• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 18 - The Beast

Viktor zooms in on the monster standing before Arc.

“He doesn’t look too happy right now.”

Rose nods nervously. “I’m performing additional scans now.”

Bloodletter lunges at Arc. Moving much faster than his massive bulk should allow, he slams a massive fist into Arc’s chest. Tom turns away from the screen.


Minerva winces. “Yes. Even through armor, that’ll leave a mark!”

Arc gets up slowly as Bloodletter lets out a bestial roar. “Rose? Any time now.”

“I’m scanning as fast as I can. Try not to hurt him in the meantime.”

Bloodletter grabs Arc by the back of his armor and throws him through a tree. Arc lands some distance away. He sits up and shakes his head to clear it.

“I don’t think that’s going to be a problem.”

Minerva looks to Arc anxiously. “Come on! Get up!”

“What was that, Minerva? We didn’t quite catch that.”

“I was just saying our Hero looks like he could use some help.”

“Any sign of his partner, Dragon?”

“None, Tom. After her last attack she just vanished.”

“What about his wolf?”

“Nothing. I can only assume he sent them away in the confusion.”

“I just hope our heroic friend has something up his sleeve then.”

“So do I.”

Bloodletter again rushes at Arc. This time however he is able to Blink out of the way in time. The tree behind Arc however is smashed to pieces as the beast’s shoulder crashes into it. Arc reappears some distance away.


Cherry cries out. “ARC! There’s no way you have any hope of beating him! Get out of there!”

Arc shakes his head. “No! This thing HAS to be stopped here and now!”

Viktor pulls up a map of the surrounding area. “There’s a school not too far from your current position, sir!”

Xenos looks over to Viktor. “A school?! Anyone there?!”

Max pulls up the school’s website. “The schedule says they’re holding something called ‘baseball practice.”

Sereb puts his paws up on the table and speaks into Viktor’s headset. “Arc, if you can open a portal we can help you!”

Bloodletter grabs the tree, rips it out of the ground, and throws it at Arc. He deftly rolls out of the way.

“This opponent is too much! You guys wouldn’t stand a chance!”

Sereb turns to Rose. “Anything?”

“Keep some distance between yourself and him, Arc. One solid blow from him to your head would certainly be the end for even you!”

“Duly noted.”

Arc powers up his Hand Cannons and fires at Bloodletter. The beast puts up his massive hands to shield his face from the barrage.

“Our hero seems to have multiple weapons. This a new development!”

“That it is, Tom. And I think he’s going to need everything he can get to bring this animal down!”

Rose calls out to him. “Increase your power output, Arc!”

“What?! But it’s pretty high now!”

Viktor nods. “I don’t think it’s working, sir!”

Max grimaces. “That’s just making him mad!”


Arc increases his Hand Cannon’s output to maximum. The beams crackle as they fly through the air. Bloodletter roars in pain as the smell of burning flesh fills the air.

Rose calls out. “His adrenaline levels are rising!”

Hugh looks confused. “What does that mean?!”

Xenos frowns. “He’s getting mad!”

Arc ceases his attack. “Great…”

As Bloodletter charges at him again Arc grabs him with his magic. Picking the beast up he slams his opponent into the ground multiple times before throwing him through the hospital’s outer perimeter fence. The beast doesn’t stay down for long however. Before the dust can even settle he crawls through the fence and again glares at his opponent. Arc pulls Bloodletter toward himself with unimaginable force.


Bloodletter swings at Arc as he flies toward him. Arc drops to his knees to dodge the attack. As his opponent passes Arc suddenly stands up to hit him in the gut sending the beast flying out of control to land against a bolder, shattering it.

“I don’t think he’s getting up from that one, Minerva.”

“For our hero’s sake, I hope you’re right.”

Arc walks cautiously over to Bloodletter as he lies on the ground. “Rose? Is he…?”

A giant hand suddenly reaches up to grab Arc by the faceplate. He pushes away as his helmet is ripped off to expose the Abyssinian silk mask.


Bloodletter throws the helmet into the brush as he lunges at Arc. It rolls for some time before stopping in front of Minerva. Her eyes grow wide as Tom continues the broadcast.

“That was a close call! Our hero almost lost his head!”

Minerva nods. “Maybe we’ll finally be able to see the face of our town’s hero!”

She points to the pair still duking it out. Arc’s back is still to her.

