• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 21 - Quality Time

Meanwhile, Arc and Rose cook together in the Kitchen.

“I’m sorry there were no cherries in the pantry, Cherry. I’ll have a talk with the supply officer later.”

“It’s alright. We can cook something without them for once.”

Arc looks over her shoulder and sniffs. “That soup does smell good!”

Rose smiles sheepishly at him. “Thank you. A very kind individual showed me how to make it some time ago.”

Arc sets out two places at the table. “Well, they’re obviously a very good teacher.”

The food finishes cooking as Rose ladles out two bowls of soup. Arc brings them to the table before pulling out Rose’s chair for her.

“Have a seat my dear. You’ve certainly earned it.”

Rose sits down happily.

“Thank you, Arc.”

Arc smiling as he sits down himself. “If it tastes as good as it looks and smells I believe we’re in for a treat.”

He waits patiently for Rose to pick up her spoon. She takes a small sip.

“How is it, my dear?”

“It’s… um… very good!”

Arc takes a bite himself. “It really is! I wish I knew who taught you this recipe! I’d like to shake their hoof!”

Rose nods and smiles sheepishly as she thinks to herself. “I do wish I could taste the food as well.”

Arc looks over to her. “So where is Luna going again, Rose?”

“To sign a peace treaty with the Griffon Kingdom. Remember, love?”

“Shouldn’t I be there?”

“Oh, um… Princess Luna wanted you to stay here and rest.”

“Rest? HA! She probably just wants to keep me under wraps!”

“What do you mean?”

Arc growls angrily. “Probably doesn’t want the griffons knowing Equestria’s Hero of Light is a human!”

“That can’t be, Arc! She respects you so much!”

“Really?! Then why aren’t I there?!”

“Because… your hand.”

Rose puts a hand across the table and gently pats his palm. Arc looks at it confused.

“Huh? When did THAT happen?!”

“Earlier today. Don’t you remember?”

“Huh… must have slipped my mind. How?”

“You stopped an assassin from shooting Princess Luna. Twice!”

Arc rubs his hand. “Probably should have just let her get hit.”


“Well, she can’t be killed, right? But I can! What was I THINKING?!”

“You did it because it was the right thing to do!”

Arc shrugs. “Yeah, well… I make mistakes too.”

He looks down at his palm again.

“And it looks like my poor hand paid the price.”

Rose puts down her spoon and takes his good hand in hers. “Listen to me, Arc. Your Kindness is what turned my head. But it was your selfless attitude that made me fall in love with you.”

Arc sighs. “Well… I’m kinda wondering what it’s all for.”

“Protecting others, isn’t it?”

“It… it is, yes. But what about us?”

“We’re together now, aren’t we?”

Arc sighs as he looks into his soup. “Yes. But for how long? As Lord Regent, I don’t have time for you.”

They are silent for a time.

“I… I don’t know what to do… about…”

Arc suddenly clutches his head.

“W-what the…?”

Rose stands up quickly and hurries over to him as Arc accidently knocks his bowl to the floor. She wraps an arm around him as she helps him stand up.

“Let’s get you to the Infirmary!”

Arc shakes his head as he sweats profusely. “N-no! I can handle this!”

“Are you sure?!”

“Yes. It’s… it’s starting to wane now.”

A few moments later Arc is able to stand on his own.

“Arc, I… this is scaring me!”

He rubs his forehead. “I… that may be. But I have to stay strong for the country! They can’t know I’m having these problems! Decimus could swoop in and try to take over!”

“Are you certain you’re okay?!”

Arc nods and forces a smile. “Yes. Why don’t we go for a walk?”

“Well… okay. But what about that?”

She points to the soup and bowl on the floor. Arc looks confused.

“When did that happen?”

“You knocked it over when you had that attack just now, dear.”

“Must be working too hard. I don’t remember it at all.”

Rose walks over to the sink and picks up a dishtowel. “Let’s just clean it up.”

