• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,647 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 14 - Royal Amends

The next day Arc opens his eyes to see that the sun has already risen. Looking to his right, he sees Hammer still snuggled up to him. Stroking her hair for a few moments, the young woman eventually opens her eyes and smiles up at him sheepishly.

“Um… hey.”

Arc smiles down at her. “And good morning to you too.”

Hammer sits up nervously. “S-sorry about last night.”

Arc sighs. “What’s done is done, Hammer. But you should probably take another shower before he leave the room.”

Hammer sniffs herself and makes a face. “Ugh! I thought I got that all off last night!”

Arc shrugs. “Strange phenomenon. My mother had that too when she went to sleep after a night of drinking. You must be sweating it out, or something.”

Hammer quickly jumps out of bed. “Well, I’ll try again.”

As she closes the bathroom door behind her, Hammer inadvertently wakes Natalya. With a small groan, she sits up and looks over to Arc on the bed.

“Sir? What’s going on?”

Arc points to the bathroom door. “Hammer’s just trying to get last night’s smell out.”

Natalya sniffs herself and grimaces. “Maybe I would do well to do the same as her.”

“It’s up to you, of course. But I’m guessing Hammer is going to be in there for quite a while.”

“I can wait, sir.”

Arc stands up and stretches. “Do what you want to.”

Natalya hops off the couch. “Um… can I tell you something, sir?”

“Sure. What’s on your mind?”

“I just wanted to say again just how sorry I am about what happened last night.”

Arc sighs. “So am I. But it’s in the past now.”

“However, thanks to Hammer and I, you’ll have to be the one to deal with this mess!”

“It’s fine. Assuming that the intruder didn’t take a lot, I’ll just offer that Equestria be allowed pay for it along with the damage to the building.”

“They shouldn’t have to though! I’ll send the money to Canterlot just as soon as I have it! Just let me know the cost!”

Arc chuckles. “Very conscientious of you.”

“All things considered, I feel that it’s the least I can do.”

“Alright. Just stop blaming yourself for it though.”

Natalya bows her head. “I’ll try, sir.”

She looks at the bathroom door for a few moments before turning to Arc and continuing.

“Um… can I ask you something else, sir?”

“Go ahead.”

“You care very much for Hammer, right?”

Arc nods. “That I do.”

“And she’s a very… affectionate human from what I’ve seen.”

“Such would be one word to describe her, yes.”

“Judging by what I’ve heard from the others about her, Hammer appears very interested in… ah… physical contact and her own bare appearance to show her affections.”

“What are you getting at?”

Natalya looks to the bathroom door. “I’m just saying that… maybe you should join her in there.”

“Oh! Um… I suppose that would be nice, yes.”

“Then why are you still out here?”

Arc sighs. “In truth, I just didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable.”

“And I appreciate that, sir. But right now I think you should be with the female that you love.”

Arc smiles. “Well… alright.”

Walking over to the door Arc enters as Natalya sits down on the couch to look out at the city below. She giggles as she muses to herself.

“Have fun, Hammer.”

Meanwhile, Arc quietly removes his t-shirt and shorts. Tossing them aside, he silently makes his way over to the shower curtain and carefully pulls it back. Seeing that Hammer is turned away from him as she rinses out her hair, Arc slowly moves forward and puts his hands on her hips. Whirling around, the young woman catches Arc with an elbow to the chin. He falls backwards onto the floor of the shower as Hammer looks down and spies him lying there.

“Arc! What’re you…!”

Hammer’s foot catches the bar of soap lying on the tiles and causes her to slip. Reaching up, Arc catches the young woman as she lands on top of him. Clearly embarrassed, she turns away and mumbles.

“S-sorry about…”



“Look at me.”

Turning to him, Arc grabs Hammer’s face and pulls her in for a passionate kiss. Reciprocating, the young woman wraps her arms around his neck as they continue making out for some time. Eventually at some point Hammer breaks the kiss and looks down at Arc sheepishly.

“Thanks for that, handsome.”

Arc chuckles. “No. Thank YOU.”

“And, uh… sorry about the, um… the chin.”

Arc puts a hand to his cheek. “That was kind of my fault though. Sneaking up on you when you least expect it, I mean.”

Hammer grins as she holds out a hand in order to help Arc up. “Yeah. I mean, trying to get the drop on a military babe like me… it’s just not a good idea.”


Hammer holds up the soap. “So… want to help me wash my back?”

Arc pulls the bar to himself with a Telekinesis Spell. “Yes, I would.”

Hammer turns around and sits down on the tile floor of the shower as Arc begins lathering up a washcloth. As he starts with her face, Arc speaks.

“I’ll rinse this out for you right away.”

Hammer closes her eyes and grins. “Oh no! I can’t see! Anyone could do whatever they wanted to me right now and I wouldn’t be able to stop them!”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Very funny, Hammer.”

Hammer smirks as her face is rinsed. “I know you love when I do stuff like this though!”

“It’s what make you… you, I suppose.”

Hammer nods as Arc continues with her torso. “Not that I mind you being in here with me, Arc. Heck, I really do love getting felt up like this! But what convinced you to do it?”


Hammer raises an eyebrow, confused. “Come again?”

“She suggested that you really liked things such as this. I already knew that, of course. But I stayed outside the bathroom with Natalya so as not to make her feel uncomfortable.”


Arc shrugs as he again lathers the washcloth. “It’s a bit weird for us to be showering together while Natalya sits in the room alone. Especially since her and I are supposed to be engaged.”

Hammer smirks leerily. “So you’re finally coming around and admitting that you have feelings for her?”

“Just friendship. More or less, that is.”

“Define ‘more or less’.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “Well… I do consider her to be a very nice griffon. But you have to understand that, all things considered, I really don’t know Natalya all that well. After all, we’re both kept really busy by our jobs.”

Hammer sighs. “That’s true, yeah.”

“You get it too, don’t you?”

“Of course. I mean… I’m running around like a chicken with its head cut off a lot of the time. Castle security isn’t exactly quick and easy. Or set it and forget it.”

Arc smiles as he washes her legs. “That’s what I like about you, Hammer. You’re so understanding of the situation.”

Hammer shrugs. “Cut from the same cloth, you and I.”


“Doesn’t mean I have to agree with it though.”

Arc looks up from his task with bewildered look on his face. “Huh?”

“What I’m trying to say is that I do understand the issue. But still think that we’re wrong for doing it that way.”

“Honestly, I do wish that I could do more with the herd. Spend whole days with all of you, or go on more one-on-one dates to get to know everyone better.”

Hammer leans into Arc as he finishes lathering her up. “And I wish that I could stay by your side all day every day, Arc.”

Arc sighs. “Exactly. But that isn’t really an option for either of us.”

“Yeah. Nor is it fair. I mean, I can’t spend all that time with you, as the others deserve such things with you as well.”

