• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 14 - Making Progress

A week or so later Arc and Sunburst walk through Canterlot Castle’s Hanger together. Arc turns to the stallion.

“How goes the research and development?”

“Oh, very well, sir. But it really took a turn for the better when you brought us machines to reverse engineer.”

“Yes well… we don’t have time for your team to do it the old-fashioned way.”

Sunburst sighs. “I suppose not. But it still feels like cheating. Acquiring information from other’s designs.”

“Well, I see it more like equalizing at this point. We’re going to need every advantage at our disposal if we’re going to pull this off.”

“Yes sir.”

They approach a large workshop. An entire detail of soldiers stands guard. They salute and part as Arc and Sunburst approach. Arc turns to the commanding officer.

“Anything to report?”

“No, sir.”

Arc gestures to the workshop. “What’s in there?”

“Nothing, sir.”

“Very good. Carry on.”

The soldiers turn and look away as Arc and Sunburst enter the workshop. They walk down a makeshift center isle as numerous sages and engineers work on various miscellaneous projects all around them. Sunburst speaks as they walk.

“As you can see, we’re busy manufacturing parts for the additional support you’ll need, sir.”

Arc nods approvingly. “Quite the undertaking, I’m sure.”

“That it is.”

The pair proceed to the center of the room. Hard Hat and Stellar Flare are hard at work at their respective drafting tables. They look up and walk over as Arc and Sunburst approach.

Stellar Flare smiles at him. “Good day, sir.”

Hard Hat grins. “Welcome to our little factory!”

Arc looks around. “It sure looks like it at the moment. Tell me, how are things going?”

“I gotta tell you, sir. Human engineering really is something to behold.”

Stellar Flare nods. “Agreed. But it lacks a certain element of finesse.”

“It does?”

“Yes. Sadly it’s also rather inefficient due to its fuel source.”

Sunburst turns to Arc. “I have to agree with my mother, sir. A combustion engine can only do so much.”

Arc grins. “Let me guess. You’ve reworked it to run on magic?”

Stellar Flare nods with evident pride. “We have, sir!”

Hard Hat holds out a blueprint. “The basic concept of the engine is still the same though. It just needed a few different, and more durable, parts to make this a reality.”

Sunburst gestures to a large set of parts on a nearby table. “We’ve machined these out of pure adamantium then enhanced their durability further by infusing them with magic.”

Stellar Flare grins. “At the very least you won’t have to worry about wear and tear of the most critical components.”

Arc nods approvingly. “What about the vehicle’s body?”

Stellar Flare beckons him over with a wave of her hoof. “Right over here, sir.”

She leads the group to a section of the workshop surrounded by a large curtain. On a large machine lift sits the half completed shell of a large vehicle. It appears to be a mix between a box truck and a tank.

“Here it is, sir.”

Hard Hat thumps a hoof on several panels nearby. “The walls are made of enriched mithril, sir. We wanted to keep the body light, but durable.”

Sunburst nods. “Indeed. However the frame is made of a blend of adamantium and titanium to make it strong and heavy.”

Stellar Flare sighs. “Even still, we had to add extra weight down below to keep it from being too top heavy.”

Arc appears surprised. “Even with the body being so light?”

Hard Hat nods. “You voiced a desire to make the engine powerful enough to take curves at high speed, sir. This was the best way we could think of to do that in addition to keeping the frame low to the ground. That’s in addition to our magical stabilizers, of course.”

Sunburst puts a hoof on the frame. “Originally I thought this was to compensate for the recoil of the vehicle’s weapon systems.”

Stellar Flare turns to Arc. “As did I. However I don’t see any on the blueprints. Was that perhaps an oversight, sir?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. I want everything to be put into armor and speed. We’re going with flight over fight on this one.”

Hard Hat grimaces. “Begging your pardon, sir. But if you were to come up against a force that couldn’t be outrun you would be defenseless.”

“I’m worried about collateral damage. There’s a good chance we’ll have to make a hasty retreat, yes. However, I don’t want to hurt any bystanders.”

Sunburst sighs. “That may be unavoidable, sir.”

