• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 7 - Problem Solving

Arc folds his arms over his chest and frowns at the mare before him.

“Forgive me if I withhold judgment on that statement, Tempest. You're not exactly the most trustworthy individual I've had the displeasure of meeting.”

“Think what you will of me, but you know I have my reasons for doing what needs to be done!”

Arc walks back inside and motions for Tempest to follow him.

“Let's get this over with.”

Arc and Tempest sit down across from each other at a small table.

“Alright Tempest. Start talking! And please don't take all night! I'm sure I have a busy day ahead of me.”

“Fine! But first things first...”

Tempest looks at Arc with what appears to be genuine remorse.

“How... how is Cerulean Skies doing? Is she okay?!”

Arc nods. “Don't worry. She's going to be just fine. The doctor stitched her up and I carried her back to my base to get some sleep.”

“Where is she now?”

“I brought her here to the castle to make a statement against a stallion who has been abusing their power.”

Tempest nods and continues in a worried tone! “Is she in any trouble?!”

Arc shakes his head. “No. In fact, she was the one who exposed the guilty party's wrongdoing. She was originally going to make her statement at Light's Hope but, as you know, things don't always go as you plan them.”

Tempest breathes a sigh of relief. “Thank Celestia! I'm glad my sister is doing well then!”

“She would be doing better if her sister would visit, or at the very least, TALK to her once in a while!”

Tempest looks down at the table. “She's... better off forgetting about me. I... I know I have no right to ask you for anything else but...”

“What is it?”

Tempest looks Arc in the eye. “Would you please see to it Cerulean Skies gets home to Baltimare safely?”

“I’ll send her home tomorrow, or today I guess, under guard. However, I need YOU to do something for ME!”

Tempest narrow her eyes. “I'm not sparing your life, if that's what you want.”

“Tomorrow night I want you to go to Cerulean Skies home in Baltimare and have a late supper with her. Bring some food and prepare a meal together.”

Tempest looks confused. “What? But why?!”

“She needs to know her sister is okay. If you would do this for me, I would appreciate it.”

“Very well then. Now, you're probably wondering why I'm not killing you right now.”

Arc nods. “The thought had crossed my mind, yes.”

“Oh, believe me, I'm not giving you a pass or anything! I have my reasons.”

“Which are...”

“I've heard the news of the princess' condition, and that you’ve taken over as Lord Regent of Equestria.”

“News like that does travel fast! But why would that stop you from carrying out your earlier threat to take me down?”

“I'm fully aware of the Order of Succession. The Hero of Light IS next in line to rule Equestria after all!

Arc appears confused. “So... why not just take me out now? Cerulean Skies told me that you and Captain Decimus were an item. I'm sure you're aware that the Captain of the Royal Guard is next on that list.”

Tempest looks away nervously. “Actually... that's the real reason I'm here. To talk with you about Captain Decimus.”

“If you're looking for him, you're too late. I sent him on vacation earlier today.”

“What?! Where did he go?!”

Arc shrugs. “He didn't say, and I didn't ask. Had you let me know you were coming, I would have sent you with him. The two of you could have had a romantic getaway together.”

Tempest shakes her head. “Believe me, nothing would make me happier than to spend time with the love of my life! It's just...”

She appears to be having trouble finding the right words.

“...he... hasn't really been himself in quite some time. I don't know if it's fatigue or stress or whatever, but... he's not the stallion I fell in love with.”

“I don't understand. Why are you telling me all this?! Aren't we enemies?!”

Tempest sighs as she shakes her head. “Believe it or not, no. Truthfully, I have great respect for you and your power! In the past you've just been standing in the way of my duty to Equestria! If things were different, I probably would have even counted you among my friends!

“Okay, not quite sure how I feel about that, but... thanks... I think. Look Tempest, I just want to know one thing. Are you and The Dark One behind the princesses’ condition?”

“We are not. Honestly, this was as much a surprise to us as it was to you! I doubt you believe me, but I AM trying to keep this land safe! With the princesses out of commission, it's destabilized the entire continent! Now I need to know something from YOU! Is Equestria going to war?”

“Not if I can help it, no! I'm not against taking to the battlefield. But for me it's a last resort!

Tempest nods stoically. “Very well. I'll keep my ear to the ground and my eyes open then. Just don't do anything stupid... like letting somepony else kill you, would you kindly?”

“No promises there, but I'll try to stay alive.”

Tempest gets up from the table. “Good. I’ll leave you with this last piece of advice then Arc... whatever you do, don't trust Captain Decimus!”

“Why? What's he done?!”