“And I can’t just stop being the Hero of Light all at once. Equestria still needs me. At least for a while longer, I suppose.”

“So for the time being, let’s just do whatever it is that we can and be happy for the time we do have with one another.”

Arc nods as he rinses the soap off of Hammer’s body. “Agreed.”

“But right now there’s something I want.”

“What’s that, Hammer?”

Hammer grabs the bar of soap with a Telekinesis Spell. “To wash you!”

Arc chuckles as he tosses her a clean wash cloth. “Go for it.”

A short time later the pair step out of the shower together and begin drying off. Hammer turns to Arc and grins as she checks him out.

“Thanks for joining me in there, Arc. You know what I like.”

“It’s like you said before, Hammer. We need to make use of the time we have.”

“Right. And, uh… sorry about the mess from last night.”

“Don’t worry about it. But we really should talk to the others about what happened.”

Hammer taps her wrist as if there were a watch there. “Kinda late for that, you know. It’s already mid-morning.”

Arc shrugs. “Alright, brunch then.”


“Tea time?”

Hammer groans. “How about just a regular talk without food or beverages of any kind being involved?”

Arc looks away innocently. “I don’t know. Sounds a bit too minimalistic to me.”

“So broaden your horizons! Try it! You might like it!”

Arc chuckles. “Alright, Hammer. Just a regular sit down conversation with you, Luna, and Natalya.”

Hammer shakes her head. “Aren’t you forgetting something?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Gallus and Gabby, you big dummy!”

“Kinda figured that Natalya would tell them later.”

“That may be. But they really should be in on any conversations regarding their sister’s well-being.”

“With Natalya’s permission, sure.”

“Sounds good.”

A few minutes later the pair leave the bathroom. They spot Natalya sitting on the couch waiting for them patiently. Hammer walks over and smiles at her sheepishly.

“Sorry for making you wait.”

Natalya giggles. “It’s okay. I’m hoping you had a… nice time in there.”

Hammer nods fervently. “The best!”

Arc smiles at her. “Yes, thank you for suggesting it, Natalya.”

Hammer looks to the door. “Um… Arc was just saying that we should probably talk to Princess Luna about what happened last night.”

Arc quickly chimes in. “And that you should tell your siblings that you’re alright as well.”

Natalya gazes out at the mid-morning sun and nods. “I would imagine that they’re getting a bit worried about me by now, as I haven’t left this room yet today.”

Hammer grimaces. “So… do you want to talk to them about last night privately? Or invite them to the talk with Princess Luna?”

“All together would probably be easier admittedly. That and it would give us a chance to hear if anything has come through from the government regarding… you know.”

Arc nods. “We could have Ashe there too if you’d like.”

“Sure. Let’s just get this thing out in the open so we can start dealing with it, sir.”

Arc motions to the door with a wave of his hand. “Then let’s get moving.”

Leading the group out the door, he hears the sound of laughter echoing through the corridors. Following it to its source they come to the Observation Deck. Twilight, Gabby, and Gallus are sitting at a table together playing a board game. Seeing them, Twilight waves the trio over.

“Good morning you three!”

Gabby giggles. “Did you have a nice time at the slumber party, Natalya?!”

Natalya appears confused. “Slumber party?”

Gallus smiles nervously. “Yeah, sis. We told Gabby all about your slumber party last night.”

“How did you know about that?”

Gabby raises an eyebrow. “Uh… because you and the lieutenant went into Lord Arc’s quarters together, silly! What else could you have been doing in there?!”

Twilight nods. “Right. I’m guessing you three had a nice time.”

Hammer puts a hand to her forehead. “More so than you know.”

Arc looks around. “Um… what happened to Luna though?”

Twilight smiles. “She and I switched places early this morning. By now I would guess she’s giving audiences. Why? Did you need to talk to her?”

“Not so much her as a princess. But in any case… I think we all need to sit down and have long talk about something.”

Gallus raises an eyebrow. “Uh… about what?”

Natalya groans. “What happened last night.”

Twilight gasps. “Did you three…?!”

Arc puts a hand over Twilight’s mouth and holds her muzzle shut. “Let’s not jump to conclusions now. Go ahead and start us off, Natalya.”

Natalya nods soberly as Arc releases Twilight and sits down. “Well… you see…”

She brings the group up to speed on the activities of the previous night with Hammer’s help. Arc ends the explanation with his own account.

“And then we went back to my room to get some sleep.”

Hammer quickly chimes in. “After I showered, that is.”

Arc nods. “Right.”

Natalya groans. “That’s why we all slept much later than usual too.”

Twilight sighs. “It sounds like you three had an interesting evening.”

Gallus frowns. “Yeah! What possessed you to do something like that, Natalya?!”

Natalya bows her head. “I just… wanted to loosen up a bit.”

Gabby gasps. “Why couldn’t I have come too then, Natalya?!”

“It was for adults only, Gabby.”

Hammer nods. “Right. A bar is no place for a youngling, after all.”

Arc turns to Twilight. “Have you spoken to Ashe yet today?”

Twilight shakes her head. “Not yet, no.”

Gallus looks down the corridor. “Now that I think about it, she didn’t even come to breakfast.”

Gabby raises a talon. “I went to bring that plate to her office like Princess Twilight told me to! But she was too busy on the phone to say anything!”

She lowers her voice before continuing.

“That and… I didn’t know she had a hard time hearing.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Hard time hearing?”

Gabby nods. “Right! The griffon on the other end of the line kept shouting and saying a lot of words that I didn’t understand!”

Natalya puts her face in her talons. “Great.”

Arc shakes his head. “Sounds like the Griffon Kingdom isn’t exactly too happy with us for that mess.”

Hammer groans as she turns to Twilight. “I’m really, REALLY sorry about this!”

Twilight facehoofs. “What’s done is done, I suppose.”

Gallus turns to his sister. “It’s going to be okay, Natalya.”

Gabby grins. “Right! And look on the bright side!”

Natalya looks over at Gabby. “Bright side?”

“It couldn’t get any worse!”

Gallus rolls his eyes. “Not really helping, Gabby.”

Twilight looks to Arc. “Um… do you think this could jeopardize our relationship with the Griffon Kingdom?”

“It just might.”

Hammer looks out the window in the direction of the warehouse. “Ultimately, it really depends on what was exactly taken from the warehouse by that so-called rebel leader.”

Gabby appears hopeful. “Maybe it was just some crusty old piece of art!”

Gallus shrugs. “Or some really powerful artifact.”

Twilight looks to Hammer. “And since Hammer was there when the guards arrived, they may still think that Equestria had something to do with the break in.”

Arc taps the table with a finger. “Even with me convincing the one in charge to corroborate my story, they might still think the pair were in cohorts after all.”

Natalya stands. “Then there’s just one thing to do.”

Twilight turns to her, confused. “Oh?”

“Get the answers from Ambassador Ashe.”

