• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 15 - Eclipsed

The pair run through town and down the path back toward the cottage. Shadow is lying on the front porch, unconscious. His empty tankard on the ground next to him. Snowflake leads Arc through the door and points.

“Sunshine, can you hear me?!”

“I… yes.”

“I’m going to lift this off of you very slowly! You just let me know if I’m hurting you!”


Grabbing the shelf, Arc tips it back as Snowflake peers underneath.

“Big Brother’s going to get you out of there, mom!”

“How am I doing so far?! Any pain?!”

“Not really. I think I’m just pinned.”

Slowly but surely Arc lifts the shelf off the mare and pushes it away from her. Sunshine is breathing heavily as she looks up to them.

“Th-thank you very much. I…”

Snowflake gasps as she looks at the copious amounts of blood oozing away from her mother.

MOM! You’re bleeding!”

“I am?”

Arc grimaces. “Yes! We need to get you to the hospital right away!”

Sunshine puts a hoof to her stomach. “I don’t feel so good.”

Arc carefully stoops down and picks the injured mare up. Holding her in his arms, the pair run out the door and back towards town. A steady stream of blood runs away from her body and down both of Arc’s arms. Sunshine begins to shake.

“Why’s it… so cold all of a sudden?”

Arc grimaces. “I think you’re going into shock!”

“Hang on, mom! We’ll be at the hospital soon!”

“I don’t think it’s as bad as you think. After all, the pain isn’t too severe.”

Arc shakes his head. “We’ll get you looked at anyways!”

As they enter the hospital Arc looks to the nurse on duty.

“I need help!”

She points to a gurney and hurries to get the doctor. Arc lays Sunshine down and covers her with a blanket as several more nurses run down the corridor toward them with the doctor. He looks her over for a few moments before turning to the staff.

“Get her to the operating room, stat!”

Sunshine looks to Arc weakly and forces a smile.

“Take care of Snowflake until I get back.”

“I will.”

They wheel her away as Arc turns to Snowflake.

“What happened to her?!”

“My dad and her were fighting when I got home. He hit her and pushed the shelf over onto mom.”

Arc clenches a fist. “On purpose?!”

Snowflake nods as tears flow from her eyes. “Yes.”

“Was he drinking?”

“He had a cup in his hoof at the time.”

“We need to tell the guards about this right away!”

“But my dad will get in trouble then!”

“I know, Snowflake. But this is serious. He needs help too.”

“O-okay. But what about mom?!”

“The doctor will take care of her. Right now we need to see the mayor.”

Walking out the door, they head to the Town Hall. The mayor is just locking up for the night. Snowflake tells him everything she saw as the stallion waves over a few guards.

“Go the Shadow’s house and arrest him at once.”

Arc sighs. “You shouldn’t have much trouble there. He was passed out on the porch when we left.”

“Lock him up in the cage until a full investigation can be completed.”

The guards nod and run off toward the cottage as the mayor looks to Arc.

“You did the right thing. Shadow’s been on the edge of the law for years now. Not sure what pushed him to do this, but he won’t get away with it.”

Snowflake looks down. “Th-thank you.”

“Now then, I recommend you go back to the hospital and await word from the doctor.”

Nodding, Arc leads Snowflake back toward the hospital. Sitting down in the waiting room, they are quiet for a time. Eventually Snowflake shakes her head sadly.

“Mom… I couldn’t do anything, as usual.”

“This isn’t your fault, Snowflake.”

“If I had run in there, dad might not have done what he did.”

“Or you could have both been trapped under there.”

“Dad wouldn’t have…!”

“Don’t be so sure. After all, look what he did to your mom.”

Two hours later doctor walks in and whispers something to the nurse. She nods and leaves before the doctor heads over to Arc and Snowflake.

“How is she?!”

Shaking his head, the doctor sighs.

“I’m sorry. We did everything we could.”

Arc gasps. “What?!”

Snowflake tears up. “I… I don’t understand!”

“Miss… your mother passed away a few minutes ago.”

Arc frowns. “How?!”

“Right! She said it didn’t even hurt much!”

“I’m not surprised she didn’t feel anything. There was a large chunk of glass lodged in her spine.”

