• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 11 - Showing Their True Stripes

“It’s been quite some time, hasn’t it? Or one could say… it has not.”

Arc narrows his eyes. “Yes. Yes, it has… Kronos.”

“You do not appear very happy to see me.”

Arc turns around and walks away. “I don’t exactly enjoy you going behind my back.”

“How so?”

Arc whirls around and lashes out in an angry tone. “You know what you did!”

“Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Dinky must play their roles in this world. Regardless of your… personal feelings on the matter. You see, I foresaw your injury at the hooves of Shining Armor and your eventual death from the Crystal Poisoning.”

“So, you intervened by giving my daughter and her friends… powers?!”

“You don’t want any of them to be in danger, I understand, but…”

Arc explodes! “YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND!!!”

Kronos is silent for a time before continuing.

“I take no pleasure in setting others on their destined path, perilous as they may be. You must understand…”

Arc looks at it defiantly! “No, Kronos! I DO understand! I understand that you interfere only when YOU deem it necessary! Are you truly so high and mighty that you can make such judgments?!”

“I assure you that as a superior being, I am. This was my path long before you were born. It has been an arduous and winding road, rife with knowledge, destiny and sacrifice. Such has taught me to make decisions rationally. Not emotionally.”

Arc nods, clearly furious! “All well and good for a ‘superior’ being safe in their ivory tower! Ignorant of the day-to-day struggles of us ‘lesser creatures’ lives! Tell me, Kronos! Do you know ANYTHING about what’s going on in Equestria right now?! But I guess a better question to ask would be… do you CARE?!”

“I do. Everything I have done has been to keep the world from sliding further into Darkness.”

“Oh really?! Tell me. Do you see EVERYTHING that goes on down there?!”

“Yes. I saw your arrival in the land of the ponies known as Equestria. How you acclimated to their culture. And I have borne witness to your each and every action and deed since then.”

Arc turns away from Kronos. Angrily. “So, nothing escapes your attention then?”


“How about our thoughts?! Just how invasive is your probing?!”

“I cannot see into another creature’s mind. Nor would I care to do so even if I could.”

Arc shakes with barely controlled rage. “Then I have a question for you, oh all-seeing one.”

Kronos silently awaits his response. Arc whirls around to stand face to illuminated form with it. Barely able to control his fury as her grabs the creature before him!

“Then where were you when the citizens of Abyssinia were starving?! Or when generations of orphans living in the New Beginnings Orphanage were suffering?!”

He falls to his hands and knees as a tear courses down his cheek!

“When… when Cherry…”

“I was very sorry to witness your fiancée’s death.”


“Because I am but an observer. The ability to directly intervene in the world beyond mine is generally… unwise.”

Arc slams his fists down on the ground before him! “Then why didn’t you TELL ME?! I could have done something about it myself! I mean… you brought me here, after all! Hell, you could have written me a LETTER for all I care! Dear Arc! General Wind Rider is going to kill Cherry Jubilee at the Grand Galloping Gala! Tell her to stay home! Sincerely, Kronos. HOW HARD WOULD THAT HAVE BEEN?!”

He slams his fist on the ground hard yet again! The tears stream down his face!

“Something… ANYTHING!!!”

“I’m sorry for your loss, Arc. Truly I am. The fate of the world is generally greater than that of an individual. Of course there are exceptions, but…”

Arc scoffs, not looking up. “And Dinky?! Was she an ‘exception’?!”


“And if she were to be in danger, would you warn her?!”

“As I informed you not that long ago, at this point in time, Dinky’s existence in this world is currently required to maintain balance.”

“And should her existence no longer be required?”

“I would simply let the flow of time and the natural order of things take its course.”

“So, you would let her die?!”

“To put it negatively, yes.”

Arc turns away angrily! “You’re a piece of work, Kronos.”

“As you have already been told, I do not generally intervene in your world. Hate me all you want. But what I do, I do for the greater good.”

Arc sighs as he turns back to Kronos. “Look, as much as I would love to keep verbally sparring with you, I don’t have the time right now. But of course you knew that, I’m sure!”

“Fear not. Time does not pass in my realm parallel to yours. Several hours here would be immeasurably short in Equestrian time.”

Arc looks around. “Your realm, huh? Nice place you have here! Very… minimalistic.”

“Although I am masking my realm from your sight, I assure you it is quite a sight to see.”

“Yet more deception?”