“Maybe. But my decision on this matter is final.”

“Yes sir.”

Arc turns to Stellar Flare. “Besides, I don’t want anything that would take away from the power going to the engine and the defensive system. How’s that coming along?”

Stellar Flare sighs. “Not too well, I’m afraid.”

Hard Hat nods soberly. “The ORB is already a pretty complicated and new technology. Trying to shrink it down small enough to fit on this vehicle might just be impossible, sir.”

Sunburst gestures to several schematics pinned to the wall. “It might be possible, yes. However, not with our current understanding of it. We’d need a significant amount of time and research devoted to this.”

Arc purses his lips. “Time we don’t have.”

Stellar Flare shudder. “What should we do then, sir? If human weapons are anything like what we’ve heard, you won’t get far without shields.”

Hard Hat puts a hoof to his chin. “There is one possible solution.”

Arc grins. “I’m all ears.”

Hard Hat turns to Sunburst. “What if the energy didn’t need to be stored?”

Sunburst appears confused. “But it needs a power source of some kind.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin. “You mean could we power it in real time?”

Hard Hat nods. “Yes sir.”

“Sunburst, could that work?”

“It’s a very real possibility, yes. However something like that would require a very powerful unicorn to maintain.”

Stellar Flare turns to Arc. “Or several unicorns working together.”

Hard Hat looks Arc over. “Sir, couldn’t you power the ORB yourself?”

“I could, yes. However, I need to be free to focus on the battle at hand. And there’s always the possibility that I won’t be there.”

Sunburst frowns. “Not be there? But where else would you…?”

“There’s no guarantee that I’ll make it out of that facility with them. If things go bad, I’ll buy the others as much time as I can to get away.”

Stellar Flare turns to him soberly. “Sir? I’d like to volunteer to power the ORB during the escape.”


“I’d certainly be able to keep the shields up for an extended period of time.”

Arc shakes his head. “Very commendable of you, Stellar Flare. But I need you to do your part aboard The Equinox. The ship will need its Chief Engineer then more than ever in case something goes wrong with my plan.”

Sunburst steps forward. “Sir? What about me?”


“I have powerful magic. Probable more so than my mom actually.”

Stellar Flare’s eye twitches. “WHAT?! NO!”

“Mom, somepony has to do this.”

“But why YOU?!”

Sunburst sighs. “Because…”

Arc shakes his head. “You’re needed here.”

“I am?”

“Yes. You’re part of my plan back here in Equestria. If things go south, as I’m very certain they will, you’ll need to see to it reinforcements are safely sent to Earth to finish the job.”

“Yes sir.”

Hard Hat sighs. “That doesn’t bring us any closer to powering the ORB though.”

Arc turns to Stellar Flare. “What about an alternative battery of some kind?”

“But sir, no such thing exists.”

Sunburst looks suddenly nervous.

“That’s… not entirely true, mom.”

“Yes it is. If there was some way to store that much energy I’d certainly know about it.”

Arc frowns. “Maybe not. That is, if it were ancient, secret, and hidden away.”

“I suppose that’s true. What are you referring to though, sir?”

“The Bloodstone.”

Hard Hat appears confused. “The what?”

Sunburst sighs. “A source of theoretically endless magical energy.”

Stellar Flare’s face lights up. “That’s perfect! Now all we have to do is find it!”

“It’s in the Royal Armory, mom.”

Hard Hat puts a hoof to his chin. “Do you suppose the princesses would let us borrow it?”

Sunburst grimaces. “I certainly hope not!”

Stellar Flare looks to her son, confused. “Why not? It would certainly solve this problem.”

“Because it’s an endless source of Dark Magic!”

Arc sighs.. “I took it from King Malevolence in Tartarus some time ago. He was going to use it to power a device that would blow open the gates and escape.”

Sunburst nods soberly. “That’s why we locked it away! Nopony in Equestria could safely control its power! Other than a dark creature, that is!”

Arc smirks. “A dark creature, you say?”

“Yes. But they’d certainly only want the power for themselves. We can’t entrust the Bloodstone to just anypony!”

