• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 11 - Aerial Maneuvers

A few days later Arc, Ember, Sereb, Dinky, and Brightwing sit in the Dining Room of Canterlot Castle together eating breakfast.

“How are things going in Tartarus, dad?”

“Mythic Honor reports that the foliage spreads a bit further from the Enclave every day. They’ve begun setting up those aquaponics systems too.”

Ember sighs. “I wish I could have seen it.”

Sereb turns to her. “Seen what?”

“The demons so… docile. Remember, all I’ve ever witnessed was teeth and claws.”

Brightwing gasps. “Oh! Scary!”

Arc nods. “It was certainly out of character for them, that’s for sure.”

“Do you think this will help them, dad?”

“That’s up to them.”

Ember grins. “At least both conscious princesses liked what you reported.”

Sereb nods. “There really was no down side to what we did.”

Dinky turns to her father. “What kind of things are they growing over there?”

“Tomatoes, strawberries, lettuce, cucumbers, and radishes.”

Brightwing licks her lips. “Mmmm… tasty!”

Sereb chuckles. “You forget, the most recent report said they were trying to grow watermelons.”

Arc grins. “Now that sounds tasty!”

Dinky appears confused. “I don’t think I’ve ever had that. What is it?”

Ember shrugs. “A melon filled with water?”

“Not exactly. It’s a large round fruit with a hard green and white exterior and a pink sweet flesh.”

Sereb smiles. “Sounds tasty.”

Arc sighs happily. “I really liked them growing up. In the summer, my dad would take me to the grocery store to buy one every weekend.”

Dinky smiles. “How big are they?”

“The bigger ones can grow to around the size of a foal.”

Brightwing’s eyes grow wide. “WOAH!”

Ember looks at Dinky. “That IS big!”

“Can we get one, dad?!”

“I’ve never seen them at any store around town.”

Sereb puts a paw to his chin. “Perhaps we can grow one.”

Dinky giggles. “Or go to Tartarus and pick one up.”

Arc tousles Dinky’s mane. “I’ll get right on that after breakfast.”

Suddenly the doors open and Trixie runs inside. She hurries over to Arc and salutes.

“Sire, Trixie wishes to report that an airship is approaching Equestrian airspace from north of the Crystal Empire!”

Ember stands up quickly as Brightwing takes flight. “Give me a portal back to the Dragon Lands, Arc! I’ll gather the fastest dragons and intercept it!”

“Let’s not be hasty, Ember. Trixie, what country is it from?”

“Unknown, sire! But it was coming from Yakyakistan!”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “The YAKS have airships now?!”

Arc frowns. “That doesn’t sound right. After all, when I was there all I saw was huts and fire pits. There wasn’t anything more high tech there than a record player. Are we certain it came from Yakyakistan?”

“Yes. General Virtuous Lance sent word from the empire just a few minutes ago.”

“Did it fly over the city?”

Trixie shakes her head. “No, sire. It was making a large detour to avoid their airspace by flying southwest. However, they are currently on a direct course to Canterlot.”

“Who do you suppose it is, dad?”

“No idea. But it is pretty risky of them to enter our country without first announcing themselves.”

Ember frowns. “Yeah. That’s just asking for trouble.”

“What are your orders sire?”

Arc stands. “Ready my ship. We’ll confront them before they reach Canterlot.”

Trixie looks to him nervously. “Uh… sire? If you recall, The Equinox is still out of commission and will be for quite some time.”

“I forgot. We’ll take the Lunar Destiny then. Order the crew, Sereb, and my squad to board the ship at once.”

“Yes sire!”

Trixie runs out the door and down the corridor as Arc wipes his mouth with a napkin and heads for the door.

“Here we go again.”

Ember bares her claws she follows. “Finally, some action!”

Arc frowns as he turns to her. “I’m sorry, Ember. Were the activities on Earth not enough action for you?”

Ember shrugs. “What can I say. I get bored.”

Reaching the ship, Arc and Ember quickly board with Brightwing and Sereb following closely behind. Heading to the Bridge, they find Captain Tight Ship and the rest of the Bridge Crew waiting for them.

