• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 9 - A Night Out

Several days later Arc descends the stairs to the main level. He is dressed in his best suit with his hair slicked back and his dress shoes shined. Dinky hops off the couch and hurries over to him.

“You look really nice, dad!”

Ember stands up. “Yeah! Like when you and Princess Luna went on that date.”

“That wasn’t a date, and neither is tonight. Remember, this is a recon mission.”

Sereb nods. “That it is. However I am certain you will find some way to enjoy yourself with the female companion.”

Ember narrows her eyes. “Um… you could have worded that differently, Sereb.”


Ember sighs. “Never mind.”

Auriel and Viktor enter the room from the kitchen.

“It looks like you’re ready to go, Arc.”

“Pretty much.”

Viktor nods soberly. “I’ll keep an ear open for you, sir.”

“Good. Just one thing. Don’t send help unless I ask for it.”

“Like a code word, sir?”


Ember groans. “Fine. But what?”

Cherry calls out to them. “Something that no one says would be a good one. After all, we don’t want them to make a mistake and hurry over there.”

Dinky grins. “How about ‘fubar’?”

Viktor appears confused. “What does that mean?

“I dunno. I heard it in a movie.”

Arc sighs. “Oh boy. Remind me to pay more attention to what you’re watching on TV, Dinky.”

“That is a pretty good word for our purposes, sir. I’ve certainly never heard anyone use it.”

Cherry giggles. “Fubar it is!”

Arc shrugs. “I suppose.”

Ember looks at the wall clock. “In any case, you should get going. Wouldn’t want keep Hammer waiting.”

Auriel smiles. “Yes. I for one would want a potential mate to be punctual.”

Dinky turns to her, confused. “A what, Miss Auriel?”

“It’s when…”

Arc interrupts her. “Look at the time! I’ll see you all later!”

“Wait, sir!”

“What is it, Viktor?”

“I left something on your front seat that should, um… help you.”

“Uh, thanks. I think.”

Arc steps out the door and proceeds to his Jeep. Noticing it has been freshly washed and waxed he chuckles as Cherry calls out to him telepathically.

“They really want you to succeed tonight, Arc.”

“Or at the very least, make a good first impression.”

Getting in, Arc closes the door behind him. Turning, he spots a heart shaped box of chocolates and a bouquet of white flowers. Rolling his eyes Arc clears his throat.

“You listening, Viktor.”

“Yes sir. As ordered.”

“What’s with this stuff?”

Viktor grins. “Like you said, you want tonight to be a success.”

“I suppose. Well, here we go.

He starts the Jeep and turns onto the road. Pulling a piece of paper out of his pocket he looks it over as he muses to himself.

“Why does this address looks so familiar?”

Cherry giggles. “I thought so too.”

Viktor sighs. “You’ll find out soon enough, sir.”

Driving along they eventually come to an old, run-down apartment building. Arc frowns.

“This place again?”

Cherry sounds confused. “Arc?”

“You don’t recognize it? This is where we found that secret cache of gear.”

Cherry sighs. “I remember the bomb scare.”

“That too.”

“So, what now?”

“We head upstairs to her apartment.”

Parking, Arc grabs the candy heart and flowers before entering the building. Heading for the stairs, he walks up them to the second floor. Looking around he spots the door with the proper number on it and knocks. A voice rings out from inside.

“Come on in!”

Opening the door Arc steps into the apartment’s Living Room. It is sparsely furnished, similarly to Cybil’s. The voice rings out again down a hall.

“Sorry, but I ain’t quite ready yet! Just got out of the shower! Be out is a few minutes though! Make yourself comfortable!”

Viktor’s voice rings out in his ear

“Sir, she’s completely defenseless! Now’s the time to take her down!”

Arc shakes his head as he whispers. “No. I need intel.”

Cherry sighs. “You could get it from her during questioning.”

“We stick to the plan. Gain her trust and let her willingly tell me what I want to know.”

“Yes sir.”

Ember frowns. “I still say I’d be safer for you to just take her out and be done with it. One less weapon aimed at us when we storm that base.”

“She’s alone and defenseless in there, sir. One gauntlet to the face would probably be enough to take her down.”

“Duly noted. Let me handle this, okay?”

Ember grimaces. “Fine.”

Spotting an empty vase on top of the television Arc grabs it, fills it with water, and puts the flowers in it before returning it to its place and sitting back down.

“There. She should like that.”

A short time later Hammer steps out of the bathroom. She is wearing a nice button down shirt and dress pants. Grinning, she looks him up and down.

“You clean up real good.”

He stands and walks towards her.

“Oh, um… thank you. So do you.”

Hammer does a small twirl. “Sorry I don’t own anything nicer. Fancy duds aren’t really my thing.”

“It’s fine. I brought you a bit of a gift.”

