• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,651 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 7 - New Beginnings

Two pegasus medics approach quickly!

Arc looks over to Derpy. “We should probably get you to the hospital.”

Derpy nods. “Okay, but I think I can manage on my own.”

She moves to stand, but her back legs don't seem to work correctly.

Derpy looks up to Arc. “I don't know why, but I feel so... stiff.”

Arc picks Derpy up carefully. “Don’t worry. I got you.”

She smiles and rests her head momentarily on Arc’s chest. “Thank you, Arc…”

He carefully lays Derpy on a stretcher.

“You're going to be alright. I'll be along to see you as soon as I can.”

Derpy nods. “It's okay. I know you have other things to do besides see me.”

“I do... but few are more important than you right now.”

Arc nods to the paramedics who fly away toward Vanhoover Hospital carrying Derpy.

Coco Pommel approaches Arc very slowly and clumsily. “Hero of Light. I just wanted to... thank you... on behalf... of... of…”

Her voice trails off as she collapses to the ground unconscious! Her spear lands in the mud next to her. The orphans surround her along with Arc’s squad!

Xenos reaches her first. “Miss Pommel!”

Arc rushes forward to aid Coco Pommel! The orphans respectfully move aside! He puts two fingers to her throat!

“She's alive. But her pulse is very weak. She needs medical attention immediately!”

Arc picks up the unconscious mare! A strange look crosses his face momentarily. He looks to his squad. “I have to get Coco Pommel to the hospital! You four will see to it all the orphans make it there safely!”

Xenos steps forward. “But...! Yes sir...”

Arc turns to the townsponies. “EVERYONE MOVE!!!”

The crowd parts as Arc runs toward Vanhoover Hospital carrying the failing Coco Pommel in his arms! He is followed at a distance by the orphans and his squad! A few minutes later Arc bursts into Vanhoover Hospital!

“Coming through! Medical emergency!”

The nurse at the front desk immediately calls for assistance. In moments a doctor enters the waiting room with two orderlies and a gurney.

“What happened?!”

Arc lays Coco Pommel on the gurney. “She just collapsed! Her pulse at the time was sluggish, and her breathing was shallow! I got her here as fast as I could!”

The doctor turns to the orderlies. “Get her to Examination Room 2, stat!”

The orderlies rush Coco Pommel to Examination Room 2 as the doctor follows closely behind! Arc waits for the orphans and his squad in the Waiting Room. Several minutes later they arrive, panting heavily. Xenos is carrying Coco Pommel's spear. Hugh has Derpy's Spear of Hope. Max has Light's Bane which is wrapped in a blanket hurriedly taken from the Orphanage. And Viktor brings up the rear carrying Arc's helmet.

Xenos runs up to Arc frantically. “How is she?!”

Max joins him. “Xenos! Protocol!”

“It’s okay. The doctor is examining her as we speak. Hopefully we will know something soon. Don't worry Xenos! As soon as the doctor will allow it, you and I will see her together.”

Xenos hangs his head. “Yes sir. Thank you. Please... forgive me for my earlier outburst, commander.”

“It's in the past, Xenos. However, I want you look at the scene before you now.”

Xenos looks around the Waiting Room and sees that almost every seat is filled with a wet and very sad looking orphan waiting for word of Coco Pommel's condition.

Arc puts a hand on Xenos; shoulder. “They’re even more worried about Coco Pommel then you are... if that's possible. The only pony who has ever taken an interest in them... has ever shown them love... now lies in a hospital bed, her future as unknown as their own. Now... help me, help them!”

Max nods. “Xenos, we're all worried about Miss Pommel. But think of it from the Commander's point of view. He just fought a battle against an invincible creature of pure evil, almost sacrificed his life for us all, watched his friend die, saw his daughter exhibit a power previously unknown to pony-kind and had some kind of close encounter with... something of pure evil!”

Hugh and Viktor join them. “I guess you could say the Commander is having one hell of a bad day!”

“That and this day is far from over! What will become of the orphans?”

Arc looks over at the orphans. “We’ll think of something! I won't abandon them!”

Xenos salutes. “Yes Commander! I won't let you down again!”

Arc walks over to the nurse’s station. “Do you have a cafeteria here? These foals have had quite a rough day already and have yet to eat breakfast.”

“We only have a small cafe for hospital staff here. But for the Hero of Light we’ll make an exception. Although it is not nearly big enough to hold such a large group.”

