• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 4 - Briefing

An hour or so later Arc and company stand in the middle of the living room. He looks around at the others.

“Is everyone packed?”

Derpy nods. “Dinky and I will only be taking what we came with.”

“What did we bring, mom?”

“Just ourselves and your little robe.”

Rarity gestures to herself. “Remember, I just brought what I was wearing.”

Scootaloo shrugs. “I didn’t have anything.”

Hammer grins as she holds up a knapsack. “I’ve got several changes of clothes and my gun.”

Arc gasps. “Wait! You’re coming too, Hammer?!”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Uh… yeah. Something wrong with that?”

“This is going to be dangerous.”


“And we’re not just going overseas. This is across dimensions.”

Hammer sighs. “Look, Arc. I really care about you, which means being there for you when you need me. That and I can’t exactly stay here after what happened.”

“She’s right, dad. The bad people have to be looking for her by now.”

Derpy turns to him. “Hammer will probably be safer in Equestria as it stands.”

“Yeah, Big Brother. Here she’ll be in constant danger here!”

Hammer grins as she pulls something out of her military backpack. “That and I’m bringing the thunder! I got the Charger II right here!”

Sereb looks at the vehicle in Hammer’s hand. “Like that it could pass for a toy model.”

Arc chuckles nervously. “Yeah. Wasn’t really sure what else to do with it. Um… would everyone please give me a moment?”

Cherry calls out to him. “Is something wrong, Arc?”

“Yeah, I need to make a quick call.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Now?!”

“I don’t want to leave without saying something to Shelly and Lily.”

Sereb nods approvingly. “A noble idea.”

Derpy smiles. “Yes. After all, who knows when we’ll be able to come back.”

Dinky sighs. “Hopefully soon.”

Hammer grimaces. “Probably not. This whole thing sounds to me like it’s just going to escalate from here.”

Cherry gasps. “Oh?”

Arc nods soberly. “Probably. After all, I don’t think Decimus will just let the Steel Hammer and Silver Hammer go without a fight.”

Sereb growls. “Then we shall have to give him one.”

Arc nods as he walks over to the stairs. “That we will. Just give me a second.”

Heading to his parent’s room, Arc sits down on the bed and dials the familiar number. A few moments later Lily answers.


“Lily? It’s me.”

“Hi, Arc! How are things?!”

“Kinda messed up right now.”


“Is Shelly there?”

“Right next to me actually. Why?”

“Put us on speakerphone.”

“Um… okay.”

Pressing the button, Lily hangs up the receiver.

“We can both hear you now.”

Shelly frowns. “Is something wrong?”

“Actually, yeah. You see, we just received word that things are getting out of hand in Dawn and Rarity’s hometown.”

Lily gasps. “Oh my! Is Belle okay?!”

“As far as we know, yes. But we need to head back to make sure she and a few other families stay safe.”

Shelly shudders. “When are you leaving?”

“In just a few minutes.”

Lily’s eyes grow wide. “What?!”

“I have a flight lined up for all of us.”

Shelly leans forward. “Are you sure this is a good idea, Arc? I mean… couldn’t you just call over there and see if everything’s okay?”

“Sadly, no. They’re cut off at the moment. Only way to do this is to physically go there and see for ourselves.”

Lily sighs. “Okay, Arc. You just be careful and come home safely.”

Shelly nods sadly. “We understand. I’m sure Rarity is beside herself with worry right now.”

“She is, yes. Well, I need to be going. Just didn’t want to leave without saying anything.”

Lily forces a small smile. “Thank you for that, Arc. You and Rarity are just so cute together. We appreciate you bringing her over to meet us.”

Shelly nods. “Hopefully next time Belle will be able to join you.”

“I’d like that. Take care you two.”

Lily moves to press a button on the phone. “Goodbye, Arc.”

Shelly gasps. “Wait, Arc!”


“I know this is really last minute, but… how is Max?”

“Um… okay last I knew. Why do you ask?”

“It’s been bothering me lately. After all, he was so sweet and loving when last he was here. At least up until he told me that outlandish story before you and your friends left last time.”

Arc grimaces and hangs his head. “ Shelly, I… um… is there anything you want me to tell him? If he asks, I mean.”