Arc grimaces. “What does that mean?”

“That her spinal cord was cut. She couldn’t move or feel pain in the lower half of her body. My initial examination found several large pieces of glass cutting through several major veins and arteries. Frankly I’m amazed she held on long enough to make it here at all.”

“So she’s really… gone?”

The doctor nods. “I’m afraid so, yes.”

Arc sighs. “Can we see her?”

“Yes. Follow me.”

He leads Arc and Snowflake down the corridor. They stop in front of a room as several nurses leave pushing a cart with heavily soiled hospital linens.

“I’m going to call for some orderlies to take her body to the morgue. But you can have a bit of time to see her before then.”

They step inside as the doctor closes the door behind them. Walking over to the bed they see Sunshine’s body lying there covered in a sheet. Snowflake walks over to the bedside and hops up onto it.


There is no answer as the filly continues talking.

“Mom, we have to get going. It’s…it’s past suppertime.”

Arc sighs. “Snowflake…”

The filly begins choking up.

“That and you have a lot of potions to make at the shop. And… and…”

Arc puts a hand on her small shoulders as the filly continues.

“…and you have so much more to teach me! You CAN’T be dead!”

“Snowflake… she’s gone.”

“No! There’s been a mistake! She’s just sleeping!”

Snowflake lies down next to her mother and nuzzles her cold side.

“I’ll keep her warm until she wakes up! Then we’ll go home, get the cottage cleaned up, and have some supper together before heading to bed! It’ll be just like it’s always been! You’ll see! She’s… she’s not…!”

Putting a small hoof on her mother’s chest, Snowflake waits for the rise and fall of her breathing. But nothing happens.

“Come on, mom! Take a breath! Mom? MOM!”

Snowflake begins to cry as a couple orderlies enter the room. She looks up to them before turning back to her mother.

“They’re going to take you away, mom! You have to get up! You have to show them you’re okay!”

“Snowflake… she’s gone.”

“NO! It’s not true! You’re wrong! You’re ALL WRONG!!!”

The filly jumps off the bed and runs down the corridor. Arc sighs and motions to the orderlies. They cover Sunshine up and wheel her bed out of the room. Frowning, Arc looks after them before turning to go after Snowflake. Asking those nearby, he learns she ran back towards the cottage. Hurrying after her, Arc arrives back at the scene of Sunshine’s death. Snowflake sits on her haunches looking at the pool of blood mixed with glass and reagents. Arc walks over to her and kneels down.

“I’m right here, Snowflake.”

“I let her down.”

Arc shakes his head. “No you didn’t. There wasn’t any way you could have stopped a full grown stallion.”

“Should’ve… done more.”

“You ran and got me. That’s all there was to do. We got her to the hospital as fast as possible too. None of this is your fault.”

“Then who’s to blame?!”

“Shadow. He did this to your mother. Not you.”

“I… I know. But maybe if I had…”

“Snowflake, stop.


“Your mother wouldn’t want you to blame yourself for her death.”

“What do we do now though?!”

“I… think we should probably go to bed.”

“But… why?”

Arc sighs. “Because it’s been a long day. Tomorrow we’ll go into town and… figure out what happens next.”

“I really don’t want to…”

“Neither do I. But let’s go.”

Arc leads Snowflake up to her room and helps her into bed. She sniffles lightly as he does so.

“Everything’s just too quiet now.”

“I know, Snowflake. But please try to sleep.”

“Will you stay with me?”

Arc nods. “Yes. I won’t go out to the barn tonight.”

“Thank you.”

Snowflake rolls over and faces the wall as Arc lays down on the rug at the foot of her bed. Eventually they both fall asleep. However, later that night they both awaken to a frantic pounding at the front door. Opening the window, Arc sticks his head out.

“Who’s down there?!”

The mayor and several guards step off the porch and look up at him.

Have you seen Shadow tonight?!”

Snowflake looks outside next to Arc. “My dad?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not since you arrested him, no.”

“Isn’t he supposed to be locked up?”

“He’s escaped! We thought he’d have come back here for his armor and weapons!”

A guards points a hoof. “The shed door is open, sir!”

