• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 1 - Shadows of the Past

Author's Note:

This concludes the summit and our game of Clue. Unlike the board game, there were several guilty parties... Kane, Eventide Shine (Sunset Shimmer), and Prince Tugem (Hawthorne). Were you able to figure it out? My wife wasn't. But she still had a blast trying to. :twilightsmile: By the way... did anyone figure out Prince Tugem's secret yet? :rainbowderp:

Surprisingly enough, Goldstone had nothing to do with any of the events during the summit. Other than staring lewdly at backsides, and slapping Eventide Shine's flank, that is. While not expressly written, we can assume he got what was coming to him from Sunset Shimmer later. :twilightoops:

Arc stands in the Dining Room with Twilight and her friends as they regain their senses. As the nurse enters, he turns to Redheart.

“How are they?”

Redheart sighs. “Everypony is slowly coming around in their suites. I should still do some bloodwork to make sure they’ll be no lasting effects though.”

Arc nods. “Very well. But only if they consent.”

“Yes sir.”

Redheart turns to leave the Dining Room as Arc heads over to Twilight and her friends. They are rubbing their foreheads.

“You five feeling better now?”

Applejack winces. “That wasn’t exactly fun.”

Rainbow Dash moans. “Yeah. And I LOVE a good mug of cider.”

Pinkie frowns. “That bad mare! She’s a meanie!”

Rarity looks him up and down. “Forget about us! Are YOU alright, Arc?!”

“I’m fine. Twilight?”

They look over to see their friend looking out a window silently as Arc walks over.

“You okay?”

Twilight silently shakes her head.

“Um… should I call for Redheart?”

Twilight sighs. “No, it’s not that. I just… I never thought I’d see her again.”

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow. “Who?”

“Sunset Shimmer.”

Arc frowns. “You know that mare?”

Twilight sadly nods. “From a long time ago, yes.”

Rarity gasps. “Was she always so rough?”

“No. In fact, she was the first friend I ever made.”

Applejack gasps. “That was a FRIEND?!”

Pinkie grins. “With friends like that, who needs enemies?!”

“We used to be so close. But that time has passed apparently.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “Where’d you meet her?”

“Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns.”

Hearing this Trixie trots over.

“Trixie remembers her! She was rather… um… troublesome, wasn’t she?”

Twilight sighs. “At the time, I thought her to be merely driven to succeed. She was sometimes reckless in her magical experiments.”

“Reckless?! Trixie remembers the destruction of several labs due to her crazy theories!”

Arc frowns. “Wait, what?!”

Rarity turns to Twilight. “That doesn’t sound like somepony you would be friends with.”

Twilight’s ears droop. “We weren’t exactly friends. I suppose ‘rivals’ would be a better word to describe our relationship.”

“Being at the top of the class was everything to us back then. Trixie remembers you always being first on every list, Twilight.”

“Yes. I think that may have pushed her to succeed a bit too much.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “How so?”

“She was a brilliant student. Maybe even smarter than I. But one thing Sunset didn’t have was much of a creative side.”

Rarity laughs. “Not creative? Impossible! Such things are easy!”

Trixie sighs. “Not for all of us. Twilight was quite good at coming up with new and fresh ideas on topics to research.”

Twilight sadly nods. “Sunset Shimmer could only expand on ideas she got from books or… other sources.”

Arc frowns. “Other sources? You mean she would steal other’s ideas?”

“To put it negatively, yes. But once she had an idea, she could take it to the next level. Make something of what others couldn’t see.”

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow. “So, what happened to her?”

Applejack sighs. “Was she expelled for blowing labs up?”

Pinkie gasps. “Or worse, made to work in the school cafeteria?!”

Twilight shakes her head. “No. She was… elevated, along with me to Princess Celestia’s personal students.”

Rarity appears surprised. “Both of you?”

“Yes. But that didn’t last.”

Arc nods soberly. “The rivalry?”

Twilight nods. “She was determined to one-up me at nearly everything. Studies, testing, reciting facts and figures. But none more viciously than for the princesses’ time.”

Trixie raises an eyebrow. “Her… time?”

“Princess Celestia could only schedule so much time to hear our reports. Sunset would insist on going first and would try to keep it going as long as possible so her report would appear more detailed than my own.”

