• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,657 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 15 - The Investigation Begins

Arc and Coco Pommel head back to his office slowly.

“Are you sure you don't want me to carry you Coco Pommel? It's no trouble!”

She shakes her head. “No thank you. It feels good to be able to stretch my legs!”

“Well, okay. Just don't overdo it!”

They enter Arc's office. Coco Pommel takes her place on the couch while Arc sits at his desk. He reaches for his phone and dials the front desk.

“Raven, send my squad, Flash Sentry, Derpy and Ember to my office please. We have work to do. Also, call the Baltimare Courthouse and see if you can get them to send over Ember's case file. I want to look over the evidence myself.”

Raven nods as she writes down his instructions. “Yes Commander! Should I have Saffron deliver some snacks to your office as well?”

“Are you kidding?! I've already had three meals today and it's not even 9:00 A.M.!”

Raven pauses. “So... only one tray of cupcakes then?”

“You know me so well! Thanks Raven!”

He hangs up the phone. A few minutes later Arc's squad, Ember, Derpy and Flash Sentry enter the office. The squad walks up to the desk and salutes.

“Reporting as ordered, sir!”

“At ease.”

Ember joins them. “We came as quickly as we could Arc! Is there trouble?!”

Arc shakes his head. “Well... no more than usual, I guess. Listen, I know this isn't going to be the most... glamorous task, but I need help going through all the files I confiscated from the New Beginning's Orphanage. Maybe we can learn something from them.”

There is a knock at the door. Arc turns his gaze to it.


Saffron enters the room carrying a tray of cupcakes.

“The cupcakes you asked for, Commander. Can I get anything else for you?”

“Yes. A steady supply of tea. I get the feeling this is going to take quite a while.”

“Yes, commander!”

Saffron leaves the room. Derpy smiles up at Arc playfully!

“Arc, don't you ever get tired of cupcakes?”

He smiles at her. “If they didn't want me to eat them, they shouldn't have made themselves so sweet and delicious!”

Ember facepalms and shakes her head. “Arc... I just don't know about you sometimes.”

Arc walks over to the first filing cabinet and pulls open a drawer. “Well, let's get to it then, shall we?”

Ember rolls her eyes and sighs as she walks forward. “Alright. Let's get this over with.”

Arc hands each of the assembled ponies and Ember a stack of files. He then sits down at his desk with a stack of his own.

Flash Sentry looks over at the commander. “Sir, what are we looking for exactly?”

“Anything that might link Tempest to something larger than being the worst caretaker in the history of the world! We know she was working with or for The Dark One. Now I want to see if there were others she was in cohorts with.”

Derpy nods. “Makes sense!”

Several hours pass without discovery. Arc rubs his eyes, exhausted.

“Anyone finding anything? Anything at all?”

All assembled shake their heads. Arc sighs.

“I know this might seem like a needle in a haystack job, but...”

Ember bolts upright! “This might be something! It seems Tempest sent regular correspondences to Canterlot Castle. Could she have been contacting Decimus?!”

Max thinks for a moment. “It certainly is possible. However, pretty much every government facility in Equestria is run from Canterlot. The Matron certainly would have sent regular reports on the comings and goings of day to day activities.”

Ember hold up the papers. “Well, it looks like the responses to those correspondences were sent in code!”

“What?! Let's have a look at it!”

Ember walks the papers over to Arc’s desk. He studies them carefully before looking to Max. “This is absolute gibberish to me!”

“May I take a look at it sir?”

“Sure, go ahead!”

Arc hands the papers to Max.

“Looks like some kind of military code. Hugh and I can probably crack it with enough time.”

Arc nods. “Head over to the Meeting Room and see what you can find out. The information contained within must be of at least some importance if it was deemed code-worthy!”

“Yes sir!”

Hugh and Max head over to the Meeting Room with pencils and paper. Derpy walks over to Arc’s desk.

“Anything in the Orphanage budget, Arc?”

Arc shakes his head. “I never realized until now just how much I hate numbers!”

Saffron enters with a fresh pot of tea and brings it over to a table in the corner of the room. Arc looks over to her, inspiration in his eyes!

“Saffron! Just the mare I needed to see! You're in charge of ordering all of the base's food supplies, right?”

She nods. “Yes Commander! Was there something special you wanted me to cook?”

“Nah, nothing like that. But you're quite good with the cost associated with running a facility like this. I want you to take a look at this budget sheet and tell me if it seems accurate to you.”

Saffron walks over to Arc's desk and looks over the food budget. “Hmmm... how many ponies were they feeding over there?”

“Officially, twenty-four foals and two mares.”

Saffron furls her brow. “These numbers do seem quite high for such a facility!”

Arc looks at her soberly. “What if I told you they were only fed twice a day, small portions, and not all of them got to eat every meal?”

“Then I would say these numbers are completely bogus! Even WE don't spend that kind of money on food! And we're feeding grown stallions here! Not foals!”

Ember chuckles. “Even with Arc's cupcake allowance?”

Arc looks over to Ember. “You leave my cupcakes out of this, Ember! A man's gotta have at least one vice!”

“I hope I was of some help, Commander!”

Arc nods. “You were. Thank you Saffron.”

Saffron leaves the room. Another hour passes. Derpy looks over to Coco Pommel.

“Coco Pommel, did the Orphanage undergo some kind of building project recently?”

“No. Why do you ask?”

“There's several requisitions here for construction materials!”

Coco Pommel gives Derpy a quizzical look. “That's odd. The only work around the orphanage I have witnessed over the years was just basic stuff. Patching the roof, painting the walls, a couple windows. Nothing major!”

