• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 12 - A Trip Down Memory Lane

Arc sits on the couch for several hours holding the Mysterious Pony in his arms until she is emotionally and physically exhausted from the events of the day. Seeing that she has fallen asleep Arc leans back against the arm of the couch and joins her in slumber. In but a blink of an eye he finds himself surrounded by darkness on all sides. There are hushed voices all around him that seem to come from everywhere and nowhere. The Mysterious Pony is there as well. Arc notices her stomach is like any other pony now. She looks around frantically.

“No. NO! Not now!”

Arc turns to her. “What is it? Where are we?”

The mare sighs sadly and looks over to him. “I don't really know how to explain it, but... we’re inside my dream. I’ve had it ever since I came to Ponyville months ago. In it, I relive my past crimes over and over again. A fitting punishment for a monster like me.”

“While I admit I don't know you very well, I still find it hard to believe you are as guilty as you claim to be. In any case, this time will be different.”

“How so?”

Arc smiles at her. “This time you have someone to share it with.”

She looks down at her hooves. “I suppose... I should tell you a little more about myself before we continue.”

“Please do.”

The mare sits down on her haunches before continuing. “I was born in the town of Trottingham into the wealthiest family in town. It’s also the oldest and most influential in the entire region. Because of my past crimes my punishment was not just exile, but I was forbidden from telling anypony my true name. My father said it was to protect our family from any further shame.”

“I remember asking your name earlier and how uneasy you seemed at the request.”

“Yes, but I suppose I can tell you now. You're going to find out soon anyways. My mother… she died giving birth to me. It was a hard and complex labor on her... and me.”

“How so?”

“My body doesn't always move the way I want it to. I guess you could say I’m... uncoordinated thanks to it. I also find it very hard to learn and concentrate on anything. And lastly... my face...”

She looks Arc in the eye for the first time. He immediately notices her bizarre pupils are unlike any he has yet seen in Equestria.

“For these reasons my father named me... Derpy… Derpy Hooves.”

The mare closes her eyes and smiles.

“I haven't spoken my own name in so long. It feels... nice... to finally tell somepony.”

“Well, I think it's a rather pretty name.”

Derpy blushes slightly at the compliment. “Thank you, but we should probably move on. You’re going to learn more about me than you would like.”

Arc and Derpy walk towards the light together. Soon they find themselves in a Delivery Room. A mare lies on the bed in intense labor. A large stallion next to her holds her hoof in his as the doctor works.

“Come on, Silver Hooves! You can do it!”

The mare, covered in sweat, breathes heavily. “I... don't know if I can, Iron!”

A doctor at the foot of the bed looks over at his machines. “Please ma’am! Push!”

The mare screams out in pain. “It... it hurts so much! I feel like my insides are being torn apart!”

Iron Hooves smiles at her. “It will all be over soon, honey! Just think of our new addition! How you have dreamed of this day!”

A small smile spreads across her face. “Yes... thank you dear... I’ll try.”

After a few more pushes by Silver Hooves, a newborn pegasus emerges into the world.

Iron Hooves looks into Silver Hooves’ eyes. “Look honey! It's a filly!”

Silver Hooves sighs heavily as she takes the newborn in her fetlocks. “She has your mane, Iron Hooves! This... this made all that worthwhile...”

The heart monitor suddenly begins to go crazy. The doctor rushes over.

“We're losing her! Nurse, get the filly out of here!”

“Silver? SILVER!!! Open your eyes! I can't go on without you!”

The room fades slowly to black. Arc notices Derpy is unmoved by what they just saw. He looks at her quizzically as she speaks.

“I've watched my mother die so many times... I think I’ve become numb to it.”

Another beam of light appears in front of them. Derpy looks up to Arc.

“Ready for more?”

“Yes, let’s move forward.”

The walk into the light. A child’s room appears. Iron Hooves barges in screaming angrily.


A young foal trots nervously over to her father. “Y-yes, father?”

He glares at her. “The teacher I hired to give you a basic education has just informed me that you are doing quite poorly in every subject they try to instruct you in! Do you want to grow up to be just a stupid, useless mare?!”

The filly looks up to her father with tears in her eyes. “No daddy! It's just... it's just too hard!”

He turns back toward the door. “Very well. There will be no more lessons for you.”


“If you aren't even capable of such simple assignments, I won't waste any more bits on your education!”

Derpy runs over to her father. “No daddy! I WANT to learn! I really do!”

Iron Hooves opens the door and steps out into the hallway. “Fine then! Come with me!”

The pair walk to his room.

“Wait out here.”

Filly Derpy sits outside the door until her father emerges from his room with a large sewing bag. He tosses it on the floor just in front of her.

“In this bag you will find a partially made rug your mother started but... never had time to finish. All the materials to complete this project are here, as is a book that will teach you the skills needed to finish it. Show me you’re not completely worthless for once, would you kindly?”

