• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 2 - Reunification

As the sun sets, Arc, Sereb, and Scootaloo drive down the road in Arc’s Jeep. Scootaloo looks all around.

“This is your hometown, Big Brother?!”

Arc nods. “Yup. I know it’s not exactly what you’re used to, but this is how humans live.”

Sereb turns to the little girl. “After you learn the ins and outs of their culture, it’s quite a sight to behold.”

“So where does your friend live?”

“In an abandoned house outside of town.”

Sereb hops into the front seat and looks to Arc. “Do you believe the rest of the Shards are there as well?”

“Probably. They’re pretty loyal, after all.

Scootaloo frowns. “Is that a good or a bad thing?”

“In the past, bad.”

Sereb growls. “Do you suppose anything has changed since you rescued them, Arc?”

“Hopefully they’ve learned their lesson and aren’t causing trouble for the town.”

Scootaloo puts a hand to her chin. “That human who brought the pizza looked to be pretty nice.”

Sereb shakes his head. “They’ve all committed heinous acts against innocent citizens though.”

Arc sighs. “I know. But let’s give them the benefit of the doubt… for now.”

Leaving town, they drive for a time before Arc pulls into a nearly hidden driveway. As they approach the house they see lights in the windows.

“That’s odd.”


“It looks like the power’s on.”

Scootaloo raises an eyebrow. “But your house has lights.”

“This is supposed to be abandoned though.”

Sereb narrows his eyes. “We should investigate.”

Arc nods. “Agreed.”

Pulling close to the house they are surprised to see a large number of cars parked off to one side. Finding a spot at the end of the row Arc pulls in and shuts off the engine before looking to Scootaloo.

“Keep your eyes open here.”

“What should I be looking for?”

Sereb growls. “Trouble.”

“Something like that.”

Stepping out of the vehicle, Arc looks down at Sereb.


“I beg your pardon?”

“Just do it.”

Sighing, Sereb complies as he launches into five seconds of non-stop barking. The front door of the house flies open and Jackal runs outside.


Hurrying over to Sereb, he kneels down and pats his head before looking to Arc.

“You came!”

“I told you I would. Is Frank around?”

Jackal nods “He inside! Comon!”

Leading them into the house, they are greeted by warm lights and numerous voices talking quietly. Arc turns to Jackal.

“This place looks a lot better than the last time I saw it.”

“Ya! We’s been fixing it up! This way!”

Entering Frank’s room, Jackal motions for them to sit down.

“The boss is just finishing a lesson downstairs. I’ll tell him you here.”


Leaving, he shuts the door behind him. Arc and Scootaloo sit on a long bench in one corner of the room. Scootaloo frowns.

“That human’s a bit… off, isn’t he?”

Sereb nods. “You could say that, yes.”

“He’s a bit slow, I suppose. But don’t call him a human. Say ‘person’ instead.”

Scootaloo sighs. “Okay. There sure are a lot of word rules to learn.”

“You’ll get it in no time.”

A few minutes later Frank enters the room. Grinning, he hobbles over to Arc as they stand up.

“Welcome back, my friend!”

“Hi, Frank. Um… you’re looking well.”

“Thanks to your land’s training I’ve been able to completely recover from my previous… episodes.”

“That’s good to hear. But there’s someone I want you to meet.”

He puts a hand on Scootaloo’s shoulder before continuing.

“This is a new friend of mine. Her name’s Scarlet.”


“Good day to you, miss. So, you live with Arc?”

“Yes sir. He took me in after my parents died.”

“My condolences.”

He looks back to Arc.

“Tell me, old friend. Is she from… a faraway land?”

“What do you mean?”

Frank chuckles. “Coy, Arc?”

Arc smirks. “I suppose there’s no fooling you. Yes, she’s from Equestria.”

“Big Brother?!”

Sereb sighs. “Frank’s been there before.”

“Indeed. I know much of Equestria and your ways from my time there. Tell me, what’s your real name, little one?”

She turns to Arc. He nods.


“A very pretty name. On both counts, that is. Did you come up with ‘Scarlet’ yourself?”

“No, sir. Big Brother did.”

“That’s what she called me back there. I had amnesia at the time and didn’t remember my real name.”

Frank gasps. “Amnesia?! Where you injured in the ensuing chase?!”

Arc nods. “I was. But nothing serious back then. It’s kinda a long story.”

“If you would like to tell it, I’d love to hear it, my friend.”

“Okay. But we should probably sit down first.”

Frank hobbles over to his bed as Arc and Scootaloo sit down on the bench. Giving his friend the short version, Arc tells him of the recent events that unfolded in Equestria.

“So you’re an exile then?”