Arc looks over to Derpy. “Let’s have a look then.”

Derpy walks the requisition forms over to Arc. He looks them over carefully.

“I'm no builder, but this is a fair amount of supplies! I'll have to run this by Hard Hat and ask his opinion on it. Good work, Derpy!”

Just then Xenos’ head snaps over to his commanding officer! “Sir! I may have found something! It looks like Tempest has a sister! There are several letters here from somepony named Cerulean Skies!”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “She even files her personal letters?”

Xenos nods. “Military efficiency, sir!”

“Wow… any postmark?”

“Yes sir! It looks like the letters all come from Baltimare.”

Arc thinks for a moment. “It might not be anything important, but I believe it's worth following up on. Good job!”

He dials the front desk. In a moment Raven answers.

“Yes sir?”

“Raven, I need the address of a mare in Baltimare named Cerulean Skies. Also, have you had any luck getting the Baltimare Courthouse to release Ember's case file?”

“About that commander. I just got off the phone with the courthouse. They claim no such case exists!”

Arc stands up angrily! “WHAT?! They sent someone to Tartarus over a case that they claim didn't happen?!”

Ember grimaces! “Oh, believe me... it happened!”

“Yes sir! According to them, there is no case involving Ember. Or any dragon for that matter.”

Arc sits back down and composes himself. “Understood. Thank you Raven. See if you can get me the address I asked for. I will take care of the matter of the missing case file... personally.”

“Yes commander!”

Arc hangs up the phone and the group continues going over the files. Sometime later, Viktor looks up.

“Sir, it seems Matron Tempest is quite the accomplished chemist!”

“What makes you say that?”

Viktor holds up a paper. “Requisitions here for quite a few different chemicals and lab equipment.”

“Any idea what she could have made with the chemicals?”

Viktor shakes his head. “No sir! There are any number of concoctions she could have whipped up with these!”


“Well, I see several items here that are solvents. That and the lab equipment... maybe she was trying to extract something? This is only a guess, sir!”

Arc nods. “I'll take it! Alright... I guess this time wasn't completely wasted, eh Ember?”

“What are you talking about?! We still aren't any closer to figuring out anything!”

He stands up. “Quite the opposite! We now know the following…

Arc walks over to the chalkboard and begins to write.

“One... the coded messages. What kind of Orphanage Matron would need to CODE a harmless message? Two... the food budget. Dinky and I verified that there is no way they are spending that kind of money on food over there! Three... requisitions for building materials. That wouldn't really warrant suspicion, if they had actually been building something. Four... a possible relative of Tempest. Just being related to a cold-hearted bastard doesn't make her one. But I still want to talk to her. And five... on an unrelated note, Baltimare Courthouse and the missing case file! I mean, come one! It's a file! It sits in a filing cabinet! How can it not be there?!”

Ember folds her arms over her chest. “Well, I guess when you put it like that…”

Flash Sentry looks over the information on the board. “That’s quite a lot to look into, sir!”

Arc walks back to stand in front of his desk. “Well, considering before we had no leads and now we have too many! I'll take the latter over the former any day though.”

There is a frantic pounding at the office door! Max and Hugh burst into the office, falling all over each other! Arc stoically leans against the desk.

“Can I assume you two found something of great interest in those coded messages?”

Hugh does his best to catch his breath! “Sir! These messages were from Captain Decimus!”

“He and Tempest have been corresponding for years!”

Arc leans forward, surprised! “What did they say?!”

“She was helping him with some kind of secret project! Apparently these messages were orders to Tempest to meet him at "the usual spot" for in person meetings!”

Ember nods, thinking. “Any idea where this spot is?”

Max shakes his head. “No clue! But it must have been one hell of a hiding spot! One message he requests building materials to be left "at the usual spot"!

Arc snaps his fingers! “I got it! The Aqueducts under the Orphanage! It's the only place in town where you could hide that much stuff and them move it out without being seen!”

Derpy’s eyes grow wide! “Makes sense! Do you have a plan, Arc?”

“I do indeed!”

Ember looks over at him, skeptical. “Is it a real plan, or another one of your half-baked ones?”

“The former. We move out tonight!”

Xenos looks over at Coco Pommel.

“But sir! What about Coco Pommel?!”

“She’s coming with us.”

Everyone gasps!

“Don't worry! No harm will come to her! I'll need her help on this one anyways.”

Coco Pommel nods soberly. “I don't mind coming with you Arc, but where exactly are we going?”

“I want to investigate Tempest's quarters personally. While Coco Pommel and I are doing that, my squad, Flash Sentry and Ember will investigate the Aqueducts.”

Derpy walks over. “Can I come too Arc?”

Arc shakes his head. “Sorry Derpy, but I want you to stay here with Dinky on this one. The orphans will be on edge with Coco Pommel gone. But I know you can keep them from worrying too much.”

Derpy nods. “Okay! I can do that!”

Flash Sentry turns to Derpy. “Don't worry miss. I was with the Commander the last time we were there. There wasn't hardly a mouse scurrying the floors. We'll be back before you know it.”

Ember brandishes her claws. “So, when do we leave?”

“This afternoon. Let's head over to the Cafeteria and have ourselves a good lunch. Then we should all take a nap. I want us all at the top of our game for whatever we find over there. That and Coco Pommel and I had a rather... rough night's sleep.”

Arc heads for the door along with his squad.

“Any questions?”

Ember nods. “Yeah! What do we do if something goes wrong?”

"Um... come up with something on the fly?"

Ember folds her arms over her chest. “That’s reassuring.”