She opens a dark portal in front of her and slowly walks toward it. “It's... complicated. Look, no matter what happens I won't betray my love! Not to you... not to ANYPONY!”

Arc quickly stands up. “Wait! Tell me this! If it came down to it, would you betray Decimus if he turned against Equestria?!”

Tempest stops walking, but does not turn back.

“Thank you for the talk, Arc. Goodbye.”

Tempest resumes walking. She enters the portal and is gone. Arc mutters to himself.

“She's... conflicted. Perhaps there is a bit of conscience left in her yet.”

He spots a scroll on his nightstand.

“This must be the message I wanted sent to the Changeling Empire. Now I just have to find some way of getting it there.”

Arc looks over to the clock on the wall and sighs.

“I may as well stay up now.”

There is a knock at the door. Arc places the scroll in his ring and turns to the door.

“Come in!”

Sunburst enters the room. He is carrying something on his back.

“Ah, glad to see you up bright and early, sire! I've brought you a few changes of raiments, freshly tailored!”

Arc takes the stack of clothes off Sunburst's back.

“Thanks. Um... is it time to raise the sun now?”

Sunburst nods. “Yes indeed! Similarly, to raising the moon, you only have to get it started on its way! Just concentrate and take it slow. Simply push the moon down below the horizon, and then feel for the sun.”

“Okay. Here goes nothing.”

Arc walks over to the window, closes his eyes and extends his hands, Slowly the moon drops below the horizon.

“Now for the hard part...”

Arc concentrates for a few minutes, as if searching a darkened room for the light switch.

“I think I have it!”

Taking a deep breath, Arc strains with all his might! In a moment the sun can be seen peeking out over the horizon! Arc breathes heavily and sits down in a nearby chair!

“There... it's done!”

“Very well done, sire! Are you alright though?”

Arc nods, breathlessly. “Yeah. Just need to catch my breath. That was a bit easier than last night though. Hopefully, like with anything else, it will get easier with time and practice.”

Sunburst nods. “I hope so too sire. Well if you will excuse me, I have to get back to work now. Kibitz should be here shortly to give you today's schedule.”

“Thank you, Sunburst.”

Sunburst leaves the room. Arc puts the clothes in his dresser and takes a set into the bathroom. Stepping into the shower, he thinks as the warm water cascades over his skin.

“Tempest... Captain Decimus... The Dark One... Equestria's neighboring countries... the various factions. Hmmm... I wonder. Do we actually have any allies? Why does every country seem to hate us so much? Did Princess Celestia really want the world to be like this?! So many questions... so few answers.”

Arc soon finishes his shower and emerges from the bathroom just as Kibitz and Raven enter the room. They bow to him respectfully.

“Good morning, Lord Arc.”

“Did you sleep well, sire?”

“I suppose so. Look, the two of you don't need to bow to me when it's just us. I'm not much for others thinking I'm somehow above them.”

“But commander, you ARE!”

“I may be the Lord Regent, but I still view myself as a servant to those I rule over.”

Kibitz nods. “A very refreshing view for any leader to have, sire! But in any case, we have a full workload ahead of us today!”

“Alright. What's first on the agenda?”

Raven looks over a clipboard in her hoof. “It appears that Sergeant Sandstorm Mirage and your troops were successful in locating Shining Armor and Trixie. They returned to the castle last night. Our apologies for not waking you, but the hour was quite late!”

Kibitz nods as he looks over his own scroll. “I've written in a meeting with the pair over breakfast, sire. If you're ready we can head over to the dining room now.”

Arc nods. “Yes, let's be off.”

Arc, Raven and Kibitz make their way to the dining room. Kibitz pauses as they reach their destination.

“I will let Shining Armor and Trixie know you will see them now, Lord Arc.”

“Thank you, Kibitz.”

Arc enters the dining room and sits down at the table as Raven follows him closely.

“I'll let the Kitchen know you're here, sire.”

Arc nods. “Make sure they know I will have two very hungry guests here shortly.”

“I shall.”

Raven disappears into the kitchen. She returns to Arc's side a minute later.

“Apologies commander, but they were not aware of any guests this morning. Not to worry though, as I'm told they will get right to work making a couple more plates.”

“Thank you, Raven.”

Arc gestures to the chair next to him.

“Would you please sit down? I think the two of us need to have a talk.”

“Y-yes commander!”

Raven takes a seat as ordered. Seeing her response, Arc does his best to comfort her.

“Not to worry Raven. You're not in any trouble.”

She breathes a sigh of relief! “Oh good!”

“I want to start by apologizing to you. This conversation really should have happened a LONG time ago.”


