• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 15 - A Perpatrator Revealed

Author's Note:

-The princesses were found in a dazed state in their room at Light's Hope. Cause unknown.

-Shining Armor reported them acting normally when he brought them breakfast earlier that morning.

-Rose reports her sensors did not detect any unauthorized personnel entering or leaving the princess' room that night, nor the facility at any time.

-Redheart smelled alcohol on their breath. Further examination showed no sign of physical trauma.

-Luna and Cadance only had a single drink each the previous night.

-Shining Armor also reports Luna asking for some alone time to discuss private matters with Cadance.

-Ember accused Goldstone of committing the crime, as he's been leering at the females all through the summit.

-Goldstone changed glasses with Cadance after he ‘tripped’ and ‘accidentally’ grabbed her backside.

-Fiona and Goldstone talked at length about an unknown topic. Taking into account their past, this is highly unusual.

-Rutherford saw Kane leave the Dining Room during the celebration.

-Tugem followed Kane when he left.

-Rutherford claimed a cupcake tasted bad. Poison or cultural tastes?

-Tugem reports that neither Ikis nor the Marquis ate or drank at the celebration last night.

-Tugem admits to leaving the Dining Room to follow Kane, whom seemed agitated.

-Kane confided in Tugem regarding his defeat by Sereb. Apparently Kane is feeling insecure after suffering what may be defeat for the first time in his life.

-Tugem thinks he saw Fiona drop something into Goldstone's glass while they were talking. However, no harm appeared to befall Goldstone.

-Felix saw Kane looking at Sereb with an angry look on his face for a large portion of the evening.

-Fiona did not see Kane speak to anyone during the evening.

-Felix saw Cadance drop her glass when Goldstone fell and grabbed her backside.

-Fiona confessed to a conversation with Goldstone while Felix returned to their room for a change of raiments. They spoke of monetary policy.

-Fiona confessed to sprinkling Abyssinian Itchweed in Goldstone's glass when he wasn't looking.

-Felix saw Cadance set the glass Goldstone gave her on a tray, empty. It is assumed she drank it.

-Arc sent a sample of Abyssinian Itchweed to be tested against samples of the princess' blood.

-Fiona has submitted herself to face Equestrian justice for potentially accidentally poisoning the princesses.

-Why was Luna also poisoned if only Cadance drank from the tainted glass?

-Both Fiona and Felix have agreed to be held under house arrest pending the lab report.

-Sereb confirms he overheard Queen Fiona talking to Lord Goldstone about monetary policy.

-Kane heard Gestal whispering to his daughter about how to use a bad situation to gain leverage.

-Iris saw Ghaleon watching Goldstone closely. But if that's true, how was Fiona able to poison his glass?

-Iris overheard Lord Goldstone refer to certain diplomats as ‘Equestria’s pets’.

-Ikis claimed to sense something 'out of place' on the air. It was not native to Equestria.

-The Marquis saw Princess Luna pretend to take several sips from her glass before pouring it into a napkin.

-Pinky informed me that the dishes are washed with special detergent to remove EVERYTHING from theme. We won't be able to test them for signs of poisoning.

-Lab results show a similar toxin to the one used to take down Arc during his visit to the Griffon Kingdom some time back. However it has somehow been amplified and altered beyond what the normal antidote can cure.

-Ashe still denies involvement in the assassination attempts in the Griffon Kingdom as well as being responsible for the princess' sudden illness.

-Rarity believes Tugem's clothes were made by a Equestrian seamstress named Inky Rose.

-Trixie senses strange magical emanation inside Light's Hope.

About an hour later Trixie nudges Arc.

“Trixie thinks should probably wake up now.”

Arc opens his eyes. “Huh?”

“You asked Trixie not to let you rest too long.”

Arc nods as he sits up. “Right. Now I remember.”

“Are you alright?”

“I think it’s just stress… or something.”

He stands up and straightens his raiments.

“Probably shouldn’t have slept in these.”

“Trixie thinks you look fine. With what’s going on it’s not likely anypony will notice your clothes are a little wrinkled.”

“I hope not. Well, I need to get over to my office and see Rose about this mess. Hopefully she can see something in these clues that I don’t.”

“You’ll do fine, Arc. Trixie believes in you.”

“Thanks. Well, here I go again.”

