• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 4 - Military Transfer

Several days later, the Mane Six, Hammer, Rose, and Ember disembark The Equinox along with all the residents of Ponyville. Ember turns and looks back at the ship angrily.

“Piece of junk.”

Auriel raises an eyebrow “Ember?”

“I said this thing is WORTHLESS!

Applejack frowns. “What’s gotten into you?”

Ember points a claw at The Equinox. “Princess Luna gave this to Arc so he could safeguard Equestria! It couldn’t even keep HIM safe!”

Fluttershy steps toward Ember. “Now, now. We’re all upset by the news. But blaming the ship won’t help.”

Twilight sighs as she hangs her head. Right. That and I think this is exactly what Arc wanted.

Hammer gasps. “Wait! You mean he WANTED to get captured?!”

Rarity nods sadly. “Agreed. Arc had to know he couldn’t take on Celestia back then.”

Rainbow Dash grits her teeth. “Then why didn’t he bring reinforcements?!”

Pinkie turns to her friend. “Because he didn’t want anypony else to get hurt, Dashie!”

Rose smiles. “Arc cares for all of us, as he does for Equestria. I’m sure he’s going to do everything in his power to protect it and us.”

Ember groans. “Well, that doesn’t mean I have to like it.”

Twilight looks to Ember. “Remember the message from Scootaloo. No violence unless provoked.”

“Yeah. That’s the only thing stopping me right now.”

A short time later they come to the makeshift town. King Felix and Queen Fiona are there to meet them along with Hard Hat, Sunburst, Stellar Flare, and Auriel. The king and queen are the first to speak.

“Good morning everyone.”

“We’d like to welcome you to your new homes.”

Hard Hat gestures with a wave of his hoof. “Everypony’s done their very best to get these buildings off the ground in as short a time as possible.”

Stellar Flare grins. “It’s meant a lot of long hours and sleepless nights.”

Sunburst turns toward the buildings. “But we’ve been able to put together something that will help everypony stay comfortable until we can return home.”

King Felix nods. “All of you are welcome here as long as you’d like.”

Queen Fiona claps her paws. “And with that we declare the town of New Ponyville, open!”

Everyone gathered clops their hooves together happily as the monarch step aside to let them enter their new town. The Mane Six approach with the others as Twilight looks to the monarchs.

“Thank you very much for all your help, your majesties.”

“Think nothing of it Princess Twilight.”

“Your nation has done so much for us in our hour of need. It was merely time for us to repay that kindness.”

Hard Hat nods. “The buildings may not look like much, but they’re sturdy and safe.”

Stellar Flare grins. “And cool.”

Sunburst looks up at the rising sun. “That they are. Our citizens will certainly need it if they’re to survive out here.”

Auriel turns to Rose. “The geothermal cooling was a magnificent idea.”

“Thank you. But it’s really just something I read about back on Earth.”

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow. “Geo-whatsits?”

Applejack shrugs. “Something to do with the ground?”

Pinkie nods happily. “It’s cold down there!”

Fluttershy appears confused as she turns to Pinkie. “How do you know?”

Rose giggles. “She helped us dig.”

Auriel nods approvingly. “I wondered where she went.”

Rainbow Dash shrugs. “I figured she was goofing off, or something.”

Pinkie shakes her head. “Nope! I was in DEEP!”

Applejack facehoofs. “That just sounds wrong.”

Auriel clears her throat loudly. “Shall we explain how this system works?”

Felix nods. “Please do.”

Rainbow Dash wipes the sweat from her brow. “Yeah! But can we go somewhere a bit cooler first?”

Applejack points a hoof. “How about the new Town Hall then? There shouldn’t be anypony inside at the moment.”

Twilight grins. “Good idea.”

Entering the building, they are blasted by a cool wave of air. Sighing contentedly they close the doors behind them. The queen is the first to speak.

“It’s so cool in here!”

Stellar Flare taps the floor with a hoof. “It’s accomplished by circulating fluid through a series of large tubes deep underground.”

Rarity appears confused. “But isn’t it just as hot down there?”

Applejack shakes her head. “Nope. You go down far enough and the temperature stays around fifty-five degrees all year long.”

Fluttershy giggles. “Just like your root cellar?”