“Just one thing. When he’s man enough to be honest with me, I’ll be waiting.”

“I’ll tell him if I bump into him.”

“Please do. “


Hanging up the receiver, Arc puts his head in his hands.

“That whole thing was my fault. If I had just been honest with her and Lily… backed Max’s story up, she would have believed him.”

He sighs before standing up.

“I gotta talk to Max about this. But I also need to figure out a real plan to make this right.”

Frowning, Arc heads downstairs. Hammer looks up to him and sighs.

“You say your goodbyes?”


Sereb nods to the back door. “Good. Now we can be off.”

Scootaloo frowns. “And not a moment too soon.”

Rarity appears hopeful. “All that’s left is for Arc to make the call to Sunburst.”

“Let’s do that now.”

Touching his earring, Arc calls out.

“Arc to Sunburst.”

“Right here, sir. Are you ready to return?”

Arc nods. “Yes. Is everything ready on your end?”

“That it is, sir. I have the Crystal Mirror here in the castle’s throne room. We’re ready to receive you and your entourage.”

“Alright. We’ll head to my backyard now and await a portal. Just wait two minutes before starting.”

“Yes sir.”

“Uh… this is safe, right?”

“It is, yes.”

“Good. I’m counting on you, Sunburst. Arc out.”

He touches his earring, severing the connection. Looking to the others Arc nods.

“It’s a go. Coats and boots everyone, and hurry.”

They do as Arc says and head outside. Arc is the last one out. Turning around, he locks the door behind them and joins the others at the base of the steps.

“Now all we have to do is wait.”

Thirty seconds later a strange looking portal forms. It starts very small, but quickly grows in size and intensity. Arc looks to the others.

“Let’s go!”

Rarity takes his hand as Hammer grabs the other. Taking a deep breath, Arc steps forward as Derpy, Dinky, Scootaloo, and Sereb follow. Entering the portal they find themselves transported to the Crystal Castle’s Throne Room. Hammer looks around, clearly astonished.

“This place is amazing!”

Sunburst steps forward with Cadance. Derpy, Dinky, Sereb, and Rarity all kneel respectfully. Hammer turns to Arc and whispers.

“What’s everyone doing?”

“Bowing before royalty.”

He clears his throat as Cadance reaches them and smiles.

“Welcome back, Arc!”

“Thanks for having me. Well, us.”

He gestures to Hammer before continuing.

“Cadance, this is Hammer. She’s a new friend of mine. Hammer, this is Princess Cadance. Ruler of the Crystal Empire.”

“Like a queen?”

Shining Armor shakes his head. “Not really. This land is governed by the three princesses.”

“Arc explained that to me. What I mean is… there’s no king and queen?”

Trixie shakes her head. “No, miss.”

“And everyone’s a pony?”

Arc nods. “For the most part, yes. But just to finish the introductions… this is Lead Sage Sunburst, Captain of the Guard Shining Armor, and his aide Lieutenant Trixie.”

Hammer nods at them respectfully as Arc continues.

“Can you bring me up to speed on exactly what’s been going on here, Cadance?”

“That will take all of us. Shining Armor will start us off.”

“Very well. As you know, Captain Decimus has retaken his position as Captain of the Royal Guard of Canterlot Castle in addition to being appointed Hero of Light after your presumed death, Arc.”

“Didn’t like watching that.”

Scootaloo grits her teeth. “Me either. And I still don’t understand why exactly.”

Shining Armor sighs. “He’s taken Light’s Hope as a base of operations and declared martial law in Ponyville until further notice.”

Rarity gasps. “Martial law?! What about the curfew?!”

Trixie bows her head. “Expanded greatly.”

Derpy trots in place nervously. “What of the orphanage?”

Shining Armor turns to her. “Largely unaffected in terms of its operation in regards to housing orphans. School remains in session with only foals being allowed to go straight to school and straight home afterwards. All outdoor activities have been halted as well as all businesses ordered to close with the exception of Barnyard Bargains making deliveries.”

Hammer clenches a fist. “So it’s a total lockdown… of an entire town and an ORPHANAGE?!”

Cadance nods soberly. “Pretty much.”