Arc shrugs. “Probably for the best, yes.”

Gabby raises a talon. “Can I come too?!”

Gallus groans. “Gabby…”

“What?! I want to know if bad things are happening!”

Hammer shrugs. “Might as well just head to her office then.”

Twilight nods as she gets to her hooves. “Agreed. We’ll all go.”

Leading the way, Twilight and company head for Ashe’s office. Arriving, she knocks lightly before entering. Celestia sits in a chair next to the desk going over some papers. Ashe is just hanging up the phone as they all step inside. Black lines are visible under her eyes and she appears very tired. Arc is the first to speak.

“Um… are you okay, Ashe?”

Ashe groans as he leans back heavily in her chair. “Not exactly.”

Twilight looks to her mentor, confused. “Princess Celestia? What are you doing here?”

“Doing my best to help the ambassador with this little… problem.”

Ashe nods as she yawns. “Princess Celestia was waiting outside my office door when I came to it last night to make that phone call.”

Celestia nods. “I had been looking out over the city at the time and saw the lights converge on that warehouse.”

Natalya grimaces. “Are they… mad?”

Ashe leans back in her chair. “Very much so. “

Celestia nods soberly. “The ambassador and I just got off the phone with King Guto himself.”

Gallus gasps. “Wait, what?!”

Hammer groans. “I’m guessing that’s not a good thing.”

Natalya shakes her head. “Not in the least.”

Ashe looks to Twilight. “You see, the king delegates much of his innumerable responsibilities to the Council of Lords, other various politicians, aides, and whatnot. For him to be troubled enough by something to handle it personally speaks volumes about its importance in his eyes.”

Gabby grimaces. “So we’re in trouble?!”

Ashe nods sadly. “Very much so, yes.”

Gallus clenches a fist. “They’re not going to try and come take Natalya away again, are they?!”

Twilight steps forward. “As per the treaty, they legally can’t. You see, The Equinox is registered as a diplomatic ship at the moment.”

Arc sighs. “Not that its official designation would mean much if the king gives the order to his guards to board.”

Hammer grunts as she falls backwards into a chair. “This is all my fault! If I had just listened to Natalya and gone back to the ship instead of trying to be some kind of big shot hero then none of this would have happened!”

Ashe nods. “That probably would have been the best course of action, yes.”

Twilight shrugs. “Let’s not waste time talking about what could have been done differently.”

Celestia taps the desk with a hoof in order to get everyone’s attention. “What was done is done and over with. Now we have to figure out what to do next.”

Arc looks to Ashe. “So can I assume that the item that rebel took was something really important?”

“No clue. However, since it was stored in that particular warehouse, it’s either extremely valuable or extremely dangerous.”

Hammer sighs. “Can’t imagine them getting this bent out of shape over something valuable though.”

Twilight nods soberly. “Right. Worst case scenario, Equestria could just volunteer to compensate them for their loss with monetary compensation or something of greater value.”

Celestia frowns. “Yes, that has worked in the past.”

Natalya turns to Celestia. “Might I ask about the most recent time, your highness?”

“It was after the theft of the Idol of Boreas. The Griffon Kingdom accused Equestria of complicity in the matter. So I gave them a deeply personal item in order to soothe their feathers.”

Ashe appears suddenly interested. “What was that, Princess Celestia?”

“A parting gift from my mentor, Star-swirl the Bearded. You see, before he left he gave Luna and I each a gift. Mine was a spear.”

Arc nods. “The Spear of Justice.”

Ashe gasps. “The weapon of the Arbiter!”

Celestia appears surprised at Arc’s response. “Yes. But… how did you know that?”

“Luna told me the story some time ago.”

“Did she also tell you of the gift she received on that day so long ago?”

Arc nods. “She did. Star-swirl’s prized pair of amethysts.”

Celestia continues. “And were you aware that she offered to give them to the Griffon Kingdom in trade back then?”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “Jewels, even such priceless ones as those, would have been a much safer gift over a legendary weapon I would imagine. That being the case, why give the griffons the your spear, Princess Celestia?”

Celestia bows her head. “Because it was all Luna had left of our old friend, save for the memories. I… I didn’t want my sister to have to part with such a thing when there was no offense. So I volunteered the spear instead.”

Looking out the window at the Gladiator’s Colosseum for a time, Celestia continues.

“It was nice to hold it again when fighting Lord Goldstone. If even for a moment.”

Smiling wistfully, she looks to Arc.

“But we should get back to the matter at hoof.”

Arc nods. “I suppose so, yes.”

Looking to Ashe, Arc continues.

“Have you brought up the matter of compensation to the king?”

“I did, yes. However, the king told me that what was taken was irreplaceable and beyond value.”

Gallus frowns. “Then how are we supposed to make this thing right?!”

Gabby raises a talon. “What about having Natalya go to them and say just how sorry she is that this happened?!”

Gallus shakes her head vehemently. “Not a chance! Natalya, as usual, didn’t do anything wrong here! That and she’s already been thrown under the cart twice now by the Griffon Kingdom! If you ask me, they more than owe HER!”

Twilight nods. “Agreed. Since Equestria is blameless in this matter we cannot ask Natalya to pay for such a thing.”

Arc frowns. “I agree with that sentiment, yes. But something will still need to be done.”

Celestia nods. “Yes. And in the name of diplomacy, we will need to make amends.”

Hammer straighten up. “Fine then. Turn me over to them.”

Natalya turns to her. “Hammer?”

“Remember, this whole thing was completely my fault. So I really should be the one to take the consequences.”

Arc clenches a fist. “NO!”

Twilight gasps as she instinctively draws back. “Arc?!”

“Hammer was in the wrong for entering the building, yes. But when they apprehended her, she had nothing on her person, correct?”

Hammer nods. “Right. That rebel took it and ran through a portal.”

“So you couldn’t have taken whatever was stolen.”

Ashe sighs. “True. But how does that help our situation, Lord Arc?”

“The Griffon Kingdom obviously can’t get a lead on the rebel whom actually stole their item. So at this point they’re going to try and use Hammer as a scapegoat.”

Gallus clenches a fist. “Just like they did with Natalya when they sold her into slavery!”


Twilight shakes her head. “We won’t give her up though. No matter what happens, nopony deserves to be punished for a crime they didn’t commit.”

Celestia bows her head. “Try telling that to the king.”

Arc frowns. “Believe me, if need be, I will. Personally. Hammer isn’t going anywhere, nor is Natalya.”

Ashe grimaces. “You must understand that they could seize all of the Goldstone assets in retaliation though.”

Natalya scoffs. “So be it!”

Hammer gasps. “Natalya?”

“They can have it all if they’re so interesting in reparations!”

Gallus nods fervently. “Yeah! That money’s been nothing but trouble for our family anyways!”