Hammer takes the heart shaped box and grins.

“Thanks! I know just where to put it.”

She walks over to a drawer and pulls out a hammer and nail. Walking back to the Living Room she drives the nail through the heart and into the wall before stepping back to admire her work.

“There! That’s just what the spot needed!”

Her eyes turn to the flowers in the vase.

“Where’d these come from?”

“I brought them for you.”

“They look real nice in that jar. Almost like it was designed for it.”

Cherry calls out to him telepathically. “Is she… serious?”

“I think so.”

Hammer motions for him to follow. “Well, how about we get a move on?”


She heads for the door as Arc follows her.

“Don’t forget your purse.”

“My what?”

“What you keep your keys and wallet in.”

“Oh! You mean my pockets!”

She pulls out a ring with three keys on it and a leather wallet.

“Uh… yeah.”

They leave the apartment and lock the door behind them. Arc leads Hammer down the stairs and back to his Jeep.

“So where do you want to go?”

“How about somewhere to eat? I’m starving!”

“Yeah, sure.”

Hammer looks hopeful. “You know any good places?”

“There’s a really good pizza place just off the highway towards Farburg.”

“Let’s go!”

They begin driving. Arc turns to Hammer.

“So… what do you do for a living?”

“Oh… uh… I’m a sergeant in the military.”

“You on leave?”

Hammer shakes her head. “Nah. I have a regular desk job. My sisters and I all work together.”

“You’re all sergeants?”


“That’s lucky.”


“To all be the same rank and be allowed on the same post.”

Hammer shrugs. “I guess.”

“Uh oh. You don’t get along or something?”

“Well… we have our differences. The other two are always trying to one-up each other.”

“To impress that guy you mentioned the other day?”

Hammer nods. “Right!”

“Does he work at the base too?”

“Yup. Base commander, actually.”

“Talk about shooting for the stars!”

Hammer looks confused. “What’s that mean?”

“It’s an expression that equates going for the top prize. No matter how out of reach it is.”

“That sounds like what they’re doing. I don’t know why though.”

“You said the other day he already has someone I believe.”

“One of his colonels.”

“And they’re jealous of her position?”

“Kinda. I mean, who wouldn’t want to be an officer! But I think they just want to be by the commander’s side and have his favor. He’s quite the officer after all.”

Arc looks over to her. “What about you?”

“What about me?”

“I mean do you like him too?”

Hammer chuckles. “I guess. Sorry if that’s kinda rude, seeing as we’re on a date.”

“No offense taken. He must be quite the guy.”

“Yeah. General Mustang pushes everyone pretty hard. But he’s really smart and fair at the same time.”

Arc nods. “General Mustang, huh?”

“You know him?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, I just thought it’s a rather unusual name is all.”

“You sure ask a lot of questions.”

“Sorry. I’m just a curious guy.”

“What about you? Have a job?”

Cherry calls out telepathically. “You can’t tell her anything, Arc!”

“I’m… kinda a private investigator.”

“A what?”

“Someone who looks into things for people. Discovers the truth. That sort of thing.”

Hammer grins wickedly. “Looks into things, huh? Were you looking into my bathroom when I was changing?”

Arc blushes. “What?! N-no!”

Hammer laughs throatily. “Naw, I’m just joking! You need to loosen up!”

Sometime later they arrive at Roberto’s Pizza. Arc leads Hammer inside and over to a table. She looks around happily.

“This here’s a real nice place.”

“I like it. An old friend of mine runs it.”

Hammer sniffs the air. “Something smells GOOD!”

“That’s the pizza and other dishes. Don’t tell me you’ve never had pizza before.”

“I’ve heard of it. Is it good?”

Arc nods. “Very. Tell me, where were you raised?”


A waitress walks over with two menus.

“Good evening you two. I’ll be your server tonight. Can I start you off with something to drink?”

“I’ll have a Coke.”

Hammer looks nervous. “Um… I… don’t really know what I’d like.”

“How about some water then?”


They open their menus and begin to read as the waitress leaves to get their drinks.

“I think I’ll have a small extra-cheese pizza with some breadsticks and a side of lasagna. You?”

Hammer appears confused. “Well, I… I don’t know.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll handle the bill.”

“Oh, it’s not that. I just… dunno what any of this stuff IS!”

Cherry calls out to him. “Arc, I think she’s telling the truth.”

Viktor frowns. “I thought pizza was popular on Earth.”

Arc nods. “Well then, why don’t you just let me order for both of us?”

“Sounds good.”

The waitress returns with a Coke and a water. She sets them down and pulls out her order pad.

“Now then, can I start you two off with some appetizers?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, thank you. We’ll take a large extra-cheese pizza, a basket of breadsticks, and two servings of lasagna, please.”

He looks at Hammer’s glass.