“We’ll see if we can get a good shot of him!”

The cameraman nods and zooms in. He frowns and shakes his head. Minerva rushes over to him and grabs the camera.

“Let me see!”

She trains the zoom on Arc as he turns to avoid another blow. The cameraman grabs her microphone and holds it to her face as she deftly manipulates the camera for a better shot.

“It looks like our hero really doesn’t want anyone seeing who he is, Tom.”

“What’s that he’s wearing?”

“A second mask.”

Minerva hands the camera back to her assistant as Tom continues talking.

“I want to know who he is as much as our viewers do. But if that monster gets ahold of that mask, I’ll most likely rip off most of his face!”

Minerva takes back her microphone and stoops down to pick up the helmet.


“The hero’s helmet?”

“Yes, Tom. It rolled over here a few moments ago.”

“What can you tell us about it?”

Minerva looks the helmet over. “For starters, it’s very light.”

“Light? But that’s a solid helmet, isn’t it?! I mean, it doesn’t even have eyeholes!”

“That it is. However it only weighs a handful of pounds. I wonder if…”

Minerva puts the helmet on and looks around.

“This… this is incredible, Tom!”


“I can see everything around me as clear as day! It’s… it’s like the helmet isn’t even there!”

“How is that possible?!”

“Who knows! I… wait! What’s that?!”

She points to the roof of the hospital. Her assistant aims his camera in that direction.

“Minerva? What are we supposed to be looking at?”

“That hooded figure on the roof!”

“We don’t see anything on this end, Minerva.”

Minerva pulls the helmet off her head and tosses it aside to grab the cameraman’s arm. “What? How can you not…?”

She looks up again but sees nothing.

“They’re gone!”

“What can you tell us about that figure you saw?”

Minerva returns to her spot in front of the camera. “They were just standing there watching. I didn’t see anything other than the blue cloak they were wearing though.”

She reaches down and picks up the helmet again.


Meanwhile, Arc and the beast continue to go at it. Xenos calls out to him.

“Watch your head, sir! One shot and it’s over for you!”

Arc pushes away from his opponent. His eyes darting around frantically. “Cherry! Where…?!”

Max shakes his head. “Don’t worry. Your helmet is in the brush behind that monster, sir.”

Hugh turs to Viktor. “Maybe he should go after it!”

Viktor shakes his head as Bloodletter grabs Arc again and throws him onto the roof of the hospital. “I don’t think that’s an option right now.”

The cloaked figure deftly steps to the side as Arc runs past them to jump back down to ground level. Rose calls out.

“I may have a plan, Arc. However it’s very risky.”

Arc dodges another attack. “I’ll take anything right now!”

“Your opponent expends a lot of energy every time he swings at you. If you can somehow tire him out you might just be able to win this thing!”

Arc nods as he punches the beast across the yard. “Yes, but every time I hit him he just comes back twice as strong!”

Max looks to her nervously. “Rose, you aren’t suggesting what I think you are… are you?”

“Yes. Make him so angry that he tires himself out.”

Xenos frowns. “The commander doesn’t have the strength to do that though!”

Viktor nods. “Yes. He’s got to be tired enough as it is!”

Rose sighs as she speaks into her headset. “You know what you have to do, Arc.”

Arc dodges another attack. The tree behind him explodes from Bloodletter’s fist. He is breathing heavily from the prolonged battle under his mask.

“I… I just…”

Rose nods soberly. “Think of those children playing baseball nearby, Arc. Do you really want to risk their lives?”

“I… understand. Get ready.

“Minerva! Is our hero giving up?”

“It kinda looks like it, Tom. He’s just dodging attacks now.”

“Do you think he still has what it takes to win this fight?”

“For our sakes, I hope so.”

Arc continues dodging attacks for another minute.

“I can’t keep this up forever!”

Rose calls out. “Nearly ready, Arc. Just stall him for another thirty seconds.”

Arc looks up just in time to see a claw coming at him. He ducks as the hospital fence takes the mighty blow. A chunk of wood is jarred loose and hits him in the back of the head. Bloodletter grabs Arc and slams him to the ground.

Rose screams out. “Ready!”

Arc woozily holds up his hand toward the monster before him. “I… I hate this plan.”

A portal opens behind the beast.

“Some kind of wormhole has just opened up, Tom!”

“Do you think our hero plans to banish the creature though it?”