“How about a Conference Room of some kind?”

“Yes sir. Right this way.”

Arc turns his head to the orphans. “Come with me, little ones! It's time for something to eat. Follow the nurse.”

The orphans and Dinky slowly obey. Aquamarine cautiously approaches Arc. She looks as sad as the others. “Thank you sir. But most of us don't really feel like eating right now.”

Arc nods as he glances Dinky sadly walking with the other foals. “Neither do I.”

The nurse leads everyone down several hallways. Eventually she opens a door and allows them to enter. “Here we are Hero of Light. I’ll have somepony bring some snacks over as soon as possible.”

“Thank you nurse. Keep us informed on Derpy and Coco Pommel's condition. We’ll wait here for word.”

The nurse smiles at him. “Yes sir I will! And... thank you for helping those poor orphans. They didn't deserve to go through all that.”

Arc nods as the nurse leaves. The orphans enter the room silently and sadly sit down. A few minutes later a different nurse brings some food in and sets it down on the table.

“Thank you.”

She nods her head and nervously leaves the room. Dinky slowly walks up to her father.


Arc kneels down to her level. “Yes sweetheart?”

“Is… is mom going to be okay?”

Arc nods. “I believe so, yes. Dinky, I'm really sorry you had to go through all that. But I want you to know I’m very proud of you for what you did back there! And not just today! This whole mission was a success thanks in no small part to you!

A small smile crosses the filly’s face. “Thanks dad. I never knew your job was so... hard!”

He sits down on the floor next to Dinky and puts his arm around her. “It's tougher than you realize. So many count of me to protect them that it can be overwhelming at times. How did you feel knowing the success of this mission was up to you, Dinky?”

“It was... kinda scary! I knew if I messed this up a lot of foals would be in danger! But... I wasn't too scared Dad! Because I knew you were there with me the whole time! If you hadn't been there, I don't think I could have pulled it off!”

Dinky looks around to see the hopeless looks on each of the foal’s sad, scared faces.

“Dad, I think I have something else to do right now.”

“Go ahead, sweetheart.”

Dinky jumps up on the conference room table. “Everypony listen to me! There’s no longer any reason for you to be afraid! Matron Tempest is gone forever, and we’re all together! I know all of you feel sad and alone right now, but remember, this is exactly how the Matron wanted you to feel! You have to fight it! You have to remember what if feels like to love... and be loved again!”

Pipsqueak looks up at Dinky. “But Dinky! Miss Pommel was the only one who really cared about us! While some of us remember our parents, others like me do not! I... I never knew what love felt like until I met Miss Pommel. Without her we feel... completely alone in this world.”

Dinky jumps down in front of Pipsqueak and gives him a hug. “You’re not alone any more, Pipsqueak. I'm here with you too.”

Aquamarine walks over. “Dinky. Tell us! How can you be so strong?! You were fearless this morning when you stood up to the Matron! We all thought it was the end for you when you charged straight at her!”

“Somepony had to stand up for what's right. My dad taught me that. My courage comes from him. I know he'll always be there for me, as he always has been since he adopted me.”

She runs to her father. Arc kneels down and recalls his armor as Dinky jumps into his arms.

“Well said, Dinky.”

Pipsqueak and Aquamarine look over at the pair as they hug. Dinky sees this and looks to Pipsqueak.

“Dinky? You're... not really his daughter?”

Aquamarine puts a hoof to her chin. “Well... I guess that makes sense. The Hero of Light isn't even a pony! But... without his armor he does look like a really nice individual.”

Dinky looks to Pipsqueak. “You’ve never known a loving embrace, have you?”

He shakes his head. “Other than Miss Pommel, no.”

Arc and Dinky look at each other and nod. They both turn to Pipsqueak and extend a hand/hoof toward him. Pipsqueak smiles and runs toward the pair and joins them in a hug! Tears of joy fill his now closed eyes!

“Thank you, Dinky! Thank you, Hero of Light!”

Arc looks over at the rest of the orphans and motions for them to join him and Dinky. They slowly walk forward and embrace Arc, Dinky and each other in a group hug the likes of which Equestria had never seen before, tears of happiness are in every eye!

“Don't worry, my little ponies. I’ll see to it you are cared for properly from now on.”

Aquamarine looks up to Arc. “Thank you sir! I know you won't let us down!”