Arc frowns. “Sounds like she was jealous.”

Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes. “Yeah! Majorly!”

Rarity tilts her head to one side. “Whatever brought her to that point?”

“Princess Celestia had a very powerful magical item called the Crystal Mirror. It was the same one I used to accidently bring you to Equestria, Arc.”

“Good times.”

“Upon learning of its existence, Sunset Shimmer became obsessed with it. She would constantly ask the princess questions about the mirrow, hoping to be given the chance to perform experiments on it.”

Arc frowns. “And Princess Celestia didn’t go for it?”

Twilight shakes her head. “She denied every request, naturally. But that didn’t stop Sunset from reading every tome on the subject, cover to cover, over and over again. Then one day she snapped.”

Pinkie grins. “Oh! Like a candy cane?!”

“Kinda, yes. She snuck into the library’s Dark Magic wing and read a forbidden tome explaining the intricacies of the Crystal Mirror.”

Trixie frowns. “So she learned the truth?”

“Exactly. And it made her furious.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “But shouldn’t have discovering the truth have made her happy?”

“One would have thought so. But she must’ve seen it as Princess Celestia trying to hold her back. They had a very loud argument about it that very day. In the end she was banished from the castle and removed as a student from that day forward.”

Rainbow Dash laughs. “HA! Serves her right!”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “Do you think she joined the Dark One after that.”

“Not immediately, no. About a week later there was a break-in. The guards that stood watch over the Crystal Mirror were found unconscious. Princess Celestia was immediately notified, of course. However, there were no clues on what had happened, save for one.”

Rarity gasps. “Oh?”

“On the ground in front of the mirror… lay Sunset’s saddlebags. The ones Princess Celestia gave her when she became her student. We can only assume that she was able to somehow activate the mirror and travel through it to another world.”

Arc nods soberly. “And the bag was left behind as a proverbial middle-finger to the princess?”

“If by that you mean a gesture to spite her, then yes.”

Pinkie grins. “So, what happened to her when she got back?!”

Twilight shrugs. “She was never heard from again.”

Rarity puts a hoof to her chin. “Could she have been on Earth?”

“It’s possible, but unlikely. There are any number of worlds she could have reached with that mirror. Whether or not she chose to stay there, or simply couldn’t figure out how to come back, is unknown.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Wait! She was able to use the mirror to GO somewhere?”

“Yes. But what…?”

“Remember when you tried to send me back, Twilight? The mirror wouldn’t let me through. How did she do it?”

Twilight shrugs. “Probably by using the forbidden knowledge she discovered in the Dark Magic wing. I would have done research there on how to send you back, but I didn’t have access, and still don’t.”

“It’s fine, Twilight. But that still leaves the question of what she did in the meantime, and how she got back to Equestria.”

Rainbow Dash grits her teeth. “And how she joined the Dark One.”

Arc sighs. “That too.”

Nurse Redheart walks over to them and stands before Arc.

“What’s the verdict?”

“Everypony is nearly fully recovered now in their rooms. I’ve taken blood samples, but that’s likely a formality at this point.”

“Good work.”

Arc looks past her at Sereb standing silently in the middle of the room with his mother. Cherry calls out.

“He must be suffering greatly.”

Rarity nods sadly. “You should go talk to him, Arc.”

“I will. Why don’t all of you head back to the Equinox and get some rest now? It’s been quite the day.”

Applejack appears concerned. “That it has. But what about you?”

“I’ll head back to check on the princesses myself after I talk to Sereb. Don’t worry. I won’t be long.”

Twilight smiles at him. “See to it you’re not. You need to sleep too, Arc.”

Pinkie hops toward the door. “You’re one to talk, Twilight! Remember that time I found you asleep in the Bathroom on your toi…?!”

Rainbow Dash puts a hoof in Pinkie’s mouth. “That’s enough, Pinkie. Come on.”

They nod and walk out of the room together as Rarity turns back.

“Arc? Might I see you in my room for a few minutes when you have time? I know you’re tired, but it won’t take long.”

“Sure. I’ll see you in a bit.”

Rarity nods and leaves the room with the others. None of them speaks for a solid minute. Finally Applejack breaks the silence.