“That would be the best course of action right now, Tom. He can’t keep going like this! Wait! Something’s happening!”

Arc calls out weakly. “Do… do it.”

Bloodletter raises a hand to finish Arc. Suddenly Sereb lunges through the portal with a masked Rose on his back. Together they tackle the beast as four robed figures appear through the swirling energies and run over to Arc. Minerva breathes a sigh of relief.

“It looks like our Hero has more friends than we thought!”

“How many are there now, Minerva?”

“Six including the wolf.”

“Our Hero may pull through this yet! But what are those people holding?”

“It looks like spears.”

“Maybe now they’ll be able to fell this beast!”

Max helps him sit up with Hugh as Viktor and Xenos take up defensive positions between the beast and Arc.

“Are you alright, sir?!”

Arc nods weakly. “Y-yeah. Where’s Rose?”

Hugh turns to him. “She’s helping Sereb!”

“Are they okay?!”

Bloodletter flies through the air as Sereb blasts him with his magic. Max nods.

“They’re holding their own.”

“Help me… get up. This is far from over.”

Viktor turns to reposition himself with Xenos as Rose and Sereb rushes past them. “You should rest, sir. Let us handle this.”

Rose jumps off Sereb’s back and lunges at Bloodletter. She uppercuts him squarely in the jaw. The beast flies straight up several hundred feet. Minerva’s eyes grow wide.

“I don’t believe this! One of the newcomers has just brought the Hero’s opponent low! Or high, I suppose.”

“We see it, Minerva! How did she…?!”

“It would appear she simply punched him, Tom.”

“But no one is THAT strong!”

“Had I not seen it myself, I wouldn’t have believed it either!”

As the beast falls back to the ground Sereb blasts him across the yard with a powerful Telekinesis Spell. Bloodletter flies clear over the hospital and several trees. Xenos grins.

“That should teach him!”

Max frowns. “Let’s not be overconfident now.”

Viktor nods. “Right. This is no ordinary opponent!”

Hugh points to the tree line. “Look! I see something…”

“Look out!”

The others look up at Rose’s warning. A fully grown tree hurls toward the group. Sereb leaps toward Arc knocking him out of the tree’s path. One of the limbs catches the wolf and pulls him along for the ride. He emerges from the branches a moment later and shakes his head as if to clear it. Minerva gasps.

“The beast is now throwing trees!”

“You mean limbs, right?”

“No, Tom! Fully grown trees!”

Rose runs toward woods. “I’ve get him!”

Arc calls out to her. “Wait, NO!”

Rose disappears into the foliage as Arc’s squad waits and listens.

“We should go after her!”

Max puts a hand on Xenos’ shoulder. “No. He could easily surprise us in there.”

Viktor turns to Arc. “She can take care of herself. Right sir?”

“I’m sure she’ll be…”

A moment later there is the sound of several colossal blows. Rose flies toward them at breakneck speed. Xenos leaps forward to catch her as she falls back to earth.

“Are you…?!”

Xenos stops talking as he sees Rose’s arm twisted horribly. Red liquified magic drips out of her in several places, and she appears to be in pain as he lays her down on the ground. The others hurry over. Arc raises his gauntlet to open a portal.

“We need to get you out of here!”

He looks to Viktor.

“Take her back home and…”


Arc turns back to Rose. “What did you say?”

Rose slowly gets up. “I said, no. I’m not leaving. That monster is…”

She is cut off as her head quickly turns toward the foliage. Bloodletter leaps toward them. Rose quickly calls forth her R-Cannon and fires. The beast flies back toward the woods. Tom gasps.

“What was THAT?!”

“That young woman must have something up her sleeve!”

“Impressive, as injured as she appears!”

Rose falls to her knees as she recalls her weapon. She appears greatly weakened.

“That’s… about all the energy I have left at this point.”

Arc kneels down to her. “You did fine. We’ll take care of the rest.”

Max shakes his head. “Sir. You and she are in no condition to continue this fight.”

Viktor looks back to the trees. “Let us take him on!”

“No! He’ll tear you four to pieces!”

Hugh chuckles. “We’ll be fine.”

Xenos makes a fist. “Right!”

He pulls aside his robe to expose the heavy armor under it. Arc’s eyes grow wide.

“What?! Where did you…?”

Sereb looks over. “Rose picked the crate up with her scanners in the garage.”