“Voluntarily, yes.”

“I still don’t like that, Big Brother.”

Frank frowns. “Agreed. After all you did, it should have been the princess herself whom was removed.”

“That would have caused a lot of turmoil in the land. It was safer for me to just leave and come back to Angel Grove.”

“If you believe so, my friend. Tell me, how is your little family?”

“They’re just fine. Derpy and Dinky, or Dawn and Daisy if you prefer, are back at my parent’s old house.”

“It’s nice that you could bring them with you.”

“Yeah. I don’t think I’d have been able to go on if I had to come alone.”

“Same here. Big Brother and I are connected, after all.”

Frank sighs. “I still don’t understand that whole ‘thrall’ business.”

Arc sighs. “Think of it like the human version of a vampire. Fortunately, I don’t need to drink blood to survive, or burn in the sunlight though.”

“You look the same to me though.”

“Because I haven’t looked at the moon. That would trigger the transformation. At least it did back in Equestria.”

“And here?”

“I haven’t tried. We just got in this morning.”

“You’d do well to hide something like that, my friend. I don’t imagine the townsfolk taking too well to news of a vampire living among them.”

“Agreed. But what about you? Jackal said you were teaching a lesson in the basement when we arrived.”

Frank nods. “Yes. In fact, I need to talk to you about that, Arc.”

Arc chuckles. “Want me to help tutor the others?”

“Actually yes. But probably not in the subjects you imagine.”

Scootaloo frowns. “I’m confused.”

Sereb rolls his eyes. “As am I.”

Arc sighs. “Why don’t you just spell it out for us, Frank?”

“Very well. As you know my boys were trapped in those glass tubes for… an extended period of time.”

“Yeah. Didn’t look like fun to me.”

“Since you rescued them, they’ve exhibited some very strange abilities.”

“Describe them?”

“They have magic, Arc.”

“How many?!”

“All of them.”

Arc clenches a fist. “The treatments in the tube?!”

Frank nods. “It’s the only thing I can think of.”

Scootaloo gasps. “But they don’t have horns!”

Sereb gestures to his nub. “Humans with magic, like Arc and Frank, apparently don’t need a focus like a unicorn or my tribe does.”

Arc nods thoughtfully. “That explains something.”

Frank appears hopeful. “Oh?”

“Back at Damocles Base, Hammer tried to escape after we took out her subordinates. However, before she could do so something knocked her down. At the time I just thought she slipped, or something. But now I’m thinking one of your guys accidently pulled her back with a Telekinesis Spell.”

“I would guess it was Snake. He’s the most powerful among the Shards. Other than myself, that is.”

Sereb growls. “That is disconcerting.”

Scootaloo raises an eyebrow. “It is?”

Arc nods. “Kinda. He’s not the nicest person around here.”

“Like it or not, everyone here now has the gift of magic.”

Sereb looks over his shoulder. “Any incidents?”

“A few at first. At least before we figured out what was going on. After that I was able to teach them how to control their powers.”

“Like we did for you back in Equestria?”

“Exactly, my friend.. It was a simple task to teach them some Telekinesis Spells to practice on before moving on to something a bit more advanced.

Sereb appears skeptical. “Such as…?”

“Fire Spells and Blinking, as Arc calls it.”

“Why those?”

“Because they use a tremendous amount of energy. Perfect for diffusing magical buildup. That and we still light a lot of campfires out back.”

Scootaloo frowns. “What for?”

“Ambience mostly. It gives off a nice camping vibe.”

Arc nods. “So, you used what we taught you back in Equestria to help the others?”

“Originally I tried to, yes. However, I found that we were in need of more knowledge than I possessed.”

Arc frowns. “Where did you find it?”

“Ironically, it found us.”

Scootaloo raises and eyebrow. “What does that mean?”

Frank stands. “Follow me.”

Arc and Scootaloo walk out the door with Frank and down to the basement. There they find a large number of wooden benches lined up facing a lectern. Frank walks over to it and puts his hand on a large, leather-bound book.

“One night several days after you liberated my boys from that military base a strange looking robed man appeared in the house. He walked silently over to me as I was attempting to help one of my men with a magical imbalance. Laying a hand on his forehead, he was able to quell the turmoil in the individual.”

Scootaloo gasps. “But how?!”

“I have no idea really. When I asked him, he simply reached into his cloak and pulled out this book. He handed it to me silently before turning and walking out the door.”

“Did he have a strange looking white mask on?”

Frank nods. “Yes, he did. Friend of yours, Arc?”

“Not a friend, no. However I’ve run into Wiseman, as he calls himself, numerous times both here on Earth and in Equestria.”