“Look, you know I would come with you myself if I could. But I need to stay with Coco Pommel! I'm guessing the most fearsome things down there will be rats and spiders.”

Ember points a claw at Arc’s platoon. “Fine! I’ll keep an eye on them!”

Arc leans over and whispers to Flash Sentry. “Keep an eye on Ember.”

The lieutenant salutes and smiles as Ember frowns at them.

“What are you two whispering about over there?!”

Arc and Flash Sentry reply together. “Nothing!”

Ember shakes her head. “Jolly jokers!”

Arc walks out the office door. “Well, onward to the cupcakes...I mean lunch!”

The group heads to the Cafeteria slowly. Dinky and the orphans are already eating their lunches happily. Arc clears his throat.

“Can I have everyone’s attention please?”

The foals quiet down and look to Arc.

“Coco Pommel and I will be heading back to the Orphanage later this afternoon for a little bit. While we’re gone, Sergeant Sandstorm Mirage will be in command of Light's Hope. If you need anything talk to Derpy or Dinky.”

Coco Pommel nods. “Be good while we’re gone, alright?!”

The orphans nod their heads. “WE WILL!”

Arc's squad and Flash Sentry head over to the buffet. Saffron comes out of the kitchen with a special plate for Coco Pommel and meat dishes for Arc and Ember. She sets them down in front of the pair.


Arc nods as she returns to the kitchen. Quietly he turns to Coco Pommel.

“I thought they would put up more of a fight than that upon hearing the news you were leaving!”

Coco Pommels smiles at him. “I'm sure it's because you’re coming with me! They know I’ll be okay if you’re there!”

The group enjoys their lunch and retires for an early afternoon nap. Arc turns to the others as he leaves the cafeteria.

“I'll call for you when we're ready to go everyone. Rest well!”

Flash Sentry and Arc's squad salute and head to their quarters, Arc carries Coco Pommel toward his room as Ember follows. He lays Coco Pommel down carefully on Ember's bed and covers her with a blanket.

“Rest well, Coco Pommel.”

He turns to lie down on his own bed to see Ember has beat him to it. Sighing, he lies down next to her as Ember snuggles up to his back.

“Sleep well… Arc.”

Hearing a strange tone in her voice, Arc rolls over.

“Ember? You okay?”

Ember looks up at him and sighs. “You know how I get before a mission.”

Arc rolls his eyes and opens his arms. “Come here!”

She buries her face in Arc’s chest happily! “Thanks.”

Coco Pommel watches from her own bed and smiles. The trio is soon fast asleep. A few hours later Arc wakes up. Ember is still asleep in his arms. He shakes her gently.

“Ember? It’s time to wake up.”

Ember opens her eyes slowly. “Just... five more minutes.”

Arc sighs. “Alright.”

An hour passes. He looks down at Ember’s still sleeping form.

“Okay Ember, this has been the longest 5 minutes in history.”

Ember opens one eye. “…are you sure?”

Arc sits up. “Come on! Up!”

Ember sighs as she gets up. “I'm sorry Arc. It's just... we don't get to spend time together like this very often. I have to savor it...”

Arc stands up and gently nudges Coco Pommel. She slowly opens her eyes and looks at Arc sleepily.

“Just... five more minutes...”

He looks back at Ember, frowning. “The two of you planned this, didn't you?”

Coco Pommel opens her eyes and giggles. “Hee, hee! I'm kidding, Arc! The two of you just looked so cute lying there!”

Arc shakes his head. “…cute.”

He turns to Ember who is busy putting on her armor.

“Ember, can you please get my squad along with Flash Sentry and meet us in the Main Hall?”

“Sure thing!”

Arc and Coco Pommel walk to the Main Hall together. Upon entering Arc turns to Raven.

“Raven, notify Sandstorm Mirage that I need to see him right away.”

She picks up her phone. “Yes, commander!”

A few minutes later Sergeant Sandstorm Mirage runs into the Main Hall. He approaches Arc quickly and salutes.

“Y-you wanted to see me sir?”

“Yes! My squad, Lieutenant Flash Sentry, Coco Pommel and Ember will be heading over to the New Beginning's Orphanage shortly. While we are gone, you are in command of Light's Hope! Can you handle it?”

Sandstorm Mirage looks nervous. “Y-yes sir! I, uh... think so anyways.”

The rest of the party enters the Main Hall and appear ready for action! Flash Sentry is armed with a pair of twin blades attached to his back. Coco Pommel looks over to him.

“Expecting trouble, Flash Sentry?”

“Hope for the best, prepare for the worst, Miss Pommel!”

Arc shrugs at this. “Have it your way! Everyone on the sigil!”

They do so as Arc looks to Sandstorm Mirage.

“Take care of things while we are gone. I'm counting on you...”

Calling forth his armor, Arc activates the sigil and they are teleported to the New Beginnings Orphanage in a flash! Sandstorm Mirage looks at the sigil for a few moments. He sighs.

“Come back soon, sir.”

Meanwhile, the party materializes at the orphanage. Arc steps off the sigil first.

“Follow me.”

The party follows Arc around the building and through the giant hole in the wall made by his battle with Matron Tempest. He leads them to a closet which is mostly empty. Ember looks around, confused.

“What are we doing here?!”

Arc kneels down and pulls aside a large rug revealing a trap door in the floor. “There you are... the Aqueducts. Listen up! Lieutenant Flash Sentry is in charge of your team. Work together, watch each other's backs, and if you see anything down there much bigger than a breadbox, get out of there!”

Flash Sentry nods. “I’ll take point!”