“Check it out!”

The guard does so. Entering the building he looks around before turning back to the mayor.

“Nopony here, sir!”

He gasps and points to the barn across the way.

“Smoke’s coming from the barn though!”

Snowflake gasps. “Oh no!”

Jumping out the window, she runs into the smoky building as Arc hops out the window after her. The mayor’s guards stop him.

“Wait! It’s spreading too fast!”

“But I have to get Snowflake out of there!”

He shoves past them just in time to see the filly run out of the barn dragging a burlap sack.

“What was so important that you charged into a burning building?!”


She gives Arc the sack. He opens it and frowns.

“My armor?”

“My mom made that! I had to save it!”

A voice rings out behind them.

“Fool! Don’t you know animals like you belong in a barn!”

They turn to see Shadow perched on the roof of the cottage. Arc seethes.

“You were trying to KILL me?!”

“Yes! You… you cost me EVERYTHING!!!”

“What are you TALKING about, dad! YOU killed mom!”

Shadow points a hoof at Arc. “Only because she was lusting after this ANIMAL! Sunshine got what she deserved!”

The mayor frowns. “Come down from there and answer for your crimes!”

“I think not… mayor. You see… I’m beyond you lowly fools. Always have been. Observe…”

Turning around, Shadow gazes at the moon. Suddenly two large leathery wings appear on his sides. The mayor gasps.

“So Sunshine really wasn’t with the Crimsons!”

Shadow laughs. “No. It was me. It was ALWAYS ME!!!”

Arc points at Shadow. “I don’t care WHAT you are! Get down here and face me!”

Shadow grins. “Oh, but where’s the fun in that?”


“You really want to die that badly? Fine.”

He glides down as the guards rush forward to meet him. Drawing his knife from his belt, Shadow makes quick work of them before turning his attention to Arc.

“You still want to do this, peon?!”


“Fine. But let’s make it interesting. Come find me in the woods. If the creatures there don’t kill you, I will!”

Shadow takes flight and disappears into the trees. They mayor rushes over to Arc.

“He has to be stopped by any means necessary! Bring Shadow in… dead or alive!”

“I will.”

Snowflake frowns. “You mean WE will!”

Arc sighs. “Snowflake, this is going to be…”

“You’ll need somepony to watch your back out there, Big Brother.”

“She is correct! I’ll head back and rally the guard! We’ll meet you there!”

Arc frowns. “Fine.”

“Let’s head to my dad’s workshop and get you a weapon.”

“Good idea.”

They run into the shed and look around. Snowflake points a hoof to a workbench.


Arc spots a knife made with the basilisk spine they found some time ago. Picking it up he looks it over.

“Why would your dad leave this here?”

“Probably because he hasn’t had time to field test it. That and he’s got his own knife. Old faithful, that one.”

“I guess that makes sense. But… are you okay with this?”

“With what?”

“If I win, you’ll lose a second parent.”

Snowflake hangs her head. “He has to be stopped, yes. But… no I don’t really want to lose him. For better or worse, I only have one dad.”

“What should we do then?”

“Try to convince him to give up peacefully.”

“Do you really think he’ll do that?”

Snowflake sighs. “No. But what else can we do?”

Leaving the shed, Arc dons his scale armor as Snowflake runs back to the cottage for her own armor. Returning, they head for the woods together.

“It’s creepy out here at night.”

Snowflake nods. “That it is. And there’s a thousand places to hide and ambush us.”

Arc looks all around nervously. “Wish you hadn’t brought that up.”

They continue walking. Ahead of them looms a clearing.

“I think I see my dad up ahead.”

“Let’s go.”

Leaving the foliage, they spot Shadow standing there waiting for them.

“Glad you two could make it.”

“Shadow… you need to come with us.”

Shadow grins wickedly. “I don’t ‘need’ to do anything!”

“Please, dad! We can talk about this rationally!”

“Also incorrect.”

Arc sighs. “Fine. But I want to know one thing. Why did you do it?”

Shadow rolls his eyes. “Oh, I don’t know. Maybe because my WIFE was wanting an animal to BED her!”

“But Big Brother would never do that!”