“And bring my friend here a Coke too.”

The waitress nods as she takes the menus.

“I’ll get that right in for you.”

Hammer turns to Arc as the woman walks away.

“Thanks. I’ve never been out before.”

“Really? Not even with your sisters?”

Hammer shakes her head. “Not to eat, no. They usually just want to go to dumb shops such as the salon and the mall.”

“Like the other day?”

“Yeah. I’m not really into those places.”

“Then why go?”

Hammer rolls her eyes. “Because they need someone there to tell them which shirt makes their chests look the most flattering. That and which dress shows off their legs best. Or who’s more beautiful overall.”

“And all that’s for the base commander?”

Hammer groans. “It’s supposed to be, yes. But remember we’re part of the military, so uniforms are a must.”

“So when would they get to use their outfits?”

“Every once in a while he gives everyone a night off. The dress code is relaxed, and we can let loose a bit in the Mess Hall.”

“So it’s like a party?”

“You could say that. All the gals dress up and try to score a dance with the guys there. My sisters stick to the base commander like glue the whole night though.”

“Not you though?”

Hammer blushes slightly. “Not… really.”


“Well… okay, maybe a bit. But I try to hold myself back. Stingray and Mio are absolutely shameless though!”

“What do they do?”

“Try to please the commander by offering to get him drinks or food mostly. It’s the same stuff we eat every day though.”

Arc chuckles. “Let me guess. He doesn’t pay attention to either of them though, right?”

“Not really. He’s partial to his personal aide, the colonel.”

Hammer frowns.

“Her being an officer might have something to do with it though.”

She looks around.

“Hey, is there a latrine around here somewhere?”

“Yeah, over by the cash register.”

Hammer stands up. “Thanks. I just need to answer the call of nature real quick. Don’t go anywhere.”

Arc chuckles. “I’ll be waiting.”

She walks over to the door and disappears. Arc grins.

“This is going well.”

Cherry sighs. “More or less.”

Viktor smirks. “You have her eating out of your hand, sir.”

“You taking notes over there, Viktor?”

“Yes sir. I’m also making audio recordings of everything.”

“Perfect. Just keep an ear out.”

Ember frowns. “You too, Arc. I still don’t trust that woman.”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “Do I detect a hint of jealously, Ember?”

“Shut up, Sereb!”

Arc sighs. “Play nice over there.”

Viktor chuckles. “Yes sir.”

A few minutes later Hammer returns and slides back into her spot at the booth across from Arc.

“Sorry about that. I had to wait a few minutes for a stall.”

“It’s fine.”

He looks around.

“Pretty busy in here tonight.”

“Is it?”

Arc nods. “Yes. It wasn’t that long ago that I came here with a friend of mine and found the place empty about now.”

“As good as things smell, I can’t imagine why.”

“Well, you saw this place in the news, right?”

Hammer shakes her head. “No, I didn’t. What happened?”

“Some guys calling themselves ‘The Riders’ got themselves kicked out of here by none other than the Hero of Light.”

Hammer winces. “Did they now?”

Arc nods. “Yeah. It was quite the story. You could probably find the archived footage online somewhere.”

“I think I’ll look into that when I get back to my apartment.”

“It was quite the fight.”

The waitress returns with their order. She sets several steaming pans before the pair along with plates and silverware.

“Now then, can I get you two anything else?”

Arc grins. “How about a couple refills?”

“Coming right up.”

Hammer looks at the food, her eyes wide.

“This… this is the most amazingly smelling spread I’ve ever seen!”

“Yes, well… help yourself. Just be careful. Everything’s fresh out of the oven.”

“What should I start with?”

Arc chuckles. “Try the pizza. It’s one of mankind’s greatest culinary achievements.”

“So… do I just…”

She reaches for a slice, unsure of how to pick it up.

“Here, let me help you.”

Arc picks up the pie server and carefully sets a slice on Hammer’s plate before doing the same for himself. Carefully lifting the pizza to his mouth he blows on it a few times before taking a bite. Watching, Hammer does the same.

“Wow, that’s hot!”

She grabs her water and takes a few sips.

“You okay?”

Hammer grins. “Okay?! I’m great!”

She fans the pizza before her a few times before taking another bite.

“This stuff’s incredible!”

Arc chuckles. “Try taking a bite of your breadstick with your pizza.”

Hammer does so. She moans from the explosion of flavor in her mouth.

“I didn’t know food like this even existed!”

“Now try washing it down with your Coke. But just take a small sip or the bubbles will get to you.”

Cautiously, Hammer tastes the Coke.

“Sweet and bubbly!”

She turns to the last plate.

“What’s this called again?”

“Lasagna. It’s pasta sheets with meat, tomato sauce, and several types of cheese between each layer.”

Hammer makes a face.

“I think I’ll pass.”