The group hug lasts for several moments before a brown filly speaks up. “Um… sir?”

“Yes? What is it?”

“I’m kinda hungry now.”

All assembled laugh together as Arc gestures to the snacks! “Eat well, all of you! If more is needed, I’ll order more be brought!”

The orphans eat and rest on the floor together. After an hour or so a nurse enters the room. “Hero of Light? We have news for you regarding a Miss Derpy Hooves.”

Dinky jumps up! “My mom?! How is she?!”

“Will Derpy be all right, nurse?”

“Considering the wound, she’s doing very well. Her back legs aren't working as they should at the moment due to nerve damage from the injury.”

Arc is suddenly worried. “What now?”

“The doctor would like to see you as soon as possible to go over her options. We also need to notify her relatives. Can you give us some family background?”

He sighs. “Derpy has no family... at least none who give a damn about her.”

Dinky points to her father. “The Hero of Light here is the closest thing to family my mom has right now!”

The nurse nods. “Very well. We shall defer any important decisions to you then sir!”

“Thank you. Now, what about Coco Pommel?”

“She is still unresponsive, but resting peacefully. The doctor would also like to speak with you on the events that led up to her being admitted. If you would follow me please...”

The nurse gestures to the door as Arc turns to his squad. “Take care of these little ones in my absence. I'll return as quickly as I can.”

His squad nods. Xenos quickly steps forward! “Commander… might I…”

Arc nods. “Yes Xenos. You may come as well.”

“Thank you sir!”

Arc looks over to the orphans. “I'll let you know how Miss Pommel is doing when I return. Come with me Dinky.”

The orphans smile and wave as Arc leaves the room with his daughter and Xenos. The nurse leads Arc to a decent sized hospital room. She stops outside the door and turns to face him.

“I didn't want to say anything about it in front of the foals, but... Ms. Coco Pommel's condition is... not good, to say the least. The doctor will tell you more inside.”

Xenos gulps as Arc opens the door. “Thank you nurse.”

Arc walks into the hospital room with Dinky and Xenos. In one bed lies a groggy Derpy. In the other is an unconscious Coco Pommel. There are many machines hooked up to her. A respirator and heart monitor are the only ones Arc can readily identify. He walks over to the doctor as Xenos stands dutifully next to Coco Pommel's bed dutifully.

“You wanted to see me doctor?”

The doctor looks up from his clipboard. “Yes. Thank you for coming, Hero of Light! It is such an honor to meet you!"

They turn to Derpy.

“I'll get right to the point. Can you hear me, Miss Hooves?”

Derpy looks around, her eyes unfocused. “Yes… where are my muffins?”

The doctor looks back to Arc. “She's not completely coherent, and keeps asking for muffins for some reason.”

“I understand. Dinky?”

“I do too, dad!”

Arc walks over to her bedside and holds her hoof in his hand as Dinky does the same on the opposite side of the bed.

He squeezes her hoof gently. “Dinky and I are right here now, Derpy. Don't worry. Everything is going to be fine!”

Derpy smiles weakly as she looks at them through unfocused eyes. “My muffins!”

The doctor goes over her chart. “When the spear pierced her back, it did quite a bit of damage to her spinal cord. We can perform surgery to try and repair the damage, but in her weakened condition she may not survive the procedure. There is also no guarantee the surgery will be successful.”

Arc doesn’t look up from Derpy’s face. “And if you don't operate?”

“The nerves will deteriorate rapidly until she loses all feeling and use of the lower part of her body including her bowels and bladder. But at least she will be alive! Normally, I would ask her what she wants to do! But as you can see, she is in no condition to make such an important decision for herself! I'm sorry I don't have better news for you two. After what you have done for those poor foals... I wish I could do more for your friend here.”

“Dad. What should we do?!”

Arc thinks for a moment. “I believe Derpy would want you to perform the surgery, doctor. Please... make my friend whole again! She wouldn't want to go through the rest of her life in a... diaper.”

“Very well. I will schedule the operation for some time later today. Now... about Miss Pommel... can you tell me more about what was happening when she collapsed?”

Arc recounts the events of that morning leading up to Coco Pommel being rushed to the hospital as they make their way over to her bedside.

The doctor considers what he hears before continuing. “I'm not much for understanding this new kind of magic. But it does explain a few things.”

Xenos looks up, hopeful! “It does?!”