“So… what was that all about, Rarity?”

Rarity blushes “I… um…”

Pinkie giggles. “She probably wants to confess her love!”

Rainbow Dash glares at her. “Pinkie!”

Rarity sighs. “That’s… not far from the truth.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Really?!”

“Yes! I… I want him! And not just for Sweetie Belle!”

Rainbow Dash notices the determined look on Rarity’s face. “You’re really serious about this, aren’t you?”

Rarity nods. “More so than anything.”

Applejack sighs. “I know how you feel, sugarcube.”

Twilight nods. “As do I.”

Pinkie bounces up and down. “Me too! I wanna night in Arc’s bed now!”

Rainbow Dash sighs. “I suppose we all want that, Pinkie.”

She turns to Rarity.

“But, I just have to ask… how did it feel?”

Rarity stops and closes her eyes as a content smile spreads across her face. “It was the most amazing warmth I’ve ever felt in my life. There was just so much coursing through my body that I… I just… it felt so good! So unbelievably right!”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Say, I just had an idea! Arc’s bed aboard the Equinox is probably big enough to hold a couple of us. Why don’t you and I ask if he’d be interested in a sleepover?”

Twilight frowns. “Rainbow Dash…”

Rainbow Dash turns to Twilight. “You and Applejack could have the next night.”

Applejack’s eyes grow wide. “Wha… what?!”

Rainbow Dash laughs. “Pinkie and Fluttershy too if they want!”

Twilight blushes. “I… um… actually…”

Rarity turns to her friend. “Don’t take what Rainbow Dash said too literally, Twilight. I’m sure she was just making a joke.”

Rainbow Dash shakes her head. “Not really. It’s a legitimate idea as far as I’m concerned. But you look like you have something to say, Twilight.”

“I do.”

Applejack sighs. “You’ve already slept with him, haven’t you?”

Twilight blushes heavily. “H-how did you know that?!”

Applejack looks to Twilight. “When Rarity was describing being in Arc’s arms, you kept smiling and nodding ever so slightly. As if you had first-hoof experience.”

Pinkie gasps. “So when did it happen, Twilight?!”

“Back when he was Lord Regent. We slept together in Princess Celestia’s bed.”

Rarity gasps. “Oh my! Somepony really shot for the stars there!”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Yeah! I never would’ve had the guts to do something like that with Arc when he was the Lord Regent!”

Twilight blushes heavily. “It was just a science experiment!”

Applejack chuckles. “Some experiment though, huh? Was it like what Rarity described?”

“Exactly. Amazingly warm and it, um…”

Twilight’s voice trails off. Pinkie taps her hoof impatiently.

“And what else?!”

Twilight puts her front hooves to her cheeks as she sits down on her haunches. “And it… it left me wanting more.”

Rarity turns and walks starry-eyed toward the Main Hall doors. “That it does, Twilight. That it does.”

Meanwhile, Arc walks over to Iris.

“Want me to have a talk with him?”

“I would appreciate it. He hasn’t said a word since Kane left with that mare. Perhaps he will open up to you, as you two share a Life Pact.”

“I’ll certainly try. Why don’t you head back to your room and get some rest? Today has been hard on all of us.”

Iris nods. “Thank you, I shall. And I also wish to apologize for Kane’s betrayal of us and Equestria.”

“He made his own choice. No one could have foreseen it, or stopped him.”

She rises slowly and walks toward the door. Arc takes a few steps across the room to stand next to his friend.

“How are you holding up?”

“Not well.”

Arc sighs. “That’s to be expected.”

“I’ve… been doing some thinking since it happened. Do you believe I drove Kane to do this?”

“Drove him?”

Sereb nods. “He has always been the biggest and strongest among our tribe. Even as cubs, he was quite formidable.”

“He was used to being the best. You think that when you beat him, he couldn’t handle the fact he was now second?”

“I do.”

“Sereb, at that time he was going to lead your tribe into battle against Equestria. Had you not acted, many innocents would have died. That and we would have met him on the field of battle. Do you think the result of that would have been any better for him?”

“He would have died by your hand I would imagine.”

Arc nods. “Yes. You saved your brother’s life along with countless others by choosing to risk your own safety by challenging him.”