Arc frowns. “What exactly prompted this? I mean, I know Decimus thinks I’m still alive and would probably go back to my base at some point. But what does that have to do with the town itself?”

“Trixie believes he is baiting you.”

Dinky raises an eyebrow. “Baiting?”

Sereb growls. “It makes sense. The more miserable the townsponies become the harder it would be for Arc to stay away.”

Cherry calls out to them. “But he’s just assuming Arc survived. Remember, Decimus has no real evidence to support his idea that Arc is still alive.”

Shining Armor sighs. “Very true. However he also has not received confirmation that Arc is indeed dead either.”

“Trixie knows this puts his plans in jeopardy, as Arc is the only one whom can challenge his authority at this point.”

Cadance frowns. “There is one other way.”

Arc appears hopeful. “What is it?”

Sunburst clears his throat and begins to speak. “According to the law, for a Hero of Light to be appointed requires a majority vote of the princesses. Similarly they can be removed from their position by the same vote.”

Rarity frowns as she turns to Cadance. “So why don’t you and Princess Luna just vote to remove him?”

“Decimus knows that as well. To do such a thing Luna and I would have to come together and confront Aunt Celestia.”

Shining Armor puts a hoof to his chin thoughtfully. “That could be part of Decimus’ plan. With all three princesses in one place he could take them prisoner and, by the power granted to him under the Order of Succession, proclaim himself Lord Regent of Equestria.”

“This is purely theory, of course. But Trixie wouldn’t put it past him.”

Dinky looks to the princess. “So that’s why you’re here, Princess Cadance?”

“Yes. He can’t do a thing here in the Crystal Empire without causing a diplomatic nightmare.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Really? What about when I came here as the Lord Regent during the trouble with Yakyakistan?”

Hammer frowns. “That isn’t a real country, is it?”

Derpy sighs. “Afraid so.”


Cadance continues. “That was done under extenuating circumstances. Technically, General Wind Rider was the final say at the time. However when you relieved him from duty you were able to assume command in his stead.”

Dinky grimaces. “So if the other leaders had wanted to, they could have resisted my dad’s authority?”

Sunburst nods. “Technically, yes. However I don’t think anypony in this land would have dared to do such a thing. Especially when there was literally a hostile army pounding at the gates.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “Now that I think about it, those commanders that I saw in the castle didn’t initially follow my commands to call out the soldiers.”

Shining Armor raises an eyebrow. “They hesitated?”

Cherry giggles. “Yes. That is until Arc got mad and yelled at them.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “That wasn’t the time for politics.”

Cadance sighs. “Moving on… this morning I received word from Sergeant Sandstorm Mirage, Luna’s secret agent in the castle, that the Hammers had been arrested and transferred to Canterlot Castle’s dungeon to be held without visiting privileges.”

Hammer clenches a fist. “On what charge?!”

“High treason and inciting dissent.”

Shining Armor frowns. “The official report said they were trying to organize a rebellion against Canterlot and its ruler.”

Rarity shakes her head vehemently. “There’s no way that’s true!”

Arc nods. “Agreed.”

Sunburst turns to him. “Do you know them, sir?”

“I do. While I can’t tell you the details, know that they are above reproach in their loyalty to Equestria and the princesses. Of that I’m certain.”

Trixie gasps. “You’re saying the charges are completely without merit?”

“One hundred percent, yes.”

Hammer turns to Arc. “We need to get them out of there then!”

“Agreed. Any more information on Canterlot Castle?”

Sunburst bows his head. “I’ve been in constant contact with Spike since leaving the capital. He tells me the place is a literal fortress these days. Guards patrol the corridors at all hours of the day and night along with the grounds.”

“Trixie thinks you’d need an army to assault the castle in its current state, sir.”

Derpy turns to Cadance. “What if we went with the whole vote idea? Remove Decimus without a single casualty.”

Dinky sighs. “But that would put the princesses in great danger. After all, who knows what he might have planned?”

Scootaloo shudders. “Right. I’ve met Decimus in the past. He’s quite enigmatic.”

Rarity grins. “What if Princess Luna and Princess Cadance were accompanied by Arc, his forces, and the Element Bearers? The soldiers stationed there wouldn’t dare attack all of us. Even if ordered to by Celestia herself, right?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not a good idea. We’d be on his home territory at that point.”