He walks away leaving Derpy to awkwardly drag the heavy bag back to her room in her mouth. The scene before them fades away just as before. Arc frowns.

“That was harsh.”

Derpy sighs. “I was always letting him down back then. His daughter, a constant reminder of failure.”

As if on cue, Derpy's room re-materializes. It seems very similar to the first time other than Derpy is a young mare now. Iron Hooves bursts into his daughter’s room yet again.


“Yes, father?”

“I just had to dismiss yet another maid! Stop befriending the servants! They’re just being nice to you in hopes you’ll give them money!”

“But father, she had a sick foal at home! She needed medicine to...!”

Iron Hooves interrupts her. “Medicine?! Do they now have medicine at the tavern?! Because that is where I found her, drinking heavily of cider and bragging to every pony who would listen!”

Young Derpy appears on the verge of tears. “But… her foal…”

“...does not exist! Listen to me Derpy! No one likes you! No one really wants to be your friend. They just want you for whatever you will give or do for them! No one will ever like you... FOR YOU!!!”

The young mare sadly hangs her head. “I’m sorry father, but…”

“But what?!”

“I…I finished it.”

“Finished? Finished what?!

Derpy walks to her bed and picks up the finished mat. “I hope it’s good enough...”

Her father looks over the mat. “This is... decent work. Maybe... just maybe there is hope for you, yet. Albeit slim.”

The room fades away to nothingness.

She looks over to Arc. “I still have that mat. It's one of the few things I have of my mother's.”

“You mean, the mat you were always sleeping on is...?”

Derpy hangs her head. “Yes. The very same. But you really don't want to see the rest. It's... not pretty.”

“If you’re going there, I'm coming with you.”

“Well… okay.”

High above a light shines weakly. As they look up at it, a moonlit lake begins to appear. Derpy lies on the shore staring up at the moon.

“My father never did continue my education like he said he would. I would sneak out of my room at night and come here, if only to not be there. I had been hurt... betrayed... and used by every pony I had ever met, so I spent as much time alone as possible. It was lonely, but at least I was safe... or so I thought.”

There is a rustling nearby. The mare is suddenly on her hooves in both fear and anticipation. A young stallion emerges from the foliage. He is a dark purple unicorn with a blonde mane.

“Well, hello there! And what might your name be, miss?”


“That's a pretty name. I'm Moonlit Dusk. A... traveler of sorts. I just wandered into your town here and decided to set up camp. Say, you wouldn't know where I could find some vegetables would you? I'm looking to make some soup. You're welcome to join me if you would like.”

Derpy looks at the stallion before her cautiously. “...I guess I could get some from the stalls in town...”

“Thanks a bunch. Just look for my campfire.”

The scenery fades into nothingness. Derpy is trembling as she speaks.

“I hoped that time would be different. That I had found somepony who was... willing to look at me as if I was more than just a meal ticket. Who would want to be my friend. But, I was so… SO starved for companionship at that point. I just wanted to… be with somepony. Anypony really. Moonlit Dusk really was quite nice to me. And I don't mind saying I did enjoy the time we spent together. But... well... you'll see.”

The moonlit lake returns. The images of Derpy and Moonlit Dusk reappeared. Several scenes flash before them in quick succession.

“Thanks for the new tent, Derpy. I was getting tired of patching the old one.”

A bright light flashes briefly, resetting the scene.

“Hey Derpy. You think you could find me a compass?”


“I could use a new blanket”.


“The days will be getting colder soon. Any idea where I might find a warm coat?”


“Thanks for the bits, Derpy. I owe you one.”

Darkness once again falls over the scene as Derpy groans.

“This went on for quite a few months. He never asked for anything much. That and he was a wonderful companion and... a good listener. I... saw him nearly every day back then. Until one fateful night... I… stayed much later than I normally would, as I was having such a wonderful time. The night was cold and damp, and I remember being a bit cold. Moonlit Dusk must have noticed this, as he came over and sat down very close to me.”

“Don't worry Derpy. I’ll keep you warm.”

Derpy looks at the ground and blushes. Arc puts a hand on her shoulder.

“I had never been so close to another pony before, much less a stallion. But... it felt nice. Good to be a companion to somepony who seemed to truly want to be with me. I laid my head on his side and nuzzled his chest. Was it love I was feeling? I had no idea, as I had never experienced such an emotion before, and I am sad to say I still haven't. I looked at him and he at me. Moonlit Dusk was so handsome in the moonlight. A long moment passed before... before I... I leaned into him and we kissed. It was my first, and seemed to go on for hours. Although I’m sure it was only a few moments. It felt... like a fire was burning in my chest. The longer we kissed, the hotter it seemed to get. Eventually he stood up, very red in the face and...”

Derpy pauses. Arc nods.

“It’s okay. Take all the time you need.”

She looks at the image of her past self.