Ember smiles, her spear over her shoulder. “Sounds good to me!”

Arc’s squad, Flash Sentry and Ember descend the stairs and finds themselves in the aqueducts. they turn on their flashlights as Ember casts a simple Light Spell. Together they slowly follow the path before them. Meanwhile, Arc carries Coco Pommel upstairs and down the hall before stopping in front of a door.

“This one is Tempest's room, right?”

Coco Pommel nervously nods.

Arc opens the door and slowly walks inside. He walks over to the bed and sets Coco Pommel down on it before searching for the light switch.

“Ah, there it is!”

He flicks the switch and the lights come on. They do little to properly illuminate the room.

“Somehow I thought Tempest would have a nicer room.”

“She's always been quite spartan. To tell you the truth, this is actually better than I thought it would be.”

Arc appears surprised! “You've never been in here before? I thought you lived her your whole life?”

“No. The orphans and I always gave Tempest as wide a berth as possible. I don't mean to complain, but can we please hurry this along?!”

Arc notices Coco Pommel is shaking slightly.

“I understand. Sorry for making you come along with us, but I was worried your condition would deteriorate if we were apart.”

She nods. “I… understand.”

Arc looks under the bed, inside the closet, in the dresser drawers and inspects the small desk but finds nothing. Spotting a picture on the wall of Captain Decimus he looks at it a moment.

“I wonder...”

He walks over and removes the painting. There is nothing behind it. Arc slowly reaches his hand forward. His hand passes right through the wall as he removes a small lock-box.

Coco Pommel looks over, amazed! “But, how did you know the wall was an illusion?!”

He points to his helmet. “True-sight Enchantment. No illusion too tough!”

Arc spends the next half hour or so more carefully inspecting the room, tapping at floorboards, inspecting the walls and even the ceiling to no avail.

Coco Pommel looks at the lock-box sitting next to her on the bed. “Well, at least it wasn't a wasted trip!”

Arc heads over to the bed and picks up Coco Pommel, who is holding the lock-box. “Let's head back and see if the others have finished investigating... whatever is down there.”

Coco Pommel nods and the pair slowly make their way back downstairs to the hatch. It is still open, but there is no sign of the others.

Arc frowns. “That's odd. They should have been back by now.”

“Do you suppose something happened down there?”

He sets Coco Pommel down gently. “Only one way to find out.”

As Arc proceeds down the stairs Coco Pommel falls into line behind him.

“Could you stay here please, Coco Pommel? I can't risk losing you to whatever is down there!”

Coco Pommel looks to him, suddenly frightened! “Y-you want me to stay here, alone?!”

Arc nod. “Look, I know you’re scared, but if what's down there can hold back five fully trained soldiers and a dragon, it's WAY too dangerous! I'll be back as quick as I can!”


Arc walks down the steps slowly. “Close and lock this door behind me. When I come back, I’ll pound five times. Don't open the door until then! Got it?!”

She nods. “Be careful down there!”

Arc calls forth the Spear of Righteousness. He ventures down the dark stairs alone as Coco Pommel closes and locks the hatch behind him. Reaching the bottom, he is about to cast a Light spell but stops himself.

“Silly me! True-sight enchantment! Who needs light?!”

Arc walks quickly down the pitch-black corridor following the hoof-prints in the dust. A short time later he hears the sounds of battle ahead and quickens his pace!

“That does NOT sound good!”

Reaching the end of the corridor a large room extends before him. In the center of the room he spots Flash Sentry fighting several monsters! He is dual wielding his twin blades and standing on his hind legs while using his wings for balance and quick movements! Scores of fallen foes surround him and although he is alone, he fights on! A mutated looking manticore charges at him!

“Come and get me, freak!”

Busy as he is, Flash Sentry does not notice the large, cloaked viper closing in on him from behind. However, Arc, able to see the imminent threat with True-Sight, rushes toward it!

“Oh no you don't!”

Arc jumps high into the air and slams his spear into the ground, effortlessly piercing the snake's skull, killing it! Flash Sentry whips around, his blades at the ready!

“Commander! Thank Celestia!”


The Mutated Manticore lunges at Flash Sentry's back! As commanded, he drops to the floor! Arc raises a hand and lets loose a pure white fireball! In but a moment, the beast ceases to exist! Arc turns to parry an attack from what can only be described as a Giant Rat with his spear!

“Where are the others?!”

Flash Sentry rises and throws one of his blades at the Giant Rat, hitting it squarely between the eyes!

“Ember and the others were carried off by monsters just a few minutes ago!”

Arc pulls the blade from the dear rat’s skull and tosses it back to Flash Sentry. “Which way did they go?!”

He catches the blade and points it down a side corridor! “That way! I've been trying to follow them, but every time I try to advance I get pushed back by waves of monsters! Until you showed up, I thought I was cooked!”

Arc raises his spear to defend himself against two Giant Cockroaches! “What down here is strong enough to overpower THEM?!

Flash Sentry flies high to deliver a crushing blow to a Giant Ant with both his blades! “Some kind of spitting lizards! Their spines have some kind of paralyzing agent on them! Best to take them out from a distance!”

Arc sweeps away the Giant Cockroaches with a magic blow focused through his spear! “I’ll keep that in mind!”

Flash Sentry uses his twin blades to block several poisoned spines! “Like those! Sir! What do we do?!”

“Switch places with me!”

Flash Sentry jumps in front of Arc to engage the Giant Beetle as Arc turns to the face the Giant Lizards! He jams his spear into the ground and raises his Hand Cannons to dispatch the creatures! Several volleys later his is victorious! Flash Sentry cuts the beetle nearly in half!