Scootaloo nods soberly. “Decimus strikes me as the kind of stallion whom views completion of the mission above all else.”

Shining Armor grimaces. “She’s right. Now I know this might sound crazy, but worst case scenario the captain could take extreme action to stop you. For example, when Trixie attacked the Canterlot Castle he blew up the drawbridge which caused a fair amount of damage to the building without so much as a second thought. Who’s to say he wouldn’t do the same to the entryway or a corridor everypony was walking down?”

Trixie frowns. “He’d effectively be killing a number of birds with one stone.”

Sunburst sighs. “That and such an event, if coupled with the disappearance of Princess Celestia again, would cement his position on the throne.”

Cadance frowns. “And give him probable cause to extend martial law across the land indefinitely.”

Arc clenches a fist and grits his teeth. “The Griffon Kingdom.”

Rarity appears confused. “Arc?”

“He’d make Equestria like them. Ruled over by a small governing authority, such as the Council of Shadows, in which the citizens have zero say or representation. Guards would be stationed on every street corner as well as a government takeover of all major industries.”

Scootaloo gasps. “He and his allies would reap all the benefits of total control.”

Dinky’s ears droop. “While everypony else would live in misery.”

Arc shakes his head. “I’ll never let that happen!”

Hammer grins. “Right!”

Derpy looks to the princess. “So I guess the real question now is… where do we go from here?”

“I have some ideas. But we don’t have much time.”

Sereb grins toothily. “We are listening.”

“While the need to rescue the Hammers is great, there is a more pressing matter to attend to.”

Rarity gasps. “What could possibly be more important?!”

“According to Sergeant Sandstorm Mirage, Aunt Celestia’s personal warship is nearly completed. As it stands, it’s much more powerful than either the Lunar Destiny or The Equinox.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Airship?”

Arc turns to her. “Like the one I used to escape in last time.”

“It didn’t look too tough to me.”

Sereb chuckles. “We escaped though, didn’t we?”


Arc points to Sunburst. “But with the Lead Sage here, who’s…?”

Sunburst interrupts him. “I finished the plans along with Hard Hat some time ago, sir. All that was left for the engineering corps to do was follow them.”

Shining Armor groans. “With that ship in the air, nopony would be able to stand against it.”

Trixie nods soberly. “Yes. That’s why we have to prevent it from reaching completion.”

Cadance sighs. “Agreed. It must be sabotaged at once.”

Cherry calls out anxiously. “But they’ll just build another one, right?”

Shining Armor nods. “That’s the second part of the plan. While inside the castle you’ll need to acquire the plans for the ship along with the advanced weapon schematics and O.R.B. defensive system.”

Hammer rolls her eyes. “Sabotage, espionage, AND a prison break?! Anything else you want him to do while he’s there?!”

Sunburst smiles nervously. “Actually, yes.”

Sereb sighs as he turns to Hammer. “You had to ask.”

Sunburst continues. “There’s still a chance they’ll be able to repair the ship and finish the systems with the help of my mother and Hard Hat.”

“Trixie believer that together they could potentially recompile the plans from memory.”

Hammer facepalms. “And now he needs to kidnap two people?!”

Derpy turns to her. “Ponies.”


Cadance nods. “Only if they refuse to come, yes. Remember, the alternative is much less pleasant.”

Sunburst gulps as Dinky steps forward.

“There’s no way anypony could do all that in one shot! Especially without raising the alarm!”

Shining Armor nods as he turns back to Arc. “Agreed. It’ll take more than one team acting independently without any communication whatsoever, lest it be intercepted.”

“I think I can come up with a plan for that. Do we have the plans for Canterlot Castle?”

“Trixie has them in her office. Sergeant Sandstorm Mirage smuggled a copy out for us.”

Arc grins. “Good. Now, I just need to know one thing.”

Cadance turns to him. “Yes?”

“Is Twilight still there?”

“She is, yes.”

“Good. She could be of help in this.”

Sunburst frowns. “That… may not be the best idea, sir.”

“Why not? She’s a princess now, and can go anywhere she wants.”

“That may be. But Trixie believes she may have been compromised.”