“There are things here no mortal should know even exists, much less see. Secrets of time… dangerous relics… that sort of thing. As Lord of this realm, I have total control over it. Similar to your princesses.”

Arc does his best to compose himself. “I’ve been to the Lunar Realm several times. Tell me, what exactly IS Realm Magic?”

“All the most powerful magic users have, at one point or another, felt the need to create something exclusively for them. To bend what is around them to their will. This desire for a pocket dimension is what inspired that which you know as Realm Magic.”

“So, anyone with powerful magic can create such a realm?”


“How about me?”

“Time will tell.”

“Something tells me you know the answer to that question.”


Arc throws up his hands in frustration! “Must you always talk in riddles?!”

“Must you always seek to know the answers to questions that you are not ready for?”

“Not exactly what I wanted to hear.”

“Yet it is the answer. However, that is not the reason I called you here today.”

Arc sighs. “Do enlighten me.”

“I have been watching your progress these past few days very closely. Very closely indeed.”

“By ‘progress’ I assume you mean my floundering around helplessly.”

“Not the words I would have used to describe your actions, but yes.”

“So, does that mean you’re ACTUALLY going to fix something?!”

“It does not.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Saw that one coming.”

“I am going to help YOU fix something.”

“Isn’t that about the same thing?”

“I assure you, it is not.”

Arc sighs. “Alright. Carry on.”

“As things stand, the Element Bearers will suffer greatly shortened lives due to their current medical malady.”

“That much I know! The real question is, how do I help them?!”

“There is a creature in Equestria who knows how to restore them and any others afflicted.”

“Great! Where do I find them?!”

“Your lieutenant will know where to look.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “More riddles?! NOW?! If Flash Sentry knew how to help them, he would have said something by now! Anything else you can tell me that won’t help?!”

Kronos levitates a small but ornate wooden box over to Arc. “This box contains a sample of the item which caused this entire case. The creature in question will know how to make a cure from it. Now go.”

Arc takes the box in his hand. “What?! WAIT!”

Kronos looks to him as he vanishes. “Good luck, Arc. Time is not a luxury you currently possess. And neither do I…”

In the blink of an eye Arc finds himself back in Doctor Horse’s office doorway. Brightwing looks at the box.

“Ohhh! Pretty!”

Tempest appears confused. “What the heck?! Where did you get that thing, Arc?!”

Arc looks at the box for a moment, trying to clear his head. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

“Um… okay.”

Doctor Horse walks over to him. “Are you feeling alright, Arc? Perhaps this whole thing is finally getting to you.”

“You guys think I’m cracking up?”

Tempest waves her hooves dismissively! “What?! No! No… of course not! Why would you say that, my dear?!”

Arc folds his arms over his chest and narrows his eye as Tempest blushes.

“Okay, we really have to fix me.”

He nods as they leave the office. “Yes! Yes, we do! I at least need to see Fluttershy before we leave, doctor!”

“Very well. She was heading for the cafeteria last I knew to fetch lunch for her friends!”

Tempest closes the door behind them. “Thank you!”

Brightwing smiles as the little dragon rides on Tempest’s back. “Brightwing thinks you are fine just the way you are!”

Tempest sighs. “Other than the thoughts going through my mind about Arc, I agree with you!”

She turns back to Arc as they continue down the hallway. The nurses, orderlies and patients flee at the sight of her!

“Say, do you suppose there’s a way to… partially cure me?”


Tempest nods. “Let me keep this temperament, but stop having these… thoughts about you!”

Arc sighs. “I don’t know, Tempest.”

She walks close to his side and smiles. “That’s all I can hope for!”

As they near the cafeteria they spot Fluttershy walking out with a cart of food. Arc waves to her.


“Hello Arc! I…”

At the sight of Tempest, Fluttershy hops into the air, her face contorted in fear! She somehow lands on her back with her legs pointing straight up!

“It’s okay! Tempest is with me! Really getting tired of saying that…”

Tempest nods. “I’m reformed now! Sorry for scaring you!”

Fluttershy looks over in a fearful tone. “Are… are you sure?!”

Arc shrugs. “Eh… 60-40!”

She stands up cautiously. “Those aren’t very good odds!”

“Brightwing knows she is a very good pony inside!”

Fluttershy looks past Arc to see who is talking. She then proceeds to knock Arc and Tempest out of the way to inspect the small dragon! With stars in her eyes, she looks over Brightwing happily!

“Oh my! Arc, did you take in a baby dragon?!”

