• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 18 - Sniffing Out Trouble

Arc and Derpy follow Penelope Parker upstairs to her spacious office. Derpy looks around, wide-eyed.

“Nice place you have here!”

Penelope gestures to two chairs in front of her desk as she sits down. “Thank you. Now if you would please be seated, we can talk.”

They do so.

“I am Vice President Penelope Parker. And you two are…”

Arc nods. “Thank you for seeing us, Miss Parker. My name is Arc and my friend here is Dawn.”

Derpy nods. “Hello.”

Penelope frowns. “From what I overheard in the Atrium, it sounds like you two were looking for a meeting with in regards to Sam Mason.”

She leans forward in her chair.

“I’ve been trying to get a hold of Sam for a several days now. To be honest with you, when we met in the Atrium I was actually on my way out the door to go see him. Maybe you can tell me why he’s not returning my calls.”

Arc sighs. “Well, I hate to tell you this, but…”

He tells Miss Parker about the apartment fire and Sam’s death. She appears stunned.

“I… I can’t believe he’s gone! And in such a manner! Tell me, how is his daughter?! Did she make it out?!”

Derpy nods. “Yes. The Hero of Light saved her.”

Arc sighs. “But he was too late to help Sam.”

“That fellow from the news?! You came all the way here from Angel Grove to tell me about this?”

Arc nods. “I’m actually hoping you can tell me a few things. You see, I’m trying to find Sam’s ex-wife.”

Penelope chuckles. "You and quite a few others I’m sure."

Derpy looks confused. “What do you mean?”

“Debt Collectors mostly.”

Arc frowns. “I don’t quite follow.”

Penelope sighs as she leans back in her chair. “She’s been a thorn in Sam’s side for years. Frankly I don’t know why he stuck with her as long as he did. Cybil Mason is nothing but an alcoholic train wreck.”

“Are you certain of this?”

“I am. She’s been in here numerous times over the years looking for Sam.”

Derpy nods. “So he works here then?”

Penelope shakes her head. “No. We just publish his children’s books and handle the business side of his stories.”

Arc looks confused. “Then why…”

“Every time she comes in here waving an envelope with our return address on it. In her drunken state she assumes he works for us and is somewhere in the building.”

“So what does she want?”

Penelope sighs. “For us to either give her money or tell us where he lives. Naturally we don’t give out addresses of our authors, especially to those who would only do them harm.”

Arc nods, understandingly. “Is she violent?”

“Not usually. Up until the last time, all it took was a call to security to get her escorted out.”

Derpy shudders. “The last time things went badly?”

Penelope nods. “We actually had to call the police. I hated to do it, for Sam and his daughter’s sake, but she… well…”

“She what?”

Penelope looks Arc in the eyes. “Please don’t spread this around, but she got so mad at our staff that she… she urinated in the middle of the Atrium right in front of the receptionist’s desk.

Arc nods. “That was the last straw, huh?”

“We didn’t have any other choice. Up until that point we had been putting up with her for Sam’s sake, but…”

Derpy sighs. “It had to end somewhere.”

“Yes. But that didn’t make it any easier. The police came, handcuffed her, and dragged her out the door.”

“She couldn’t walk?”

Arc rolls his eyes. “As drunk as she sounded, probably not.”

Penelope sighs. “According to our Head of Security, that would have been a sound analysis of her state of mind at the time.”

Arc nods. “I don’t suppose you know where I could find her.”

Penelope shakes her head. “I do not. That was the last we saw of her. Sam called me later that day to apologize yet again for his ex-wife’s behavior.”

Derpy sighs. “That couldn’t have been easy.”

“I suppose not. However he still bailed her out.”

“After all that? Why?!”

Penelope sighs. “Sam didn’t want to have to tell his daughter that her mother was in jail… again. It’s very hard on a child to hear such things.”

Derpy nods. “I suppose it is.”

“The good news was he said she was moving out of town.”

“Did he say why?”