“Yes. Now normally when a pony uses a lot of energy, as she did, they simple pass out and have to sleep to regain their faculties. While it is resting, the body converts some of its stored fat to energy to help the healing process. Miss Pommel however doesn't have that luxury.”

The doctor pulls back the hospital blanket. Coco Pommel’s body is sickeningly thin! All her ribs are showing and her toothpick like legs appear to have little between the bone and skin!

Xenos turns away as he cries and dry heaves! “Miss Pommel... I'm so sorry! If we had just arrived sooner...”

The doctor again covers Coco Pommel’s frame and looks to Arc. “In all my years of practicing medicine, I've NEVER seen anypony so emaciated! How she is still alive is beyond my understanding!”

Arc’s face is grim. “She forced herself to stay alive... for the foals.”

“We’ve been feeding her intravenously. It's a good thing you got her here when you did. Too much later and she wouldn’t have the slight chance she does now. Since arriving , her heart has stopped twice and she was having so much difficulty breathing that we put her on a respirator. She hasn’t opened her eyes since arriving here, which is for the best.”

Xenos takes Coco Pommel's undersized hoof and holds it as his own shakes from emotion. The doctor looks over to him.

“Please be very gentle with her. Her bones are also deteriorated to the point they may very easily break.”

Xenos nods. “Miss Pommel? It… it’s Xenos… I’m here for you now.”

Coco Pommel’s ear closest to Xenos twitches. Arc looks to the doctor for advice.

“Can she hear us?”

“Probably. Although she most likely lacks the strength to respond in a manner we would understand.”

Arc turns to Xenos. “I want you to stay with Coco Pommel until further notice. Alright?”

Xenos doesn’t take his eyes off her. “Yes sir. Thank you… for everything.”

He feels a small squeeze on his hoof! Coco Pommel’s lips move, but her voice is too weak to be heard. “Sir! I think Coco Pommel is trying to tell us something!”

“What is it?!”

“I can't understand her. Doctor, can we take her off the respirator? Just for a moment!”

The doctor nods. “Very well. But just for a moment!”

The doctor carefully removes the respirator and Xenos leans in close to Coco Pommel. She whispers something in his ear. Xenos raises his head and the doctor puts the respirator back on her face.

“Could you make anything out?”

“It was just a few words. She said "Derpy", "Spear", "Holy" and "Light". Do you know what she meant?”

“I think I may. Xenos give me Coco Pommel's spear.”

Xenos looks at the spear in his hoof, confused. “Huh? I'm sorry sir. I actually forgot I was holding this thing!”

Arc takes it and sits down on the floor with the spear in his lap, concentrating. “Hmmm... this is similar to Derpy's Spear of Hope. However, the power coming from it feels very different at the same time.”

“What is it, dad?”

Arc opens his eyes to look at the spear in his hand. “This… this is the Spear of Devotion!”

Xenos nods his head with conviction! “I cannot think of anypony more worthy to hold this weapon than Coco Pommel herself!”

“I agree, but right I need to borrow its power.”

“What for dad?”

“You’ll see dear. Now I need to concentrate.”

He walks to the foot of Derpy's bed and holds the spear at his side for a few minutes, attempting to understand the power within. Arc then raises the weapon over his head!

“Holy Light!”

The room is filled with a bright light which focuses on Derpy. While it lasts only a few seconds, no one speaks in the room for a solid minute afterwards.

Arc takes Derpy’s hoof in his hand and speak to her softly. “Derpy? Can you hear me?”

Derpy’s eyes become more focused and she is suddenly more coherent. She nods.

“Yes, Arc.”

Arc moves to the foot of the bed and lifts the sheet. “Can you move your left hoof for me?”

Derpy does so, albeit stiffly.

“Now the right hoof.”

She repeats the process.

“How do you feel now?”

Derpy yawns. “Tired. Like I want to sleep for a week!”

“Good job Derpy. Get some rest now. I'll take care of Dinky so you can concentrate on getting better.”

The doctor can only stand there in utter disbelief!


Arc turns to walk away, but collapses to one knee.


Dinky runs to her father’s side. “Dad!”

As his daughter helps him up, Arc slowly stands. “I'm okay! That… just took a lot out of me.”

A small voice can be heard behind him.


“M-Miss Pommel!”

The doctor steps forward and removes the respirator to allow her to speak.