Arc heads out the door as Trixie gathers his dishes and does the same. She sighs to herself as she returns to the Kitchen.

“Trixie will do what she can. But she is not a hero like you, Arc.”

Meanwhile, Arc heads to his office. Entering he finds Sandstorm Mirage looking over the security feed with Rose. He salutes as Arc enters.

“Sir, we’ve found something on the security feed.”

Rose nods. “Yes. It’s most strange.”

“What is?”

“Let me pull it up again.”

She does so. Footage from the Dining Room comes up on the screen. Sandstorm Mirage turns to Arc.

“This was taken last night after the excitement.”

Arc chuckles. “I missed that party.”

Rose nods soberly. “Until now, I would have said you didn’t miss much.”

“Right. But take a look to the left of Lord Goldstone.”

Arc does so. He shrugs.

“I don’t see anything.”

“Let me slow it down.”

Pushing some buttons she replays the scene in slow motion. Arc frowns.

“That distortion. What was that? Some kind of feedback?”

Rose shrugs. “Originally that’s what I thought too. But upon going back over the footage I’ve seen it several more times.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin. “It’s not just bad feed, is it?”

Sandstorm Mirage shakes his head. “No sir. It’s always behind or next to somepony. Very precise and deliberate. I couldn’t see it either until Rose slowed it down.”

Rose nods. “I’ve crossed referenced the timestamps with what data my sensors picked up. The results were rather… strange.”

Sandstorm Mirage frowns. “Somehow, data is… inconclusive or missing.”

“Like someone deleted it?”

Rose shakes her head. “As in it doesn’t exist.”

“I don’t get it.”

“Some of the sensors are saying there’s something there. However others agree with optical scanners and show nothing.”

Arc snaps his fingers. “Trixie mentioned something about sensing something similar to Illusion Magic at work. Could that have anything to do with it?”

Sandstorm Mirage thinks for a moment. “Perhaps. That particular school of magic is rather misunderstood.”

Rose frowns. “Yes. However it is unlikely even the greatest magical minds could have pulled off such a feat without earlier detection.”

Arc sighs. “Great. So where do we stand?”

“Nowhere with this lead at the moment. I can look into something if you have an idea where to start.”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Check the movements of Hoof Maiden Eventide Shine from the moment she arrived here. See if she did anything out of the ordinary.”

Sandstorm Mirage nods. “I’ll stay here and help Rose, sir.”

“Good. Rose send a message to Lieutenant Trixie. Tell her I want to speak to that Hoof Maiden in my quarters right away. Maybe she call tell us something.”


Arc looks to the sergeant.

“By the way… what were you doing here?”


“I told you to secure the Main Hall, remember?”

“Oh! Yes sir! I did carry out your orders. But then I had a…a hunch about the security feed. I tried to radio Lieutenant Trixie, but she didn’t respond.”

Arc nods. “She was in my quarters at the time.”

Rose looks over. “That would explain it.”


“Princess Luna ordered electronic dampeners be set up to protect your quarters from listening devices.”

Arc appears confused. “She did? But my earring worked a little while ago.”

Rose giggles. “It’s probably the only device in Equestria that could do that. Nothing else would work.”

Sandstorm Mirage nods nervously. “Yes sir. Rose was just telling me how it was made. Clearly it’s a technological wonder.”

Arc turns to leave. “I guess it is. In any case, good work and keep at it you two. Trixie should return shortly, Sandstorm Mirage. She’ll take over so you can get back to the Main Hall.”

“Yes sir.”

Sandstorm Mirage turns to Rose as the door closes behind Arc.

“Can you imagine a Hoof Maiden being behind this?”

“I can, yes.”

“How?! They’re supposed to be above reproach!”

“No one is incorruptible.”

Sandstorm Mirage sighs. “I… suppose that’s true, yes.”

Meanwhile, Arc returns to his quarters. A few minutes later there is a knock at the door. Trixie walks in with a middle aged unicorn mare. She has a dull gray coat and dark mane. At the sight of Arc she appears to shrink back. He gestures to the chair in front of him.

“Please have a seat, miss. Thank you, Lieutenant Trixie. That will be all for now.”

Trixie salutes and leaves the room as the Earth Pony slowly walks over and sits down. She appears very nervous.

“Sir? Did… did I do something wrong?”

