• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 5 - Settling In

True to his word, Arc returns to the house the next day. Snake and Jackal walk outside to meet him. Arc opens the back hatch and tosses the pair a couple sleeping bags.

“These should come in handy.”

Jackal grins. “Thanks! The blankets we had didn’t work too well.”

Wolf frowns. “Yeah. The floor was cold and hard last night.

“Put the blankets under these sleeping bags and it’ll be a bit more comfortable.”

Arc grabs the third bag and heads inside with the pair.

“So where’s Frank?”

Jackal points to the master bedroom. “He resting. Snake’s with him.”

Wolf nods. “The boss is still weak from whatever they did to him.”

“Well, hopefully some more food in his belly will fix that.”

Jackal sticks out his tongue. “Yah! Those packaged meals don’t taste very good.”

They bring in the rest of the supplies including groceries, flashlights, a battery operated radio, extra blankets, a med-kit, bottled water, soap, toiletries, and matches. Arc and company set them down on the kitchen counter.

“That should keep you going for a little while.”

Wolf nods begrudgingly. “Th-thanks.”

Snake walks into the room and looks to Arc.

“The boss is awake and wants to see you.”


Jackal looks to Arc expectantly. “Can we listen?”

“That’s probably a good idea, yes. Let’s go.”

They head to Frank’s room. He does his best to sit upright.

“Sorry for waking you.”

Frank forces a weak smile. “No, no, it’s quite alright. I can’t be sleeping the day away.”

Snake looks at his boss’ haggard appearance. “You might want to, sir.”

Jackal nods. “Yeah, boss. You no look good.”

Frank puts a hand to his forehead. “Honestly, I’m still quite fatigued.”

Arc points a thumb to the door. “Should I come back later?”

Frank shakes his head. “No, Arc. We really need to plan our next move.”

Snake, Wolf, and Jackal sit on a large chest in the corner of the room as Arc sits on the corner of the bed.

“So… any ideas on what we should do next?”

Frank nods. “That I do. But first I need all of you to bring me up to speed on what’s been accomplished thus far.”

Snake raises an eyebrow. “Eh?”

Arc turns to them. “That way he knows what loose ends need tying up.”

Wolf shrugs. “Makes sense.”

They spend the next hour telling Frank their experiences. He listens intently.

“I see. So the Hero destroyed the underground factory?”

Jackal shakes his head. “Nuh uh. Diva did that.”

Wolf clenches his fist. “And almost took us out in the process!”

Arc nods. “That’s what the Hero told me too. How he got everyone out in time and in one piece is beyond me though.”

Frank smiles. “I’ll have to thank him when we meet.”

Snake looks confused. “Boss?”

“As much as I hate to admit it, the Hero is our best hope at accomplishing my goal.”

Arc looks to Frank warily. “Which part?”

“Taking down Diva, for starters.”

Snake grins. “Yeah! She needs to be taught a lesson!”

Arc clears his throat loudly. “First we’d have to know where she is.”

He turns to the others.

“You guys have been staying at the hideout. Tell me, has anyone see Diva or any of the other lieutenants?”

Wolf shakes his head. “Nope. They haven’t shown their faces since the mine incident.”

Snake nods angrily. “Yeah! We’d trounce em!”

Frank puts a hand to his chin. “There must be a way to track them.”

Arc turns to Snake. “Do they frequent someplace?”

“Nah. Diva and the other lieutenants didn’t go into town much.”

Jackal’s face brightens. “But they did leave sometimes.”

Wolf sighs. “Yeah. But no one knows where they went.”

Jackal turns to Arc. “Your doggie?!”

“What about him?”

“Could he sniff out the bad ladies?!”

Snake sighs. “You’re thinking of a bloodhound, big guy. Not all dogs can track like they can, after all.”

Arc thinks for a moment. “That might be an idea.”

Wolf scoffs. “But that mutt’s certainly not a…!”

Frank interrupts him. “If Arc says his dog can do it, you should believe him. But we’ll need something for him to get their scents.”

Arc nods. “What about Diva’s room?”

Wolf rolls his eyes. “I don’t think she’d be foolish enough to hide in there after what happened.”

“I mean to get her scent. An article of clothing or something might do the trick.”

“Do you really think he could do it, Arc?”

Arc turns to Frank and shrugs. “No idea. But what do we have to lose?”

Wolf sighs. “Nothing, I guess. Other than a bit of time.”

Snake purses his lips. “But Diva and the others always drive everywhere.”

Wolf frowns. “You’d have to walk all over town!”

“I’ll help!”

Frank looks surprised. “Jackal?”

“I can walk doggie!”

Frank turns to Arc. “He’s certainly… willing.”

“Yeah. I guess so.”

“I suggest letting him do so. After all, I’m sure you have other things to do than walk a dog all day.”

Arc nods. “Kinda.”

He turns to Jackal.

“I guess that means you get the job.”


Arc looks back to Frank. “Now then, there’s just the issue of sneaking into your base and getting into Diva’s room.”

“About that… we’d do well to have someone over there full time.”

Wolf raises an eyebrow. “Boss?”

“In case something happens, that is. Think of them like a mole in our own garden.”