Gabby appears hopeful. “Can I have some more of it then?!”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “If it means that Hammer and Natalya can be absolved from this matter entirely it’s worth losing in my opinion.”

Natalya nods. “Agreed.”

Ashe sighs. “I will… mention it to the king when he calls back.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Calls back?”

“He said he needed some time to come up with an idea.”

Arc waves a hand dismissively. “Fine. If it’s money he wants, it’s money he’ll get. But we’re not giving up anyone else to the proverbial griffon grinder.”

Celestia looks to Twilight. “Yes, we should send a delegation to discuss this matter though.”

Ashe stands. “I can go.”

Celestia shakes her head. “No, ambassador. It needs to be an Equestrian.”

Twilight raises a hoof. “How about me?”

Celestia smiles at her former student. “While I’m sure you would like to, this matter requires an experienced ruler to handle, Twilight.”

Ashe raises an eyebrow. “Your majesty?”

“Yes, ambassador?”

“I do need to report that King Guto did say one last thing regarding negotiations though.”

“And what would that be?”

“That he would prefer to talk about this matter further, but with Princess Luna instead.”

Gallus frowns. “Um… why?”

Hammer shrugs. “They did really seem to hit it off at the Aviary Extravaganza the other night.”

Arc sighs. “I can’t deny the fact that he did seem very… interested in her that night, yes. But I’m still remembering what occurred at our dinner some time back.”

Gabby frowns. “Oh?! What happened?!”

Natalya quickly chimes in. “Now Gabby… that’s probably a state secret.”

Twilight sighs. “Yes, well… as long as they’re only talking, I don’t see any issue with meeting this particular demand.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “It’s going to be up to Luna though.”

Ashe nods. “We should probably consult with her regarding this situation then.”

Hammer frowns. “But who would be leading the country if she comes back here to do that?”

Celestia points a hoof at her former pupil. “Twilight could return to Canterlot in order to switch places with Luna for the duration of her negotiations.”

Twilight appears surprised. “Yes, of course.”

Arc turns to her. “Shall I put in the call for you, Twilight?”

“Please do.”

A short time later Luna emerges from a dark portal. She walks over the group and looks to Twilight.

“I’m told that I am needed.”

“Right. King Guto requests your… consul.”


Celestia gestures with a hoof. “Lieutenant Hammer went out with Lady Natalya last night for a bit of… relaxation at a local establishment. However, on their way back to the ship…”

She recalls the events of the previous evening along with all the pertinent information to her sister. Frowning, Luna looks to Hammer.

“What exactly possessed you to do such a thing though?!”

Hammer groans. “Just trying to help out a friend, I suppose.”

Natalya quickly chimes in. “It’s really my fault though, your highness! You see, I was the one whom wanted to go out!”

Arc turns to Luna. “In any case, it’s clear to all of us that the Griffon Kingdom is just trying to pin this embarrassment on Hammer, whom didn’t have anything on her when they grabbed her.”

Celestia nods. “Right. And while she was certainly wrong to do such a thing, it’s not as if she knew it would cause such trouble.”

Hammer bows her head. “I’m really sorry about all of this too. And I’m willing to do whatever they ask of me to make it right.”

Luna sighs. “With luck, I can convince the king to be lenient and accept some kind of monetary payment as penance.”

Natalya raises a talon. “And I’ve already volunteered to use my inheritance to pay whatever it is that the king desires.”

Luna turns to her. “That should be helpful, yes.”

Ashe smiles. “Yes, it will show King Guto that Equestria is looking to set this matter right. Now then, I’ll stay here in my office and wait for the king to call me back with the details of his demands.”

Celestia turns to the ambassador. “On a side note, does this interfere with Arc and Natalya being able to get married?”

Ashe shakes her head. “I don’t see how it would. After all, that matter is pretty much set in stone at this point from a legal standpoint. Why do you ask, your highness?”

“Because the ceremony is supposed to be tomorrow evening. That is, if your father is still able to officiate.”

Ashe nods. “Yes, and he’ll be here as I requested.”

Luna sighs. “Then I will have to see about having this matter taken care of by then.”

Natalya folds her talons nervously. “Please don’t feel that you have to rush things for our sake, Princess Luna.”

Arc looks to Luna. “Yes, just listen to what the king has to say and take things as slowly as you need to.”

“That isn’t my reasoning for haste though.”

Celestia appears confused. “It isn’t, sister?”

Luna shakes her head. “No. In truth, I want it to be resolved so that I too can attend the ceremony. If that’s alright, I mean.”

Arc smiles at her. “Of course! I’m told that it won’t take long though.”

Natalya nods. “That is true, yes. Griffon wedding ceremonies, once underway, aren’t very time consuming. It’s mostly the reception afterwards which drags on and on.”

Hammer grins. “A party?!”

Ashe smiles at her. “Haven’t you had enough of such things though?”

“Drinking, yeah. But I’d still like to see everyone having a nice time together after the fact.”

Arc chuckles. “As would I admittedly.”

Luna sighs. “However, a matter like this hanging in the air would make such a thing difficult, if not altogether impossible.”

Arc turns to Ashe. “How long do you think it will take for…?”

His earing chirps. Touching it, Arc speaks.

“Arc here.”

“Sir, this is Lemon Hearts. I’ve just received a message from the Aviary regarding Ambassador Ashe’s recent… conversation with the king.”

“Did they have instructions for us on how to proceed?”

“Yes sir. The message was…”

Lemon Hearts clears her throat before taking a deep breath and speaking.

“Please send Princess Luna to meet with me at the Aviary immediately upon her arrival. You have my word that I will drop everything to begin the talks as soon as she comes before me. Hopefully this matter can be settled amicably and quickly so as to prevent any lasting diplomatic problems.”

Luna groans as she heads for the door. “Then I’d best get over there and see him.”

Arc nods. “Agreed. Lemon Hearts, notify Twilight back in Canterlot that the process is underway.”

“Yes sir.”

Ashe steps forward. “Shall I come as well, your highness?”

Luna nods as she motions for Ashe to follow her down the corridor. “I believe that would be for the best, yes.”

Arc waves after them. “Good luck!”

Turning his attention back to the earring, he continues.

“Luna and the ambassador are just about to leave the ship, Lemon Hearts. Have Wrangler report to the Cargo Hord and go with them in order to organize security.”

Wrangler call out as she heads for the Bridge door. “On my way, sir.”

“Very good. Arc out.”

Hammer appears confused as Arc severs the connection. “But… but that’s supposed to be my responsibility though, Arc!”

Arc turns to her. “I know that, Hammer. However, at the moment it would probably be a bad idea for you to be seen by the king or his advisors.”

Natalya bows her head. “That would also go for me as well. We need to keep a low profile at the moment.”

Hammer groans. “Guess I could just kind of hide out here in the ship with you then, Nat.”

Arc shrugs. “We don’t necessarily have to stay here and hide out, Hammer. Just keep away from the Aviary mostly.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “So… you’re saying that we SHOULD go out?”