“No. But I do believe you were the last one to see the princesses healthy. Can you tell me about the last time you saw them?”

“Yes sir. I brought them their after-breakfast tea just like I do every morning. Princess Cadance was sitting on the couch dozing off.”

“You didn’t wake her?”

Eventide Shine shakes her head. “No sir. I have standing orders not to disturb them for tea.”

She appears uneasy.

“Sir? I… I understand this is important, but can what I have to say next just stay between us if at all possible?”

“What is it?”

“Most mornings the princesses try to sneak in a little rest before audiences start. Sometimes even skipping tea entirely if they’re too tired.”

“I’ll keep that to myself.”

The mare before him breathes a sigh of relief. “Thank you. That’s kind of a secret.”

“Did you see Princess Luna?”

“No, sir. I just assumed she was resting in the bedroom.”

“Do you make the tea every morning?”

“No sir. The kitchen staff makes it for me. I just carry it to the princesses and pour it for them if they’re not feeling up to doing it themselves.”

“Did you pour them each a cup this morning?”

“Yes sir. Like I said, Princess Cadance appeared to be sleeping though. So I doubt either of them drank much.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “You’re not sure? Didn’t you bring their dishes back to the Kitchen later?”

“Forgive me, sir, but they sometimes just take a small sip. Whether or not they actually drink the tea is not something I usually pay attention to. Think of it kind of like their little morning ritual.”

“Then why do they ask for tea?”

“I’m not fully sure, sir. Perhaps it’s just something to anchor them. Give them a sense of normalcy. After all, the role of a princess can’t be an easy one.”

Arc sighs. “That much I do understand. Tell me, when you saw Princess Cadance, did anything seem out of the ordinary to you? I mean, was it just normal napping or did she seem at all different?”

“I’m sorry, but I couldn’t really say for sure. My intuition said they were just resting though, as they often do.”

“So they didn’t say anything?”

“No sir. Not when I set out the tea, nor when I returned to pick it up later.”

“Was there anyone else in the room either time you were there?”

“Nopony, sir. At least not that I saw.”

“What did you do with the tea set?”

“As per royal protocol, I brought it back to the kitchen to be sterilized for tomorrow. It should be sitting on a shelf in the Pantry by now.”

Arc sighs as he stands up. “Thank you for your time, miss. I’ll let you get back to work.”

Eventide Shine nods as she heads for the door with Arc. “I’m sorry I couldn’t be of more help to you, sir. Are the princesses going to be okay?”

“Time will tell. We’ll certainly do our very best.”

Eventide Shine nods and leaves the room with Arc. The two part ways as he heads for his office. Entering he finds Trixie going over some different footage with Rose.

“How did it go, sir?”

Arc shrugs. “She was certainly nervous. But I didn’t feel as if she knew anything helpful.”

Rose turns to look at him. “We’ve mapped her actions since arriving, Arc.”

“Anything suspicious?”

Trixie shakes her head. “Not really, sir. She’s just a regular Hoof Maiden after all.”

Rose nods. “Most of her time was spent aboard The Equinox in her quarters there.”

“Is that normal?”

Trixie nods. “Yes sir. Hoof Maidens have set duties and schedules just like those of us in the military. Such things involve intense moments of action followed by long periods of relative boredom.”

Arc turns to Rose. “How about her actions today?”

“She carried out her duties as she normally does.”

Trixie sighs. “Yes. However there was one moment of interest. Can you pull it up, Rose?”


Pushing a few buttons the view of the Kitchen comes up. It shows Saffron removing the tea set from the Pantry. It has a special seal on it which she removes. Arc nods.

“Sealed after cleaning?”

Trixie turns to him. “Yes sir. If anypony wanted to add something they would have to break the seal.”

Saffron then picks up a package of sealed tea package, opens it, and fills the pot with leaves before throwing the rest of the package in the trash.

“Straight from the manufacturer, huh?”

“Yes sir. It’s for security. No packaging is allowed to be used more than once.”

After the tea is brewed Saffron sets it on the counter and returns to her duties. A few minutes later Eventide Shine enters the Kitchen, places the tea set on a small cart, and wheels it out. Rose pushes a few buttons.

“Switching feed a few times here.”

The monitor shows the Hoof Maiden walking through the Dining Room and down the corridor toward Arc’s quarters. Arc turns to Rose.