Rose nods. “Water is circulated through tubes that run through the ground. The heat is bled from them in this way. By the time it returns to ground level the water is MUCH cooler.”

She points up at a large device in a corner before continuing.

“The tubes cross a number of times on this coil. It increases the surface area the air blows through it.”

Auriel picks up the explanation. “As the heat from the air is absorbed by the coil it warms the water but cools the air.”

Stellar Flare points down. “Then the water is pumped back into the ground where the process starts all over again.”

Felix nods approvingly. “A very interesting invention.”

Fiona stands in front of the cool air flow. “Had I not felt it with my own skin, I would not have believed it.”

Rainbow Dash appears confused. “How do you cool your palace though?”

“Several very thick walls with spaces in between them filled with insulation.”

“By the time the heat of the sun starts to get through, it’s setting.”

Felix grins. “The warmth by that point of the day is rather nice, as our nights are quite cold.”

Rarity gasps. “But how will everypony stay warm then?!”

Applejack shrugs. “More blankets?”

Sunburst shakes his head. “Not quite. You see, this system can also run in reverse.”

Auriel nods. “Instead of releasing the heat underground, it can absorb it to diffuse in the room as well.”

Pinkie giggles. “Sounds like you’ve thought of everything!”

Fluttershy smiles. “Right. We’ll be quite comfortable here.”

Twilight turns to her friends. “That’s a relief. I’m glad everypony will be okay.”

Rarity looks to Twilight. “Including you.”

“It’s… more than I deserve.”

Felix appears confused. “Princess Twilight?”

She walks over to a large window and looks out over the new town. Ponies are scurrying everywhere in an attempt to move their things into their assigned properties as soon as possible.

“This is all my fault.”

Rainbow Dash scoffs. “What?! How?!”

“I wasn’t able to convince Princess Celestia of Arc’s innocence.”

Applejack sighs. “We’re sure you tried, sugarcube.”

Pinkie nods. “Right! Everypony fails sometimes!”

“But I didn’t even try.”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “Say what now?”

“Luna told me not to, as it would hurt my relationship with my mentor.”

Ember frowns. “Well, what’s Arc supposed to do then?!”

“She said she had some kind of plan, and would act from the shadows.”

Fluttershy appears confused. “What does that mean?”

“I don’t know.”

Sunburst steps forward. “Princess Luna is quite a capable mare. If she believes there is a best way to do something, we should believe her.”

Stellar Flare shudders. “Admittedly, she still makes me a bit uncomfortable though.”

Hard Hart sighs. “That and her disappearing when the country needs her isn’t helping confidence levels.”

Twilight nods. “I’ve spent quite some time with her lately, and can safely say that I believe in her ability to plan ahead.”

Rainbow Dash grins slyly. “Oh, does she call you every night now, Twilight?”

“Yes, she does.”

Pinkie gasps. “Really?!”

Rarity’s eyes grow wide. “How so?”

“We can meet in my dreams. She’s been asking how things are going for us here in Abyssinia.”

Applejack rolls her eyes. “Don’t tell me you fell for her during that whole lover plan!”

Twilight bows her head as her ears droop. “Not as a marefriend, no. But as a regular friend… yes.”

Ember clenches a fist. “I don’t really see her or Cadance as very reliable right now! After all, they know she attacked Arc and still did nothing!”

Auriel looks down at the floor. “Kinda like we did?”

Rose shakes her head. “That was a bit different. We weren’t sure that she was responsible until after Arc returned and told us.”

Hard Hat looks around. “So the real question now is… where do we go from here?”

Stellar Flare looks to Twilight. “Perhaps Princes Twilight should return to Canterlot and inform Princess Celestia that the citizens are indeed fine.”

Sunburst shakes her head. “That might not be the best idea.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Why not?!”

“Somepony could take her into custody along with Celestia. Then Decimus would be clear to take over.”

Fluttershy shudders. “A frightening thought!”

Rarity grimaces. “He’s right, Twilight. You should stay safe here.”

Felix nods. “Indeed, your highness.”

Fiona smiles. “We will grant you and the others amnesty within our borders if it would help.”

“Thank you, but I don’t really know what our long terms plans should even be.”

Ember brandishes her claws. “I can think of a few ideas.”