“Brightwing thinks yellow pony is pretty!”

Fluttershy giggles! “Why thank you!”

Arc stands as he helps up Tempest. “Kinda. It’s complicated! Look, we need to talk about our friends.”

Fluttershy walks back over to the food cart. “Yes, of course! Have you been able to find a way to help them yet?! Nopony around here seems to be able to do so!”

She notices the ornate box Arc is holding.

“Is that something that will help?!”

“I hope so! At the very least, it should help point us in the right direction. I wanted to talk to you before heading out again, Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy looks confused as they walk down the hallway together. “Talk to me?”

“At the moment, I can’t see the others!”

“Why not? They really want to talk to you Arc!”

Tempest shakes her head. “That would be unwise, as it might still trigger a relapse!”

“She’s right! I don’t know how it happened, but somehow a spell was cast on me that caused this mess! It’s since been dispelled, but those infected are still in danger.”

Fluttershy nods. “Is it possible that the effects might just wear off?”

Tempest sighs. “Doesn’t sound like it!”

“That’s what the Dragon Lord told us anyways. How is everyone doing?”

Fluttershy sighs. “They’re… quiet. “

“Brightwing says don’t frown! Be happy!”

Fluttershy pats the small dragon on the head. “Thank you little one! I’ll try!”

“Is it another symptom of the illness?”

“We don’t think so, Arc. I… I think they’re just… very embarrassed about what happened the other day.”

Tempest walks very close to Arc, leaning into him as she smiles. “What would they be embarrassed about?”

Fluttershy looks at the spectacle unfolding before her wide-eyed! “Oh… my…”

Arc sighs. “She’s infected too.”

“Does that mean she’s not trying to kill you?”

“Yes. Although I’m not sure that’s good news considering her current state of mind.”

“Um… did she… you know…”


Fluttershy puts a hoof to her stomach as Brightwing flutters over to her.

“Yellow pony okay?”

Fluttershy nods before turning back to Arc. “I’m familiar with the idiosyncrasies of hundreds of different animal’s mating habits, and have even witnessed many of them! However, this… this is more than I can bear!”

Arc sighs. “Tell me about it!”

“How is Pinkie doing? I haven’t had a chance to talk to Doctor Horse about her condition since she tried to escape!”

Tempest grimaces. “Yeah… about that.”

“She’s… not doing well. Without going into detail, let’s just say we need to hurry and figure this out!”

“Have you seen her?!”

Arc nods. “I have. It’s… not pretty! Look! Please keep this to yourself, okay? The doctor warned that this news would set the other’s back in their recovery.”

“Okay. Just make sure to help Pinkie Pie first then!”

“I will.”

Tempest looks over to Fluttershy. “Say, why weren’t you affected, miss?”

Fluttershy looks rather nervous. “I… really couldn’t say!”

Arc looks to the main entrance as they enter the Waiting Room. “This is as far as I go. We should get back to work, Tempest.”

“Whatever you say, dear! …sorry.”

Arc turns back to Fluttershy. “Before we go, how are Ember, Saffron and Raven doing?”

Fluttershy sighs. “Raven and Saffron are about the same as the others.”

Tempest frowns. “And the she-dragon?”

“She’s… okay, I guess. Other than constantly trying to get the hospital staff to release her, that is.”

Arc nods. “I can believe that.”

Fluttershy sighs. “I think she just really wants to join you in looking for a cure! She was most insistent!”

“While I’m glad to hear she’s doing okay, she really can’t! Not this time anyways! Could you do me a favor, Fluttershy?”


“Tell Ember I want her to stay in bed and rest. I’ll handle this!”

Fluttershy shudders. “I don’t think she’ll like that!”

“It’s for her own good!”

Tempest nods! “Yeah! And mine!”

She looks up at Arc happily.

“After all, it’s not every day I get to travel with you, Arc!”

“Can you not talk like that, Tempest? It’s really creeping me out!”

Tempest smiles. “If you think that’s scary, wait until tonight!”

Fluttershy blushes. “What?!”

“Don’t tell Ember about Tempest, please. Just tell her we’re getting close to a cure."

Fluttershy nods. “I understand! She might burn down the hospital in her attempts to ‘save you’ from Tempest.”

“Thanks for understanding. Are you sure this thing didn’t affect you?”

Fluttershy nods! “Positive! Thank you for asking though.”

Arc heads toward the door with Tempest and Brightwing. “We’re off! Wish us luck!”