Arc looks over and raises a hand to the dining room doors. He uses his magic to close them before turning back to look Raven in the eye.

“Tell me Raven... how are you doing these days?”

She looks down at the floor. “Okay, I guess.”

“Are you really?”

Raven shakes her head, sadly. “Not... really. I'm trying my best to move on, I really am! But... it's just so HARD! Every night I relive those moments in my dreams... those terrible, terrible moments! The thought of what that BEAST wanted to do to me... what he came so close to doing... it just makes me SICK!”

“I'm sorry you had to go through that Raven. No one should EVER have to experience such horrors!”

Raven meets his gaze with a pleading look in her eyes! “Please don't tell anypony else about this! Especially my grandfather! I'm worried the shock would kill him!”

“I understand, Raven. Other than myself, only you, Flash Sentry, and the princesses themselves are aware of what happened that day! Have you spoken to Flash Sentry about this?”

She shakes her head. “No, I haven't. He's so busy with his duties and everything that I just don't want to add to his problems!”

“I can tell he cares for you deeply. While I believe the two of you should have a talk about your dreams, I will leave the decision whether or not to do so up to you for now.”

“Thank you. I just can't stop wondering how many others were subjected to such things by Lord Goldstone!”

“There's really no way to know for sure, Raven. But even ONE is one too many!”

“I haven't heard anything about the state of the investigation against him. Have you, Lord Arc?”

Arc nods sadly. “I spoke to Princess Luna about this very matter when she last visited Light's Hope. She says there is very little chance of any action being taken against him due to his place in the pecking order of Griffonstone.”

Raven grabs Arc’s hand and looks to him in desperation! “But can't SOMETHING be done?! I don't want any other pony OR griffon to have to go through that awful experience!”

“While it's true nothing can OFFICIALLY be done, Princess Luna has come up with a plan to take action via a very special diplomatic envoy to Griffonstone. Before she fell ill, she was in the middle of setting up this mission.”

“Really?! Who was assigned to this mission?”


Raven looks to Arc, confused. “You? But what would that accomplish?”

“This must go no further Raven, but my real mission was to find a way to take down Lord Goldstone!”


“I'm going to learn how their culture works. Once I do that, I'll come up with a plan to politically destroy Lord Goldstone! If I can't put him in jail for his crimes, I can at least see to it he loses his prestige! Without the protection of his station, maybe others will have the courage to come forward.”

Raven nods. “A bold plan, commander! But what if it doesn't work?”

Arc smacks his fist into his hand! “Then we go to Plan B.”

“Which is...?”

“I break his beak, his legs, his TAIL, and anything else I can get my hands on! One way or another... this WILL end!”

“Thank you for caring enough to do that, sir. But... do you really think it will end in violence?!”

Arc shrugs. “That's up to him. Plan B really is a last resort. Don't worry Raven, I'll be handling this... personally. After all, you deserve cloture!

Raven nods and gives Arc a small smile. “Thank you, commander! I really appreciate you taking a personal interest in my case! Well, I should probably see about gathering today's paperwork.”

“I understand. Carry on.”

Raven hops off the chair and heads for the door.


She turns back to face him. “Yes sir?”

“I uh… I hope you sleep better in the future.”

“Yes... I think I will!”

Raven leaves the room as Kibitz enters with Shining Armor and Trixie.

“Ms. Trixie and Mr. Shining Armor are here to see you sire.”

Trixie hurries over to him! “ARC!”

He kneels down to give her a hug as Shining Armor walks over to him. Trixie suddenly pulls back from Arc's embrace, wide-eyed!

“Is... is the news true?! Are you REALLY Equestria's new king?!”

Arc laughs! “Good to see you again, Trixie! And I'm actually the Lord Regent for now!”

Shining Armor walks over to join them. He looks at Arc's royal raiments. “Good to see you again Arc! Looks like you're doing well for yourself these days!”

“Likewise, Shining Armor! Although I would rather be doing my old job, it seems fate has been whimsical of late. But the two of you must be hungry. Please, have a seat. We can talk over breakfast!”

Arc turns to Kibitz.

“Would you please tell the chefs we're ready to eat?”

“Yes sire!”

Kibitz disappears into the kitchen as Arc, Shining Armor and Trixie sit down at the dining room table together.

“I hope you two slept well. My assistant tells me you arrived rather late last night.”

Shining Armor nods! “We did! With beds as comfortable as you have here, I slept like a log!”

“Yes indeed! Trixie could get used to this! But how have YOU been Arc!?”

Arc chuckles as he shakes his head. “My oh my... what a wild ride it's been. Where do I begin?!”