Rainbow Dash turns to her. “Does it involve a lot of fire and violence?”


“I’m in.”

Auriel grits her teeth. “Me too.”

Rarity gasps. “Wait! I’m sure Arc and Princess Luna have some kind of plan in place!”

Applejack nods. “Right. If we go charging in there with the cavalry it’ll probably mess everything up.”

Pinkie shrugs. “But what if that IS the plan?!”

Fluttershy sighs. “I suppose what we do next is up to Twilight.”

Rose looks to Twilight. “So what will it be?”

“We’ll wait for some kind of word. In the meantime all of us need to do our parts to see to it the citizens of Ponyville can live in peace and safety.”

Meanwhile, Decimus walks down a corridor in Canterlot Castle with another figure. Arriving at Celestia’s room they are immediately admitted. Celestia nods to them as they enter.

“Good morning, Decimus. What can I do for you today?”

“I’ve come to report on the state of affairs regarding our rebel situation.”

“Any word on Twilight?”

“My spies report that she has not left Abyssinia, your highness.”

“And whom has verified this claim?”

Decimus gestures to his companion. “The best of the best.”

Lowering their cowl, they address the princess.

“Hello again, your highness.”

Celestia smiles. “Ah, your protégé. Although I thought you had requested a transfer to the New Beginnings Orphanage.”

Tempest frowns. “I was ousted from my position, your highness. Ironically by the human in question.”

Celestia sighs. “It appears he has been able to influence every level of government here in Equestria.”

Decimus looks to Celestia soberly. “Sadly, yes. But nothing is so badly damaged that it cannot be repaired.”

Tempest nods. “Correct. However certain steps may need to be taken.”

“Such as?”

“While I did see Princess Twilight in Abyssinia, she appeared to have joined they royals there in a new project of theirs.”

Celestia raises an eyebrow. “A new project? What do we know of this?”

“It appears the Abyssinians have taken a large number of our citizens and are holding them in the capital.”

“Are you certain of this?!”

Tempest nods. “Yes, your highness. I saw them with my own eyes. Stallions, mares, foals, and younglings even.”

Decimus grits his teeth. “Even the citizens of the Griffon Kingdom are not safe from the former Hero of Light’s reach.”

“But why Abyssinia?”

“When he was in charge, former Hero of Light Arc made several very strong ties with other nations. The greatest of all was gained by bribing the monarchs of Abyssinia as well as pardoning them for various crimes committed on Equestrian soil.”

Tempest frowns. “What they hope to gain from this is most likely a favorable position in the new government.”

Celestia gasps. “New government? Was the human attempting to overthrow them?!”

Decimus shakes his head. “No, Princess Celestia. He was trying to take Equestria.”

Tempest nods. “It appears they are still aiding him in that regard.”

“And the civilians?”

“Potentially a future bargaining chip, should he need one. However it appears he planned to keep them there for an extended period of time for a most nefarious plan.”


“A small town has been built within the capital to house them. Every day they leave their new homes and head to the various indoor farms nearby.”

Celestia gasps. “Slave labor?!”

“It would appear so, your highness. They are packaging and canning a large amount of food before shipping it to underground warehouses.”

Decimus frowns. “Yes. But I do not believe this to be merely a preventative measure against future food shortages.”

“You think this is part of a larger plot?”

“The extra food would keep for a long time, and be invaluable to an invading force.”

“But I thought their army had been all but destroyed.”

Tempest nods. “It was. However, the army in question may not be theirs.”

Celestia stomps the floor with a hoof. “The human!”

“Indeed. I saw a large number of our own troops with his ship and in that town patrolling the streets.”

“He’s been able to corrupt our own forces?!”

Decimus bows his head. “I’m sorry to say so, your highness. That and… Princess Twilight herself.”


Tempest frowns. “The new princess freely walks the streets with a number of others.”

She reaches into her armor and removes a photograph.

“See for yourself.”

Celestia levitates the photo to herself. Looking it over for a few moments, her eyes grow wide.

“Twilight and the Element Bearers! All six of them!”

Decimus grimaces. “He has chosen his targets wisely. It is believed that they still maintain possession of their respective Elements as well.”