Snake nods. “Yeah, makes sense. But who?”

“I was actually thinking you, Snake.”


Arc nods at Frank’s suggestion. “That’s actually a pretty good idea. The Hero said the gang really rallied around you after escaping from the mine.”

“Well… kinda. But…”

“Snake will accompany you back to our base and lead you to Diva’s room whenever you’re ready, Arc.”

Snake sighs. “Yes sir.”

“Alright. But if he overhears anything, how is he supposed to tell us?”

Frank frowns. “Hm… that could prove difficult.”

Jackal looks to his boss. “Wut about your cell phone, boss?”

“We left my things at the hospital, remember?”

Wolf nods. “Yeah. It wasn’t exactly the time to go shopping for recovered patient property.”

Arc thinks for a moment. “I could probably get your stuff back for you.”

“That’s a bit risky, my friend.”

“How about just the phone then? I know how much you loved that suit, but…”

Snake gasps. “So you’re going to break into the hospital’s property lockup?!”

Wolf grimaces. “They guard that area pretty well, you know.”

Arc narrows his eyes. “Dare I ask how you know that?”

Frank chuckles. “Wolf is our foremost… infiltration expert.”

Wolf nods soberly. “You need in somewhere, I’ll find an entrance.”

Jackal nods. “He already tried to get in there.”

“Yeah. Only one door in, cameras everywhere, and a 24-hour guard on duty.”

Snake shrugs. “Why I don’t know. I mean, it’s mostly just patient’s clothes.”

Arc frowns. “Yes. But they also have their watches, jewelry, wallets and, in this case, cell phones.”

Frank grins. “I get the feeling you have a plan, Arc.”

“Not yet, no. But I know someone who might just be able to get the job done.”

Jackal looks hopeful. “Who?”

“The Hero.”

Snake raises an eyebrow. “Him? But why would he want to break in there?”

“I think I can convince him to do it. After all, he’s not going in there to steal anything. Just get back what rightfully belongs to Frank.”

Wolf puts a hand to his chin. “Makes sense. But are you sure he’ll take the job?”

Arc shrugs. “It never hurts to ask.”

Frank chuckles. “I see you haven’t lost your touch, Arc.”


“You were the smart one. Always thinking about how to get things done.”

“Thanks… I think. Now even if we can get your phone back, that’s just the start of it. We’ll need some more leads to go on after that.”

Frank looks to Jackal and Snake. “Hopefully our dog walker and mole can help us in that regard.”

“At the very least maybe find a clue. Something we can build on, that is.”

Arc stands up.

“But let me head home and give the Hero a call. See if we can get that ball rolling.”

“When you want me to walk doggie?!”

“As soon as we get Frank’s phone back.”

Frank nods. “Yes. Not much point in them finding leads if they can’t report them back to you and I, Arc.”

“Right. I’ll get back to you on what he says. You just rest, Frank.”

“That I will.”

Arc heads for the door. Snake follows him outside to the Jeep as he shakes his head.

“I just don’t get you.”

“What do you mean?”

Snake leans against the Jeep as he continues. “The boss said you were his lieutenant. I mean, you had Stingray’s job! The power, the prestige…!”

“The headaches.”


“Leading is more than getting fat and barking orders.”

Snake grins. “Yeah. There’s also the larger cut!”

“With no time to enjoy it.”


Arc nods. “Right. Did you ever see Stingray taking breaks?”

“Well… no. But she must’ve at some point! I mean… why else would someone do that job if not for the benefits?! I mean, didn’t you LIKE it?!”

Arc shakes his head. “Not really. I reality, I found I was working toward an end goal that didn’t exist.”

Snake frowns. “Then why take the job in the first place?!”

“Because I… I thought I was doing the right thing. Making the world a better place. Or at least better for the members.”

Snake sighs. “I wasn’t around back then, so I really couldn’t say how things were run. But I know that’s what the boss wants.”

“Yeah, well… I’m sure he does. But he’s always been good at coming up with ideas. Not so much how to achieve them.”

“That’s where you came in?”

Arc nods as he gets into the Jeep.

“We all do what we’re good at.”

“I suppose so.”

Snake thinks for a moment before continuing.

“Well then Mister Problem Solver… how the heck is the Hero supposed to get the boss’ stuff back?”

“He and I will think of something. You can count on that. Just take care of Frank until you hear back from me.”

Snake nods as Arc drives away. He watches the Jeep until it turns onto the main road and leaves his sight.

“I don’t know how the heck he’s going to pull this one off. But if the boss has faith in him, so do I.”

Meanwhile, Cherry calls out to Arc.

“So you’re really going to break into someplace?”


“I’m not sure how I feel about that.”

Arc chuckles. “Don’t worry. I’m not turning to the dark side, or anything.”

“No, no! What I mean is this is still risky. What if somepony sees you?”

“They won’t. If anything, they’ll just see the Hero of Light.”

“There’s that too! Your reputation would be trashed here on Earth!”


“Then why are you doing this?!”

Arc sighs. “Because we need to find Diva. And the best way to do that right now is with Frank and the Shard’s help.”

Cherry groans. “And if in the process of doing this you get caught?”

“I won’t.”

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