“Something wrong?”

“We have something like that in the Mess Hall. It tastes kinda like cardboard and sweaty gym socks.”

“This is much tastier. Trust me.”

Taking a deep breath Hammer takes a small bite of her lasagna. Her eyes light up.

“Much better!”

Arc chuckles. “I thought you’d like it.”

The waitress returns to refill their glasses.

“How’s everything tasting?”

Hammer nods happily. “Great! The best ever!”

“Yes. Roberto certainly hasn’t lost his touch.”

“My compliments to the cook!”

The waitress smiles. “I’ll pass it on to him.”


He and Hammer go back to eating.

“So you’re a detective, eh?”

“Something like that.”

“You ever investigate anything interesting?”

Arc nods. “Several times now, yes.”

“Cool! Tell me all about it!”

“Sadly, I can’t.”

“Why not?!”

“Client confidentiality.”

“So you’re keeping it quiet why? Who would I tell?”

“Well, let me put it this way. Let’s say you asked me to investigate your sisters. I would follow them around secretly and record all they do. But I’m assuming you wouldn’t like me telling anyone else what I found out, would you?”

“I… suppose not. But could you maybe give me a hint? Without any names, that is.”

“Hm… I guess I could.”

Ember frowns. “Easy there, Arc. Don’t give her too much now.”

“There was a case I took to find a missing mother.”

Hammer gasps. “Kidnapping?”

Arc shakes his head. “Nah. She was just a full blown alcoholic. My client wanted me to find her in order to fulfil her young daughter’s wish.”

“A wish?”

“Right. They wanted to reunite mother and daughter for Christmas.”

“Was it the girl’s father?”

Arc sighs. “No. He was dead. The girl was staying in an orphanage since the state couldn’t locate her mother.”

“But you did?”

“Yup. Got her sobered up enough to tell her of her former husband’s death and their daughter’s wish too. Just an extra bonus for the client.”

Hammer grins. “Impressive! You must be pretty good at what you do!”

“Thank you. But you must be too.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, you’re a sergeant after all. I’m sure the military doesn’t let just anyone have such a rank.”

Hammer shrugs. “It’s really just a matter of following orders.”

“Like what?”

“Um… like…”

Hammer thinks for a moment before responding.

“Sorry, but it’s top secret.”

“I understand. Confidentiality, and all that.”

Hammer appears relieved. “Thanks.”

“You did say you were a desk sergeant, right?”

“Most of the time, yeah.”

“I’m sure it’s not the most glamourous job out there. But it has to be done, eh?”

Hammer grins. “Right! But sometimes we do head out into the field.”

“Anything interesting?”

“Not really. Driving trucks with important cargo, picking up VIPs, search and rescue…”

“Like missing people?”

“Something like that.”

“Ever find anyone of note?”

“I… probably shouldn’t tell you. If my sisters were here, they’d have a fit over what I’ve already said.

“Come now. Who am I going to tell?”

Hammer chuckles as she takes another slice of pizza. “That’s why I said as much as I did.”

The pair finish their meal as the waitress walks over with the check. Arc hands her the money as well as a tip as he and Hammer stand up.

“Thanks. Please come again.”

Hammer grins. “Oh, believe me, I will!”

They return to the Jeep. Getting in Arc starts the vehicle and pull out onto the road. Hammer looks up at the sky.

“It must be a really clear night. There’s so many stars out.”

Arc nods. “Yes. That and we’re quite a ways from any major cities.”

Hammer sighs. “I… don’t get to see them very often.”

“Too busy with your job?”


“Sometimes you just need to stop and relax. It’s not good to work too hard.”

Ember frowns. “Hypocrite.”

Viktor and Sereb chuckle. Sometime later Arc pulls up in front of Hammer’s apartment building. She turns to him.

“Thanks for the date! I had a great time!”

“Me too.”

Hammer hops out and walks around to the driver’s side door as Arc rolls down the window.

“Give me a call anytime. I’m usually pretty busy with my job, but I’ll get back with you as soon as I can.”

“Yeah, I think I’ll do that.”

“Take care, Arc.”

“You too.”

Arc pulls away as Hammer walks inside. Walking quickly to her apartment she goes straight to her computer in the bedroom and sits down.

“Let’s see… Roberto’s Pizza… Hero of Light… AHA!”

The footage from Minerva’s coverage of the event plays. Hammer sits back in her chair and frowns as Bloodletter’s face come onto the screen.

“That moron! I told him not to be doing any side work!”

She watches as the gang is brought low by the Hero of Light.

“It’s good to see those punks taken down a few notches. And by such a powerful warrior.”

Hammer grins as she socks her fists together.

“Although I’m looking forward to him and me going a few rounds again. After all, I still owe him for the scratching my truck! It’s been far too long since I faced a worthy opponent.”

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