“Listen... to me! Are... they... safe...?”

Xenos does his best to respond through the tears. “Yes! All the orphans are safe here in the hospital!”

Coco Pommel looks to him. “Please... help me up. Take me... to them.”

Xenos shakes his head fervently! “What?! No! You have to rest!”

She looks Xenos in the eye, a pleading tone in her voice. “Please... Xenos. Without me... who will... look after... them”

Arc steps forward. “I will Coco Pommel. There is plenty of room for them at my base in Ponyville for the time being. You just rest and worry about getting better.”

She smiles up at Arc weakly as her voice fades. “Thank... you... Hero... of... Light...”

Coco Pommel again loses consciousness.

“Rest well.”

Arc turns to the doctor. “Is there anything we can do for her?”

The doctor shakes his head. “No. I assure you we are doing everything in our power to help her. However, this will still be an uphill battle for her! We’ll continue monitoring her and feeding her nutrients. Her body weight must come up!”

Arc sighs. “Yes. When I first picked her up, I found she didn't weigh that much more than Dinky!”

“I will re-examine Miss Hooves here and let you know what I find.”

“Thank you doctor. I’ll come see when I get back. The foals and I need to head back to the Orphanage for a few things before we leave town.”

The doctor nods as Arc walks back to Derpy's bedside and looks over her for a moment before smiles and gently squeezing her hoof. He softly kisses her forehead before pulling back to leave the room with Dinky. “Get well soon, Derpy.”

Arc and Dinky return to the Conference Room. The foals all jump up as they enter and run to them! Pipsqueak gets there first closely followed by Aquamarine!

“How is Miss Pommel?!”

“Is she going to be okay?! Can we see her?!”

Arc shakes his head. “The doctor says she’s very weak from not eating very well for so long. Sorry, but she needs rest at the moment. Everything that can be done is being done!”

Pipsqueak turns to Dinky. “And your mom, Dinky. How is she?”

“She... she was facing a risky surgery. Then Miss Pommel woke up long enough to tell us how to heal her with her spear!”

Aquamarine looks at the Spear of Devotion in Arc’s hand. “Wow! But... where did she find this thing?”

Arc shrugs. “I'm curious of that as well. Hopefully she can answer that question for us soon.”

The brown filly from earlier starts to cry. “What... what will happen to us now?! I don't want to go back to the Orphanage!”

All the orphans look to Arc for guidance.

“I told Coco Pommel that I would take you all back to Ponyville while she recovers. There are lots of extra beds and plenty of space for everyone at my Command Center.”

Pipsqueak and Aquamarine look to one another as the other foals jump up and down happily!

“You mean... we're going to be LIVING with the Hero of Light?!”

“This is going to be awesome!”

The brown filly looks to Arc happily! “When do we leave?!”

“We have a few things to do first. Like head back to the Orphanage for your things. You won't be coming back here for a while.”

Pipsqueak smiles! “Hopefully never!”

The rain has stopped and the sun has come out. Arc leads the foals back to the New Beginnings Orphanage. The townsponies can't help but smile as they pass! They have never seen the orphans so happy before! Arriving at the Orphanage the foals quickly run inside, quietly gather their few meager possessions in their saddlebags and leave as quickly as possible!

Meanwhile Arc walks over to the spot where Tempest met her end. All that is left of her are a few scraps of armor and her damaged Hoof Cannons. He picks up the damaged weapons and looks them over before putting them in his satchel as the orphans rush out the back door with Pipsqueak and Aquamarine in the lead!

“I hope we never come back here again!”

“Agreed! I kept feeling like the Matron would pop out from every shadow in there!”

Arc places a sigil in the orphanage’s yard before turning to the gathered foals. “Don’t worry. You’ll be safe with me!

As the group heads back toward the hospital, a shadowy but familiar figure watches them leave from the former matron’s office window.


The party returns to the hospital where they are joined by Arc’s squad, minus Xenos, in the waiting room. Max salutes at his approach.

“Commander! The doctor is waiting for you in his office.”

“Thank you. Watch over the orphans here while I go see him.”


A nurse guides Arc to the doctor’s office. She knocks on the door before entering.

“The Hero of Light is here to see you, doctor.”

“Thank you nurse. You may go.”

The nurse leaves as the doctor stands up and walks to Arc. “I must admit, this has me absolutely stunned! My re-examination of Ms. Hooves shows no nerve damage whatsoever! She’s going to be just fine after a day or two of rest!”

