, one magical item or artifact of your choosing.”

Rose walks over to join Arc. “We came here seeking a magical item of some importance.”

“Very well. But I can tell by the looks on your faces that you have other questions in mind.”

Twilight nods. “We do!”

“Ask and I will attempt to enlighten you, mortals.”

Twilight thinks for a moment. “What is this place? Who built it?”

“This temple’s original name and purpose has long since been forgotten by those who dwell in this land. It was built by a long-forgotten race who left this land many, many years ago.”

Ember frowns. “That doesn’t really tell us much.”

“That may be. But it is more than even your ancient race knows, young dragon.”

Ahuizotl looks the group over and snorts.

“What a rag-tag bunch you all are. A wolf, a dragon, a unicorn, a human, and even a demon.”

He squints at Rose and Brightwing.

“And two creatures that I cannot identify.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Brightwing is obviously a dragon like me!”

Ahuizotl shakes his head at Ember. “Is she now? That does not appear to me like any other dragon in this world. But believe what you will, fool.”

Arc steps forward. “How did you know I was a human?”

“I have the ability to peer through portals into other worlds. My creator knew I would be here alone for quite a while, and gave me that ability to help pass the time.”

Rose looks confused. “Your… creator?”

“Princess Celestia. She created me to watch over these treasures and ancient relics.”

He gestures again with a claw at the items that line the walls and lie piled all around the room. Auriel looks around.

“But where did it all come from?!”

“When the pony kingdoms first converged into one nation, many of the surrounding countries, fearing war with the newly formed and united Equestria, gave Princess Celestia tribute in order to appease her.”

Twilight looks confused. “Appease her?! But… but she’s such a kind ruler! What would they have to fear from her?”

“Such is not my place to question. Fearing it would make the capital city a target, she brought it here and created me to guard it.”

Arc looks at the guardian. “You said earlier that you are not alive. Yet you appear very much sentient to me.”

“The simple act of drawing breath does not make one a living creature, mortal. However such matters are not comprehensible for minds as small as yours.”

Sereb growls. “Or perhaps you think too highly of yourself.”

Ahuizotl waves dismissively. “Believe what you will, mortal. I was around long before you, and will continue long after you have returned to dust.”

Brightwing looks around the room. “Other friends here in the past?!”

Ahuizotl rolls his eyes. “If you mean has anyone else ever made it this far, the answer would be no, oh creature who believes itself to be a dragon.”

Cherry calls out to the guardian. “If Brightwing isn’t a dragon, what is she?”

Ahuizotl chuckles. “I wondered if you would speak, spirit. The answer to your question is… difficult to answer. As an immortal I do not see creatures as you do, but as different forms of energy. Sadly, I will have to leave it at that, as your minds are not capable of understanding the intricacies of those whom exist above you.”

“Brightwing is Brightwing!”

Arc shrugs. “I’m okay with that.”

Brightwing flutters around happily as Ahuizotl rolls his eyes.

“Ah… ignorance. How very droll. In any case, I suppose you’ve come here for the treasure.”

Ember shakes her head. “We didn’t even know such great wealth was here.”

“Then why DID you come?”

Arc addresses the guardian. “I need a very specific relic to save my friend here from the Dragon Lord’s wrath.”

“Dragon Lord Torch?”


Ember appears surprised. “You know my father?”

Ahuizotl chuckles. “I know of him, yes. But then again, who doesn’t? Tell me, what is it you seek?”

“The Dragon’s Tear.”

Ahuizotl looks confused. “The what?”

Ember frowns. “The Dragon’s Tear! What, are you deaf?!”

Arc nods. “Should I give it to him, he will forgive Equestria’s accidental violation of an ancient pact.”

Ahuizotl shakes his head. “A relic by that name does not exist here.”

Twilight looks worried. “Are you certain?”

“I am. Nothing has left this room since it was originally brought here centuries ago.”

Auriel looks over to the guardian. “Perhaps it went by a different name back then?”

“That may be. Tell me of this item.”

Arc tells what little he knows about the Dragon’s Tear.

“I can safely say none of the artifacts or treasures here match what you have told me.”

Twilight falls to her knees. “What?! But… we’ve come so very far in search of it!”

“Over the centuries your records were probably lost, misplaced or outright destroyed. Just like the item you now seek.”

Brightwing has spent her time thus far fluttering around the Inner Sanctum looking for the Dragon’s Tear.

“Big doggie right! I don’t see it around here anywhere!”

She flutters back to the group. As she lands on Sereb’s back Brightwing suddenly lets out a happy gasp.

“There it be!”

Sereb looks around. “Where?”

Brightwing again takes flight and flies up to Ahuizotl to point a small claw at the ornate gems that adorns his neck.


The others look to see a small azure gem in a gold pendant hanging from the rest of the jewelry in the shape of a tear. It pulsates with a soft blue glow.