“Indirectly, he told me she was trying to escape her responsibilities.”

Derpy frowns. “As a parent?”

“More like as a responsible citizen. She’s chronically in debt thanks to her alcoholism.”

“Did he look into getting her some help?”

Penelope nods. “Sam told me he would take her back when she completed rehab. To the best of my knowledge she hasn’t. Her and Sam have been separated well over a year now. So if she was going to seek help, she would have done so by now.”

Arc sighs. “I… suppose you’re right.”

“If you want to locate her, you might want to try asking someone over at Angel Grove Elementary School. Sam’s daughter is enrolled there.”

Arc looks up. “Good idea! Maybe they have her old address on file.”

Penelope looks out the window. “It will be too late for Christmas though. They’re closed until after New Year.”

Arc stands up and extends a hand. “Well, at least I have a lead now. Thank you for your time, Miss Parker.”

Penelope stands and shakes Arc’s hand. “Call me Penelope. I think it’s very noble of you to do this for Sam’s daughter.”

Arc smiles at her as they head toward the office door. “I just don’t want her to be alone at Christmas! Her mother either.”

Penelope stops as they reach the office door. “By the way. Would you happen to know what happened to her hands?”

“Her hands? They were all bandaged up when I saw her at the orphanage yesterday. I just assumed it was from the fire.”

Penelope shakes her head. “No. They were like that the last time I saw her and Sam at his apartment.”

Derpy gasps. “It must be quite the injury to go on that long!”

Penelope nods. “Yes. Arc, would you please do me a favor?”

“I can try.”

“Please help Sam’s daughter have a Merry Christmas. She’s always been a rather shy girl. Probably more so after what happened. Hopefully you can make her smile again.”

“I’ll do my best.”

Arc and Derpy leave the office and take the elevator back downstairs to the Atrium. As they leave the building Derpy turns to him.

“This little girl sounds like she’s been through a lot.”

Arc nods sadly. “She has. That and she isn’t even Dinky’s age yet.”

They climb back into the Jeep and head back toward Angel Grove. The pair stop at a drive through for takeout and continue on their way as they eat. Derpy looks up from her salad.

“I guess you’ll have to wait, huh?”

Arc looks over at her as he takes a bite of his cheeseburger. “What for?”

Derpy sips on a bottle of water. “For the school to open.”

Arc shakes his head. “Wasn’t planning on it.”

“But… how are you planning on getting inside?”

“I was going to just Blink in.”

“You can’t do that!”

Arc sighs. “I’ll probably have to. The school isn’t going to tell a total stranger the past addresses of student’s estranged mother. I know my way around that place. It’ll be a breeze getting in with magic.”

Derpy sighs. “I can’t talk you out of this?”

“Only if you want to tell that little girl that she’s going to be alone for a while longer.”

“I… I couldn’t. But what if you get caught?!”

“Leave that to me.”

Half an hour later they arrive at the Angel Grove Elementary School. Arc pulls the Jeep into the roundabout and parks. He pulls his magic cloak out.

“Don’t worry about a thing, Derpy. I won’t be long. That and I’ll leave the engine running so you can stay warm.”

“But what if you can’t find the file?!”

Arc sighs as he cloaks. “Oh, I’ll find it. I… I have to.”

He Blinks from his seat to just inside the school door and promptly falls to the floor. Cherry calls out to him.

“Arc! Are you alright?!”

Arc stands up and composes himself. “Yeah, I’m fine.”

“What happened?!”

He sighs as he rubs his backside. “I forgot I was sitting down when I Blinked.”

Arc walks down the hallway toward the school office.

“How do you know your way around this building?”

“I went to school here myself a long time ago.”

“Really?! This place is so much bigger than any school back home!”

Arc chuckles. “Well there’s more children on Earth than in Equestria.”

“Why do you suppose that is?”

“Probably because the cities are bigger and our populations are exponentially larger.”

“In any case, it’s a very nice-looking building.”