“Minerva? Did that wolf just… talk?!”

“I… I think so, Tom.”

“This story is just so… I don’t know how much more I can believe!”

Minerva nods as she turns to see Bloodletter charging out of the woods toward the heroes yet again.

“I’ll keep broadcasting as long as possible for our dear viewers at home. This needs to be documented!”

Sereb frowns. “We didn’t find any helmets though.”

Arc sighs. “I… I know.”

Reaching for his magic ring Arc pulls four helmets out and tosses them to his squad. They quickly put them on under their hoods as Max turns to Arc.

“Don’t worry, sir. I have a plan.”

“Be careful!”

Xenos nods. “Yes sir.”

The four move to surround the beast. Max lunges forward and strikes his opponent from behind with his spear.

“Take that, monster!”

As Bloodletter turns to counter, Max jumps back and calls out to the others.


Hugh does the same, slashing at the beast’s backside. The beast roars in pain as he turns to retaliate. However Hugh jumps back. Viktor steps forward.

“My turn!”

He does the same as Xenos finishes the job with a well places spear to the back. The beast roar angrily.

“Just stay down!”

Bloodletter dashes away to put some distance between himself and the four. They watch in horror as his wounds heal before their eyes. Sereb growls.

“This is not good.”

Arc frowns. “Just like Tempest!”

Rose looks over. “It… it’s working!”

Arc turns to her. “What?”

“He healed himself, yes. But it took a lot of energy for him to do so.”

Arc turns to his squad. “Do that again! Attack and retreat! He hates that!”

Max gives a thumbs up. “Yes sir!”

The group repeats the process several more times. Their opponent appears to be weakening. Arc turns to Sereb.

“Finish him.”

Sereb nods and lunges at Bloodletter. He bites down hard on his arm and throws him toward Arc’s squad. Holding their spears at the ready the four stab the beast through his gut together. Minerva blocks the camera lens momentarily with her hand.

“Oh my…!”


“I-I’m sorry, Tom. But this is far too much to be shown on television!”

They pull out of Bloodletter’s gut as he staggers back. His wounds heal albeit slowly. Rose turns to the others. Minerva steps back as they begin broadcasting again.

“His energy is at an end. Be careful.”

Arc walks toward the beast. “Oh, I will.”

“It appears our hero is about to end this fight, Minerva.”

Minerva nods. “We can only hope he makes that monster’s end swift.”

Arc stands before the beast. He looks all around at the squad before focusing on Arc himself.

“It’s time this ended, Bloodletter.”

The beast growls weakly and lunges forward. Arc sidesteps to avoid his blow and plants a fist in the monster’s gut. He staggers backwards momentarily before straightening and looking up just in time to see Arc’s fist hit him squarely between the eyes. The beast’s body goes rigid as he collapses to the ground. Arc quickly removes his gauntlet and puts two fingers to the beast’s throat.

“Let’s see how you’re doing.”

Xenos looks confused. “Sir?”

“We weren’t trying to kill him. Just stop him.”

Minerva grins. “The beast is down, Tom!”

“And none too soon. Who knows what would of happened had our town’s hero not intervened?!”

“Agreed. It’s a rather sad ending to this situation however.”

She turns to look back at Arc and his friends.

“Hold on a moment. Something is happening over there!”

Rose limps over. “Yes. However his energy levels are critically low and… wait! Something’s happening!”

Bloodletter begins to shrink in size. In a few moments he returns to his normal form. For a few moments no one says a word. Even Tom is momentarily speechless.

“What… just happened?!”

Minerva gasps. “I… The Rider’s leader, he… just turned back to normal somehow!”

“Did the Hero do something to him?”

“I don’t think so. He looks just as surprised as we are! Well, I suppose we need to leave before we’re noticed. This has been Minerva Moore reporting to you live from somewhere outside Farburg!”

She nods to the cameraman. They hurry back to their van and quickly drive away. Minerva looks the helmet over.

“A perfect story! That and I got a prop for the follow up report!”

The cameraman glances over. “Shouldn’t you give that back, Miss Moore? The Hero needs it.”

“As resourceful as he is, I’m sure he can get his hands on another.”

She puts the helmet on again and looks around.

“This little beauty is going in my personal collection! Right next to my…”

Minerva is cut short as a visage of a very angry Cherry flashes before her eyes. She rips the helmet off and lets it fall to the floor. The cameraman looks to her, confused.