“Nice shot sir!”

As the pair finish off the monsters, they hear noises coming from a corridor! Flash Sentry turns and points down an adjoining corridor! A fresh horde of monsters lumbers forward!

“Commander! Here comes another wave!”

Flash Sentry raises his blades as he moves to stand by his commander’s side!

“Sir! It has been an honor to fight by your side!”

“Likewise! But I'm not giving up, and neither should you!”

Arc grabs his spear and spins it above his head before jumping into the air and slamming it down! A Sonic Wave is released and hurtles toward the monsters, smashing everything in its path!

“That's how it's done, lieutenant!”

Arc runs down the corridor the others were dragged down as Flash Sentry flies next to him, barely able to keep up!

“Sir?! How did you DO that?!”

Arc slashes at the monsters in his path! “You don't think I just sit around eating cupcakes all day, do you?!”

Flash Sentry throws both of his Twin Blades at a pair of Giant Lizards, hitting them both in the chest! “To tell you the truth sir, we all thought you were a bit too... complacent!”

Arc throws his spear to Flash Sentry! “Catch!”

Flash Sentry does so... and then proceeds to knock a Giant Spider into next week with the Spear of Righteousness! Without slowing down, Arc grabs Flash Sentry's twin blades from the corpses of the Giant Lizards! He then proceeds to lay waste to an entire pack of Giant Wolves!

“Don't slow down, lieutenant! We can win this!”

Flash Sentry lances three Giant Beetles in a row! He rolls in mid-air and brings the spear down hard on a Giant Boar! The impaled Giant Beetles burst, as does the Giant Boar! Jumping back into flight he turns to Arc!

“Right with you, sir!”

Arc looks down the corridor to see a large group of Giant Lizards running toward them! Ducking their initial spine attack, he crosses the blades in front of his face, focuses, and slashes forward hard! A flurry of pure white flames burst forth and turn the lizards to dust!

“These guys just don’t know when to quit!”

The end of the hallway comes into view! What can only be described as dinosaurs smash at the supports over the door! Arc throws the Twin Blades at the dinosaurs! they hit their marks, but not before the damage is done to the supports! The doorway collapses, sealing the passageway! Arc holds out a gauntlet toward Flash Sentry!


Flash Sentry tosses the Spear of Righteousness to Arc! As he grabs it Wings of Pure Light stretch forth from Arc's back! He surges forward and smashes through the rubble as if it were paper! The lieutenant grabs his blades as he flies by the fallen dinosaurs!

“We made it, sir!”

Arc stops. Looking around what appears to be a makeshift Throne Room, he sees his squad and Ember lying on the floor in front of what appears to be the leader of the monsters!

“Well... this is... unexpected.”

A figure in a black robe sits upon a large "throne" that appears to have been cobbled together out of various detritus found in the Aqueducts. It looks over at them!

“Guards! Kill these intruders!”

Flash Sentry stands next to Arc, his twin blades at the ready! “Why don’t you face us yourself?! Your so-called guards haven't had much luck against us so far!”

“Tyrants don't usually like to do their own dirty work, lieutenant. They would much rather send others to fight and die in their stead!”

The figure laughs! “There is no reason for one as great and powerful as I, to lower myself to fighting common filth like you!”

Six Royal Guard Ogres, heavily armed and armored, turn to the pair and slowly start walking toward them! Flash Sentry prepares to attack but Arc puts his arm out, signaling him to stop!

“Something is wrong here! I’ll handle this!

Arc steps forward. He stands his ground and waits for the ogres to come to him as he appears to be concentrating. As they draw near he puts both hands in front of himself, palm out.

“Back off!”

Arc unleashes a powerful magical shockwave! The Royal Guard Ogres fly across the room, past the robed figure and smash into the far wall! None rise from where they fall! The Black Robed Figure does not seem too concerned by the fact they are now completely unguarded! Arc turns to the leader as he uses his magic to pull the Spear of Righteousness to himself.

“Now then... I would rather we not fight any longer. All I want is my friends back and the answers to some rather pressing questions.”

The leader laughs! “You truly have no idea the power you face, do you?! I tell you the truth... before this is over, you will kneel before me!”

Arc walks toward them, spear leveled. “You know... the last time I faced a thug like you, and saw them looking down at everyone else... we ended up having a disagreement!”

Chucking at his approach. “Ah, the soldier! Your time is over!”

“I'm no soldier...”

Arc lunges forward toward the Black Robed Figure. It dodges as the throne explodes from the impact of Arc's attack!

“Ha, ha! You wish to throw your life away?! So be it!”

A voice rings out from behind the leader. “He’s not alone.”

Ember swings her spear at the leader, but misses! She turns to join Arc! He assumes a defensive position, not taking his eyes off the leader.

“You done sleeping over them, Ember?!”

“Ha. Just waiting for the right time for a surprise attack! Sorry it didn't work.”

The leader tosses back their hood to reveal a glowing unicorn horn atop a strange looking crown and a very confident expression!

“I’ll teach you BOTH the meaning of fear! I do hope you're ready to die! And now... prepare to witness the awe-inspiring power of... THE GREAT... AND POWERFUL TRIXIE!!!”

Arc looks at her, surprised! “Trixie?!”

She appears smug. “Ah, so you've heard of me?”

“Nope! I was just worried it was going to be something intimidating. You know, like Sandy... or, I don’t know… Alice?”

Trixie looks at him indignantly. “What?! Do you think this is some sort of GAME?!”