Arc looks around. “There’s a lot of memories here. This building is really old, after all. In fact, my father himself went to school here too.”

They arrive at a closed door marked ‘Office’. Arc tries the doorknob.


He quickly Blinks through the door and turns on the lights.

“That was easy.”

Cherry sounds nervous. “Let’s find that file and get out of here!”

Arc opens a nearby drawer and starts looking.

“This may take forever, Arc!”

Arc shakes his head as he rummages around. “Not really. They probably have her file in the archives drawer.”

“Why there?”

“That’s where I would put files belonging to students who’ve transferred out.”


Arc nods. “Since she’s living at the Farburg Orphanage, there’s no way they’re still sending her to school here in Angel Grove. It’s at least a forty five minute drive there. And that’s just one way.”

“There’s another school in Farburg?”

He nods. “Yes. Every large town has one.”

In a few moments Arc pulls out a folder and sets it on the nearby desk. He sits down in the secretary’s desk chair.

“Here we are. Her mother’s last known address.”

Arc picks up a pencil and writes it down before stuffing the paper in his pocket.

“Do you think she really moved away?”

Arc sighs. “Probably. If she’s drowning her troubles in booze, she’s used to running from her problems”

He goes over the file again.

“What are you looking for now, Arc?

“A work phone number. She had to have a job, at least at some point, to pay for more alcohol.”

“You’re planning on calling them to ask?!”

Arc shrugs. “If this address doesn’t work out, that will be all we have to go on.”

He picks up the paper, folds it up, and puts it in his pocket before returning the file to its place in the drawer.

Cherry sighs happily as Arc Blinks through the locked door to the hallway. “I wouldn’t mind seeing this place again! It just feels so… happy!”

Arc walks down the hallway toward the entrance. “I did enjoy the time I spent here, before my mother…”

Cherry sighs. “I’m sorry, Arc.”

“Don’t be, Cherry. Now let’s get going.”

He looks out the door to see his Jeep sitting where he left it. Taking one last looks around at the familiar surroundings.

“I guess there isn’t much reason to dwell on the past, huh Cherry?

A voice speaks from behind him.

“That’s one way of putting it, Arc.”

Arc whirls around to see the navy-blue robed figure standing before him.

“Wiseman?! What are YOU doing here?!”

Wiseman looks around as Arc decloaks. “Just taking a walk.”

Cherry sounds peeved. “You don’t make much sense!”

“I suppose I don’t sometimes. But that is neither here nor there.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Look, I’m kinda busy right now, so if we could just speed this along…”

Wiseman chuckles. “Short on time are we now? When you get as old as I am, you will truly be able to appreciate time and how you spend it.”

“Here to give me another warning, are you?”

“I am.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “I’m listening.”

“You are searching for Cybil Mason, correct?”

Cherry gasps. “How did you…?”

“Some things are known to some, while unknown to others.”

Arc nods. “I am. Something wrong with that?”

“No. I only wanted to give you a single piece of advice.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “I await your response with breathless anticipation.”

“All I want to say is… the truth… is not always a pleasant thing to know.”

Arc turns around and looks back toward the office. “I suppose it isn’t. However, I would rather know the truth than live my life wondering… you’re gone aren’t you, Wiseman?”

Arc turns back around. Wiseman is nowhere in sight.

Cherry sighs. “Again?!”

“So, it would seem.”

“What do you suppose he meant by that, Arc?”

“I understand what he’s saying. But… I’m not a big fan of the old ‘ignorance is bliss’ mentality.”

He shakes his head and looks outside at the Jeep.

“We should be moving on. Nothing left to do here, Cherry.”

“I suppose not.”

Arc sits down on the floor in front of the exterior door.

“Arc? What are you…?”

“You’ll see, Cherry.”

He Blinks back into the driver’s seat of his Jeep. Derpy appears startled!


Arc removes his cloak and returns it to his ring. “Sorry about that Derpy.”