Fluttershy waves a hoof after them. “Take care!”

As she pushes the cart toward her friend’s room, Fluttershy sighs.

“Oh, I wish I had somepony to talk to at times like this! After all, I couldn’t very well tell Arc…”

Arc, Tempest and Brightwing leave the hospital together. Tempest turns to Arc.

“Where to now?”

“Brightwing follow!”

Arc looks at the box in his hand. “We go talk to Flash Sentry about this, I guess.”


“Just a tip I got earlier.”

Tempest frowns as they make their way toward the Town Hall. “You’re not making any sense, Arc!”

He sighs. “I know that. Sometimes you just have to go with what you have though.”

They arrive at Town Hall and make their way to the mayor’s office. Flash Sentry is there with Sereb. As soon as Tempest enters the room, Sereb lunges at her! Before Arc can intervene Tempest teleports out of the way! She reappears a few feet to the side as Sereb skids through the door! Tempest appears confused!

“WOAH! What the…”

Brightwing, still perched on Tempest’s back, smiles happily! “Brightwing help friend!”

“Hold it, Sereb! She’s with me, remember?”

Sereb walks back into the office. “Sorry Arc. Conditioned reaction.”

Tempest glares at him. “You did that on purpose!”



“It is my duty to protect Arc. I do not trust you.”

Arc sighs. “Neither do I, Sereb. But she’s with me! So no more attacking her, okay?”

Sereb looks at Tempest with narrowed eyes and replies in a low growl. “Very well.”

Tempest nods. “Nice try though, fido! Maybe next time!”

Flash Sentry frowns as he keeps a hoof on one of his blades. “I’m with Sereb on this one, sir!”

“Duly noted. But I want to keep my friends close, and my enemies closer right now!”

Tempest walks closer to Arc and leans up against him. “I like that idea!”

Flash Sentry suddenly looks a bit green. “Oh, my Celestia… sir, what can we do to help?!”

Arc sets the box down on the desk. “I’m told this box contains a sample of… whatever started this mess!”

Sereb frowns. “Is this not dangerous?”

“Probably not, considering the source.”

Tempest looks to Arc. “Which was…?”

“Someone whom I don’t really care for.”

The lid opens freely as they group looks at the item within. Tempest is the first to speak.

“What the…?”

Flash Sentry frowns. “Food?”

Sereb looks over. “Arc, is that what I think it is?”

Arc nods as he picks the fruit up and studies it. “Looks like it. A Dragon Berry.”

Tempest looks confused. “I don’t get it! How could a piece of fruit possibly have done all of this to us?!”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Ember told me an old legend about how this fruit has magical properties. Supposedly if two eat from the same fruit, they’ll fall in love with one another!”

Tempest rolls her eyes. “That’s not possible!”

Flash Sentry nods! “Right! Such fruit doesn’t even exist anywhere in Equestria!”

“It shouldn’t anyway! But I’ve eaten it myself in the past.”

“On Earth, sir?

Arc shakes his head. “No. In the Dragon Lands! But that was some time back!"

Sereb thinks for a moment. “I do remember you and Ember eating this very fruit together. However, I am certain neither of you ate of the same piece.”

Brightwing licks her lips as she looks at the fruit. “Brightwing can sense powerful magic in yummy looking fruit!”

“Right! As much as she wanted to, that is. In any case, I was told you might know where to go from here, lieutenant.”

“What? ME?!”

Tempest frowns! “HIM?!”

Sereb chuckles. “This should prove interesting.”

“But sir! If I knew something, I would have told you already!”

“It’s okay, Flash Sentry. I don’t get it either. “

Arc turns to the others.

“I guess we’ll have to find someone who’s knowledgeable in plants and herbal remedies.”

Tempest nods. “Decimus could probably…”

Arc interrupts her. “Other than Captain Decimus! “

She smiles slyly! “Jealous now, Arc?”

“Hardly! I don’t trust him and further than I can blast him… AGAIN!”

Tempest shrugs. “Have it your way.”

Flash Sentry looks uneasily to Arc. “Sir? I… may know somepony who can help us.”

“Good! Who is it?”

The lieutenant sighs. “Zecora.”

Arc’s eyes grow wide! “The zebra who helped you and Twilight learn about Sanguine Azolla! Of course! Do you think she’ll help us?!”

“That’s complicated, sir. She told us never to come back!”

Tempest frowns. “Why?”

“She doesn’t seem to like being around others.”