“Oh yes indeed! And if you don't want to LOSE, badly I might add, you’ll tell me what I want to know!”

She laughs! “You'll have to beat it out of me first!”

Arc turns to Ember. “Why do they always want to do it the hard way?”

Ember raises her own spear! “Who cares?! More exercise for me!”

Trixie grins wickedly as her horn glows along with the crown. “I think some more of my pets want to play! Do give them a good workout. They could use the meat as well!”

The sound of hordes of monsters shambling down the corridor behind them can be heard!

Flash Sentry turns around, his blades at the ready! “Sir! Your orders?!”

“Both of you, grab the others and move them to a more defendable position. Keep them safe and keep your heads down. I'll handle this myself.”

Ember and Flash Sentry drag Arc's squad to a corner of the room and position themselves in front of their helpless comrades! Trixie watches and shakes her head.

“Tsk. tsk. So endearing that you care so much for lowly peons such as them. Don't worry. It will all be over... very soon!”

Arc turns toward the oncoming beasts as they approach the end of the corridor. “Not as soon as you would think!”

He spins his spear around a few times over his head before jumping and slamming it to the ground! A wave of pure force bursts forth from his spear!


Every monster coming down the hallway is defeated in an instant! Arc turns back to Trixie and points his spear at her in one hand as he assumes a battle-ready position. “Sure you want to do this?”

Trixie looks to him, angrily! “Grrr! I guess if you want something done right...”

She pulls a blade from her belt and disappears in a cloud of smoke! Flash Sentry looks around, surprised!

“She… ran away?”

Ember shakes her head. “Somehow I doubt we could be THAT lucky!”

Flash Sentry looks around. “She’s cloaked! Stay sharp!”

Arc watches Trixie out of the corner of his eye. Jumping, her blade raised over her head, she moves to attack him from the side! At the last moment, he turns, knocks her blade out of her hoof with a well calculated spear jab and uses his other hand to punch Trixie in the gut!

“Nice try, Trixie!”

Trixie reappears on the ground gasping for air! “But… how did… you…?”

Arc shakes his head as he looks down at her. “I hate to break this to you, but you're really not that great... or powerful for that matter!”

She jumps back, putting some distance between them! Trixie conjures a dozen or so doppelgangers and surrounds Arc! They slowly walk toward him, blades in hoof! Her voice comes from all the doppelgangers at once!

“Which is the real me? Too bad you can't tell, huh?!”

Arc Blinks behind the real Trixie. “Hello there.”

He does a leg sweep. Trixie falls to the ground! Staggering to her hooves she again jumps away!

“How do you keep DOING that?!”

“Your rogue-like abilities are useless against me! Give it up! You can't win!”

Trixie sneers at him! “If you're not a soldier, then what ARE you?!”

“A hero.”

Trixie, clearly furious, charges up a more powerful spell! She resummons her doppelgangers and casts an area of effect spell which plunges the area around Arc into complete darkness! Again, she speaks from her doppelgangers!

“Ha! You can't hit what you can't see!”

Arc charges forward, grabs the real Trixie by the throat and slams her against a wall! Pointing his spear in her face, glaring at her! “My patience is at an end, unicorn! SURRENDER NOW!!!”

Trixie's spell fades as she loses her concentration. The room is again as it was. A puddle forms on the ground below a wide-eyed and visibly shaken Trixie!

“Now... are you willing to cooperate?!”

Trixie squeezes her eyes tightly shut and quickly nods her head. Letting go of Trixie's throat, she falls into the puddle at her feet! She presses her body against the wall, attempting to put as much space between her and the furious human as possible!

“How about we start with your name?”

Arc touches Trixie’s throat with his spear.

“And if I so much as see a spark from your horn...”

She nods fearfully! “T-Trixie... Trixie Lulamoon! I... came down here to... enslave the Ogre's that live here!”


“L-Legend has it that they mastered Beast Training long ago! I figured if I could overpower them, I could control the beasts myself!”

Arc nods. “What were you planning of doing with your monster army?!”

Trixie is visibly shaking! “I wanted to use them to gain favor in the eyes of my life long hero... Special Agent Tempest! If I could do this, then maybe she would finally let me join her as a partner!”

“When was the last time you saw Tempest?!”

“She hasn't been down here in well over a week! Not since the last time she met up with the Captain of the Royal Guard down here!”

Ember chuckles. “Hate to break this to you, but Tempest isn't going to be seen again... EVER!”


Flash Sentry nods. “It's true! The Commander here took her on... and won!”

“It was definitely a team effort, but it's true. Last I saw Tempest, she was melting into a pile of goo just outside the Orphanage.”

Trixie loses the last strand of composure she has left! “How can this be possible?! Nothing in this world is more powerful than Special Agent Tempest!”

Arc towers over her! “Hey! Did I say I was done asking you questions?!”

She draws back. “I-I'm sorry! Please... don't hurt me!”

“How did you take control of the monsters down here?”

Trixie points the crown on her head. “I stole the crown of the Ogre King! It gave me control over their pets and allowed me to take over down here!”

Arc reaches forward quickly! Trixie instinctively draws back and closes her eyes again!


Arc grabs the crown and tosses it to Ember.


Turning back to Trixie, Arc continues with his questions. “Now, what was Tempest doing down here with Captain Decimus?!”

“I… I don’t know!”

Arc holds up his spear again menacingly! “Really?!”

Trixie screams out in fear! “He came here every once in a while to pick up supplies like chemicals and food! Once there were a lot of construction materials! He and Tempest would talk quietly before he left! Now please, that's all I know!”