“Everything go alright in there? You were gone for quite some time”

Cherry sighs. “We ran into the human from before.”

Derpy’s eyes grow wide. “From where now?”

Arc puts the vehicle in gear and slowly drives away. “I originally saw him at the apartment fire. However, he also appeared to me in Griffonstone.”

“Earth… AND the Griffon Kingdom?! HOW?!”

Arc shrugs. “Not a clue. Hopefully next time we can get some footage of him for the guys to analyze.”

Derpy looks to Arc, nervously. “Is he… bad?”

“I don’t think so. But his knowledge of where I’ll be at any given time is starting to give me the creeps.”

“So where are we headed?”

Arc pulls the paper out of his pocket. “The address on file with the school. Cybil probably isn’t there, but maybe someone who lives nearby will be able to point us in the right direction.”

They make the short drive to the address, which is a mobile home park. Arc drives up to the office. The rather seedy looking person behind the counter tells him that Cybil moved out without paying her lot rent. He turns to Derpy as he gets back into the Jeep.

“Well that didn’t work.”

Derpy sighs. “Not here?”

Arc shakes his head. “Skipped out on paying her bill. They don’t know where she went, but would certainly like to.”

“What now?”

“We check her last known job.”

Arc touches his earring.

“You boys there?”

Max nods. “Yes sir! Do you need something?”

“I need Viktor to run a reverse phone number lookup.”

Viktor sounds confused. “A what?”

“Type ‘reverse phone number’ into the search engine.”

“Yes sir.”

A few moments pass.

“Okay. What now sir?”

“Type in the following numbers.”

Arc pulls the paper out of his pocket and reads off the phone number. A few moments later Viktor speaks up.

“Looks like it’s to a restaurant in the next town.”

Arc pulls out a pencil from the glove compartment. “What’s the address?”

Viktor gives Arc the address which he writes down on the paper in his lap.

“Thanks. We’re heading over there now.”

Xenos chuckles. “You’re really making headway on this case, sir!”

“Maybe we’ll find her yet. Arc out.”

Fifteen minutes later they arrive at a small mom and pop restaurant. They park and head inside. The manager appears to be running the front himself. Arc and Derpy walk up to the counter.

“Good afternoon. I’m looking for Cybil Mason. Does she still work here?”

The manager rolls his eyes. “Not anymore! She showed up drunk yet again today, so I had to let her go.”

Derpy sighs. “Does this happen often?

“Too often! You friends of hers?!”

Arc shakes his head. “No. In fact we’ve never even met.”

“So you’re bill collectors, huh? At least you didn’t make a scene like the others.”

“That bad?”

The manager nods angrily. “Bad enough that customers walk out! She was a great waitress… when she was sober, that is. But her choices outside of work kept following her in the door! I’m glad she’s gone!”

“Well, we’re still looking for her? Any idea where she could have gone?”

“Not a clue. She walked out and didn’t look back. Good riddance, I say.”

Derpy turns to Arc. “Should we try looking around? She couldn’t have gotten far.”

Arc nods and turns back to the manager. “Does she have a car, sir?”

“No. She smashed it up a couple weeks ago… again. This time I think it’s totaled. Again, probably for the best.”

“You have an address?”

“Not since the other day when her roommate kicked her out.”

Derpy shakes her head. “Wow. This Cybil really is quite the colorful individual.”

The manager scoffs. “That’s putting it mildly. Now if you two would be so kind as to leave so I can get back to work.”

Arc nods as they head for the door. “Okay. Thank you for your help.”

The manager smiles slightly as he mutters to himself. “Politest collectors I ever saw.”

Arc turns to Derpy. “Come on. She can’t have gotten far.”

The pair turn to leave as the manager calls out after them.

“Hey fella!”

Arc turns back. “Yes?”

“You’re in luck!”

He points out the front window.

“There she is!”

Arc and Derpy turn to see a woman staggering toward the building. The manager sighs and rolls his eyes.

“Great! How much you wanna bet she’s so drunk she forgot I fired her earlier?”