Tempest looks to the princess. “The question now is just how many more of our forces may secretly be loyal to him over you, your highness.”

Celestia shakes her head. “This is all just so… troubling! Decimus, what should I do?”

“Maintain the balance of our nation and prepare for war, your highness.”


Tempest nods. “It may be unavoidable at this point. We can’t allow Abyssinia to take any more of our citizens to fuel their own economy.”

“Agreed. Put our military on standby, Decimus.”

“That is another matter I’d like to discuss with you. I believe we need a new supreme commander to oversee this campaign.”

“Whom did you have in mind?”

“Tempest here is fully trained in tactics and has experience leading troops into battle. That and she’s earned my trust.”

Celestia nods. “Very well. I hereby promote her to the Head of the Army.”

Tempest bows respectfully. “I will not let you down, your highness.”

“Yes, I’m sure you won’t, General Tempest.”

Meanwhile, Gaston listens in with Ashe in her office. The ambassador frowns.

“This is monstrous!”

“I know, Lady Ashe. Never would I have thought the Griffon Kingdom would be allied with Equestria in a civil war.”

“Yes, indeed. However I’m still having trouble believing that Lord Arc just decided to betray his country like that.”

“Perhaps he’s lost his mind.”

“Not likely. But I need to report this to my father at once.”

“For what purpose?”

“He may need to send more troops.”

“You believe the standing Equestrian forces to be inadequate?”

“As was said in the meeting, who knows just how many of Equestria’s forces are loyal to Lord Arc? It could devolve into a bloody mess very quickly. Perhaps even spilling over to the Griffon Kingdom’s own civil unrest.”

Gaston nods. “I’m told the guards there are working overtime to stay on top of matters. After all, with a large chunk of our own military here that leaves a bit less domestically to fight against the rebels and their plans.”

“A conflict here could destabilize the entire world. We need to do our part to bring it to heel.”

Gaston grins. “I couldn’t agree more, Lady Ashe. Shall I escort you back to the ship?”

Ashe stands. “No, thank you, admiral. I’m capable of walking.”

She leaves the room as Gaston picks up the phone. Dialing a number, he waits to be connected. A few moments later a familiar female voice rings out.

“Captain of the Royal Guard Sunset Shimmer here.”

“It’s me.”

Sunset rolls her eyes. “Oh. And here I thought this might be important.”

“It is. Lady Ashe is doing just as The Dark One predicted.”

“Calling her daddy for more troops?”


Sunset chuckles. “Good. We’ll need all the forces we can spare for the coming battle.”

Gaston raises an eyebrow. “You really believe that the human will come back here?”

“I guarantee it.”

“Care to let me in on your mindset?”

“Think about it. He’s been here for over a year. In that time the ape has made friends, gained wealth, power, and prestige. However all of that is useless with his reputation in question.”

“You forgot one.”

“Did I?”

“He’s also the kind of beast whom can’t help but get involved in problems.”

“And what bigger problem than the overthrow of a monarch?”

“Indeed. Torching that little hamlet got him back quick as you please.”

Sunset grins wickedly. “That it did. We’ll use that methodology when the time is right.”

Gaston smiles. “I love a good campfire.”

“So do I, worm. So do I.”

“How do we get this party started though?”

“First we need to make sure that hairless wonder hears about it.”

“Which I doubt he will inside that maximum security prison.”

“Yes. We’ll have to figure out a way to get him out of there in the most negative way possible.”

“How’s that?”

“He needs to escape.”

Gaston shrugs. “Should be simple enough for a bug such as him.”

“Yes. Magic or not, he’s quite the force to be reckoned with.”

“So do we start hurting his family and friends now?”

Sunset sighs. “You’re very subtle, Gaston. Like a broken leg.”

Gaston narrows his eyes. “The sarcasm is not lost on me.”

“Well I think the methodology is though.”

“How so?”

“Think about it. If we hurt somepony now, how would he hear about it in PRISON?!”

“Makes sense.”

“What we really need to do is create some kind of chaos in there for him to react to. Something he can’t resist.”

“Blow up the prison?”

“Think small!”

“Burn it down?”


Sunset sighs and put a hoof to her forehead as she shakes her head before continuing.

“Never mind the methods. I’ll handle that myself.

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