“What’s wrong?!”

Minerva puts a hand to her forehead. “N-nothing. I’m just seeing things.”

“Like during the shoot?”

“I guess. Tell me, did you see anyone on the roof looking down at any point?”

“Other than the Hero at one point, no.”

Minerva sighs. “I think I need a good night’s sleep.”

“You have been going at it pretty hard. Everyone needs a break now and again.”

Minerva holds up the helmet again. “I’ll rest. Just as soon as I figure out just who this Hero is!”

Meanwhile, Rose scans Bloodletter before turning to Arc.

“We need to get him to a hospital right away!”


Arc raises a gauntlet and opens a portal. He gestures to Sereb. Xenos and Viktor put Bloodletter on his back as Arc turns to the foliage.

“Get him to the hospital! I need to find Cherry!”

Rose cries out. “He’s in critical condition, Arc!”

“Agreed. Sereb, go!”

Sereb nods and rushes through the portal. Max walks over to Arc.

“The boys and I will find your helmet, sir.”

Xenos nods. “Right! You need to rest!”

Hugh puts a hand on Arc’s shoulder. “This fight wasn’t easy for you either, sir. Please leave finding Miss Cherry to us.”

Viktor moves to support Arc. “We can do it. Just rest, sir”

“I… but…”

Arc falls to his knees breathing heavily. Xenos puts an arm around Arc’s shoulder and helps him up.

“Lean on me, sir.”

Arc calls out weakly. “Ch-Cherry!”

Xenos looks to the others. “I’ll help the commander home and come back for you three.”

They nod. Xenos helps Arc though the portal to the hospital. They drop off Bloodletter and Arc opens a portal to his house. Rose, Arc, Sereb, and Xenos appear on the basement sigil. Xenos half-carries Arc toward the stairs.

“Let’s get you to bed, sir.”

“But… Cherry…!”

Rose limps off the sigil. “The others will find her, Arc. Have faith in them.”

Sereb nods. “I’m sure she’s fine.”

Arc turns to looks around weakly. “Ember?”

Xenos points to his bunk. “She’s resting. Come on, sir.”

Sereb turns to Ember. “I’ll carry her to bed for you.”

“Thank… you.”

Xenos helps Arc up to his parent’s room as Arc looking over his shoulder to Sereb.


“I have her here, Arc. She’s okay. You two just need a good night’s sleep.”

“Bring her… to me.”

Xenos looks confused. “Sir?”

“My bed. Put her there.”

Sereb nods. He uses his magic to carefully lay Ember down as Xenos lowers Arc into the bed next to her. Sereb returns to his Cub Form and jumps up to take his place at the foot of the bed as Xenos covers Arc and Ember with the blankets.

“I’ll drive out there and pick the others up, sir.”

Arc wordlessly nods as Xenos leaves the bedroom and heads to the main level. Rose meets him in the Living Room as she looks out the window.

“You should hurry, Xenos. It’s starting to rain.”

Xenos nods as the rain quickly intensifies. “The forecast did call for it. I’m just glad we didn’t get caught in that during the battle.”

He looks at Rose’s injuries.

“You going to be okay?”

“I’ve already begun repairs. By morning I should be fully functional.”

“Are you sure? That looks painful!”

“Yes. Remember, I don’t feel pain. You go.”

Xenos nods and heads out the door as Rose sits down on the couch and closes her eyes.

“This is the first time since Miss Cherry’s return you’ve been alone, Arc. I wish I could help, but I have my own problems right now. Rest well, my friend.”

Meanwhile, as Rose continues repairing herself, Arc turns his head to Ember and offers her a weak smile as he slides over to her. He pulls her into and embrace.

“Ember. My… friend. You… you were so very… brave back there.”

He looks out the bedroom window at the falling rain and murky evening light as he holds her tightly.

“Sleep well, Ember.”

A tear courses down his cheek.

“Max. Please… find Cherry. Bring my love… back to me. Please…”

Meanwhile, a cloaked Diva looks down from the roof of the hospital and chuckles to herself as she spots the empty syringe Hammer dropped. Holding out her hand she pulls the empty container to herself.

“An impressive show, Arc. Hammer may have failed in her own mission, along with her idiotic Shards. But you… you’ve done VERY well! I look forward to bringing you into the stable… very soon.”

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