The woman staggers in the door. She reeks of alcohol, sweat, body odor and urine. Turning to the manager, as she slurs her words heavily.

“Hai boss… sorry… sorry I’m late! I… I dunno why…”

“Well, that’s just fine! You don’t work here anymore!”

She staggers toward the counter. “Shure I do! I’m yur best employeeeeeee!”

The manager looks at Arc as he picks up the phone. “You want her, or should I let the cops haul her away?”

Arc sighs. “We’ll take her.”

Derpy looks over to him. “We will?”

“Yes… we will.”

Arc walks up to the woman.

“You Cybil Mason?”

“Yeah! Who’s askin’?!”

“The… uh… the manager says you can have the night off.”

“He did?! That’s… that’s relly noice of him! Usually he… he’s jest so… uptight!”

She trips and falls on the floor. Arc and Derpy help her up as she looks up at Arc.

“You two wanna get somethun to drink together?! Mai treat!”

Arc shakes his head. “No thanks. How about we give you a ride home though?”

“Can we get a drink later?!”

“Uh… maybe.”

Cybil wraps both her arms around Arc’s neck as he and Derpy help her to the door. “Lead the way then… ye little cutie!”

The three leave the restaurant together and head back to Arc’s Jeep. Arc helps her into the back seat.

“I kin do it myself… yew big… hunk of manliness!”

She gets in and immediately falls over. Lying on the back-seat daze and confused she looks to Arc.

“Why… why’s the world… all spinny like?”

“It’s… the world spinning faster. You just lie there and we’ll let you know when it’s safe to get up, okay?”

Cybil smiles slyly and giggles at Arc. “Okay stud muffin! Yew jest take me… whaerever and… I’ll fellew yew!”

Derpy gets into the passenger seat next to Arc. “This is kinda… sad, I guess.”

“I know.”

“Hey! Yew two talkin’… ‘bout me?!”

Arc shakes his head as he starts the Jeep. “Nope. We’re talking about someone else.”

Cybil nods. “Okay… gud! Say, kin you take me… back to my… apartment? I… need sumthing!“

“I… guess so. Where do you live?”

“I… I for… furgot! Hang on jest a… a sekund!”

She tries to pull something out of her coat pocket but fails miserably.

“Hay now! Sumone keeps… movin’ my pocket!”

Irritated, Derpy turns around, reaches into the coat pocket herself and pulls out a wallet. Cybil cheer.

“YAH! Yuh got it!”

Derpy hands the wallet to Arc. “Here you go. Can we please get this over with?!”

Arc opens the wallet and pulls out an expired driver’s license. “It’s not too far.”

They drive to the address and park. Arc helps her out of the Jeep. She stumbles, but Arc is able to catch her before she hits the concrete.

“Hay there now, stud muffin! Dun’t yew be trying to come onta me! I’m a… a married woman!”

Arc sighs as he helps her toward the apartment. “Wouldn’t dream of it.”

“Then ‘gain… yew are REALLY cute now!”

Derpy frowns as Arc helps her to the door. Cybil stops, pulls her keys out and tries to get them into the lock. Arc takes them from her.

“Why don’t you let me do that?”

“Be muy gest, sweetie!”

Arc tries every key but none of them fit. Cybil bangs on the door.


A voice sounds from the other side of the door.

“Get out of here, Cybil! I had the locks changed!”


“You haven’t paid rent in three months! Get out you bum!”

Arc gently pulls Cybil away from the door. “Come on. You can come home with me.”

A wicked smile crossing her face. “Oh?! Wut ‘bout yer girlfriend heer? She’s gunna get jelous o’ me!”

Derpy frowns at her through clenched teeth. “N-no I won’t!”

“Wut’s da matter, sweetheart? Dun’t like… compe… compet… ya no wut I meen!”

Derpy says nothing, but glares at Cybil as Arc helps her back to the Jeep and buckles her in. He gets into the driver’s seat as the sun begins to set.

