• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 8 - Cloak and Dagger

The next morning Ashe and Gaston walk toward the Dining Room together.

“What is your take on the situation, admiral?”

“Things are going quite well as far as the Griffon Kingdom is concerned. However, I still do not understand why exactly you wanted this position.”

“To represent my country abroad. Why else?”

“Really, Lady Ashe?”

She stops and looks out a massive window at the city below.

“Ever since I met Lord Arc, I’ve been fascinated with Equestria. Their way of life was so… foreign to me.”

“How so?”

“Every right, privilege, and honor I have in Griffonstone is readily available to everyone here. The ability to pursue happiness, eat and drink good healthy food, and petition their leaders is there for the masses.”

“Every griffon citizen has the same capability, Lady Ashe. It’s more of a matter of how hard they’re willing to work for it.”

“Then why does no one get there?”

“Because our citizens are content to be where they are.”

“No. They are not.”

“How do you know that?”

“Because I’ve seen the poverty and hunger personally. However, Equestria has no such problems. In fact, their population appears to be almost entirely happy with their lot in life.”

Gaston rolls his eyes. “Unlikely. You were shown what it took to make you believe that.”

“I don’t think so. After all, Lord Arc had nothing to gain by deceiving me or the Griffon Kingdom.”

She turns and continues on down the corridor.

“That and he was given no advance warning of my arrival.”

Gaston frowns. “I thought we were scheduled to visit Canterlot after Yakyakistan.”

Ashe giggles. “A little white lie on my part, admiral.”

“Then it was only luck that Lord Arc intervened when he did.”

“More or less.”

Gaston smiles inwardly as Ashe continues on ahead of him.

“Play your little games all you like, Ashe. You believe yourself the trickster. Yet it’s I who am manipulating you.”

Arriving at their destination the guards part to allow then entrance to the dining room. Entering, they find Decimus sitting across from Celestia as they eat. The pair stand as Ashe and Gaston walk over to them.

“Lady Ashe. Admiral Gaston.”

Ashe courtesies. “Good morning, Princess Celestia.”

Gaston bows respectfully. “I trust you’re feeling stronger today, your highness?”

Celestia nods. “Yes, I’m slowly regaining my strength, thank you.”

Decimus gestures to the seats next to him. “Please sit down. I’ll order something brought out for the both of you.”

Ashe smiles at him. “Thank you, sir.”

They take their seats as Decimus stands and walks toward the kitchen. Celestia turns to Ashe.

“How are you enjoying your stay in our land, Lady Ashe? Or I suppose I should call you Ambassador Ashe.”

“Either is just fine with me, your highness. And I’m enjoying your land immensely.”

“If I may, what would you say is your favorite part?”

“That would be the tone of the land.”

Gaston appears confused. “Tone?”

“The fact that everyone here seems so happy and content with their lot in life.”

Decimus nods as he returns to the table. “Our land is very proud of its citizen’s rights.”

Celestia sighs. “I hope sometime soon I can reconnect with them.”

“At the moment that is very dangerous, your highness. At least until your attacker’s body is found, that is.”

Gaston nods fervently. “Agreed. From what I saw that night, he is a force to be reckoned with.”

Ashe groans. “I still can’t believe such a thing could happen. Lord Arc always seemed to be quite the noble soul to me.”

Decimus turns to Ashe. “Do not feel too bad about that. He fooled many in this land, Lady Ashe. Most of the population still revere him as their staunch protector.”

Celestia frowns. “That isn’t possible.”

“If I may, why is that, your highness?”

“Because humans are cold and calculating creatures that are only interested in finding ways to sate their own wants and desires!”

Decimus grins. “And the human certainly fit that bill perfectly.”

“Agreed. After all, he even went so far as to discredit Captain Decimus in my sister’s eyes.”

Ashe sighs. “Those are certainly high crimes, your majesty. However, as the admiral told me, he hasn’t been seen since the night Captain Decimus rescued you from his clutches.”

“Indeed. The captain and I together were able to free her royal highness and extract her from your captivity here in the castle along with Princess Luna and Princess Cadance.”

Decimus shakes his head. “I’m still at a loss as to how anypony could hold all three of you prisoners in your room.”