“That may be. But I still can’t believe he craved power and dominance this much!”

“You can’t control his actions any more than you can control the wind, Sereb. He made his choice, and we may be forced to face him along with Sunset Shimmer one day.”

“I… do not believe either of them will give up willingly.”

Arc nods. “True. But then again, neither will we.”

“You can count on me to do what is necessary.”

“Thank you. However you should probably join your mother now.”


“This can’t have been easy for her either. To see Kane betray us all to the Council of Shadows like that.”

Sereb stands and turns to Arc. “I will.”

“Good. See you at breakfast?”

The wolf nods and leaves the dining room as Arc looks around at the now empty room and mutters to himself.

“Guess I’d better get going too.”

Opening a portal Arc steps through and finds himself in his quarters aboard The Equinox. He quietly walks over to Shining Armor who is dozing on the couch.


Shining Armor slowly opens his eyes and looks over to Arc.

“Forgive me, sir. I…”

“It’s nighttime. Sleeping is normal.”

Arc turns toward the princesses.

“How are they?”

“Doing much better. A representative of the Nightborn was here earlier to speak to Princess Luna.”

Arc frowns. “What about?”

“I’m not sure. She asked me to leave the room.”

“I suppose everyone has their secrets.”

“Yes sir. Was there something you needed to talk to them about?”

Arc turns toward the bed. “No. I just wanted to check on them one last time before turning in for the night. What did Redheart say about their recovery?”

“That they’ll be able to get up tomorrow morning to continue ruling.”

“Good. I wasn’t looking forward to holding audiences again.”

“You handled them very well though, sir.”

“Thank you. But it’s not my place to do so. It’s theirs.”

Arc looks over to the sleeping princesses for a few moments longer before walking over to the table in the center of the room and picking up their crowns.

“Sir? What are you doing?”

“Something that needs to be done.”

Walking back to the bedside, he uses his magic to levitate Cadance’s crown to the nightstand next to her. Smiling at Luna he sets her crown on the other nightstand.

“I hope you two enjoyed a bit of rest. Tomorrow it’s back to work for you.”

He turns back to Shining Armor.

“Get some sleep, captain. They’ll still need you to protect them.”

Shining Armor smiles as he salutes. “Yes sir.”

Arc takes one last look at the princesses before leaving the room. He closes the door behind him and walks across the corridor to look outside at the well-lit yard. The destruction from the earlier battle is everywhere. He sighs as he chuckles.

“Well, that went well. Only problem is I need another front door… again.”

Taking the scene before him in for another minute, Arc slowly makes his way down the corridor toward Rarity’s room. He takes a deep breath and knocks.

“C-come in.”

He opens the door and slowly steps into the room. Rarity is lying on her bed. The only light being a small lamp on an end table beside her.

“You wanted to talk to me, Rarity?”

“I did.”

She hops off the bed and slowly walks over to him.

“Th-thank you for coming, Arc. I know you must be quite tired from today’s activities.”

“Kinda. Let’s just say I’m looking forward to a good night’s sleep.”

“I’ll try to make this brief then. You see… um… I… I just…”

Rarity’s voice trails off as she clops at the floor nervously. Arc smiles at her.

“Why don’t we sit down? That might help.”

Rarity nods. “Y-yes. I think it might.”

The pair sit on the end of the bed together. Rarity looks straight ahead for a few moments silently before speaking.

“Arc, I wanted to… th-thank you for the other day.”

“Other day?”

“Well, the other night actually.”

“Our dinner together?”

Rarity nods. “Yes.”

“I should be thanking you. After all, you were the hostess. And I had a great time.”

Rarity appears confused. “You did?”


Rarity sighs. “Even when I dumped a pot of tea on you?”

Arc shrugs. “No evening is perfect.”

Rarity looks to him, suddenly concerned. “How’s your back, by the way?!”

“Just fine.”

Rarity blushes slightly. “Can I… take a look at it?”

“Don’t worry. The pain’s completely gone now.”

“Please, Arc? I really need to see it with my own eyes!”

Arc sighs. “Very well.”

He removes his tunic and tosses it onto a chair. Rarity stands and walks behind him to examine his back more closely.

“It certainly looks alright.”