“Ready to depart anytime, sir.”

“Very good, captain. Lemon Hearts, radio for immediate takeoff. As soon as she gets the go-ahead get us underway, Thunderlane.

“Aye sir.”

Wrangler frowns. “So what’s the big hurry, sir?”

Moon Dancer looks over. “Yes. We hadn’t heard of any major threats.”

“There’s an unidentified ship heading toward Canterlot from the northwest. We need to intercept it before it gets here.”

Tight Ship’s eyes grow wide. “Do you suspect foul play, sir?”

“No idea either way. The ship reportedly isn’t marked.”

Ember taps her foot impatiently. “Less talking, more flying!”

A small voice behind them calls out. “I’m sure everypony’s moving as fast as they can, Miss Ember.”

Arc and Ember spin around to see Dinky standing behind them.


“What are you DOING here?!”

Dinky looks confused. “You said I could spend time with you, dad.”

“Now really isn’t the best time.”

“Why not? All we’re going to be doing is flying for a while, right?”

Wrangler grins. “Right. Unless somepony gives me something to shoot!”

Ember shrugs. “This should be perfectly safe, Arc. After all, isn’t this the second most powerful airship in the Equestrian military?”

“I suppose it is.”

“That and if things get bad, all you have to do is open a portal and send me back to Canterlot, dad.”

Arc sighs. “True. Very well, Dinky. You can come.”


Lemon Hearts looks over. “We’re cleared for take-off, sire.”

Thunderlane grins. “Here we go!”

Moon Dancer grimaces. “I have a bad feeling about this.”

The ship takes off. As soon as they reach the proper altitude Arc turns to the coms.

“Lemon Hearts, radio Canterlot and ask about the course of the ship we’re after.”

“Yes sir.”

A few moments later she looks up.

“Sir, it’s still flying straight toward Canterlot.”

“Good. Thunderlane, plot a course to intercept it. Moon Dancer, anything on screen?”

“Negative, sir. But the instruments on this ship aren’t as cutting edge as The Equinox.”

Ember frowns. “How much longer until we can pick them up then?”

“About two hours.”

Arc nods. “As soon as we have them on screen call it out.”

“Yes sir.”

Arc walks over to the coms station.

“Lemon Hearts, are we in range of communications with that ship?”

“Yes sir. However, there have been constant attempts by Canterlot to hail them. All have been met with silence.”

“Keep listening and let me know if anything comes through from them.”

“Aye sir.”

Arc sits down in a chair and stares out the main window.

“And now… we wait.”

Two hours later Moon Dancer calls over to him.

“Sir, the ship has just appeared on my screen off the port side.”


Tight Ship turns to the helm. “Thunderlane, correct our heading to intercept the vessel.”

“Aye sir.”

Slowly the ship turns. An hour later Wrangler looks out the window with binoculars and points a hoof straight ahead.

“There it is! Dead ahead!”

Arc hurries over to her and takes the binoculars. He looks at the ship for a long moment before turning to Lemon Hearts.

“Tell Canterlot to cease communications with that ship. We’ll take it from here.”

“Aye sir.”

“Wrangler, bring the weapon systems online and prepare the ORB.”

“Yes sir. But if you’ll recall, the Lunar Destiny doesn’t have that particular module installed.”

Arc slaps his forehead. “I forgot. We’d better keep our distance then.”

Ember clenches a fist. “We need a plan. Assuming they don’t start talking, that is.”

“My dad will think of something.”

“I already have, sweetheart. But let’s give them a chance to end this peacefully.”

A short time later Lemon Hearts sighs.

“No response, sir.”

Soarin puts a hoof to his chin. “They could be having radio trouble.”

Thunderlane frowns. “Well, they’re not making any attempt to slow down or coming out on deck to wave at us.”

Tight Ship nods. “Lemon Hearts, bring the ship up to red alert.”

“Order my squad to the Bridge as well.”

“Yes sir.”