“Maybe later. Right now, you, Natalya, and I should probably get something to eat.”

Natalya sighs. “I’m… not really hungry right now though.”

Arc shrugs. “Neither am I. But we need to keep our strength up.”

Hammer motions down the corridor with a hand. “Then let’s see about getting a bite to eat at the cafeteria.”

Meanwhile, Luna and Ashe arrive at the Cargo Hold. Wrangler is waiting for them and salutes soberly as she speaks.

“Reporting for duty, your highness.”

Luna looks confused. “Duty?”

Wrangler nods as she gestures to the waiting chariot. “I’ve been ordered by Hero of Light Arc to accompany you and Ambassador Ashe to the Aviary along with some guards for security purposes.”

Ashe sighs as she boards the chariot with Luna. “Good. We need to get this process started as soon as possible.”

Luna groans as she too boards. “Agreed.”

Taking their seats, Luna and Ashe wait patiently as the doors before them slowly open. Wrangler takes the lead and walks outside with her guards. Looking all around, she signals for the chariot to advance. As it rolls down the ramp, more guards fall into step behind the vehicle. Luna turns to Ashe as they reach the ground level.

“Tell me, do you know anything more regarding these charges, ambassador?”

“Just that Lieutenant Hammer was caught inside a very high security warehouse last night. While I believe her story of chasing a lead, it’s not likely that the king will buy her story.”

Luna sighs. “Yes, it does make Equestria out to be the guilty party here.”

“I only wish I knew what it was that was taken. Then we could attempt to replace or compensate the government for it.”

“Top secret though I would assume.”

“That it was, your highness. And while Lady Natalyah has offered to donate the money to pay off the debt, we would need the king to give us a number first.”

Luna looks ahead of them as griffons being lining the streets excitedly. “I’ll do my best to soothe him in this matter.”

Ashe turns to her soberly. “Then I hope you have a plan for that, Princess Luna.”

Luna nods as begins waving at onlookers. “I do. Get the king talking about our previous meeting in hopes of smoothing things over to the point he’ll let us make amends.”

Sometime later, the pair arrive at the Aviary. As the chariot stops within its high walls a large griffon approaches and waits for them to disembark. Doing so, Ashe gestures to the griffon as she looks to Luna.

“Your highness, may I present to you Arbiter Ghaleon of the Griffon Kingdom.”

Looking to the arbiter, she continues.

“Sir, this is Princess Luna of Equestria. She is here to discuss a matter with the king that came up very early this morning.”

Ghaleon nods soberly as he looks to Luna. “Yes, I’ve heard of the little… misunderstanding near the Skyport.”

“Indeed. Our goal here is to get to the bottom of this matter, sir.”

Ghaleon motions for them to follow him. “As is mine.”

As they begin their walk, Luna looks to the griffon before them and speaks.

“Might I ask you about the griffon side of the matter, sir?”

Ghaleon nods but does not looks back as he speaks. “An unknown item was taken from the warehouse in question from the king’s personal stock.”

Ashe frowns. “Any idea what was taken though?”

Ghaleon shrugs. “The preliminary report of the inventory claim is that it came from the king’s personal items. My gut tells me that it was likely a piece of art or some other knickknack he’s collected over the years.”

Luna breathes a sigh of relief. “That’s reassuring.”

Ashe raises an eyebrow. “Are you certain of that, sir? After all, the king was very upset when I spoke to him about this matter on the phone earlier.”

Ghaleon rolls his eyes. “He gets like that when something happens to an item he really takes a fancy to.”

Luna sighs. “Very… possessive?”

Ghaleon scoffs. “That’s one word for it, your highness. Personally I prefer the term ‘spoiled’.”

Ashe smiles nervously as she attempts to move the conversation along. “So… do you think we’ll be able to talk him down on this matter?”


Luna appears hopeful. “Any advice you could give us, sir?”

“I’ve known the king for many years now and can categorically say that your best bet is to take his mind off of the item in question.”

Ashe frowns. “How though?”

“By offering him something greater than what was lost in return.”

Luna smiles. “What about compensation via gold?”

Ghaleon shakes his head. “King Guto already has quite a large personal fortune. So unless the gold you’re talking about is shaped into a sculpture, or in some other such interesting way, it’s not likely that the king would think much of it.”

Ashe lowers her voice and turns to Luna. “This just got quite a bit more difficult.”

Luna sighs. “That it has.”

“What are we supposed to do now?!”

“Just play it by ear, ambassador. We’ll get the king talking and try to figure out some tangible item to make this right.”

Sometime later they come to a large ornate set of doors. Ghaleon turns to the pair and speaks as he gestures to it.

“Here we are. The royal Audience Chambers.”

Ashe looks around. “Are there many cases ahead of us?”

Ghaleon shakes his head. “None, actually.”

Luna raises an eyebrow. “Oh?”

“King Guto has declared everything else on the schedule today to be secondary to rectifying the problem. Therefore, all other audiences have been cancelled.”

Ashe nods. “That is… surprising!”

Ghaleon heads for the door. “I shall announce you two. Please wait here with your guards.”

Entering the room, he closes the door behind him. Luna turns to Ashe and frowns.

“How normal is cancelling all audiences for the day here?”

“Very out of the ordinary, Princess Luna. Usually it’s reserved for times in which the king is ill, away from the capital on business, or some other major event that requires his full and undivided attention.”

“What kind of event would be required?”

“Something that imperils the country as a whole generally speaking. A major natural disaster, potential invasion, or any other event that could cause widespread harm to the citizenry.”

Luna grimaces. “I’m not sure which category this would fall into though.”

“Perhaps he believes the disappearance of the item to be a danger to the public as a whole.”

“Such a response is especially concerning, as it can mean just one thing.”

“And what’s that, Princess Luna?”

“That the item which was taken from the warehouse early this morning was not simply a piece of art or of some other cultural significance. But something of great importance nonetheless.”

Ashe frowns. “How could we hope to put a price tag on something such as that though?”

Luna sighs. “It’s likely that we won’t. But that doesn’t mean we can’t try to talk the king down from his anger.”

A short time later Ghaleon returns to the corridor. Motioning for Luna and Ashe to approach, he gestures to the guards to non-verbally instruct them to hold the doors open for the pair in order to allow the pair admittance. Entering the Audience Chambers together, Luna and Ashe look ahead to see a long red carpet leading up to a resplendent looking throne situated at the end of it. King Guto sits on the a fore mentioned throne surrounded by innumerable guards clad in heavy plate armor, swords, and shields. Walking down the carpet together, the pair come to the base of the throne and bow respectfully as Ashe speaks.

“Thank you for seeing us so quickly, your majesty.”

Guto nods soberly. “As I told you on the phone, I want this matter taken care of quickly, ambassador.”