Arc breathes a sigh of relief! “Good! I don't suppose there has been any change in Coco Pommel's condition?”

“She’s still very weak, but breathing on her own most of the time now. She could use a short visit before you leave with the foals.”

“I’ll bring two of the orphans to see her then. We won't be long. May I bring Derpy home with me today?”

The doctor considers this for a moment. “Very well. I see no reason for her to need constant medical care. But under no circumstances is she to exert herself. See to it she rests and sees her own doctor in the morning.”

Arc nods. “I will doctor. Thank you for all your help!”

As Arc turns to leave the doctor calls out after him. “Sir! Take good care of those little ones please.”

Arc nods and walks back to the Waiting Room. Everyone looks up at him expectantly!

“Good news Dinky! Your mother can come home tonight!”


Pipsqueak appears nervous. “What about Miss Pommel?”

Arc shakes his head. “Sorry. The doctor says she’s still too weak to be moved. However, two of you can see her for a very short visit.”

Dinky points a hoof. “I think Aquamarine and Pipsqueak should be the ones to go.”

The rest of the foals nod in agreement!

“Alright. Dinky, you wait here with the others. I'll be back soon with your mother so we can all go home together.”

“Okay dad!”

He turns to Aquamarine and Pipsqueak.

“Both of you follow me.”

Arc leads them to Derpy and Coco Pommel’s hospital room. As his hand touches the doorknob he stops and turns to the pair. “Now listen. Coco Pommel is very weak right now. Keep your voices low and don't get her excited, all right?”

The pair nod their heads, smiling. They enter the room quietly and follow Arc over to the bed. Xenos steps back to allow the foals to visit with a semi-conscious Coco Pommel.

Arc speaks quietly. “Coco Pommel? I’ll be taking the orphans back to my base shortly. Pipsqueak and Aquamarine are here to see you before we go.”

She nods slowly. Arc leaves the pair next to Coco Pommel and heads over to Derpy. She smiles weakly as he approaches and sits down on the bed next to her.

“How are you feeling, Derpy?”

“Much better, thanks in no small part to you! Where's Dinky?”

“In the Waiting Room with the rest of the foals. Don't worry, you'll be coming home with us today.”

Derpy looks up at him happily! “Really?!”

“Yes, but on the condition that you must rest and see Dr. Horse in the morning.”

She nods. “Okay! It will be good to finally be home.”

“Agreed. Wait here a minute. I'll tell Pipsqueak and Aquamarine it's time to go.”

Arc walks back to Coco Pommel's bed and looks to the foals. “Time to go you two. Let's give Coco Pommel some time to rest.”

Coco Pommel smiles at the pair before turning her attention to Arc. “Thank you for visiting you two. Please, take good care of them, Hero of Light. These little ones... they mean everything to me!”

“Understood. Don't worry about a thing. I'll take good care of them.”

Arc turns to Xenos.

“Xenos, keep me up to date on Coco Pommel's condition. If anything changes, call Raven at Light's Hope. I'll talk to the hospital before I leave and make sure they don't put anypony else in here with you two. Use the other bed to get some sleep soon! You look like hell!”

Xenos salutes Arc wordlessly. The foals head toward the door as Arc walks back to Derpy's bed and carefully picks her up, taking great pains not to disturb the bandages around her midsection. Derpy winces in pain!

“Sorry Derpy. But we'll be back at Light's Hope soon!”

Arc carries Derpy back to the Waiting Room followed by Aquamarine and Pipsqueak.

“Okay, I'm going to set you down for a moment now Derpy.”

Derpy nods as Arc sets her down on a bench next to Dinky. She gently strokes her mother’s mane as Arc walks over to the front desk.

“Nurse, I am returning to my base in Ponyville with the orphans. I’m also leaving a guard behind to look after Coco Pommel. Please do not assign any other patients to that room!”

“Yes, Hero of Light, I will make a note of that. Please take good care of the orphans! They need somepony to look up to!”

“I’ll do my best.”

Arc walks to the center of the room and calls forth his gauntlet. In a moment he opens a portal back to Light’s Hope.

“Okay, this portal will take us back to Ponyville. Dinky, lead the way!”

Dinky smiles and trots toward the portal. “Here we go!”