Frank gasps. “How is that possible?!”

“I wish I knew. But Wiseman has power the likes of which I can’t even fathom.”

Scootaloo points to the lectern. “What was in the book?”

“Take a look.”

Offering the book to Arc and Scootaloo they open it and begin to read the table of contents.

“Looks like pretty basic stuff here at the beginning.”

Scootaloo looks over his shoulder. “What about later chapters?”

“It gets more in depth. I’ve never even heard of a lot of these spells.”

Frank frowns. “That is not encouraging.”

“But I have to admit that I’m not an expert on the subject by any means.”

Arc looks at the book’s cover for a few moments silently.

“I’ve seen a book just like this before.”

Scootaloo appears uneasy. “In a bookstore, I hope.”

Arc shakes his head. “No. On a pedestal in the Canterlot Armory.”

Frank raises an eyebrow, confused. “Armory?”

“It’s where the most dangerous items in the kingdom are kept.”

“I see. That would explain a few things.”

“Like what?”

“Take a look at the last third of the pages.”

Arc flips through the book as Frank instructs.

“What the heck?!”

“Big Brother?”

“It’s nothing.”

“That’s good, right?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, I mean there’s literally nothing here. See?”

He turns the book to face her.

“They’re blank.”

Frank nods. “It was like that when we got it.”

“But why?”

“Wiseman must not have wanted that information to get out.”

Scootaloo frowns. “Too dangerous?”

Arc shrugs. “Must’ve been.”

He turns back to Frank.

“Has it really been that helpful?”


“We should leave it with them, Big Brother.”

“Agreed. After all, I’m not seeing anything here that really makes me worried. Just a lot of utility spells and a couple weak offensive spells. But I suppose it’s more a matter of what’s done with them.”

“We’re not planning to use the magic within for nefarious purposes, if that’s what you mean.”

Arc narrows his eyes. “If you say so. But I’m still left wondering what exactly you plan to do now.”

“Have a seat and I’ll tell you.”

Sitting down, they face each other as Frank continues.

“The day after my boy’s return, I lay on my bed considering what to do. With limited resources I found myself unable to come up with any ideas to lead me back to the original plan.”

Sereb frowns. “Which was…?”

“A place for those whom have none.”

Scootaloo nods. “That sounds like a noble goal.”

Arc sighs. “It’s all about how it’s done.”

“With the few resources left to me, I scraped enough money together to purchase this house and the land surrounding it.”

“So, you’re here legally now?”

“Yes. The papers are all upstairs in my room. Signed, sealed, and legal, I assure you.”

“I believe you, Frank. But why here?”

“Because this is where it all started, Arc. Where we used to live together as a family.”

Sereb growls. “Is that the only reason?”

Frank chuckles. “And it’s the only place I could afford.”

Arc looks around. “Makes sense. After all, considering its location and condition, this place probably went for a song.”

Scootaloo raises an eyebrow. “A what?”

“It’s an expression that means he bought it for almost nothing.”

Frank smiles. “I then started instructing the boys on how to properly control their new powers. As they became accustomed to magic, I sent them out into the town to seek gainful employment.”

Sereb appears surprised. “No more stealing?”

Frank shakes his head. “We’re going to try doing it Arc’s way now.”


Frank nods. “You were the one whom told me to keep to our original goals. I’m the one whom led the Shards down the path of crime after you left, after all.”

“How’s that working out?”

“Not too bad. Those whom are ready to work donate a small portion of their pay to the Shards. We’ve been using it to purchase materials to fix up this old house and the surrounding land.”

He chuckles before continuing.

“Especially with winter coming.”

Arc shivers. “I don’t like to think about those cold nights.”

“No more of them for us. A few days ago we had a contractor come in and completely replace the old furnace with a modern one. Works like a charm.”

Sereb nods soberly. “Keep this up and your new accommodations will outshine the other base.”

“As far as I’m concerned, they already do. We didn’t notice it at the time, but everything was too rigid there. Even so, we could never have kept that place going.”

Arc chuckles. “It was pretty much falling apart.”

“If we care for this little nook as we should, I’m sure it will last us for many years.”

A voice rings out behind them.

“Yes, it will.”

They turn to see Wiseman standing there. Arc glares at him.

“I freaking hate you.”

Wiseman shrugs. “That’s a rather harsh thing to say to the one whom saved your life.”

Arc clenches a fist. “Saved my…?! You left me floating on a log down the river while my guts were hanging out!”

“And yet here you are. Safe, recovered…”

“And angry! You could’ve at least taken me to a hospital!”

“To be found by Captain Decimus and his toady Admiral Gaston?”

“I could have taken them!”

“In that condition, I assume not.”