She pokes at it gently with a hoof.

“Does that hurt?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not at all.”

Rarity breathes a sigh of relief. “Good! I was afraid I’d done some serious damage to your coat, er… skin! Tell me, do humans scar like ponies do?”

“Yes, we do. At least if Tempest’s face is any indication.”

“We do have certain treatments to remove scars like that. Why she chooses not to partake of them is beyond me.”

“I’m sure she has her reasons.”

Rarity takes a few steps to return to her spot next to Arc. However her hoof slips and she tumbles forward.


Wrapping his arms around her, Arc turns his body to land first. He looks up to see Rarity laying on his chest, blushing heavily.

“Are… you okay?”

Rarity nods. “I… I am! Thanks to you. Again I might add.”

They look into each other’s eyes for a long moment before Rarity slowly rolls off Arc and back onto her hooves to return to her spot. She looks away nervously.

“I’ll… try to be more careful.”

“Thanks. But I’ll always do my best to catch you when you fall, Rarity.”

“That’s most reassuring.”

“Now then, is something bothering you? I don’t believe I’ve ever seen you so nervous.”

“It’s… um… rather hard to put into words.”

“Take your time, Rarity. I’ll wait.”

“I… ah… just wanted to… um… a… ask you a question.”

“Oh? What is it?”

Rarity clops her front hooves together nervously. “Well… you see… it’s about… um…”

Arc puts a hand on Rarity’s mane.

“Rarity, what’s wrong? This isn’t like you.”

“I know. But it’s really hard for me to talk about these things.”

“Because of what was done to you?”

Rarity sighs and silently nods.

“Well, in that case, can I ask you something?”

Rarity looks to him, surprised. “Oh! Um, yes. I suppose so.”

“Would you be interested in having lunch with me sometime?”

Rarity turns to him with a hopeful look in her eye. “Are you asking me out? Like… like a… date?”

Arc smiles sheepishly. “Kinda.”

“I would, yes! But tell me, what brought this on?”

“After I left your place that night I returned to Derpy’s house. Cherry was sitting up waiting for me.”

Rarity shrinks back nervously. “Was she… angry?”

Arc shakes his head. “More disappointed than anything, really. I mean, she was right after all. It doesn’t make me a good role model to come home in the wee hours of the morning almost naked.”

“I suppose not. Please tell her I’m sorry, and that it won’t happen again!”

Cherry giggles. “No, Rarity. It’s okay.”

Rarity jumps back, clearly startled.

“M-M-Miss Cherry! I’m so very sorry for…!”

“Rarity, there’s something I need to say to you… face to face.”

Rarity’s hooves shake slightly as Cherry continues.

“Arc? Would you please stand up and call forth your armor?”


Arc does so, his armor appearing on his body.

“I’m going to let you out now, Arc.”

He nods as the front of the armor melts away to allow him to step out. Eidolon’s Ward reforms itself as it turns to Rarity and kneels down to her level.

“I was only upset because Dinky wouldn’t have understood, being so young and all. To see her father come home after spending the night with a mare isn’t something a young filly like her is able to process.”

Rarity nods and gulps.

“Arc was very forthcoming with me regarding the… activities of that evening.”

Rarity looks to the armor nervously. “So… how much did you hear about… what went on?”


Rarity looks down at her hooves. “I suppose you must hate me for what I said and did.”

“No, Rarity.”


Eidolon’s Ward sighs. “I told Arc to see other mares, and I meant it. Personally, I think you’re a wonderful individual, and fully capable of making Arc happy.”

Arc nods. “Cherry told me a while back to move on. Up until that night, I didn’t really think I was ready to do that. But now I understand that it’s not so much about moving on as it is moving past the pain of losing her.”

Rarity looks into Arc’s eyes. “Wha… what are you saying?”

“That I’d like to get to know you better.”

Rarity’s face brightens. “So you’re interested in making me your marefriend?!”

Arc shakes his head. “Not quite. You see, like I told you that night, I still have so much to do before I can settle down and have a proper relationship.”

“Your duties as Hero of Light?”

“Yes. I still have to find Princess Celestia and bring her home. Then I can resign and start a life here in Ponyville.”

Arc takes her hoof.