“How about a demon?”

Sunburst sighs. “Yes, of course they COULD in theory control its power. But they can’t be trusted.”

“I know one we could.”

Stellar Flare gasps. “You… you KNOW a demon, sir?!”

Arc nods. “Yes. And I’m certain she can be trusted not to run off with the Bloodstone, or destroy the world, or whatever.”

Hard Hat grits his teeth nervously. “How can you be so sure, sir?”

“Because she already had the chance to do so twice.”

They are silent for a time as Arc continues.

“Now I know you all have your reservations about this. But I need you to trust me.”

Sunburst gasps. “But…!”

“It’s either this or we go back to the powerful unicorn argument. And that got us nowhere, remember?”

Stellar Flare sighs. “If you believe it to be the only course of action, I trust you, sir.”

Hard Hat nods soberly. “Me too.”

Sunburst groans. “I’ll… speak to the princesses about this.”

Arc shakes his head. “No, Sunburst. I will.”

Stellar Flare gasps. “But sir…!”

“The idea was mine. I should be the one to broach the subject.”

Hard Hat grimaces at the thought. “They won’t be very happy to hear that you want to take something from the Armory, sir.”

“All the more reason I should go.”

They nod respectfully as Arc turns to leave.

“Keep at it. I’ll be back in a little while.”

Heading for the door Arc opens it as Spike comes into view on the other side. He is pushing a tea set on a small cart.

“Oh! Uh… hi, Arc.”

“Hey Spike. Looking for Sunburst?”

Spike nods nervously. “Y-yes sir! It’s time for them to take a break.”

Arc points behind him with a thumb. “They’re at their workbenches.”


Arc steps aside to allow the dragon to enter before stepping over the threshold himself. Spike turns and calls out after him.


Arc stops and turns around. “Yes, Spike?”

“I… um… it’s just… I…”

“Something wrong?”

“Kinda. I mean… I… wanted to ask how things were going back on Earth.”

“Oh. Just fine. Truth be told we’re waiting on progress here before moving forward on that end.”

“That’s… good. Take care!”

Arc nod and closes the door behind him. Spike sighs and continues pushing his cart toward Sunburst and the others.

“I couldn’t tell him. What would Ember think if she could see me now?”

Meanwhile, Arc returns to the interior of the castle. He heads for the Audience Chamber as he muses to himself.

“This will probably be the biggest favor I’ve asked for yet. Sure hope they go for it.”

Arriving, he is admitted at once. Motioning for the guards to leave, the princesses step down from their thrones and walk over to him. Luna is the first to speak.

“Should we speak in private?”

Arc nods nervously. “Considering what I have to say, yes.”

Cadance gestures to the office door as she turns to Arc. “After you.”

Nodding, Arc heads for the door. He holds it open as Luna and Cadance enter first. They sit down on a couch as he closes it behind them. Luna smiles at him.

“Now then, what can we do for you today, Arc?”

“Well… it has to do with the vehicle Sunburst and the others are building.”

Cadance nods. “Do they need more bits for materials?”

Arc shakes his head. “I don’t believe so, no. Truth be told, what we need can’t be bought.”


“I’ll be blunt, Luna. We need… something rather dangerous from the Royal Armory.”

Luna narrows her eyes. “How dangerous an item are we talking about?”

“The Bloodstone.”

Cadance shudders. “So VERY dangerous then.”

Arc nods soberly. “Yeah.”

Luna sighs. “I’m almost afraid to ask this, but why do you need that vile… thing?”

“For a power supply. The miniature ORB system in the vehicle requires either a power source, such as the Bloodstone, or a very powerful unicorn to constantly supply power to it.”

Cadance appears hopeful. “How powerful a unicorn are we talking?”

“At least as powerful as Sunburst. It’s also worth noting that he already volunteered.”

Luna appears confused. “You don’t want to just take him with you?”

“No, no. He’s already part of my plan here. And he can’t be in two places at once.”

Cadance turns to Luna. “There are precious few whom have the magical aptitude to fit this bill.”