Hammer rolls her eyes. “So she needs rescuing too?!”

Shining Armor shakes his head. “Not exactly. Her job there originally was to convince Princess Celestia that Arc was not the culprit that night in the castle.”

Trixie nods. “Right, as he himself was a victim of Captain Decimus and Admiral Gaston along with her.”

Arc appears hopeful. “Has she made any headway on that yet?”

Rarity sighs. “When I left, no.”

Cadance furrows her brow. “We’re operating under the assumption that she’s either been manipulated by Captain Decimus or sided with Aunt Celestia.”

Arc narrows his eyes. “Twilight knows the truth! She’s would NEVER allow herself to throw that away for a lie!”

Shining Armor soberly nods. “I agree. Which leads me to believe she’s being controlled.”

Arc looks to Cadance. “Do I grab her while I’m in there too?”

Cadance shakes her head. “No, Arc. We’re already treading on dangerous ground as it stands. If we kidnap Twilight and bring her here, it would be an act of war. Aunt Celestia would mobilize everything at her command to get her back.”

“Trixie believes this. From what I witnessed the princess views her as family.”

Arc sighs. “Yeah, she does. Speaking of family, where’s Luna?”

Scootaloo appears hopeful. “Maybe she can help!”

Cadance sighs. “Nopony knows for certain, as she hasn’t been seen since your funeral, Arc.”


Derpy turn to Arc, confused. “Which part?”

Cherry cries out. “All of it!”

Arc nods. “Agreed.”

Cadance sighs. “Luna sometimes contacts me via my dreams to hear what I’ve learned. However she’s yet to make any kind of a move or reveal her location.”

Dinky looks to Shining Armor. “Has anypony checked the Nightborn Citadel?”


Cadance turns to him. “The headquarters of Luna’s… group.”

“Trixie can think of a better name for them!”

Sunburst clears his throat loudly. “While we don’t know for sure if she is, it’s impossible to verify it one way or another since they don’t open their doors to just anyone.”

Dinky frowns. “I didn’t see her when I was there.”

Derpy appears confused. “When you were where, sweetie?”

“The Nightborn Citadel.”

Arc gasps. “How did you get in?!”

“We were in Stableton and ran into Tempest. She got us inside.”

Cadance’s eyes grow wide. “Tempest?! Whatever were you doing with HER?!”

“Trying to find out exactly what happened to my dad. They helped me see that he was alive and well by using something called The All-Seeing Eye.”

Arc frowns. “Dinky, why would you do something so dangerous alone?!”

Rarity puts a hoof to her forehead. “Sweetie Belle went with her.”

Sereb bows his head. “Apple Bloom and I went along as well.”

“You can’t be serious.”

“I knew she would go even if forbidden to do so. As a final tribute to you I decided to safeguard them on their journey across this land.”

Hammer grins. “Then they were probably pretty safe, right?”

Rarity shakes her head. “Not as much so as I would have liked. I can still see a scar under my daughter’s coat where she was wounded.”

Dinky puts a hoof on her side. “I still have one here too.”

Arc groans. “When this is over you and Sereb are grounded!”

Sereb raises an eyebrow, confused. “What…?”

Arc turns and glares at him silently. The wolf shrinks back and whispers.

“Yes sir.”

Derpy looks to him pleadingly. “Please don’t be too angry with them, Arc. They were only trying to uncover the truth.”

Rarity nods. “All of our friends went out to find them too. Fortunately we met up with them in Stableton.”

Arc puts a hand to his forehead. “Okay, I don’t want to know any more right now. Cadance, how do I get to Canterlot?”

Rarity looks to Shining Armor. “How about the sigil in Arc’s room?”

“Sandstorm Mirage reports it’s been removed on order of Captain Decimus.”

Cadance nods. “That and we don’t want Aunt Celestia sensing the magical backwash it causes. Fortunately I’ve already come up with a plan to get everypony into the castle.”

Arc nods soberly. “I’m listening.”

“Aunt Celestia has requested that we perform a joint military training exercise of sorts.”

Hammer narrows her eyes. “What kind of exercise?”

“She wishes to know how our forces would take prolonged deployment. Captain Decimus has suggested using an airship flying over Canterlot to test the mental fortitude of our troops and crew under such duress.”