“…and he…”

The scene continues on. “Hey Derpy. It really is quite late. You want to spend the night here? Plenty of room in the tent for two.”

She smiles up at him, widely. “Sure!”

The pair enter the tent together. Derpy looks away.

“We laid down together... and... things just... kinda went from there. Although I knew I shouldn't have, I just couldn't help myself. I'm not sure how humans... do it... but...”

Arc interrupts her. “Our bodies work about the same.”

“Oh! Um... okay, that makes this easier.”

The Derpy in the image leaves the tent just before the first rays of sunlight break over the horizon. The scene again fades to black.

“I remember I felt sick for the next week or so. At the time I thought it was just my body punishing me for doing such a thing. I went to the doctor who told me that I was... pregnant.”

A tear rolls down her cheek as Moonlit Dusk’s little camp again comes into view. The Derpy from the past sadly walks over to him.

“Hey Derpy. Long time no see. Why the long face?”

“I... haven't been well lately.”

He appears concerned. “Oh? Any idea what it is?”

Derpy looks away. “Yes. The doctor says I'm… pregnant.”


She looks over the Moonlit Dusk desperately. “It's true! I don't know what to do! I can't tell my father and I don't have anypony else to turn to! Can I become your traveling companion?! We could leave anytime you want!”

Moonlit Dusk looks very nervous himself. “Uh... sure. No problem. Meet me here tomorrow night and we’ll start a new life together. Just the two of us.”

She rubs her belly, smiling. “You mean the three of us, right?!”

“Yeah... right. Look, I have a lot of things to get ready for tomorrow, so...”

Derpy jumps up happily and rushes away. “Ah right! So do I! Um... until tomorrow then?”

Moonlit Dust waves after Derpy. “Yeah. See you tomorrow.”

Darkness again covers the camp as Derpy struggles to keep from crying.

“I... I packed my saddlebags and went to meet him as I had done so many times before, but...”

Several tears land on the ground at her hooves.

“...but his camp was abandoned. There was nothing left of it other than the cold fire pit. I couldn't believe it! My mind was swimming with questions and despair! He wouldn't have, couldn't have left me behind! I really had no one to turn to! I dreaded telling my father, but... the longer I sat there in the dark, empty camp the more I realized I had no choice! I... had no... choice...”

Derpy is openly weeping at this point. Arc can do little to ease her suffering other than to stand behind her and lay his hands on her shoulders. The home office of Iron Hooves comes into view as Past Derpy admits the truth to her father. He is much calmer than Arc had imagined he would be.

“…who did this, Derpy?”

“He was a traveler passing through town on his way to... wherever.”

“Why, Derpy?”

She struggles to find the right words to say. “I... I think... I just wanted somepony... who... cared for me... to be my friend... to be there... for me...”

“And where is this stallion now?”

“I... don't know. His camp was abandoned.”

Iron Hooves stands up from his desk and walks over to the window. “I know where he is.”

Her face brightens. “You do? Where?!

Derpy’s father whirls around to face her and explodes in a fit of rage. “As far away from YOU as he could get! Get this through that worthless head of yours, Derpy! Nopony has EVER wanted you! NOPONY wants you now!! And no pony will EVER want you now that you have… this!”

He points an accusatory hoof at Derpy’s stomach.

“Just like the others, he got what he wanted from you and is gone! Can’t you understand that you piece of filth?!”

The young mare can say little as she hangs her head in disgrace. “But…”

Iron Hooves is eerily calm again. “Shut your mouth, Derpy, and listen to me. It is time. Time for you to go.”

“But where?”

“ANYWHERE but here! Canterlot, Cloudsdale, The Everfree Forest, off the edge of a cliff for all I care!”

Derpy’s father walks over to a painting on the wall of him and Silver Hooves. He looks at it for a few moments, then rips it down with enough force to smash the frame. Derpy gasps.


Iron Hooves hits the wall where the painting once hung over and over again until a sizable hole is made. He reaches into the wall and pulls out a large black robe. Angrily he throws it at Derpy’s hooves and looks at her coldly.

“Put it on!”

Derpy silently obeys.

“That magic cloak is worth more bits than you can possibly imagine. Much more than the worthless hide it now covers! If you travel at night you will be, for all intents and purposes, invisible. Even in direct moonlight. In the day it will easily obscure your face and deflect all light away from you. It can do more, but I doubt you have the brains to understand.”

Iron Hooves walks over to his desk and opens the bottom drawer. Inside is a large bag of bits. He throws it at Derpy, hitting her in the face and scattering bits everywhere. Angrily, he walks back over to the window and stares out.

“You are no longer my daughter and I forbid you to use our family name of Hooves! Take these bits, your saddlebags, that magic cloak, and whatever personal effects from you room and get out! Let the night hide your passing! Take the train, walk, fly, I don't care! But let no one see you leave! I never want to see your face again!”

“But father…!”

Iron Hooves continues to look out the window. “I have no daughter.”

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