Luna nods soberly. “That is true.”

Cadance clears her throat. “Might I offer you an alternative, Arc?”

“Sure. I’d welcome a different solution.”

“If it would help, I’d be willing to go with you personally.”

Arc gasps. “What?!”

Luna frowns. “Cadance, you can’t!”

“I do possess extremely powerful magic. That and I’d very much like to help in rescuing Aunt Celestia.”

Arc sighs. “While I appreciate your bravery, Princess Cadance, I don’t believe that would be a good idea.”

“Why not?”

“Because I don’t believe Equestria could handle losing a second princess on Earth.”

Cadance frowns. “But I can’t be killed!”

Luna nods soberly. “That is true. However, they could also capture you and do… whatever it is they’re doing to my sister to you as well.”

Luna shudders before continuing.

“The risk is just too great.”

Cadance nods sadly. “Very well, Luna. But that would leave us no other choice but to allow Arc the use of the Bloodstone.”

Luna puts a hoof to her chin. “Maybe not.”

Arc turns to her. “Luna?”

“Even if we were to lend the Bloodstone to Arc, he would be unable to harness its power. That would require the cooperation of a dark creature. And where exactly would we find one of those whom could be trusted?”

“I was thinking of asking Auriel, actually.”

There is a stunned silence. Cadance is the first to speak.

“While I know this is a very pressing issue, can she… really be trusted with such a powerful relic?”

Arc nods. “Yes. She willingly turned the item over to us upon leaving Tartarus. That and she’s been nothing but friendly and helpful to Twilight since coming to Equestria.”

Luna frowns. “I’m… not sure if this is such a good…”

Arc interrupts her. “We can trust her. I’ll take full responsibility for the Bloodstone’s security and see it properly returned to the Armory upon our return.”

Luna thinks for a moment before sighing and bowing her head.

“We don’t have any other choice here, do we?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not that I can see, no.”

“Very well. Shall we head for the Armory now?”

“Yes. I’d like to bring Auriel and the Bloodstone to the workshop as soon as possible. She can help them adapt the ORB to accept the… alternative energy source.”

They leave the office and make their way down the corridor. Part way there Cadance turns to Luna.

“Luna, I’m curious. Why is it that only a creature, such as a demon, able to use the Bloodstone?”

“Because anypony else would quickly be corrupted by it.”

Arc turns to them, clearly concerned. “Uh… define ‘corrupted’.”

“Their mind, body, and soul would become twisted to match their evil desires. Truth be told, we have several such items in the Armory made of the same type of gemstone.”

Cadance gasps. “We do?”

Luna nods. “Yes. For example, the Alicorn Amulet. The red crystals give the user great power as you’ve witnessed in the past.. But at the cost of their sanity. You two remember what happened last time I’m sure.”

Arc frowns. “I’m still trying to forget.”

Cadance raises an eyebrow. “So you’re saying Trixie was insane at the time she used the amulet?”

“More or less. It removes the user’s inhibitions and self-control, leaving them free to pursue their heart’s desire.”

Arc nods. “Getting revenge on the one’s whom imprisoned her?”

Cadance sighs. “Well, Luna HAD just sentenced her.”

Luna bows her head. “It was certainly warranted.”

Arc sighs. “Agreed.”

Cadance frowns. “But she’s paid for her crimes!”

“Yes. Which is the only reason I allowed her to take a position with the Captain of the Royal Guard.”

Arriving at their destination the two princesses open the Armory and allow Arc to enter. He returns a few moments later with the Bloodstone in the palm of his gauntlet. Luna looks at it for a long moment before turning to Arc.

“Please keep it safe. It would be disastrous should the gem fall into the wrong hooves.”

Arc nods soberly. “I will. And thank you. It’ll stay in my ring when not in use.”

Cadance steps back, nervously. “We believe you, Arc. Please use it responsibly though.”

Arc opens a portal. “Yes, I’ll see to it. Now I need to head back to Ponyville and get this ball rolling with Auriel. Thanks again.”

He steps through and the portal collapses. Cadance turn to Luna as the pair close the Armory door together.