Luna steps forward. “Yes, King Guto. And I have been sent here on behalf of Equestria in order to try and make that happen.”

“How though?”

“I… don’t really know yet, your highness. But I believe that you and I can come to an agreement if we simply talk through this unfortunate matter.”

“Very well, Luna. One moment, please.”

Guto looks to the officer in charge before continuing.

“Guards, leave us.”

Saluting, the commander motions to his guards to head for the door. Luna does the same for her own pony entourage. Leaving the room together, they join Ghaleon in the corridor. As the doors are closed behind the troops the arbiter looks to the officer and frowns.

“What the heck are you doing out here?!”

“The king ordered us out of the room, sir.”

“Along with the pony guards, I see.”

“Yes, sir. Princess Luna reciprocated the king’s desire to speak privately and ordered her own guards out of the chambers as well.”

Ghaleon puts a talon to his chin. “Interesting.”

“What do you suppose this means, sir?”

“Don’t worry about it. Just guard this door and await further orders from his royal highness.”

The officer salutes as Ghaleon walks away. Frowning, he muses to himself as he makes his way down the corridor.

“Something is amiss here. The king is never without some form of royal protection.”

Grunting, Ghaleon continues down the hallway as he makes a turn.

“I think I had best start my own inquiries into this particular matter.”

Meanwhile, King Guto descends from his throne and stands before Luna and Ashe.

“Tell me something, Luna. Are you empowered to do what it takes to rectify this situation?”

Luna nods. “I am.”

“Good. Then let’s talk about it in my office.”

Ashe appears confused. “Your office, sire?”

Guto nods. “Yes, I believe we will all be more comfortable there than just standing around here.”

Walking toward a column, he reaches up and pushes a specific brick. A slight ‘click’ is heard before a secret passage opens up behind him. Gesturing to it, Guto looks to Luna and Ashe.

“Shall we be off?”

Luna appears surprised. “Where…?”

“My office, Luna. This is merely a more secure, and efficient, method of traveling there.”

Nodding, Luna follows the king into the passageway as Ashe joins them. Walking single file down the narrow corridor, they eventually come to a dead end and a chain. Pulling it, the king exposes another secret door which opens up into a well-maintained and very ornate looking office. Stepping inside, he turns to Luna and Ashe as they emerge and gestures with a talon to two posh looking chairs sitting in front of his desk.

“Welcome to my office. Please, make yourselves comfortable and we’ll see about trying to figure this matter out.”

Doing as they are told, the pair take their seats as Guto walks around his desk and sits down across from them. Smiling, he speaks.

“First off, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for coming, Luna. Your dedication to this matter is a boon to you and your nation.”

“Thank you, your highness. I…”

Guto interrupts her. “Ah, ah, ah. Your highness?”

“Thank you for seeing us, Guto.”

“It’s my pleasure, Luna.”

Ashe looks to the king. “The princess is very interested in making amends to the Griffon Kingdom for what happened early this morning, your highness.”

“And I am very interested in hearing how that is to be done.”

Luna smiles nervously. “Perhaps we should talk about the situation as it stands.”

“Very well.”

Picking up a folder on his desk, the king continues.

“According to the official report from my investigator, an Equestrian lieutenant was caught deep inside a government warehouse near a number of open crates. A single item was found to be missing when inventory was taken.”

“And what was the item that was taken, Guto?”

“I’m sorry, but I cannot elaborate as to the nature of the missing item. National security, you see.”

Ashe chimes in. “Nothing else was taken, sire?”

Guto shakes his head. “Correct, ambassador. All other inventory has already been accounted for.”

Luna frowns. “And you believe our lieutenant to have taken it?”

“Not exactly, Luna. The report clearly states that another perpetrator was seen leaving the scene of the crime at great speed. And while your lieutenant was searched and found to have nothing, it can be surmised that she may have been in league with the one whom got away.”

“Was there any proof of this found during the investigation?”

“Nothing concrete, no. However, it would be too convenient to simply chalk up to happenstance and chance. Or lack of such things as the case may be.”

Ashe frowns. “So Princess Luna is supposed to believe that the lieutenant was working with the one whom is currently at large?”

Guto nods. “It makes sense, ambassador. After all, why else would they have been walking past that particular warehouse at such a late hour?”

Ashe sighs. “While I know that such a thing does sound rather strange, Lieutenant Hammer was simply escorting Lady Natalya to a local tavern for a bit of a drink to celebrate her upcoming wedding to Lord Arc.”

Luna nods. “Yes, such things are certainly very mentally taxing. And considering her family’s wealth, it does make sense that she wouldn’t have wanted to go alone.”

Guto sighs. “I understand that, Luna. However, our investigators have already spoken to the employees at the tavern in question and were told that the lieutenant as well as Lady Natalya ate and drank heavily.”

Ashe appears hopeful. “But wouldn’t such testimony serve to help prove that they weren’t trying to rob the warehouse, but simply get back to Lord Arc’s ship?”

“Perhaps. Or it could also have been done in an attempt to create an alibi.”

Luna raises an eyebrow. “An alibi?”

Guto nods. “A distraction to help their accomplice get away.”

Ashe frowns. “Forgive me, your highness, but it’s not likely that Lieutenant Hammer would have gone so deep inside the warehouse then, sir. At least in my mind, that is.”

“Either way, she will have the chance to defend herself at her upcoming trial.”

Luna grimaces. “Trial, Guto?”

“Yes, Luna. Here we believe in giving others the opportunity to confess their crimes publicly or prove their innocence.”

Ashe looks to the king nervously. “And what of Lady Natalya, sire?”

Guto taps the papers on his desk. “According to the report, she was not found inside the facility nor even past the main gates. It would appear that she went back to Lord Arc’s ship to requisition the aide of the Equestrian guards within it as well as fetch Ambassador Ashe.”

Luna appears hopeful. “So you believe her to be innocent regarding this matter?”

Guto sighs as he closes the folder. “I am conflicted regarding that fact.”

Ashe looks to the king. “Can you elaborate on that topic, sire?”

“The official record states that she was sold into slavery to Lord Arc as penance for accusations stemming from some very compelling evidence that pointed to her being the leader of the rebels.”

Ashe quickly chimes in. “But they’ve been active since her departure. Or so I’ve been told, your highness.”

Guto shrugs. “That is correct, yes. However, it would have made sense for them to appoint a replacement following her departure to Equestria.”

Luna smirks. “That leaves the matter of her guilt unproven though.”

“Only due to the fact that Lady Natalya’s right to a trial was waved due to her unwillingness to cooperate with the investigation.”

“Tell me something, Guto. Do you believe that she was actually the rebel leader you’ve been searching for?”

“It seems rather unlikely admittedly. Lady Natalya being in such a position socially and financially would have made her gaining anything by a rebel victory nearly impossible.”

Ashe nods fervently. “Had the rebels succeeded in their goals, she would have had nowhere to go in society other than down a rung or two.”