“So far so good. What am I supposed to be looking for?”

“It’s coming up.”

Suddenly Goldstone walks by. He puts a talon on the cart forcing the mare to stop. Arc frowns.

“What the heck is he doing?!”

Rose sighs. “Reading his beak movements, it would appear he’s asking her for some tea.”

Eventide Shine shakes her head as Rose continues.

“She’s trying to explain to him that this tea is for the princesses.”

Goldstone picks up the teapot, opens the top as he turns from the camera, and takes a deep draft before turning back to the mare. Arc frowns.

“Did he just put something in the pot?!”

Rose sighs. “The angle is bad. Sadly I can’t say for sure either way.”

The Hoof Maiden continues to shake her head. Eventually with a final sniff Goldstone sets the teapot back on the cart and steps back to allow Eventide Shine to continue on her way. However as she passes he roughly slaps her flank causing her to yelp and lower her head fearfully as she hurries on. Goldstone chuckles as he continues on his way. Arc clenches his fists as he mutters under his breath.

“She’s just a pincushion to him. Like Raven was.”

Trixie turns to Arc. “Sir, while the feed doesn’t show it definitively, I do believe Lord Goldstone may have added something to the pot.”

Rose nods. “Perhaps it would be best if he was confronted about this.”

Trixie sighs. “I don’t know. It’s kinda risky without knowing for sure. If you want to search his room you’ll have to accuse him first, sir.”

“I believe I might be able to help with that, Arc.”

“I’m listening.”

Rose explains her idea to Arc. He nods.

“That’s exactly what we’re going to do. Trixie, do you understand you need to do?

“Yes sir.”

“Good. On your way then.”

She hurries out the door as Rose turns to Arc.

“This is still somewhat risky.”

“I understand that. However with your plan at least some of that risk is mitigated.”

A short time later Gestal, Goldstone, and Ghaleon enter the office. Trixie approaches Arc and salutes.

“The Griffon Kingdom delegation, as ordered sir.”

“Thank you, lieutenant. Leave us.”

She nods and exits the room. Closing the door behind them she turns to Sandstorm Mirage who is waiting in the corridor with several guards.

“Trixie sure hopes the commander knows what he’s doing.”

Sandstorm Mirage nods soberly. “So do I.”

Meanwhile, Arc approaches the three. Gestal is the first to speak.

“We were told you needed to see us, Lord Arc.”

“I did. There’s been a break in the case, and I need some help identifying the actions found in some video footage.”

Goldstone smirks. “We will certainly try, Lord Arc.”

Ghaleon raises an eyebrow. “You can’t figure out what’s happening on a screen this large?!”

“Please watch.”

Arc turns to Rose and nods. She presses a few buttons. In a moment the scene featuring Goldstone accosting Eventide Shine plays out. Goldstone frowns.

“Lord Arc, I’d like to formally complain about that harpy’s behavior! She refused to serve me some of that amazing tea!”

Arc turns to him. “You couldn’t have gone to the Dining Room and gotten your own?”

“Certainly not! I’m a LORD! Things come to ME!”

The scene with Goldstone smacking Eventide Shine’s flank plays out before them. Ghaleon sneers at Goldstone

“You just can’t keep your talons to yourself, can you?!”

Goldstone grins. “Can I help it if she had a nice backside?”

Arc frowns. “I noticed in the video you opened the top of the teapot, Lord Goldstone.”

“Of course! The smell was absolutely intoxicating!”

Gestal raises an eyebrow. “What for?”

“If you had smelled that tea you’d have done the same, Gestal!”

Ghaleon turns to Arc. “I’m failing to see the point in this.”

“Simple. That cart was destined for the princesses’ room. Lord Goldstone picked the teapot up and fiddled with it. A short time later both monarchs were found unresponsive.”

Gestal turns to his associate, angrily. “Goldstone! What have you done?!”

“N-nothing! I was just smelling it! Anyone could have put anything in it prior to me picking it up! Probably that little mare with the nice flank! She looked suspicious to me!”

Arc turns to Rose. “Back the footage up to the beginning.”

Rose does so. They watch the sealed pot emerging from the Pantry and Saffron mixing the tea. Goldstone fidgets.

“There could have been poison in it from the start!”