“You do believe that the demoness can be trusted, right?”

“I don’t know her well enough to make a decision on that. But I do know that we can trust Arc in this matter.”

Meanwhile, Arc reappears on the sigil in Derpy’s house. Stepping out the front door, he makes the quick walk to the Golden Oaks Library. Knocking he finds no response. With no other option, Arc opens the door and steps inside.

“Twilight? Auriel?”

Again the silence is deafening. Opening the basement door he walks downstairs. Looking around the lab yields no results. However Arc hears a small sound coming from a door nearby.

“They must be taking care of the plants.”

Stepping forward Arc opens the door to the makeshift greenhouse. Inside he finds Aurora sitting on the center of the floor with her eyes closed. Walking slowly toward her Arc kneels down and puts a hand on her shoulder.


She slowly opens her eyes and looks into his.

“We greet you warmly. Welcome to our home.”

Arc sits down on the floor across from her. “Um… thanks. I came to ask Auriel something. Do you happen to know where she went?”

“Yes. She and Twilight spoke to us prior to departing. They went to a place known as ‘Carousel Boutique’ to drink us.”

Cherry calls out. “Do what now?”

“Auriel had a bag of our dried leaves. She was planning to put them in hot water and drink them with Twilight and her friends.”

“Okay, so she went there for tea. Um… are you okay in here?”

Aurora nods. “Yes. We rather enjoy being surrounded by our numbers as they grow.”

Arc looks around. “Are they… happy here?”

“Very much so now that our purpose is clear. We look forward to our future transplanting.”

“Remind me of something. Did we explain what Tartarus is?”

“Yes. However, Auriel did elaborate further at a later time.”

Arc raises an eyebrow skeptically. “And you still want to do this?”


“Even though Tartarus isn’t hospitable to plants?”

“Upon The Collective’s arrival, we will do our very best inject the breath of life into the barren land. We view it as a great honor to be allowed to bring such a gift to a dark and forsaken land.”

Cherry giggles. “Arc and I are really impressed by your attitude, Aurora.”

“As are we toward yours.”

Arc appears confused. “Huh?”

“You and the others have done nothing since The Collective gained consciousness but cultivate and protect us. We know that some view plants as a nuisance. Others still view us as something to be sown, raised, ripped out of the ground, and destroyed to sustain the lives of others.”

“Sustain the lives of others?”

“They would regularly consume our flesh to continue living themselves. We used to fear the thought of being consumed. But now we embrace it as part of the circle of life. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to grow, adapt, and develop as a part of this circle.”

Arc smiles sheepishly. “I really didn’t do much.”

“You did more than you know. As our consciousness was one with your realm and mind, we assimilated much knowledge of the world and how it works.”

“You did?”

Aurora nods. “Yes. That is why we chose this form. It appeared many times throughout your memories. And most fondly, we might add.”

Cherry giggles. “Really?”

“Yes. We do have one question though. There were many thoughts in your head that were… odd to us.”

Arc frowns. “Define ‘odd’.”

“They did not have a specific time associated with them. However, in your mind they apparently happened.”

“I don’t understand.”

Cherry sighs. “I believe I do. What you’re describing is sometimes known as a ‘fantasy’. We imagine things we wish would happen in a certain way. Sometimes over and over again.”

Aurora smiles. “Ah! So this is a comfort to you?”

Arc nods. “Yes, very much so.”

Aurora puts a finger to her cheek thoughtfully. “Interesting. Arc, would you be willing to do something for us?”

“I can try. What do you need?”

“Please close your eyes.”

“Um… okay.”

He does so. Aurora takes a deep breath as she leans forward. Grabbing Arc by the front of his tunic she quickly pushes him onto his back. Arc’s eyes fly open as he hits the floor just in time to see Aurora’s face press against his. He feels her warm lips press onto his own as her arms wrap around his neck. Before he has any time to do or say anything the door to the room swings open and Twilight along with Auriel step inside.

“We’re back, Aurora. I hope…”

She and Auriel stop dead in their tracks as they survey the scene before them.

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