Sereb sighs. “Nevertheless, it would appear we have no choice but to ask for her aid yet again.”

Arc nods. “Right!”

“Shall I accompany you, sir?”

“Thanks, but I need you to stay here and look after Ponyville while I’m gone.”

Flash Sentry salutes. “Yes sir.”

“I’ll go there myself with Sereb, Tempest and Brightwing. With any luck, we can convince her to help those afflicted.”

“Good luck, sir!”

Flash Sentry gives Sereb directions before they leave Town Hall. Arc mounts Sereb and extends a hand to Tempest.

“Want a ride?”

Tempest grins! “With you?! How could I say no?!”

He pulls her up and sets her in the saddle in front of him. Putting his arm around her midsection as he looks down to Sereb.

“Let’s go”!

Sereb runs down the path toward his destination. Tempest leans back against Arc’s chest as she looks up at him.

“This feels… unnatural. Riding another creature like this!”

“Want down?”

Tempest shakes her head. “Not on your life, my dear Arc! I’m enjoying every second of this!”

Arc sighs. “I hope our trip to Zecora will mark the end of this journey!”

“Brightwing having FUN!”

Sereb growls. “And if she cannot or will not?”

Tempest looks suddenly angry. “Then I’ll make her!”

“We’re not strong-arming anyone!”

Sereb nods. “Arc is very good at talking others into things.”

“Or out of them.”

In a short time they arrive at the hut. Arc knocks on the door. A voice from within calls out angrily!

“Go away! I do not wish to see anyone now or later today!”

Arc pounds again. “Zecora? We need your help!”

“I have nothing with which to render aid! Leave here now, as I will not be swayed!”

Sereb walks over to the door. “Please Our friend’s lives are in peril.”

“Please help, Brightwing! Please oh please!”

“As I told the ones who came before, helping other ponies is quite a chore! Now I do not wish to speak anymore! Doing so is quite the bore!”

Arc frowns. “But I’m not a pony!”

Sereb shakes his head. “Nor am I.”

“Brightwing is Brightwing!”

Tempest shrugs. “I’m the only pony out here! Although I’m starting to question coming here!”

Arc turns to her. “Well I certainly wasn’t going to leave you in Ponyville!”

Zecora opens her door a crack to peek out. “Not ponies, you say?! Speak quickly now, or go away!”

He turns to face the glowing yellow eyes that peek out at him. “As my companion stated earlier, our friends are very sick! We need some help curing them!”

The door slowly opens. Zecora steps back to allow them to enter. She is wearing a simple brown cloak that covers nearly her entire body.

“Come inside now and tell me more! I will listen to your tales of lore!”

They walk inside the small hut. Zecora closes the door behind them and slowly makes her way over to the large black cauldron.

“What can you tell me of this disease? I assume it is more severe than a minor sneeze!”

“It was some kind of love spell that afflicted a number of my friends. We already found the source and dispelled it. Now all we have to do is find a way to cure those innocents who have been affected.”

He removes the small box with the Dragon Berry in it from his ring and shows it to Zecora.

“This, or so I’m told, was used to help create the spell that did this.”

Zecora opens the box. Her eyes grow wide as she pulls out its contents!

“A Dragon Berry?! This sweet fruit is not found on any nearby prairie! Who are you all that you have this exotic fruit! I’ll have you know this is no common root!”

Tempest shrugs. “Tempest. A former Special Agent of Equestria.”

Sereb nods. “I am known as Sereb. A member of Forsaken Village, far across the sea.

“Brightwing is Brightwing!”

“And I’m Equestria’s Hero of Light, Arc.”

Zecora looks to Arc suspiciously. “Equestria’s Hero of Light you say?! For a non-equine, in this land you have certainly come a long way! Tell me now, how did you do this?! To rise to such a position of power, one would think your lack of fur would not be missed!

“I was chosen by the previous Heroes of Light to carry on their work. Princess Cadance and Princess Luna agreed.”

“On their word alone?! Did they not worry that you would one day steal their throne?!”

Sereb shakes his head. “Arc would never do such a thing!”

“Oh, is that the case now? Or is it to their will that you bow?!Tell me, what does Princess Celestia think of you?! That much I can see, through and through!”

“I don’t take orders from the princesses, nor have I been able to meet Princess Celestia yet. Somehow, I don’t think she’ll like me very much.”

“Then why take the position?! At their whim, you could be sent on a death-defying mission!”

“If it was to save lives, I would go.”