A few minutes later Sereb, Max, Hugh, Xenos, and Viktor rush onto the Bridge. They line up and salute respectfully. Max is the first to speak.

“Reporting as ordered, sir.”

Sereb growls. “Let us be of help to you once more.”

“We’re going to storm an unidentified ship that isn’t responding to our hails. No idea what’s going on over there.”

Viktor looks to the comms. “Could it be radio trouble, sir?”

“Doubtful. I’m hoping it’s nothing but a big misunderstanding. But we need to get to the bottom of it.”

Wrangler smiles wickedly. “If I have to shoot em down this is a good place, sir. No towns nearby.”

Soarin frowns. “Let’s try to avoid that.”

Xenos sighs. “That may not be possible.”

Hugh looks out the window at the ship. “We’ll know more when we get over there though.”

Max turns to Arc. “What’s the plan, sir?”

“First off… any restrictions from the doctor, Hugh?”

“None, sir. I’m fit and ready for action.”

“Good. You four will fly over there and take the deck while I Blink over.”

Ember looks at Arc angrily. “Uh… what about ME?!”

“You’re a visiting dignitary, remember?”

“No I’m not!”

Arc shrugs. “Well, you DID take Brightwing’s job.”

Brightwing calls out from her place on Dinky’s back. “But friend in danger!”

Ember sighs. “I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but Brightwing’s right. You need me over there in case something goes wrong.”

“Fine. Not sure how I’m going to explain this one in the report though.”

Ember grins as she calls forth her spear. “Just call it an Equestrian/Dragon Lands joint operation.”

A few minutes later Arc’s squad touches down on the strange ship. They look around, spears at the ready. Max calls out the orders.

“Spread out and form a defensive perimeter in front of the door!”

They do so as Max turns and motions with his spear to the Lunar Destiny. A moment later Arc and Ember appear on the deck riding on Sereb. Xenos turns to him.

“Sir, you really should let us do this.”

Hugh grimaces. “Right. You don’t even have your armor!”

Sereb sighs. “He is correct, Arc.”

“No time for repairs. Now let’s go!”

Cherry calls out to him. “This really is a foolhardy thing to do. Even for you!”

“We’ll talk later. Let’s try the door.”

Arc pulls his spear and nods to Xenos. Gripping the door, the stallion gives it a mighty pull. It slides open. Hugh steps back, surprised.

“That was easy.”

Ember frowns. “Maybe too easy. Stay sharp.”

Sereb growls. “I will take point.”

Arc looks at the wolf as he gets down from the saddle. “Actually, I should…”

Sereb narrows his eyes. “One of us has functional armor and is not the Lord Regent.”

“Duly noted. Go ahead, big guy.”

Sereb steps over the threshold and walks down the corridor. The others follow as Arc closes the door behind them. Ember looks to her companion as she speaks.

“Hear anything, Sereb?”

“Yes. There are numerous crew aboard the ship.”

Max looks over his shoulder. “We should take the Bridge first, sir. That will give us control of the ship and allow us to land.”

Viktor grins. “Sounds like a plan.”

“Let’s go with that. Lead the way, Sereb.”

Sniffing, the large wolf leads them deeper into the ship. He pricks up his ears and growls. Ember looks to him again.

“What is it?”

“I smell someone… unpleasant.”

Xenos look around. “Are we in danger?”

Sereb shakes his head. “No. But they will be when we find them. In any case, the Bridge is right through this door.”

Arc’s squad takes their places on either side of the door. Ember steps forward and kicks it open. The stallions rush through it and form a perimeter. They look around a few moments before Max turns back.

“All clear, sire.”

Arc steps forward with Ember as Sereb brings up the rear. They look around the Bridge. All around them are slightly moving sacks containing what is assumedly the crew. Arc frowns as he turns to his squad.

Arc: Everyone stay here.

They nod as he steps toward the sack that sits in front of what appears to be the captain’s chair. Calling forth his guardanium knife, Arc deftly slices through the ropes holding it shut. Pulling the sack down Arc spots an ornately dressed griffin officer who is tied and gagged. Sighing, he cuts through the cloth to allow the griffon to speak.