“You just take it easy. We’ll be at my house in a bit.”

“Comon! Let’s git this… this show goin’!”

They begin the trip back to Arc’s house. In a few minutes Cybil falls asleep. Derpy looks back at their ‘guest’.

“Disgusting! Are all human’s like this when their drunk?!”

Arc shakes his head. “No. Some get violent and others get quiet.”

He glances in the rear-view mirror at Cybil sleeping it off.

“And some just pass out. I get the feeling she was on the edge of falling asleep for quite a while.”

Sometime after dark they pull into Arc’s driveway. He gets out, unbuckles Cybil, and picks her up.

“Come on. Let’s get you inside now.”

Arc carries Cybil into the house. Dinky and Ember are cleaning the kitchen as they enter via the back door.

“DAD! I… what the…?!”

Dinky backs up as Arc walks in with Cybil over his shoulder. Holding her like a sack of potatoes.

Ember frowns. “What… is that?!”

“This is Cybil Mason. That little girl’s mother.”

Dinky wrinkles her nose. “Are you sure?! She stinks!”

“Sadly, yes sweetheart. Go get my squad.”

Dinky quickly runs down to the basement. A moment later she returns with the others. Max approaches first.

“Sir, we… what in Celestia’s name…?!”

Xenos looks confused. “Sir? Why are you holding her like…?”

A split second later the sound of vomit spewing forth can be heard. Arc stands there calmly as it runs down the back of his shirt.

“Any other questions?”

Everyone stares and shakes their head no.

“Hugh, there’s a tarp in the garage. Go get it and put it on my bed.”

“Yes sir!”

“Ember, go upstairs and get the shower going.”

“I’m on it!”

Max grabs a mop. “Viktor and I will get this mess cleaned up, sir!”

“We will? I mean, right! We will!”

As Hugh comes back with the tarp and hurries upstairs Arc moves to follow him as the sound of running water can be heard.

“Thanks. Sorry about asking you to do cleanup duty. I know this isn’t your job.”

Viktor sighs. “Anything for you, sir.”

Arc carries Cybil upstairs with Derpy following closely behind. He lays her in the tub clothes and all. Ember looks to him, confused.

“Uh… shouldn’t we… you know.”

Arc takes the shower nozzle off the wall and begins spraying Cybil down from head to toe.

“Considering what’s on those clothes of hers, I didn’t want to touch them without rinsing her off first.”

Dinky comes into the bathroom. “Yeah! What is that SMELL?!”

Arc sighs, not looking up. “Puke, tobacco smoke, a couple days of body odor, dirt, grime, a healthy dose of alcohol spills, and urine.”

Derpy frowns. “Leave the room, Dinky.”

“I can help, mom!”

She frowns. “Now, Dinky!”

Arc nods. “Why don’t you brush your teeth and head to bed, sweetheart? Use the guest bathroom though.”


After a few minutes of rinsing, the water running off Cybil begins to clear. Ember makes a face.

“I didn’t know a human could get THAT dirty!”

Arc nods as he stands up. “Yeah. Can you take over, Ember?”

“Sure. But what should I do when she’s clean?”

“Wrap her up in a towel and we’ll put her to bed in my room. Hugh should have the tarp down by now.”

Derpy sighs. “That might be a bit excessive, Arc. I don’t think…”

Cybil suddenly throws up again and pees herself.

Arc sighs. “That’s why.”

Derpy storms out of the bathroom, angrily. “Disgusting!”

Ember looks up at Arc. “What’s with her?”

“It’s… complicated. I’ll let you get to it now.”

Ember looks up as Arc turns to leave the room. “What should I put on her? Some pajamas?

Arc shakes his head, angrily. “No. In her condition she would just soil them! Wrap her up in a large towel and I’ll carry her to bed.”

He looks down at Cybil and frowns.

“Besides… she reminds me of someone I didn’t really like.”


Arc closes the door behind him. “My mother.”

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