Sereb nods. “And I would accompany him.”

“Me too!”

“Brightwing would fly away! Very fast!”

Zecora chuckles. “Your Honesty is a welcome addition, for a creature of your esteemed position. So long as this medicine is not meant for pony lips, a cure I shall brew. Whomever your friends are, I wish I knew!”

Tempest looks uneasy. “No, Arc’s friends aren’t ponies! They’re… dragons! Like Brightwing here!”

“Brightwing confused!”

Arc sighs. “No Tempest, they’re not and you know it.”

Tempest throws up her hooves and rolls her eyes! “Way to blow your only chance to save them, Arc!”

Arc looks back at Zecora. “My friends are indeed ponies. But they have been loyal friends of mine since I came to this land! Now I beg of you, please help them!”

Zecora points a hoof, angrily! “This is what you are fighting to protect! The lips of liars, I’ll never respect!

“Tempest isn’t exactly a model pony. In fact, she’s one of those infected by this illness.”

Zecora steps out from behind her cauldron, presumably to shoo them out of her hut! Instead she falls to her fetlocks.

“Zecora?! What’s wrong?!”

She grimaces. “N-nothing! Please leave me be! To regain my solace, this is my only plea!”

Arc steps forward and pulls back her robe. There is a nasty wound in her side that is loosely covered by bandages!

Sereb frowns. “That wound is serious. What happened?”

Zecora stands up slowly and winces. “This is a wound from a pack of Cragadiles, lured here by unwitting ponies straight to my door! Of their kind, I can take no more!”

“I can’t just leave you here like this! Let me help you!”

Zecora walks slowly over to a large book on the table. “I can make a salve for this infection. The rare ingredients are listed in this section. For example, I need a dragon’s acid spit! Now where exactly am I supposed to find it?!”

Brightwing makes a strange noise before launching several projectiles from her mouth into a bowl.

“Ouchy time!”

Tempest nods! “There’s one! Anything else?”

“I have everything else, save for the blood of a powerful mage. Although there isn’t one around here for miles, I’d wage!”

Arc looks to her. “Would my blood suffice? I can use powerful magic!”

Zecora sighs. “I suppose it is worth a try. It is either that… or die.”

She gives him a knife and a bowl. Arc quickly cuts his hand and puts a small amount of his blood in the vessel. She watches him before taking the bowl.

“That will suffice. This small amount of blood shall be this potion’s asking price.”

Zecora mixes a few more ingredients into the bowl before adding Brightwing’s ‘addition’. It quickly begins to thicken. She lays down on a nearby bed and puts a hoof in the medicine. However she appears unable to reach her wound. Arc walks over and kneels down.

“I’ll help you.”

He rubs the salve on the wound as gently as he can before covering it with a clean cloth and wrapping the wound with makeshift bandages.

“That will have to do. How do you feel?”

“I believe the medicine is doing its thing. Relief to me you did bring! In return, I shall take your fruit. I see now that your argument was not entirely moot!”

Tempest looks to her, hopeful. “So, you’ll make a cure from this berry?!”

Zecora nods.

“That I will, oh deceitful mare. My vast knowledge with you I will share! Although know this… without my aid, the ultimate price your friends would have paid!”


Sereb frowns. “She means our friends would have died.”

“Why didn’t you just say that?!”

Zecora frowns as she works. “That I did! Perhaps you did not hear? In which case, you would do well to open your ears!”

A short time later the tonic is made. Zecora gives it to Arc.

“Just a small sip of this and your friends will recover. Be they friend, foe, hater or lover!”

Arc respectfully accepts the bottle. “Thank you Zecora. If you ever have need of my help, you have but only to ask!”

“Be warned, dear hero, of promises made! They must always be kept, even if your memory of them should fade!”

Sereb nods. “You have nothing to fear there. Arc always keeps his word.”

Tempest nods. “That he does.”

“Brightwing thinks we should get back to ponyland soon! Who knows how long until this medicine is due!”

Sereb chuckles. “Brightwing is starting to sound like Zecora. However, we should be getting a move on, Arc.”

Arc walks toward the door with the others. “Thank you again Zecora! I hope someday to return the favor.”

Zecora nods at Arc as he and his friends leave the hut and close the door behind them.

“You have already, Hero of Light. I saw how you got what you wanted, yet without so much as a fight! Your tactics, while unorthodox, were just and fair! Perhaps, just maybe, there is hope for that mare!”

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