“… maybe even have a real ‘marefriend’ as you call it.”

Rarity appears hopeful. “And you’re interested in… me?”

Arc nods.

“I’m interested in going out and getting better acquainted, yes. I can’t promise anything major, like becoming Sweetie Belle’s father, or anything. But I do want to have the time to devote to a wife and family before I try to have one.”

Eidolon’s Ward turns to Rarity. “Is that okay with you?”

“I… um… yes, very much so! But what about you, Miss Cherry?”

“When Arc finds somepony to spend the rest of his life with, I’m move on and join the rest of my family in the afterlife. After all, there won’t be any reason for me to stay at that point.”

Arc puts his other hand on his armor’s shoulder. “One day we’ll all join you, Cherry.”

Rarity smiles. “Nopony lives forever, I suppose. But I want to make the best of the time I have with everypony.”

Eidolon’s Ward nods. “That’s good. But I should probably go now.”

Arc appears confused. “Go?”

“You two should have some alone time now to talk out what you both want to do.”

Arc thinks for a moment. “I suppose that’s a good idea.”

Eidolon’s Ward nods and turns to leave. Rarity calls out after her.

“Miss Cherry?”


“I… um… just wanted to say… thank you for being so understanding. But I have to ask something. How can you just walk away so easily?”

Eidolon’s Ward sighs. “As I am, I can’t be there for Arc… physically. Like a living mare could be.”


“Please. Just talk and get to know one another before resting.”

Arc nods. “We will, Cherry.”

“Good night, you two.”

Eidolon’s Ward leaves the room. The door closes behind them with a small but firm click. Arc turns to Rarity, and she to him.

“I… need to say something, Rarity.”


“At the moment, I can’t really have a marefriend.”

“What are you saying?”

Arc sighs. “That I see you as more than a friend, but less than a lover.”

“But in the future, I might have a chance?”

“When I retire, of course. In all honesty, I really do like you. But by that same token, I feel wrong trying to monopolize your affection while not making our relationship official.”

“So what should we do?”

Arc thinks for a moment.

“How about this? When the time is right, we’ll get to know each other better, go out when we can, and see where it takes us.”

“That’s fine with me!”

“Wait, there’s more.”

Rarity appears confused. “What else could there be?”

“If you find a stallion that turns your head, promise you won’t wait for me.”

Rarity gasps. “What?! But… but I can’t do that!”

“Believe me, I don’t expect you to sit around idly while potential husbands pass you by.”

“That wouldn’t be fair to you! I mean… what would you get out of an arrangement like that?!”

Arc sighs. “You’ve already told me about how the others have their eyes on me. If need be, I can find someone else. I just want you to find happiness, Rarity. For you and Sweetie Belle’s sake.”

Rarity nods sadly. “I… I’ll do my best to do what you ask of me.”

“Thank you.”

“But I want you to know that I can’t imagine anypony else giving me the same feeling as you did that night in my room.”

Arc blushes. “I actually felt the same way, Rarity.”


“Yes. You just felt so soft and warm in my arms.”

Rarity looks into his eyes. “Arc, I… need to know something.”

“What is it?”

“Do you think… a mare and a human could ever fall in love?”

Arc turns and cups her face in his hands, smiling.

“Cherry and I already proved that, Rarity. Man and mare… anything is possible.”

Arc’s face draws closer to Rarity’s. She takes a deep breath and slowly closes her eyes. A moment later she feels warmth surging through her entire body as their lips meet. Rarity wraps her front hooves around his shoulders as Arc puts his arms around her back and pulls her into his lap. Suddenly, Rarity jumps back with a small yelp.

“My apologies for that unladylike sound. I was just… surprised.”

“Sorry. Um… did I go too far?”

Rarity shakes her head and leans forward to give his lips another small peck. “Not at all, Arc.”

Looking up at him with her luminous blue eyes, Rarity offers him a hopeful smile.

“Would you like to… spend the night with me?”

Arc nods. “I would.”

Rarity leans into Arc as he takes her in his arms. The pair fall backwards onto the pillows and sigh contentedly. Rarity puts a hoof on his bare chest.

“Good night, Arc.”

Arc smiles as he gives her face a small stroke. “Pleasant dreams, Rarity.”

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