“Th-thank you, sir.”

Arc frowns as he moves to cut through the other restraints. “Don’t mention it. Can I assume you’re the captain of this vessel?”

“Yes, sir.”

“You look familiar.”

“We met just off the coast of the Griffon Kingdom not so long ago.”

Arc narrows his eyes. “Oh yes. Now I remember you… Lieutenant Gaston.”

“It’s now Admiral Gaston, Hero of Light.”

Ember frowns at the griffon as she taps her staff on the steel deck. “Well this is now the Lord Regent of Equestria, worm! Show some respect!”

“Easy, Ember.”

Arc turns to the others.

“Begin untying the rest of the crew.”

They nod and begin carrying out their orders. Arc returns his gaze to the admiral.

“So what are you doing in Equestria?”

Gaston looks out the window, confused. “Is that where we are?!”

Ember rolls her eyes. “No. We were just hijacking you for the fun of it.”

Sereb growls. “This is indeed deep in Equestrian territory.”

Arc nods. “That it is. But judging by how you and your crew were bound and gagged I assume it wasn’t by choice.”

Gaston shakes his head. “It was not, no. We had just left Yakyakistan on a diplomatic visit with Prince Rutherford and were flying eastward toward the Celestial Sea when we were ambushed.”

Ember scoffs. “By whom? The yaks?”

“No. The rebels.”

Gritting his teeth, Arc turns to the others.

“Search the ship from top to bottom! Max and Hugh! Viktor and Xenos! Ember and Sereb! Go!”

They hurry to carry out their instructions as Gaston glares at Arc.

“What do you think you’re DOING?!”

“Making sure no rebels are hiding aboard your ship before we escort your vessel to the border.”

Arc touches his earring.

“Arc to Lemon Hearts.”

“Go ahead, sir.”

“We’ve reached the bridge and found the crew. Continue to follow us.”

“Yes sir.”

“Arc out.”

Gaston seethes. “This is a Griffon Kingdom ambassador’s vessel, and as per our treaty, is an extension of our nation! You have no jurisdiction aboard my ship! My OWN crew and I will search OUR vessel!”

Arc motions with a sweep of his hand. “Look around you, Gaston. Do you really think your crew is up to such a task after being held captive for hours?”

Gaston looks around as several crew members hobble around freeing their comrades one by one. Arc toys with the guardanium knife as he continues.

“It would reflect poorly on your command to turn away my help at this point. Especially after you’ve violated our airspace so blatantly.”

“Where… exactly are we?”

“Somewhere between the Crystal Empire and Canterlot. Believe me when I say that you’re pretty deep into our territory. Tell me, what do you think Lord Gestal will do when he finds out about this?”

“I… our ship was systematically ambushed by the rebel forces! There wasn’t anything I could have done!”

Arc shrugs. “It’s your funeral, I mean report. Write it up any way you want. I’m sure the ambassador will corroborate your story.”

The blood drains from Gaston’s face. Arc waits a few moments before continuing.

“Well, in any case, we should probably go check on your… ambassador.”

“Yes, yes! Right this way!”

He leads Arc to a cabin approximately center of the ship. Gaston looks to Arc with a pained expression on his face.

“I… should probably go in alone.”

Arc chuckles. “Afraid I’ll hear some big state secrets or something?”

“Ah… our ambassador is quite… demanding.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Please, Gaston. I doubt Lord Goldstone would have the courage to do more that cower in fear when he learns where he is.”

Gaston looks confused as Arc opens the door. The pair look around the luxurious cabin for a few moments before the admiral points a talon toward the bed.

“Over there!”

Arc quickly steps over to the bed and pulls the sheets back.

“Welcome to Equestria, Lord…”

He stops talking as the bound and gagged griffon’s head comes into view. Groaning, Cherry calls out to him telepathically.

“Arc? Is that…?”

“Yes, Cherry. This… is none other than Lady Ashe.”

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