“One last thing! What did you do with the Ogres?”

Trixie points a shaking hoof. “They're locked up further down that corridor!”

“Take me to them... NOW! Ember, you're with me!”

Ember follows. “Okay!”

Trixie leads Arc and Ember down the corridor and stops in front of a latched door. Arc looks over at Ember.

“Ember, open the door. No sudden movements now, Trixie!”

Trixie’s legs shake and she gulps as Ember slowly opens the door.

“Inside now Trixie... slowly!”

Arc and Trixie slowly enter the large room. There are many ogres inside. They glare at Trixie! However their expressions change to one of confusion as they lay eyes on the strange armored creature who now holds their former captor at spear-point! Arc looks at the ogres.

“I wish to speak to the Ogre King.”

A rather large ogre shambles forward. He is preceded by what appears to be a rather large wolf. It appears to be guarding him.

“I Ogre King! Name Megut! Who you?!”

“My name is Arc. I came here looking for answers, but found only crazed monsters and a cowardly unicorn controlling them.”

King Megut scowls! “If you here to take over, you too late! Blue unicorn already steal crown and controls monsters!”

“I come today not as a conqueror, but a liberator.”

Arc turns to Ember and hands her his spear. She hands him the crown. He turns back to the king.

“I believe this belongs to you, King Megut.”

He accepts the crown and puts it on. “Me thank you... uh... what are yous?”

“My name is Arc. I'm a human.”

“Never heard of them! Guards! Take blue pony prisoner!”

Two ogres take Trixie into custody.

“We's talk more in Throne Room!”

The Ogre King's wolf bodyguard leads the way back to the "Throne Room", the Royal Guard Ogres are regaining consciousness. King Megut looks around.

“What happen here?!”

“Sorry about the mess. Trixie put up quite the fight!”

The king looks over to Flash Sentry and the Lunar Protectors lying on the ground.

“They with yous?”

Arc nods. “Yes, they were poisoned by some of your lizards. Can you help them?”

“Ogres help human's friends! Least we can do for you!”

The King motions toward the fallen squad. An ogre walks towards them with a jug. He hands it to Flash Sentry.

“Have ponies drink! Will make them better!”

Flash Sentry administers the treatment to Arc's squad. They begin to recover!

“Thank you King Megut! Although I am sorry for killing so many of your pets.”

“Is okay! They fight you, you fight back! Was only way! Ogres live here long time! Learn to survive is not always easy!”

He looks at the insignia on Arc’s shoulder. “What that picture on arm?”

“It's my Crest of Light. This identifies me as Equestria's Hero of Light.”

Trixie’s jaw drops! “Wait! YOU’RE the Hero of Light?!”

Arc turns to her. “Yes, and you are the one who was foolish enough to attack me!”

The King's wolf companion suddenly raises its head and sniffs the air!

“Kane! What you smell?”

To Arc and his companions surprise, the wolf suddenly talks!

“Your Majesty, another unknown creature has just entered your domain! It smells similar to the human!”

“That must be Coco Pommel! Flash Sentry, hurry back and guide her here safely!”

Flash Sentry flies off to carry out his instructions. A few minutes later Flash Sentry returns escorting Coco Pommel, she is rather leery of the sight before her!

“Arc…? Is everything alright?!”

“Yes, Coco Pommel! There's no need to be afraid.”

Nevertheless, Coco Pommel stays behind Flash Sentry and Ember.

“Arc, why you come here in first place?!”

“I’m looking for answers. A very bad pony recently attacked me and my friends in the town near here! My information led me to believe that she had come down her often. However, all I found was this blue unicorn and a horde of monsters.”

The king nods. “You looking for dark purple unicorn with no horn?”

“Yes! Was she here?!”

“Many times! She leave ogres alone, so ogres leave her alone!”

The king points at Trixie!

“Then this one come and mess up everything!”

Trixie smiles guiltily! “Squee!”

“Ogres no like ponies here anymore! You take blue unicorn with you?”

Arc nods in agreement. “Of course! I will also see to it she is properly punished for what she has done to your ogre tribe.”

“Good! Purple pony met with white pony friend many times! White pony drop this! You keep it!”

The king tosses Arc a small key.

“Thank you King Megut! I won't take up any more of your time.”

Arc's squad has regained their faculties and stand, albeit weakly.

“You guys okay over there?”

Max looks over, unsteadily. “A bit woozy, but otherwise fine sir.”

Arc and company turn to leave, as the king calls out after him!

“Arc, wait!”


“Me have to reward you for getting rid of blue unicorn and returning Ogre King crown! Megut give you his own personal pet! He keep you safe!”

The king looks to the wolf at his feet.

“Kane! You go with Arc now! Keep him safe from bad ponies!”

Kane nods. “As you command!”

He walks over to Arc and bows at his feet.

“I am yours to command, master.”

“Um… Thank you King Megut That is very generous of you! I will treat him well!”

“Kane good pet for King Megut. Now he be good pet for Arc! Now go find bad purple pony and bad white pony!”

Arc picks up Coco Pommel. He and the others head back down the corridor. Flash Sentry walks behind Trixie. keeping a hoof on one of his swords the whole time.

“Am I glad that's over!”

Ember nods! “Same here!”

Coco Pommel looks up at Arc, remorsefully. “Arc, I'm sorry for not listening to you. I was just so worried that some horrible fate had befallen you and the others!”

“It's okay Coco Pommel. All’s well that ends well!”

Max looks over at Kane. “Sir? We’re not really going to take this creature back to Light’s Hope, are we?”

“Well, that's up to Kane here.”