Celestia groans. “I’m not surprised at all, captain. He’s certainly a master manipulator to be able to pull off such a feat.”

Ashe turns to Decimus. “Incidentally, how goes the search?

Gaston chuckles. “For the pieces, right?”

“I have troops scouring the land for his remains even as we speak.”

“Any leads?”

Decimus shakes his head. “None, Princess Celestia. It’s like he simply vanished without a trace.”

Gaston nods. “Had I not seen the princess herself impale and blast the lout I might be convinced he’s still alive out there.”

“He may yet be. That’s why I’m insisting that Princess Celestia remain largely hidden from the public eye. It’s for her own protection.”

Celestia smiles at him. “Thank you, captain. I’ve always been able to count on you.”

Decimus stands and bows. “I live to serve, your highness. However, now I must begin my daily rounds. The castle won’t secure itself.”

“Yes, of course.”

Gaston turns to Decimus. “Might I accompany you, captain? I’d like to see how you Equestrians handle matters of security.”

Ashe rolls her eyes. “Admiral, I’m sure the captain is quite capable of…”

Decimus nods. “I’d relish the opportunity to compare notes with our new allies across the sea. Perhaps we can teach each other a few tricks.”

“Indeed. Shall we be off?”

Decimus gestures to the door. “Right this way.”

The pair leave the dining room as Celestia turns to Ashe.

“It is good to see our officers getting on so well.”

“Yes, Princess Celestia. Truth be told, I never actually believed such a thing was possible.”

“Griffons and ponies working together toward a common goal. Such a thing was merely a pipe dream not that long ago. Might I ask what changed?”

“Truthfully, Lord Arc was the one whom united our lands when he proposed the treaty to the Council of Lords.”

Celestia frowns. “Did he now?”

Ashe appears confused. “Do you believe that was not the correct choice?”

Celestia shakes her head. “No, no. I’m merely concerned, that’s all. You see, I believe his idea to unite the lands was merely part of a larger plan to destabilize the entire world.”

“For what purpose?”

“To make conquering all the lands much easier.”

“How do you know this?”

Celestia grimaces as she looks away. “I know human-kind… all too well.”

They are silent for a time as Celestia composes herself and again turns to Ashe.

“In any case… I actually called you here today to speak of a different plan entirely.”


“Captain Decimus and I have been talking recently about strengthening the ties between our two nations.”

“For what purpose?”

“It has always been a dream of mine for our countries to see eye to eye. From what I’ve read, the treaty we now have is, generally speaking, largely ceremonial. Trade, diplomatic ties, and legal definitions mostly.”

“Is there something not to your liking with the treaty, Princess Celestia?”

Celestia shakes her head. “Not inherently, no. But I’d like to see it… expanded.”

“What did you have in mind?”

Meanwhile, Arc awakens to Sunshine staring him in the face soberly.

“Um… good morning?”

“I need you to get me a few things from the forest today.”

Snowflake sits up groggily. “Mom? What’s going on?”

“Nothing, dear. I was just here to give Big Brother this note.”

She gives Arc a piece of paper.

“These items are for a very special potion I need to brew for a very desperate individual.”

Snowflake gasps. “Who…?”

“Now, now. They have a very… embarrassing problem and therefore don’t want anypony else knowing about it. Let’s get you two some breakfast so you can get to it.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Um… okay.”

Sunshine leaves the barn as Snowflake looks to Arc.

“I don’t get it. What’s this all about?”

“No clue. But the look on your mom’s face tells me it’s pretty serious.”

“Maybe somepony in town is really sick.”

“We’ll find out later. Let’s do as she says and get moving.”

“Breakfast first though, right?”

“Let’s just grab something quick and be on our way.”


Meanwhile, Derpy and the others put on their saddlebags and leave the hotel. Walking south, they leave town together. Rose looks to Rarity.

“Are you completely sure this is what you want to do?”

Rarity nods soberly. “Yes.”

Rose frowns. “You do realize that death is a very real possibility once we cross the river and enter the Southern Hayseed Forest, correct?”

Applejack purses her lips. “We all do, yes.”

“As an android, I’m having trouble understanding why then.”

Derpy appears confused. “Why what?”