Wiseman looks to Scootaloo.

“That and you would not have met this charming young filly here, nor been around to take care of her when her parents died. What do you think the villagers would have done had you not ferried her away when you did?”

Scootaloo shudders. “I don’t think I would have been adopted, that’s for sure.”

Frank grimaces. “Wiseman, was it? You knew what would happen, didn’t you? That Arc would get hurt, but also recover.”

“To a degree, yes. But that’s thanks to Kronos. Not my own abilities.”

Arc groans. “Look, just tell me what you came here to, and get out!”

“Very well. General Mustang is still operating.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “I assumed he was, yes.”

Sereb growls. “That man did not strike me as a quitter.”

Frank clenches a fist. “The question is what he’s doing.”

“Continuing with his plans.”

Arc moves his hand in a circular motion. “Which are…?”

“Something you’ll have to talk to him about to learn.”

Scootaloo frowns. “But if he’s a bad man why would he tell us anything?”

“Because he wishes to speak with you, Arc.”

“How do you know that?”

“The same way I know everything else.”

Frank furrows his brow. “Not very helpful, are you?”

Wiseman chuckles. “That depends on how you look at it. Prior to this new development, Arc was planning to spend some time at home with his family and friends. Now he has a purpose again.”

“I’ve always had that.”

“Boldly spoken for one whom was preparing to retire.”

“So you’re saying I’m just supposed to walk back into Damocles Base and TALK to the general?!”

“There would be a bit more action than that were you to do so. Mostly coming from a very, shall we say… spunky mechanic and tank pilot.”

Arc grimaces. “Hammer.”

Frank raises an eyebrow. “What about her?”

“I… was dating her before the mission.”

“That I do remember. But why would she be angry with you? Did you dump her, or something?”

Arc sighs. “Worse. Since I didn’t think I was coming back, I… may have come clean regarding everything in a letter I sent to her.”

“That was probably a good idea, Big Brother. Being honest is…”

“I included a photograph of everyone in their uniforms. Including me with my helmet off.”

Scootaloo frowns. “Maybe that was a bit too much honesty.”

Sereb puts a paw over his face. “Agreed.”

Frank shakes his head. “That… was unwise, Arc.”

“I know that now.”

Wiseman looks to Arc. “What do you think, Cherry?”

Cherry sighs. “That I gave Arc some very bad advice back then.”

“Maybe. But it was my decision to make.”

Wiseman puts a glove to his mask. “I warned you against doing such things, and you ignored me.”

Arc frowns. “Wish I could ignore you now.”

Frank turns to Wiseman. “Tell me, why do you believe that Arc has to return to the base?”

“To finish what he started.”

Sereb bares his teeth. “All things considered, I believe it would be best left to this world’s authorities.”

“Such as…?”

Arc sighs. “No one else could stand up to Diva and her subordinates.”

Frank smiles. “We could help you, Arc.”

Sereb growls. “And allow the military to retake everyone?!”

Scootaloo appears hopeful. “Maybe we should just do this ourselves.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin. “Frank brings up a good idea.”

Cherry gasps. “You want him to help?”

“Maybe at some point, yes. I’ve spent far too long trying to go it alone only to make incremental progress.”

He looks down at the little girl next to him and puts a hand on her shoulder.

“Since meeting Scootaloo here, I’ve learned that together we can accomplish so much more than could be done separately.”

Sereb nods. “So what shall we do then?”

“First things first. Intel. I’ll scout the base with Derpy and Dinky running the computers in the basement.”

Scootaloo smiles sheepishly. “And me?”

“I’ll need someone to get me some footage from overhead. Think you can handle that?”

“Sure. If you turn me back into a pony, that is.”

Frank turns to his friend. “Anything we can do at this point, Arc?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not for gathering info, no. I want to keep that party small. You just make sure everyone is ready when it’s time for the real mission.”

Frank grins. “We will be!”

Sereb raises a paw. “I have only one question.”

“Yes, Sereb?”

“What if you run into Hammer?”


Scootaloo gasps. “Is she really that powerful?”

Cherry calls out. “If she sees Arc, yes.”

“Then I’ll just have to make sure she doesn’t see me.”

Sereb turns to Arc. “Could you potentially apologize and try to make up with her?”

“Believe me, I’d love to do that. But I probably wouldn’t survive the encounter. That and it would be kinda hard to explain to Shelly and Lily why I’m with her and not with Rarity.”

Frank gasps. “Have you not seen them yet?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. Like I said earlier, we just got into town this morning.”

“I see.”

“Something wrong?”

Frank sighs. “I think you need to get that story directly from them.”

Arc frowns. “I will.”

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