Guto frowns. “That in combination with her appearing to follow the letter of the law in her response to the supposed break in this morning leads me to believe that she may not have been the leader of the rebels, yes.”

Luna raises an eyebrow. “May not?”

“All things are possible, Luna. And we cannot take chances with such things that could harm the nation as a whole.”

Ashe chimes in. “If I may, your highness. If that were the case, why allow her to leave the country with Lord Arc after her arrest?”

“Standard procedure was followed. She was taken into custody and interrogated by our top agents. Their reports came back inconclusive though, so I couldn’t see any reason to release her. However, Lord Gestal informed me of her true identity before she was summarily executed, which is why she was spared.”

Luna appears confused. “Lord Gestal? But I thought she was supposed to be the daughter of Lord Goldstone.”

Ashe nods. “She is. But sire, are you saying that Lord Goldstone didn’t say anything to you about this matter?”

Guto shakes his head. “Not a word. Which is why I was so surprised when Gestal told me whom she really was.”

Luna breathes a sigh of relief. “So she wouldn’t have been executed anyways?”

“I had intended to keep her imprisoned on a diet of bread and water. However, Lord Gestal asked to be allowed to devise a plan to deal with her.”

Ashe frowns. “Deal with?”

Guto nods. “Yes, ambassador. My only condition to this was that she be removed from our society by any means necessary. What else he had as a backup plan for her had Lord Arc not accepted her as payment for a debt of some sort I do not know.

Luna looks to the king. “Lady Natalya has taken the initiative and asked me to express to you her intention to pay for the stolen item and damage to the warehouse already, Guto. At this point she only wishes to make this matter right in your eyes and gain the pardon of Lieutenant Hammer.”

“This matter is not one of money, Luna. But of security.”

Ashe leans forward. “Please, your highness. We only wish to make amends on behalf of the Equestrian government. What must be done to earn that?”

Guto puts a talon to his chin thoughtfully. “Well… I suppose you could help me with a bit of a problem.”

Luna smiles eagerly. “What would that be, Guto?”

“First I’ll need to explain a bit about what was taken from the warehouse this morning.”

He turns to Luna before continuing.

“But with you alone.”

Luna appears surprised. “Oh? But Ambassador Ashe is…”

Guto interrupts her. “Please, Luna. What I have to say to you is top, TOP secret.”

Ashe stands. “It’s alright, Princess Luna. I understand.”

Turning to the king, she continues.

“I shall wait outside, your highness.”

“Very good, ambassador. You are dismissed.”

Bowing respectfully, Ashe heads for the office door. Stepping out into the corridor, she closes the door behind her and walks over to a large floor to ceiling window across the hall. Sitting down on her haunches she sighs and mutters to herself.

“It’s all up to you now, Princess Luna.”

Meanwhile, Guto stands and makes his way over to the office door. After locking it, he returns to his desk, sits back down, and looks to Luna soberly.

“Might I ask that you keep this conversation between us, Luna?”

Luna nods. “Yes, of course.”

“Thank you. Now then… in regards to this matter.”

Sighing, he continues.

“I’m sure you’re familiar with the duty of a leader to protect their citizens and borders from invasion.”

“That I am. After all, we recently brought a very old conflict to heel with the Changeling Kingdom to the south of Equestria.”

“Yes, I’ve heard of the tentative peace between your two countries.”

Luna raises an eyebrow. “Tentative, Guto?”

“You know as well as I do that any nation can be caught off guard by a bordering foreign power. Ultimately, all of us are just one surprise attack from domestic ruin.”

“Are you saying that you believe Equestria to be plotting something?”

Guto shakes her head. “Not at this time, no. Luna. You and the other princesses have shown yourselves to be fair and noble emissaries to us. However, I must point out that trustworthy individuals such as yourself will not always be on the throne. And whom is to say that a future replacement would deal so favorably with the Griffon Kingdom?”

“But our treaty…”

Guto interrupts her. “…is but a piece of paper, Luna. It’s only real power comes from both of our nations following its statutes to the letter.”

“Which I believe both of our respective nations have thus far, yes.”

“Agreed. But as I said, that may not always be the case due to leadership changes within our nations. You and your sister may one day be replaced by a pony whom does not share your ideals.”

“Likewise, you may be succeeded by a future king whom wishes to go back to the old ways.”

“So you understand my need to plan for the future then, Luna?”

“Of course. It’s always important to look ahead to the future. But I don’t understand what that has to do with the matter at hoof.”

“I’m getting to that, Luna. Now then, the item that was stolen was a top secret device.”

“A device?”

“It was a prototype of a concept that has been in review by our greatest minds for some time now.”

“But if that’s the case, why not just build another?”

“We could, yes. After all, the thief only took the device itself. The blueprints for it were safely locked away in a separate but secure location.

“And you are concerned with the idea that whomever stole it may reverse engineer it and turn such a thing against the Griffon Kingdom.”

Guto shakes his head. “I’m honestly not too worried about such a thing, Luna. My science advisors have already told me that it’s extremely complicated and relatively useless without the blueprints to explain the inner workings.”

“Still, it could be a danger to national security.”

“Agreed. That’s why I’ve already ordered the scouring of the country to retrieve it.”

Luna frowns. “But wouldn’t that be akin to looking for a needle in a haystack?”

“It may be, yes. However, I need to show my subjects that I am willing to do whatever it takes to protect them in addition to rooting out the rebel threat once and for all.”

“How so?”

“By making examples of those caught sympathizing with the rebels.”

He stands and walks over to a nearby window. Luna joins him as he looks out over the land before them.

“I’ve been far too lenient regarding the rebel threat in the past, Luna. Allowing them to continue to cause trouble for this land rather than uproot them. But that ends here and now.”

“How will you deal with this, Guto?”

“Anyone caught with rebel paraphernalia will be summarily, and publicly, executed. Those whom give them aid and shelter will be forced to suffer life in prison. And any whom get in the way of these proceedings will be sold into slavery along with their families.”

Luna gasps. “Their families too, Guto?!”

Guto nods. “It’s the only way to assure that the rebels are cut off from their allies. The very stiffness of the penalties will dissuade anyone else from joining them or aiding in their actions.”

“Such will only serve to make your subjects fear you though!”

“If that’s what it takes, then that’s what I’ll do. This land must be protected from those whom would do it harm.”

“Is there no other way?”

“There is, yes. The reason I asked to speak to you privately about this matter as a whole.”

“A different plan?”

“Yes, Luna. Strength.”

“I don’t understand your meaning, Guto.”

“Let me explain. Suppose two ponies had a disagreement about how things should be done. How would they go about coming to a solution to their problem?”

“By talking through it.”

“And if that failed?”

“Then they could petition a princess to adjudicate the matter as a neutral third party.”

“What if there were no one to do such a thing though? No third party, I mean.”