She and the other foals enter the portal one at a time along with the squad. Arc walks over to Derpy and carefully picks her up. Arc and Derpy bring up the rear as the last foal walks through. Meanwhile… back at Light’s Hope Ember leans against Raven’s desk in the Main Hall.

“...and that's how it all went down in Tartarus.”

Raven claps her hooves at the story! “Wow! What an exciting life you and the Hero of Light must lead! I wish I could...”

She is interrupted as a portal opens on the sigil and foals start pouring through. Ember raises an eyebrow at the two dozen foals who now fill the Main Hall!

“My oh my! What has Arc gotten us into now?”

Dinky trots up to Ember happily! “Hi Ember! We’re home!”

“Welcome back! I trust everything went well?”

“Um... it didn't quite go according to plan. I'm sure my dad will fill you in later.”

Ember can only stand there, surrounded by foals who are happily talking and laughing! A bit angrily she narrows her eyes! “Yes… yes he will.

The squad exits the portal with Arc right behind them carrying Derpy. Ember looks at the bandaged and battered Derpy and the two extra spears they carry and shakes her head. “Oh, I can’t WAIT to hear this one!”

Arc walks toward Ember. “How are things here, Ember?”

“Well, they WERE fine until just a moment ago. Then we were invaded by an army of tiny ponies!”

“I'll explain in a little while. Let me take care of a few things first. Meet me in my quarters.”

A grin suddenly spreads across Ember’s face! “Now you’re talking my language!”

Arc rolls his eyes as a couple Royal Guards approach him and take the mare from his arms. “Take Derpy to one of the Guest Rooms and make sure she is comfortable before you leave her. Derpy, I'll come and see you before too long.”

She nods. “Take your time, Arc. I know you have a lot of things to do.”

The Royal Guards salute and carefully carry Derpy to bed. Dinky follows them closely. Arc turns to his squad.

“Take those spears and lock them in the vault. Then you may retire for the night.”

They salute him and leave to carry out their orders as Arc turns back to the foals.

“Alright. Everyone follow me to the barracks. I want you all to get a good night's sleep. Tomorrow I’ll give you a tour of the base.”

Arc and the foals walk sleepily down the hall toward the Barracks. He quickly spots Flash Sentry asleep on his bunk. Walking over to him, Arc gives the bunk a few kicks! “Sergeant! Wake up!”

Flash Sentry rubs his eyes sleepily. “Hey! Who…?”

The sergeant looks up see Arc staring down at him. He jumps out of bed and salutes!

“My apologies, commander!”

“It's fine Sergeant. I need you do something for me. These foals need a place to sleep. Assign them bunks and see to it they are comfortable. Then report to my quarters for further orders.”

Flash Sentry appears momentarily surprised to be surrounded by two dozen foals! “Yes sir! I'll see to it immediately!”

Arc turns to the foals. “Good night little ones. We'll talk more in the morning!”

They nod sleepily. Arc leaves the barracks and walks to the Guest Quarters to check on Derpy and Dinky. He knocks and then enters the room. Derpy is already lying down on her side. Dinky is coming out of the bathroom as Arc enters.

“Just checking on you two. Everything okay?”

Derpy smiles up at him. “Yes, thank you Arc.”

“How are the other’s, dad?”

“I think they’ll settle in nicely. All of them looked pretty tired when I left them with Flash Sentry. Tomorrow will be another busy day!”

Derpy looks at Arc with a concerned look on her face. “You should get some rest too Arc! This day hasn't exactly been a picnic for you either!

Arc sighs. “I wish I could, but I have to teleport over to Canterlot and appraise the princesses of what happened on our mission. While I’m there I’ll deposit Light's Bane in the Royal Armory.”

Dinky runs over and gives her father a much needed hug! “Don't work too hard dad!”

As he returns the hug. “Thanks. I needed that sweetheart!”

Dinky climbs into the bed with her mother. Arc walks over and kisses each of them on the forehead before heading for the door. “Good night you two. I'll see you in the morning.”

The pair nod as Arc leaves the room. He proceeds to his quarters to find Flash Sentry waiting for him just outside the door.

“Mission accomplished, Commander!”

“Very good. I must go to Canterlot at once and report on my previous mission. I want you to personally see to it the Training Room and Armory are kept locked at all times until further notice. Other than those two areas, the foals should be able to go pretty much anywhere tomorrow. After you do that, feel free to go back to bed.”

“Yes sir!

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