Rarity raises an eyebrow. “But why?”

Shining Armor frowns. “Captain Decimus has convinced her that we need to be ready for a potential war.”

Derpy tilts her head to one side, confused. “Against who?”

“Trixie thinks whomever we make angry first.”

Cadance sighs. “It’s more along the lines of general preparedness. In the interest of keeping the peace between the Crystal Empire and Canterlot I’ve agreed to send The Equinox back to house this test. The compliment will be the normal Bridge crew along with your squad, Arc.”

Arc nods. “Good. I think I’ll need them for this.”

Hammer grins. “And us too, right?”

Rarity nods. “Yes, I’d like to help as well.”

Derpy raises a hoof. “Me too!”

Sereb growls. “Let us fight beside each other yet again!”

Scootaloo grins wickedly. “I wouldn’t miss this for the world.”

Dinky giggles. “Yeah!”

Cherry calls out. “It looks like you’ll have plenty of help on this one, Arc.”

“Yup. And a bit of flying to nail down a plan. When do we leave, princess?”

“I didn’t agree to a specific time. However I was told Aunt Celestia was very interested in getting underway as soon as possible.”

Shining Armor turns to Arc. “The departure time is completely up to you, sir. However we should first see about getting you some new armor.”

Dinky giggles. “No need for that!”

Hammer gives them a thumbs up. “Yup! Arc already has it covered!”

Sunburst appears confused. “Sir?”


Calling forth his new armor, Arc removes the helmet and looks to Cadance.

“It’s a little odd fitting. But feels pretty strong.”

Trixie gasps. “Where did THAT come from?!”

“My grandfather apparently helped defend this land before the formation of the three kingdoms. I’ll need to have it altered a bit to fit me better, but this should work in the meantime.”

Shining Armor turns to Cadance. “Shall we call for an armorsmith?”

Cadance shakes her head. “No. We can’t risk somepony learning of Arc’s continued existence at this point. That is unless Arc himself deems it necessary.”

“No, that would be an unnecessary risk. I want to keep this quiet at least until the mission is complete.”

Derpy grimaces. “But you’ll probably be seen during the operation, right?”

“Probably. Hopefully not until I find and release the Hammers though.”

Rarity grins. “They could help alter that armor for you, Arc.”

“That’s the plan.”

Hammer points toward the door. “So let’s get moving!”

“Agreed. We’ll take a portal to my quarters aboard the Equinox if you’ll give the orders for the crew to prepare for the operation.”

Cadance smiles. “Very well, Arc.”

“Trixie suggests all of you stay in those quarters until the ship is in the air though.”

Shining Armor nods. “Right. The maintenance workers and porters might see you otherwise. But in any case…”

He motions to Trixie. She steps forward with a scroll and gives it to Arc as Shining Armor continues.

“This is a summary of your overall mission objectives. Give it to Captain Tight Ship so he knows Cadance is behind this plan all the way.”

“Thanks. That should make this a bit easier. Let’s go everyone.”

Opening a portal, Arc motions for the others to enter as he turns to Sunburst.

“Let me know via my earring when we’re about to take off.”

“Yes sir. Um… might I make a request of you?”

“What is it?”

“Please don’t hurt Stellar Flare. For better or worse, I only have one mother.”

“Why would I hurt her?”

“She’s very stubborn. If you can’t get her to follow you, the next logical thing to do would be to… you know…”

“Kill her?”

“It’s the only way to be sure she won’t be there to recreate the systems aboard the new airship.”

“It won’t come to that. If nothing works I’ll knock her out and take her prisoner.”

“Please be gentle.”

Arc nods and steps into his portal as it closes behind him. Cadance walks over to a rather nervous Sunburst.

“Don’t worry about Stellar Flare. Arc will do everything in his power to convince her before moving to more drastic measures.”

Sunburst sighs. “I’m sure he will. But my mother isn’t easily swayed. She’s still not happy I defected to the Crystal Empire.”

Shining Armor puts a hoof on his shoulder. “Give it time. She’ll see soon enough that there’s something rotten in Canterlot.”

Sunburst bows his head. “Yes, I’m sure she will. But by that time it may be too late.”

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