Luna appears confused. “Nopony to judge between them?”

Guto nods. “Right. It’s just them and their disagreement.”

“I suppose without a solution it could come to blows.”

“Correct. Now I need you to assume that they aren’t alone in their disagreement. That both sides have numerous ponies behind them whom stood in opposition to the other ponies. What could that lead to, Luna?”

“War, I would assume.”


“One that neither side would ultimately win, I must say.”

“Correct again, Luna. Now then, continuing with my analogy on this matter, let’s say that there was a third party able to make a decision on the matter. It would still require both sides to respect the wisdom of those whom pass judgment.”

“You mean that one or both sides might not abide by what was decided?”

“Exactly. The third party would have to find some way of forcing both sides to abide by their ruling in such an event.”

“And how would they do that?”

Guto clenches a talon. “Through the threat of force. Which is where the stolen prototype comes into the picture. I ordered its development not so much to be used as a weapon, but as a deterrent.”

“Meaning that if one side didn’t come to heel then they could be dealt with.”

“Yes, Luna. You have my word that such would be a last resort though. After all, I wish to be known as a fair and just ruler. Not a bloodthirsty executioner or butcher.”

“So by you simply possessing such a weapon you could ensure peace in the Griffon Kingdom over your enemies.”

“Domestically, yes. We would of course never use them against our allies without just cause.”

“Future leaders perhaps?”

Guto sighs. “As I said before, I must do what I can to safeguard my nation’s future survival.”

“I still fail to understand what this had to do with Equestria making amends for the loss of your prototype.”

“With the prototype’s loss, it is possible but unlikely that the rebels, or someone else in the distant future, may be able to find a way to make it work for them. If that happens, many will be harmed in the ensuing conflict.”

He turns to Luna before continuing.

“And this is where you come into the picture, Luna.”

Luna appears surprised. “Me, Guto?”

Guto nods. “Yes. You see, my idea here is twofold. First and foremost… the weapon prototype, while extremely powerful, doesn’t hold a candle to the raw magical power of an Equestrian alicorn princess. So what I want from you is… to stay here in the Griffon Kingdom and serve the nation by my side.”

Luna frowns. “You wish for me to be your servant?”

Guto shakes his head. “No, Luna. What I want… is for you to help me guide this nation forward as my queen.”

“As your… what?!”

“I understand that this is very sudden, Luna. And I am sorry for dropping it on you all at once. But I do think very highly of you and your ability to lead Equestria. Such a thing is just what the Griffon Kingdom needs to drive it toward a new age of peace and prosperity.”

“But… but, I don’t…!”

Guto interrupts her. “Forgive me, Luna. I may have gotten a bit ahead of myself here. Just for the sake of clarity, I’m very interested in forming a special relationship with Equestria through our union. Our nations would be joined by matrimony when you and I are both ready to do such a thing. At that point you will be the guiding voice of the Griffon Kingdom and can lead the nation as you see fit.”

“B-but I can’t just up and leave my country! What about my sister?! What about Twilight?!”

“Princess Celestia and Princess Twilight are fully capable of leading Equestria together with Lord Arc. But here, you could make a real difference. We could create something new and grand for both our nations.”

“Guto, I… I just…!”

She puts a hoof to her forehead and sighs before continuing.

“…I don’t… why me though?”

“Because you and I are very compatible, Luna. While I know that we just met a short time ago, I already feel a very special bond between us. And would like the opportunity to expand on our relationship.”

Luna looks away nervously. “I’m not sure that… ah… that Lord Arc would approve of such a thing. After all, he and I are still… you know.”

“Involved in a relationship?”


“Lord Arc is planning to make what you Equestrians call a ‘herd’ with Lady Natalya and Princess Twilight. If you were to join then in such an endeavor it would be nothing but a competition for love and affection.”

He puts a talon on her shoulder before continuing.

“But here with me, you would be the alpha wife. My one and only queen. The apple of my eye and jewel of the kingdom.”

“I’m not sure that such a thing would really work out though. The herd is very… connected with its members. Potential and confirmed.”

“So you are saying that you are already a part of their group, Luna?”

“Not… officially, no But I do plan to be someday soon, yes!”

Guto sighs. “Luna. A life here with me in the Griffon Kingdom would be in the best interest of all concerned. Ponies, griffons, and even the rest of the world as well.”

“I don’t understand. You speak of world peace now?”

“Tentatively, yes. With our marriage, Equestria and the Griffon Kingdom will enter into an eternal alliance of mutual peace. None of the other countries could hope to stand against us. And as such, we could use that leverage to usher in an age of peace among all nations.”

Luna puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “Yes… yes, I do see what you’re saying. Should any number of the other nations become hostile to one another, then our two nations could step in and stop the conflict before it even begins.”

“Agreed! World peace would be a simple task for us to achieve together!”

“I suppose it would be, yes. But what of the missing prototype?”

“It was something I had wanted to debut to the rest of the world in an effort to show everyone that the Griffon Kingdom was fully ready and able to defend itself from any and all threats.”

He smiles at her before continuing.

“But with you by my side, the prototype would be obsolete. So the only real question now is… will you join with me in this, Luna?”

“I don’t… think I can! I mean… I’m not ready for such a thing!”

“It’s understandable, my dear. After all, this is a very big choice for both of us. Please understand that I’m not making it lightly nor did I come to this idea quickly. But I do want you to know that I am very serious about making this matter work out… for both of our nations.”

“Well… can I have some time to think about it?”

Guto nods warmly. “Yes, of course. Talk it over with your sister and Lord Arc as you see fit. However, I do ask that you keep this matter from everyone else as you promised earlier.”

“Very well. I, uh… think I need to… do that. Immediately.”

Guto smiles as he gestures to the office door. “Certainly. I shall personally escort you back to your carriage then.”

Opening the door, they see Ashe waiting patiently. She bows respectfully to the king as she speaks.

“I do hope Princess Luna and you were able to come to an agreement on this matter, sire.”

“We tentatively have, yes.”

Luna walks toward her. “It’s important that I return to The Equinox now and talk it over with my sister and Lord Arc though.”

Ashe nods as she follows Luna and the king down the corridor. “Very well. I shall help in any way that I can.”

Sometime later Guto returns to his office. Closing the door behind him and locking it, he walks over to a nearby curtain covering the wall. Reaching behind it, he pulls a heavy sash to part the heavy cloth. It spreads to expose the picture of Luna hanging up on his wall. Sighing happily, the king runs a talon over the canvas gently as he speaks.

“It won’t be long now, my dear Luna. Soon you shall be my queen and together… together we will unite the world under our rule.”

Chuckling, he looks at the flank of the mare in the painting and smiles lewdly.

“And with luck, she and I will be able to create an heir to carry on my bloodline. While it may take quite a bit of time in order to achieve that goal, I’m certain that we shall both enjoy the… endeavor.”

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