“I do not feel pain nor can I be killed. At worst my frame could be demolished, certainly. However all that would do is require mother to build me a new one and upload my most recent backup files to it. While not a quick and easy solution to my destruction, it would ensure that I continue on my journey.”

Rose sighs as she looks the others over.

“However, all of you are made of flesh, bones, and blood… which can easily be spilled.”

Rainbow Dash grits her teeth. “Well, that’s not going to happen!”

“Right! I have my Pinkie Sense ready to go!”

Fluttershy appears confused. “I didn’t know it was something that could be turned on and off.”

Pinkie shrugs. “It can’t! I just like saying that!”

Applejack frowns. “We’re not afraid of what’s out there, Rose.”

Derpy shudders. “But we are afraid of those fillies facing it alone.”

Rarity sighs. “We let them have their little adventure only because they were traveling with Sereb, and through fairly safe areas.”

Applejack nods. “But now they’re going into really dangerous forests. I don’t know how they convinced Sereb to let them do that. But we can ask them when we meet up.”

Derpy heads for the edge of town. “Right! With luck we can reach the river by lunchtime.”

Meanwhile, Decimus and Gaston walk the corridors of Canterlot Castle. Coming to Decimus’ office they enter and sit down. Gaston is the first to speak.

“This is going well.”

Decimus nods. “Yes, it is. Celestia doesn’t remember a thing from after she was ‘rescued’ by me from her room until after she did the deed.”

“Perfect. And from the sound of it, she believes your story.”


He puts his back hooves up on the desk and leans back.

“After all, why wouldn’t she believe her loyal Captain of the Royal Guard? I’m above reproach in her mind.”

Gaston chuckles. “She just doesn’t yet know what it will cost her.”

“And by the time she figures it out… this will all be over.”

“Yes. But we need to do our best to weed out any other opposition that could present a problem to the change in leadership that is coming.”

“The young Dragon Lord has already departed Equestria along with her Warchief companion. I’ve already seen fit to reassign the previous Hero of Light’s soldiers to guard duty aboard his former ship, The Equinox. Although I was pleasantly surprised to learn that the vessel had departed to the Crystal Empire with Princess Cadance aboard.”

Gaston raises an eyebrow. “But wouldn’t that make her a loose end?”

Decimus shakes his head. “Not at all. With her out of the country, she’s also out of the way.”

“And Princess Luna?”

“She, like Cadance, has always deferred to Celestia’s decisions. However, just to be on the safe side, I’ve seen fit to request she stay in her room.”

“Under house arrest?”

“Not quite. She’s still free to come and go as she pleases. However, I’ve convinced her that there may be those out there trying to capture her and Celestia. Therefore she’s agreed to stay under constant guard.”

“What if she becomes bored or impatient though?”

Decimus chuckles. “It seems fate has been kind to me lately. I’ve heard rumors floating around the castle that say Luna has developed a… how should I say this… a rather salacious relationship with a common unicorn mare.”

Gaston raises an eyebrow. “How far along are they?”

“According to the guards, the two of them have been staying in the room together every day. The Hoof Maidens claim they’re even sleeping together.”

Gaston grins wickedly. “Nothing like a good sex partner to make a ruler forget all about their royal duties. But Luna’s backside really is too good for a commoner.”

Decimus rolls his eyes. “And you think you could tame that wild mare?

Gaston chuckles. “I wouldn’t even try. Even though I must admit, she does have quite the flank.”

“Whatever floats your boat.”

“Getting back on subject, you’re saying there’s no one else whom could be a problem to our plan, correct?”

Decimus shakes his head. “Everypony who could possibly stop us, or recognize what’s happening, has been removed in one way or another. Whether that means being reassigned, left of their own accord, or… in the Hero of Light’s case, been flung through a window and falling to a watery grave.”

“Are you sure he didn’t survive?”

“Positive. His magic was sealed at the time so he couldn’t have Blinked to safety or cast any spells to slow his fall. Believe me when I say his body is decomposing at the bottom of the Horseshoe Bay by now.”

“What of the public though? He was a very well-known figure.”

“At the moment we’re keeping the commoners in the dark on this matter.”

“Eventually they’ll press for the truth though.”

Decimus swivels to look out the window. “True. But by the time they do, this will all be over.”

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