Arc shakes his head. “It was a sealed package, Lord Goldstone.”

“Well, what about that bimbo mixing it up?! She looks suspicious too!”

“That’s my personal chef you’re talking about!”

Ghaleon glares at him. “Stop blaming everyone else, Goldstone!”

Gestal nods. “Yes. If you did something, now is the time to admit it.”

“But I’ve done NOTHING!”

Ghaleon rolls his eyes. “And the princesses just HAPPENED to fall ill?”

“Right! It was a terrible coincidence!”

Arc turns to look at Goldstone. “We also have footage of you giving your drink to Princess Cadance last night.”

“Of course! I accidently spilled hers!”

Arc points to the screen as Rose pauses the video on the scene of Goldstone grabbing Cadance’s back.

“What’s your talon doing there?”

“I TRIPPED! Are you BLIND?!”

Ghaleon frowns. “Did you put something in your own drink, Goldstone?!”

Goldstone shakes his head furiously. “I tell you it was just a MISTAKE!”

Arc turns to Gestal. “I’d like to search Lord Goldstone’s luggage for signs of some kind of poison.”

Gestal sighs. “Normally I would insist on his right to privacy. However, due to our past and Lord Goldstone’s lack of an alibi, I’ll allow it.”

“But I don’t have anything!”

Arc gestures to the door. “Then we’ll find nothing there, won’t we?”

As they leave the room Arc turns to Sandstorm Mirage.

“I’m taking Rose with me for a bit. Take over watching the cameras. Lieutenant, you come with me.”

“Yes sir.”

Trixie falls into step behind them. “Right behind you, sir.”

The griffons lead the way down the corridor. Arc motions for the guards to let them enter the room. He turns to Gestal.

“Which is his?”

Gestal points to a large chest at the end of a bed. “Right there.”

“Is everything of his in there?”

“Yes, Lord Arc. However due to the personal nature of a griffon’s property, I’ll permit only you personally to search the chest.”

“Very well. Rose?”

Rose scans the chest.

“I’m picking something up in there all right.”

Arc kneels down and carefully removes each item one by one and holds them up for Rose to scan. Eventually he comes to the bottom of the now empty chest. Goldstone sneers at him.

“I told you I didn’t have anything!”

Goldstone turns to Gestal.

“How much more of this farce must I endure?!”

Gestal sighs. “I must agree with Lord Goldstone. You’ve searched and found nothing, Lord Arc. Perhaps you were mistaken.”

Rose shakes her head. “There is still something in the chest.”

“There is?”

“Yes. Doesn’t the bottom look a bit strange to you?”

Arc frowns. “Now that you mention it, yes.”

Kneeling back down he feels the floor of the chest for a few moments before his fingers trace over a small knothole. Arc removes the guardanium knife from its sheath and sticks it inside. Using it as leverage he slowly lifts the bottom to reveal it to be a false floor. Tossing it aside he reaches inside again and pulls out a small leather bag which he holds up for all to see.

“What is this?”

Goldstone looks away. “I… I never saw it before!”

“Scan it, Rose.”

She does so.

“It appears to be the same substance from the medical officer’s report.”

Ghaleon clenches his talons angrily. “What?!”

Rose takes the bag in her hand. “This substance was found in both princesses’ blood samples.”

Gestal turns to Goldstone. “Why?!”

“But… but I’m innocent!”

Gestal sighs as he turns back to Arc.

“I must regretfully ask that you take my companion into custody, Lord Arc.”

Arc nods. Trixie and several Royal Guards walk across the threshold and approach Goldstone.

“You can’t do this to me! I’m a LORD!!!”

Ghaleon frowns. “Well, at the moment you’re a criminal!”


Goldstone looks to Arc.

“You can’t arrest me! The treaty, remember?!”

Gestal shakes his head. “That does not protect you from crimes committed on Equestrian soil, Lord Goldstone.”

“Maybe not! But I want to make use of my right to an immediate audience!”

Trixie raises an eyebrow. “Your what?”

Goldstone grins wickedly. “In the event a leader is accused of wrongdoing, they have the right to petition the ruler of the other nation immediately. And with the princesses out of commission you can’t really do that, can you?”

Gestal nods. “Lord Goldstone is correct. He cannot be arrested until he is given a chance to plead his case with the rulers of Equestria.”