Kibitz and the chefs emerge from the kitchen with several plates of food for Arc and his guests. After setting them down in front of them they bow and quietly leave the room.

“I would say from the part where Shining Armor and I left would be a good starting point.”

Arc picks up his silverware. “Okay. But I don't think you're going to believe a good chunk of this!”

Shining Armor laughs! “Maybe not, but I'm all ears!”

Arc fills Shining Armor and Trixie in on Auriel's integration into pony society, his adventures on vacation in Dodge Junction, Captain Decimus' return to life, his and Ember's mission to Hydra Village and Forsaken Village, forming a Life Pact with Sereb, the attack on the Baltimare Courthouse with Cerulean Skies and Sereb, his surprise party at Ponyville Town Hall and how Tempest and The Dark One crashed it, finally ending with his being summoned to Canterlot Castle by Sunburst to rule over Equestria during the princess' illness.

“...and that brings us to the present.”

Shining Armor and Trixie's eyes are wide and their jaws are nearly touching the table!

“Oh dear! Are you two alright?!”

Trixie shakes her head as if to clear it. “You've done all THAT?!”

Shining Armor appears traumatized as he turns to Trixie. “We haven't been gone THAT long... have we?!”

“I don't think so, but we had better stick around this time!”

Trixie turns to Arc.

“So tell me, Arc. What's your next goal? Ending all wars? Curing all diseases? Oh, I know! How about ascension to godhood?”

Arc laughs! “Nah! I've found that the higher I go, the more responsibilities I have! And more responsibility means less fun! The only good thing about this whole debacle so far is my being able to see you two again! So, what have the two of you been up to?!”

“Well, I don't think we've been able to make as much lasting change as you have Arc. I mean, Lord Arc!”

Arc shrugs. “Eh. We're alone. You can just call me Arc.”

Shining Armor looks confused. “Really?!”

He nods. “Sure! I'm still me on the inside!”

“Shining Armor and I have been going from town to town helping other ponies with their problems! Just like you did for both of us, Arc!”

“Those Writ Boards sure do make it easy to figure out who needs what!”

Arc nods. “I know, right! That was my job before I became the Hero of Light! Ah, that brings back memories.”

“We've even done some jobs for free!”

Shining Armor nods! “Some of those we met along our path just couldn't afford to hire anypony!”

“Very commendable!”

Trixie giggles! “The Mayor of the village where we started our journey even came up with a name for us! He called us ‘Heroes of Might and Magic’!”

Shining Armor looks to Arc a bit embarrassed. “I wasn't much for the idea myself at the time, but it made Trixie happy.”

“Yeah! It also helps to put other ponies’ minds at ease if we have a reputation the precedes us!”

Trixie look over at Arc fondly.

“Who knows?! Maybe someday we'll be as popular as the Hero of Light!”

Shining Armor laughs! “We'll certainly give it our best shot, Trixie!”

Arc nods. “Equestria can always use those willing to lend a hand, claw, or hoof. Now I need to get started on today's activities soon, so I guess I should probably get to the point. The truth is... right now, I need your help.”

“Sure thing Arc! I mean, we don't mind coming here after all you've done!”

Trixie nods in agreement with her partner. “Yes, but what could WE do to help YOU?! I mean, you’re practically a walking fortress of righteous fury!”

“Right! That and I bet you're even more dangerous now that you have a mount, sir!”

“You've already defeated a Hydra, several dragons, and a demonic army! Even Tempest couldn't take you down, Arc!”

“I'm not trying to sound negative, sir, but I'm with Trixie on this one. What could we possibly do that you yourself couldn't do better?!”

Arc sighs. “Well, I've sent Captain Decimus away on vacation until further notice.”

Trixie breathes a sigh of relief. “Oh good! I was worried we might run into him at some point!”

“Not that I miss Captain Decimus after the hell he put me though, but what does that have to do with us?”

Arc looks to the pair. “Someone still needs to organize the castle guards and protect the princesses while they're in bed. That's where you come in, Shining Armor. I need YOU to become my Captain of the Royal Guard until further notice.

Shining Armor looks to Arc, wide-eyed. “What?! You... you want ME?! Why?!”

“During the battle with Trixie, you selflessly stood in front of Princess Cadance to protect her. I need a captain with that kind of moxy!”

“But what about Trixie?!”

“Yeah! We're a team!”

Arc thinks for a moment. “As Captain of the Royal Guard, you may choose your subordinate. She can serve as your lieutenant if you wish.”

Trixie looks nervous. “But… but Princess Luna asked me never to come back here! Much less join the Royal Guard!