“That is merely part of a very special necklace Princess Celestia gave to me as proof of my task. It is not part of the storehouse’s treasure.”

Ember frowns. “Well that’s what we came for!”

Arc nods. “Could we have that?”

Ahuizotl laughs. “Most interesting! The pony maybe… but I had assumed the human or perhaps the dragon to want their weight in gold over a small, useless stone.”

Arc sighs. “You’ve been watching humans on Earth, huh?”

“I have, and must say I am hardly impressed by their attitude toward one another and life in general.”

Ember stomps her foot defiantly. “Arc’s different!”

“Mayhap, oh dragon. But you… are you different?”

“What are you talking about?!”

“I have noticed that you have been eyeing the gold around the room since you entered. Are you not considering adding it to your horde?”

Ember looks away. “Well, I… um… fine! You got me! But I’m a dragon!”

Ahuizotl chuckles. “I do not blame you for what you are. But merely what you will become. Now take what treasure you want and leave me. Your greed sickens me.

Auriel looks confused. “Sickens?”

Ahuizotl turns around and walks away. “Humans… dragons… some ponies… all the same. They desire wealth and riches beyond measure! Beyond limits! Beyond what they could ever hope to spend during one of their short lives!”

He looks back at Rose and Brightwing.

“I wonder if the dragon that is not a dragon and human that is not a human are any different.”

“Brightwing not want shiny coins! Too heavy!”

Ahuizotl looks to Rose.

“What is it that you desire, small one?”

“We came to this temple for one reason. To redeem my life.”


Rose tells the sorry tale of how Twilight unknowingly grew Dragon Fruit and used its essence to create her core. The guardian frowns.

“I see. So this one here made a mistake, and now is forcing you to fix it?”

Twilight steps back. “That’s not…!”

Ahuizotl interrupts her, angrily. “Isn’t it?! Should not YOUR life be forfeit for this?! Your creation did NOTHING!”

“I… I suppose so. But the Dragon Lord requires HER death! Not my own! That is why I have come as well! To see that her life is spared!”

Sereb looks up. “We all have.”

Everyone nods.

Ahuizotl chuckles. “Interesting. Risking life and limb for that which is not real.”

Brightwing frowns. “Not real?! Friend seems very real to Brightwing! Even if she does have strange scent!”

“She is a doll! A marionette! Something to carry out her creator’s purpose! Nothing more!”

Twilight sighs. “While it is true that I created Rose to be a companion for Arc, I’ve learned that she is so much more.”

Rose nods. “I am! I honestly do WANT to be with him! And not just because my programming tells me so!”

Ahuizotl turns to face her. “Is that not just your ‘programming’ though?!”


“You’ve been conditioned to exist for another’s enjoyment! You serve NO OTHER PURPOSE than to serve him!”

Sereb nods. “Such as yourself?”

Everyone turns to Sereb, dumbfounded, as he walks forward to stand next to Rose.

“You two appear to have much in common. Rose is here for Arc, while you exist to serve Princess Celestia.”

“I have little in similarities with a mindless toy.”

Twilight grins slyly. “You only exist to guard the treasure here, do you not?”

“I do.”

Brightwing sighs. “And you’ve lived here your entire life alone? Why do that?! Why not go outside and make friends?!”

“Because the treasure would be unguarded!”

Ember looks at him with disgust. “Who cares?! No one lives anywhere near here! You could leave the treasure for weeks at a time and nothing would move!”

Arc nods. “Your riddles would keep everyone at bay. Haven’t they already done so for centuries?”

“I suppose they have. However…!”

Sereb interrupts him. “You also said we were the first to make it to the Inner Sanctum. If the riddles keep everyone out, what need do you have to be here?”

“This is my purpose!”

Rose nods as she takes Arc’s arm. “Such is mine! And I do it happily! You and I… we’re not so different. Other than our ages, we have much in common.”

Ahuizotl chuckles. “I suppose we do, little one.”

Brightwing looks up at the large hole in the ceiling. “Why you stay here?! Could you not go up and out through there?! Follow maze back to opening!”

“It is high and I do not have the luxury of wings, little one.”

“Could big, scary thing not grow some?!”

Ahuizotl shakes his head. “I suppose such things are beyond a creature such as yourself, but…”

Arc interrupts. “Brightwing isn’t too far off.”

Ember frowns. “Um… what?”

“Think about it! You don’t actually NEED wings to leave this place, do you?”

Twilight looks up at the hole in the ceiling. “I’m still wondering how WE’RE going to get out of here!”

Ahuizotl shrugs. “I will just open the door for you.”

Auriel frowns. “Wait… what?!”

The guardian points to a button next to the door. “The door requires keystones to open only for THAT side. It can easily be opened from here.”

Twilight looks confused. “So you could just WALK out of here?!”


Ember facepalms. “Look Ahuizotl, can we just have the Dragon Tear so we can get out of here?!”