Arc nods. “Admittedly I did not notice that in the treaty. But I believe you, Lord Gestal. However there is a simple solution to this.”

Goldstone looks to Arc nervously. “There… there is?”

“Yes. With the princesses unable to lead, I’m once again Lord Regent of Equestria.”

Arc smiles coldly at Goldstone.

“Now then, as the legitimate ruler of Equestria, would you like to tell me something?”

Ghaleon chuckles. “Go ahead, Goldstone. Plead your case.”

Goldstone’s pupils shrink as something inside him breaks. He stands there wordlessly for a time before slowly walking toward Arc and grabbing the front of his tunic. The griffon loses all semblance of sanity as he explodes in a fit of rage.


Trixie and her guards quickly step forward and grab the errant Lord. Goldstone turns frantically to Ghaleon.


Arc nods to Trixie. They begin literally dragging Goldstone out of the room. He continues to scream as he points an accusatory talon at Arc.


Arc steps into the corridor with the others and turns to Gestal. “As per our nation’s treaty, I’m placing Lord Goldstone under arrest for the crime of poisoning the our nation’s princesses.”

Gestal nods soberly. “I understand. We will take him back to the Griffon Kingdom to stand trial before our king after the summit.”

Rose steps forward. “Begging your pardon, sir. But this crime was committed against the rulers of Equestria inside an Equestrian facility on Equestrian soil. As per the treaty, our nation has full jurisdiction.”

Arc nods. “I do believe she’s right, Lord Gestal. Rest assured he will have a fair trial along with the chance to defend himself before a judge.”

Goldstone glares at Arc incredulously. “Fair trial?! HA! You’ll just declare me guilty as soon as it starts!”

Ghaleon nods. “He does raise a good point. You’re certainly biased in this matter, Lord Arc.”

“Agreed. He will be imprisoned at Canterlot Castle until the princesses recover. I will then recommend to them that he stand trial before the High Justice of Baltimare for this crime.”

Gestal nods. “Very fair of you, Lord Arc.”

“FAIR?! Can’t you two see he’s setting me up to be executed!”

Gestal continues. “A Griffon Kingdom representative would certainly have to be present for all hearings and the trial itself. Lord Goldstone is entitled to griffon council too, of course.”

Arc nods. “Understood. We will take care of him until that point. I’ll personally notify you when a trial date is set.”

Ghaleon nods. “Very Generous of you, Lord Arc.”

Arc raises his gauntlet and opens a portal as he turns to Trixie. “Take this portal to Canterlot Castle and bring Lord Goldstone to the dungeon. He is to be held in solitary confinement until the princesses decide what to do. You are to personally see to his needs and stand guard there as well, lieutenant.”

“Yes sir.”

She motions for the guards to move out. They walk through the portal as Goldstone kicks, screams, and claws at the floor. Arc turns back to Gestal as he closes the portal behind them.

“Thank you for upholding you end of the treaty.”

Gestal nods. “Our nations have an agreement. The Griffon Kingdom will honor it. As disgraceful as this matter may be to us.”

Arc nods. “I’m sure the princesses will agree, but as Lord Regent I’d like to extend an olive branch.”

Ghaleon looks confused. “A what?”

“It’s an expression that means I wish for peace between us. There’s no need for our nations to have a tarnished relationship over what Lord Goldstone did.”

Gestal nods. “Thank you, Lord Arc. I will report this matter to our king upon our return to the Griffon Kingdom.”

“I understand.”

He turns to Rose.

“It’s merely a formality at this point, but please take that substance to Nurse Redheart and have her analyze it.”

“Right away.”

She turns to walk down the corridor as Arc calls out after her.

“Tell her I’ll need an official report for the trial as well.”

“Yes sir. This shouldn’t take long.”

Arc turn back to Gestal.

“If you’ll excuse me, I’ll see you and the rest of the diplomats at supper.”

Gestal nods as Arc turns to walk away.

“Lord Arc?”

Arc turns around. “Yes?”

“On behalf of the Griffon Kingdom, I’m sorry for the trouble Lord Goldstone caused.”

“Thank you. That’s appreciated.”

Arc returns to his quarters and closes the door. Clenching his fists he grins uncontrollably.

“Take that, you mare-molesting FREAK! I hope you rot in that cell for a LONG time!”

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