Arc looks at his new companion.

“If you would prefer your freedom to staying with me, I will not begrudge you that. You’re free to choose whatever path you would like. Besides... life we me is not exactly, safe.”

“As per my former master's orders, I am now bound to you. I will not leave you unless told to do so.”

Arc nods. “That is indeed very... loyal of you. But tell me... what do YOU want?”

Kane appears confuse. “I do not believe I understand the question.”

“I am asking if given the choice, where would you like to go?”

“I... do not know. This one has never been given the choice. However, it matters not, as I am now bound to your service until the day you pass from this world, or you release me from service.”

“Okay. Kane, I release you from my service.”

Kane stops walking. “…what?”

“I just released you from my service. You’re free now! Do what you want and go where you want. I hope you never have to call another creature ‘master’ as long as you live!”

Kane bows low to Arc. “Th-thank you Master! I... think I will return to the village of my clan! My eyes have not seen it in many long years!”

“I'm not your master any longer. Call me Arc!”

“Certainly... Arc! Should one day you find yourself in the Dragon Lands I would be honored to show you the land of my birth, Forsaken Village. It can be found on the southern shore overlooking the Celestial Sea. Follow the beach and you will find it!”

“Thank you, Kane. I have business in the Dragon Lands with Hydra Prime Ikis, and will certainly stop by when I have the chance. In fact, I can teleport you to the Dragon Lands now if you would like!”

Kane shakes his head. “Thank you for the offer, but I would rather walk. It has been too long since I saw the open road, and would savor such a journey.”

“Alright. Have it your way.”

“I will tell my tribe of the Hero of Light's Generosity! And with that I bid you farewell, Arc!”

Ember waves after Kane. “Safe travels!”

Kane runs a short distance before turning back to the party.

“Arc! When you come to my village, be sure not to bring any ponies with you! They and my tribe have a rather... checkered past!”

He runs off to the east. Soon he is out of sight! Max looks to Arc.

“Do you think he will be all right out there by himself?”

“Probably. I get the feeling Kane is no pushover!”

Trixie shakes her head and chuckles. Flash Sentry looks over to her sternly.

“Something about this you find amusing?!”

Trixie turns to look at Arc. “For Equestria's greatest hero, you're not too bright!”

Xenos angrily stomps over to Trixie. “Watch what you say about the Commander, prisoner! Remember, he did spare your hide!”

“Easy, Xenos. I would hear her out. Tell me Trixie, what makes you say that?”

“The Great and Powerful Trixie would never have allowed such an opportunity to pass!”

Hugh appears confused. “Opportunity?”

“Yes, you dunderhead! That creature would have followed you to the ends of the world! Followed any order! Taken any risk! All you would have had to do was say the word and that mongrel would have readily obeyed, like a good little...”

“Slave?”, Arc interrupts.

“Not exactly the word I would have used, but yes! He might not have been as capable as you are, but even the lowest of animals have their uses!”

Viktor scoffs! “The Hero of Light protects! He would never enslave another!”

Trixie rolls her eyes. “You can't really ‘enslave’ an animal! They are there to be used!”

Arc narrows his eyes. “I think I have heard just about enough out of you! Remember this "Great and Powerful Trixie". I beat you without even breaking a sweat! And I want you to know this as well... from MY point of view, YOU are the animal!”

Ember nod indignantly. “If Arc had gone all-out on you, there wouldn't have been anything left of you that couldn't go down the drain! Believe me... I've fought him before.”

The color drains from Trixie's face and her pupils shrink as the party steps onto the sigil. Arc powers it up and teleports them back to Light's Hope. The orphans are playing a game in the Main Hall as Arc and the others appear on the sigil. Pipsqueak and Aquamarine run over happily!

“Miss Pommel! You're back... AHHHH!!!”

“Mr. Arc! Mr. Flash Sentry! Are you hurt?!”

Arc and Flash Sentry looks down to see their armor and weapons are caked with blood!

“We're fine! Don't worry about us!”

Pipsqueak appears skeptical. “What happened over there?!”

Arc smiles at them. “Let's just say we had to dispense some justice... Hero of Light style.”

Flash Sentry nods! “We were attacked by monsters, but have no fear! The Hero of Light has captured the leader of the creatures!”

He points a hoof at Trixie as Arc gently sets down Coco Pommel. The orphans quickly surround her and glare at Trixie!

“You stay away from Miss Pommel!”, Pipsqueak says, bravely!

Aquamarine nods! “Yeah! Or else you’ll have to deal with us!”

Arc chuckles. “All right, little ones! Why don't you take Coco Pommel to the Cafeteria and have some supper? It smells like Saffron is ready for you.”

Coco Pommel and the orphans all walk to the Cafeteria together. Arc turns to his squad.

“That goes for you as well. Have a good meal and take it easy for the rest of the day. I'll see you in the morning.

They salute and head for the cafeteria.

Flash Sentry stands resolutely behind the prisoner. “Now I guess that just leaves the question of what to do with her.”

Trixie looks up to Arc, sheepishly. “Um... I know this may sound a bit strange but... can I have something to eat too? The ogre's hovel was not too generous in the food department.”

“What do you think sir?”

Arc shakes his head. “I don't think so. The orphan's safety comes before your stomach. And besides, how well did you feed the ogres you had imprisoned?!”

Trixie lowers her head as Arc stares her down.

“I thought so.”

He turns to Flash Sentry.

“Let's take Trixie to Canterlot Castle. I'm sure the dungeons can hold her until the princesses can decide what to do with her.”

“With pleasure, sir!”

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