Arc nods. “Agreed. We probably should be getting back to the ship soon.”

“Very well.”

Ahuizotl removes the Dragon’s Tear and gives it to Rose. As the android hands it to Arc, she suddenly looks back up at Ahuizotl.

“Wait! If we keep this, he’ll die! Remember, Princess Luna said this made whomever wore it immortal!”

Arc nods. “You’re right, Rose! It’s probably the only thing that’s been keeping him alive all these years!”

Ember shrugs. “But we need it too.”

Cherry sighs. “It can’t be two places at once.”

Sereb turns to the others. “Well then, what should we do?”

Ahuizotl looks over to Arc. “You should have it, little mortal. See what it is like to be cursed with immortally. At last my journey now has an end.”

Twilight’s eyes grow wide. “What are you saying?!”

“One day I will breathe my last and cease to be. While that day is far off, I look forward to it knowing that I can finally rest from my task.”

Arc shakes his head. “I can’t understand what it must be like to live one’s whole life in solitude. Guarding a treasure no one but the princesses themselves even remembers!”

Twilight looks to the guardian. “Ahuizotl, before we go, can you answer something else for me please?”

“I will try.”

“You told us earlier that magic did not work in the temple because of something in the Inner Sanctum. Can you tell us more about that?”

Ahuizotl gestures to the walls. “These are not average rocks. They have been specially treated to act as not just magical inhibitors, but to absorb magic.”

Arc nods. “So when I try to cast a spell…”

“Yes. The very walls that protect this room drain your mana before the spell can come to fruition.”

Auriel looks confused. “How?!”

Twilight nods. “I think I can answer that now. Before a spell is cast a unicorn gathers the mana for it in their horn. But these stones syphon it away before we are ready.”

Ember frowns. “What about Arc and I?”

Arc sighs. “Before we cast our Dragon Magic we DO charge up, Ember. Just quicker than unicorns do apparently. Maybe Princess Celestia didn’t want someone to Blink in here without properly taking the test?”

“Brightwing understands! Me think!”

Auriel looks over at a pile of rubble and picks up a piece. “Can we take a sample, Ahuizotl?”

Twilight nods. “It would be nice to study these anti-magic bricks more closely.”

“Very well, mortal.”

She picks up a piece of rubble and puts it in her belt as Arc continues.

“Ahuizotl, do you know if any other structures were built using this anti-magic building material?”

“That is unknown to me. However, I agree that it is possible that there are other storehouses elsewhere in the land which hold treasures of similar value or importance to Princess Celestia.”

Arc takes a piece of the rubble for himself and puts it in his backpack. “Thank you for your help, Ahuizotl. If you do decide to leave this place…”

“No, it is my home. For better or worse, the treasure must be guarded!”

Ember turn to him. “We have what we came for, Arc. Shouldn’t we be going?”

“I suppose you’re right.”

He turns back to Ahuizotl.

“Take care of yourself.”

Arc and the others turn to leave.

“A final word of warning. With that gem removed from my choker, the spell on it is broken.”

Twilight looks worried. “What spell?!”

“It allowed me to control the statues outside. Now they will run wild.”

Arc shrugs. “We got past them to get in here no problem.”

“True. But now they are activated. The moment they sense your presence you will be set upon by them.”

Twilight smiles. “We’ll have our magic back by then though.”

Ember grins “Right! They won’t stand a chance against us at full strength!”

“There is another fail-safe built in to the temple’s defenses. Should the statues activate, they will call forth reinforcements in the form of sphinx. While not quite as strong as the statues, they are much faster. That and the sphinx are capable of dampening the magical abilities of any foe they encounter.”

Rose shakes her head. “That explains the large number of bodies out there.”

Sereb nods. “Those who were too quick for the statues did not escape the sphinx.”

Auriel sighs. “It must have been terribly confusing for them to lose control of their magic.”

“If you would like to return the Dragon’s Tear, I can use it to regain control of my followers and safeguard your exit.”

Ember frowns. “Can I assume you can’t just do that and give the tear back?”

Ahuizotl shakes his head. “Sadly, no. As soon as the tear is returned to you, I will again lose control of them.”

Twilight turns to Arc. “What should we do?!”

Arc thinks for a few moments before fastening the chain around his neck and tucking the Dragon’s Tear inside his armor.

“We have no choice. The Dragon’s Tear must come with us!”

Ahuizotl nods. “As you wish, mortals. I wish you a safe trip away from this accursed place.”

“Thank you. But you’re forgetting something, Ahuizotl.”

“Am I? What is that?”

Arc smiles at him. “Without the Dragon’s Tear, you‘re a mortal as well.”

Ahuizotl chuckles. “I suppose that is true. Enjoy your immortality, human.”

“The name’s Arc.”

“Very well then, Arc. You will soon learn the burden that comes with such a position.”

They return to the entryway. Rose hits the switch to open the doors and they step back out into the labyrinth together.

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