Arc nods. “That may be, Trixie. However, Captain Decimus is alive and well, so you didn’t actually kill him… as strange is it seems.”

Shining Armor looks to Arc confused. “How did that happen?!”

“I have no idea!”

Trixie nods. “Okay then! I’ll join Shining Armor in… um… whatever guards do. Trixie thinks that sounds like fun!”

Shining Armor turn to Trixie and shakes his head. “It's not all glory and parades, Trixie. I had to work really hard to become Captain Decimus' Lieutenant. Are you sure you're up to this?”

“I am! Don't worry about a thing! There's no way I'd ever let you or Arc down after all we've been through together!”

Arc nods. “I guess it's settled then... Captain Shining Armor.”

Shining Armor sighs. Trixie looks to him, concerned.

“Is something wrong, Shining Armor?”

“Well... kinda. It's always been my dream to be the protector of the princesses! I just wished it was under happier circumstances.”

Arc nods. “So do I Shining Armor... so do I.”

Kibitz enters the Dining Room.

“Sire. It's time for your daily Canterlot public appearance.”

Arc stands. “Well, we're skipping it today Kibitz. Where is Doctor Whooves at the moment?”

“He should be performing his morning checkup on the princesses as we speak. But...”

Arc nods and interrupts him. “Good. Let's see if there's been any change in their condition.”

“Very well. Follow me please.”

Kibitz leads the way to Princess Luna's room. The guards on duty part to allow the group entrance. Princess Luna’s large bed has been removed and two hospital beds have taken its place! Both princesses lie there motionless and unresponsive. Doctor Whooves is busy writing out medical reports as they enter.

“How are they, doctor?”

Doctor Whooves shakes his head. “Sadly, there has been no change, sire. They remain stable, but I cannot offer any insights into what we are dealing with here! Any luck finding a lead?!”

“We’re following up on that smell from the other day. Other than that, everyone’s doing their part! Hopefully there will be a break in this soon!”

Arc looks down at the princesses and sighs.

“I'm sure Twilight and Auriel are doing their best back in Ponyville. But in any case, I'd like you to meet Acting Captain of the Guard Shining Armor and his aide Lieutenant Trixie. They will be in charge of castle security while Captain Decimus is on vacation.”

“A pleasure Captain Shining Armor! Lieutenant.”

Arc turns to the beds. “I see the princesses are being kept together now.”

Doctor Whooves nods. “It's easier to keep track of their vital signs if they're together.”

Trixie motions to the myriad of machines that fill their bedsides. “If the princesses are indeed stable, what's with all the gizmos?!”

“Merely a precautionary measure. Should their condition take a turn for the worse, these machines may be needed at a moment’s notice!”

Shining Armor walks over to the beds. He looks down at the princesses.

“Are they really okay?”

Trixie stands next to Shining Armor. “They look like they’re just sleeping and all. But this doesn't feel right!”

Shining Armor looks back to Arc. “Don't you worry Lord Arc! I'll keep them safe!”

Trixie puts a hoof on Shining Armor's shoulder. “You mean WE'LL keep them safe!”

Arc nods. “Good. I'm counting on you two.”

Kibitz looks at his pocket watch. “Sire, I hate to interrupt, but it's almost time for daily audiences to begin.”

“Very well. Kibitz, escort Shining Armor and Trixie to the quartermaster and have them issued armor and insignias.”

Arc turns to Shining Armor and Trixie.

“After the two of you are properly dressed for your new positions head to the Captain of the Royal Guard's office. Kibitz will give you a key. Put it in order and then give Trixie here a crash course in military protocol. Teach her how to be a lieutenant.”

Trixie appears confused. “Is there really that much to know?”

“There is. But don't worry! I'll show you how it's done.”

“Thanks, Shining Armor! I'll do my best not to embarrass you, or Lord Arc for that matter!”

“Very good! Hop to it you two!”

Shining Armor salutes! “Yes sire! We won't let you down!”

Trixie tries her best to salute, but fails. “I'll do my best, Lord Arc!”

The pair leave the room with Kibitz. Doctor Whooves turns to follow them.

”I'll give you a few moments alone with them.”

Doctor Whooves leaves the room. Arc walks between the beds and sits down in a chair. He takes hold of both princesses’ hooves for a few moments.

“Well, I'm off to give audiences. I'll do my very best to be wise and fair in my judgments. Don't you two worry about a thing! Just worry about getting better! Equestria may have me to lead them in the interim, but they will always have need of you.”

Arc gives their hooves a light squeeze before letting go and standing up.

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