Arc nods. “Right! That and I told Sunshine as much!”

“I don’t believe you. But it doesn’t really matter now. After all… this battle is going to be pretty one-sided.”

“I doubt that, as I’m stronger than you.”

Shadow chuckles. “There’s more to battle than brute strength, oaf. But I don’t really expect you to understand that.”

“Yeah well… let’s get to it.”

Shadow grins as he draws his weapon. “I hope you’ve made your peace with whatever god you worship, beast. You’ll be seeing them soon enough.”

Arc lunges forward, knife at the ready. Shadow meets him half way and the pair cross blades face to face.

“You took my wife! Now I’ll take your LIFE!”

Arc grits his teeth. “No! You did that to yourself!”

Shadow laughs as he hoofs Arc in the face. “HA! Shows what YOU know, beast!”

Arc carefully gets up. He does not take his eyes off Shadow as he does so.

“Think what you want. But I still need to take you in.”

“Fine. Just try it!”

Shadow rushes forward at an intense speed. His knife grazes Arc’s face as a small stream of blood courses down his cheek.

“That was a freebie. You ready to turn tail and run away?”

Arc turns to face Shadow. “No!”

“Brave. Let’s keep going then!”

Arc kneels down as Shadow prepares to attack again. Grabbing a handful of dirt, he throws it into Shadow’s face as he nears, temporarily blinding him. Punching the stallion in the face, Shadow flies across the field into a tree trunk as Snowflake gasps.

“Dad, please just come with us!”

“And let the villagers execute me for being a Crimson?! No way!”

Looking up, he spots a branch high overhead. Throwing his knife, it cuts through effortlessly as Snowflake gasps.


Arc dives out of the way as the limb crashes loudly to the ground. Shadow frowns at Snowflake.

“Who’s side are you ON?!”

“I… I don’t know.”

Shadow grits his teeth. “I’ll deal with you as soon as I butcher the beast.”

Arc frowns. “Deal with?!”

“Sunshine must be lonely in the afterlife. I just want to send her somepony to talk to. And what better conversationalist is there than one’s own daughter?”

“Wait! You’re planning to KILL Snowflake?!”

Shadow rolls his eyes. “Yes, I believe that’s what I was attempting to explain to you in great detail.”

“But WHY?! She didn’t do anything!”

“Betraying her father is NOTHING?!”

“That wasn’t betrayal! She’s just trying to stop you from ever hurting anyone again!”

Snowflake paws at the ground nervously as Arc and Shadow go back to fighting. She looks from one to the other.

“I… I’ll have to make a choice soon. What do I do though? I want to be with mom. But I… I don’t want my dad to kill me.”

She slowly backs away until her flank hits a tree. Meanwhile, Shadow hoofs Arc in the chest. A large welt forms as he stands up again.

“If you’re done fooling around, maybe you’d like to start actually TRYING, beast?!”

“But… Snowflake would be…!”

“Fight properly or die!”

Shadow lunges at Arc again and throws his shoulder into it. The knife flies out of Arc’s hand and clatters to the ground some distance away. Knocking him onto his back, Shadow stands over Arc and grins menacingly.

“Not much of a…”

He is cut off as Arc grabs a nearby rock and heaves it at Shadow’s smug face. Staggering back, the stallion’s face begins oozing blood. He laughs as the wound slowly begins to heal.

“FOOL! You’ll have to hurt me a LOT more than that if you want to make it stick!”

“Big Brother! Crimsons can regenerate!”

Arc groans. “Now she tells me.”

Shadow takes flight as Arc slowly stands. He dives at the young man over and over again, smacking him with his hooves as Arc tries unsuccessfully to hit him. Eventually Arc falls to his knees. Breathing heavily, he looks up at Shadow hovering before the full moon.

“I thought you were stronger than this.”

“This is everything I have!”

Shadow shakes his head. “No, it isn’t! When you were protecting Snowflake out here, I saw a LOT more determination in your eyes!”

“What’s your point?!”

“I want to see that again. I want to FACE that!”

Snowflake gasps. “But why, dad?!”

“Don’t you see?! I’m the hunter and he’s the ultimate prey! Strong, fearless, and above all… intelligent.”

Arc grits his teeth as he holds his bruised side. “I… can’t!”

Shadow frowns. “Why not?”

“Because Snowflake doesn’t want you to die!”

“Right! Let’s just go home, dad! You can serve your time in the cage, and I’ll come visit you every day! Don’t you want that?!”

“No, Snowflake! This is all that matters to me! The thrill of the hunt!”

“Then why have me and Snowflake forage while you stay home?!”

“Because the beasts of this land had lost their edge! I know exactly how each species fights! There was no longer any challenge in my life! But with you… oh, with you… I’m looking for the most exhilarating fight imaginable! Finally I get to face somepony who is my equal!”

He looks down at Snowflake with obvious disdain.

“I had originally hoped that would be you, Snowflake.”


“Yes. I wanted you to one day take up your weapon and strike me down in glorious combat! But you… you were too SOFT! Too weak to EVER have that killer instinct!”

“That’s her greatest strength! Snowflake’s kindness is who she is!”

“What are you talking about?!”

“She’s always accepted me as I am. Even though I’m not a pony like she is. Sunshine did the same. Even going so far as to wanting me to give Snowflake a younger sibling.”

Snowflake gasps. “She did?!”

“Yes, Snowflake. But I couldn’t do that. I couldn’t go behind your father’s back and sleep with his wife.”

“Why not?! Was she not good looking enough for you, beast?!”

“She was pretty, yes. But if we were to have a foal together it would have ruined your little family.”

“How so?”

“Think about it. Snowflake would have been yours. But the new foal would have been mine. Two fathers, one mother. Snowflake and her new sibling would have been confused by the extra parent.”

Shadow shakes his head. “There wouldn’t have been two fathers, no.”

“What do you mean, dad?”

“Because I would’ve killed you as you slept! Just as I tried to do so back at the barn a little while ago!”

“You really did want to kill us?!”

“Of course!”

“Why, dad?!”

“To send you to your mother, Snowflake! You and your so-called ‘Big Brother’!”

Arc clenches a fist. “You’re insane!”

“Am I?! The weak can never understand what motivates the strong! All they can do is sit back, watch, and wait to die!”

Shadow flies headfirst down at Arc. Slamming into his torso, the stallion pushes him into a tree. Arc’s mouth hangs agape as Shadow smiles. Stepping back, he withdraws a bloody knife from Arc’s belly. Snowflake gasps.

“Dad, why?!”

“Because I’m strong, and he’s not!”

Shadow hoofs Arc in the jaw, knocking him over. He holds his gut and gasps for breath.

“Leave him alone!”

Shadow looks up at Snowflake as he walks over to Arc. “Make me.”

Shadow stomps on Arc over and over again as Snowflake begs him to stop. She begins to cry as Arc’s gasps echo in her ears.

“He doesn’t deserve this, dad! Please let him go!”

“You could stop me if you wanted! Just do it, Snowflake!”

“I… I CAN’T!!!”

“Then say good bye to your friend!”

Shadow laughs for a few moments before raising his front hooves high. Suddenly Snowflake smashes into him, catapulting him into the brush. She runs over to Arc and puts her front hooves on his chest.

“Big Brother! Say something!”

Arc slowly sits up and opens his eyes. Raising a hand, he points behind her.

“Look… out…!”

Snowflake turns just in time to take a hoof from her father to the face. She rolls along the ground for some distance before coming to a stop. Slowly raising her head, she sees her father resume his relentless attack on Arc. Getting up, she spots Arc’s knife lying on the ground nearby. Hobbling over to it, she carefully picks it up. Looking again at the scene before her, she sighs.


Shadow calls out. “Come on, Snowflake! I’m getting bored over here! Try to take me on! You know how!”

“I can’t! I just can’t hurt you, dad!”

Shadow frowns and looks down at Arc struggling to breathe. “A shame, really. I held out hope that you’d eventually develop some guts. But it looks like I was wrong.”

Shadow reaches for his belt and pulls another knife.

“Well, it appears I’ve toyed with you long enough, beast. Time to end this.”

He raises the knife and smiles.


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