“I’ll help you”

In a few minutes the spill is no more. They do the few supper dishes together quickly. As they finish Rose puts her arms around him.

“Would you like me to take you back to your quarters now, Arc? The two of us could have some… alone time.”

Arc smiles at her as he points to the clock. “The night is still quite young, my dear. That is, unless you’re tired already.”

“I’m fine. What else would you like to do?”

“How about we take a walk up to the Observation Deck? We’ll be able to see the whole city from up there.”

Rose smiles as she takes his hand. “Sounds like fun!”

“Right this way.”

Arc leads Rose to the Observation Deck. They sit down together in two chairs facing the city below. Rose gazes out over the skyline.


Arc looks at Rose, smiling. “I agree.”

“But you’re not even looking out the window.”

Arc nods. Not taking his eyes off of her. “I know.”

He takes her hand and smiles broadly.

“You’re just the most beautiful creature I’ve ever laid eyes on.”

Tears of joy form in the corners of Rose’s eyes as she smiles broadly. “Oh, Arc! You can’t know just how long I’ve waited to hear those words!”

Arc turns to Rose and rests his forehead on hers.

“I love you, Cherry!”

“I love you too, Arc!”

Arc picks Rose up and set her in his lap. She wraps her arms around him lovingly.

“What brought this on?”

“It’s been so long since I held you, Cherry. Forgive me, but I couldn’t resist.”

Rose kisses his cheek. “This feels nice!”

Arc puts his arms around her waist. “That it does!”

He looks out the window toward the city.

“Tell me something, Cherry.”


“What would you like?”

Rose looks to him, confused. “Like?”

“For a present.”

“Oh, I don’t need…”

Arc interrupts her. “Anything you want! Anything at all!”

He gestures to the city below.

“I’d conquer this whole filthy country if it would make you happy!”

“But I…!”

“Riches?! Land?! Power?! Name it, and I’ll make it happen!”

“I don’t want any of those things, Arc.”


“I just want…”


Rose look him straight in the eye. “I just want to make you happy, my love.”

Arc smiles at her. “And that’s what I want, my dear.”

The sun has gone down and the stars are out. Rose looks out the window as she traces Arc’s face with a finger.

“Princess Luna’s night is especially beautiful tonight.”

“Yes. Especially with such good company. I…”

Arc suddenly puts a hand to his forehead. Rose turns to him, concern in her voice.

“Oh dear! Another attack?!”

“Just… just a small one! I’ll be okay in a minute.”

A few minutes later Arc regains his composure.

“How do you feel now, dear?!”

“Okay. I think I’m getting used to it.”

Rose frowns. “Not sure how I feel about that.”

She scans him and breathes a sigh of relief as his vitals appear normal.

“You look alright.”

“Feel okay too.”

“Yes, well… I worry about you, Arc.”

“I’ll try to take less risks in the future, my dear.”

Rose shakes her head. “No, no! I mean…”

They are interrupted by a large explosion in the distance. Arc leans forward.

“What the…?”

Rose looks out the window still in Arc’s arms. As she scans the horizon she breathes a sigh of relief.

“It was just some fireworks, Arc.”


Rose shrugs. “They must be celebrating the treaty signing.”

“Already? I thought that wasn’t until later tonight.”

“They’re probably just sitting down to dinner right now. That is, if tonight’s schedule is still on track.”

“What is the schedule?”

“After they arrive, Princess Luna will meet the entire Council of Lords, the king, many other dignitaries and heads of state.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Sounds kinda boring.”

“If she wasn’t there, you would be.”

“Better her than me.”

“That’s not very nice, Arc!”

Arc frowns. “Well, it IS her job after all!”

He shakes his head.

“Sorry. This position is really getting to me. What happens after meet and greet time?”

“A small concert and ball will follow as dinner is prepared and the dining room made ready.”

Arc grins. “Think I could sneak in there and grab something?”

“Very funny.”

“Yeah! Too much trouble!”

“After that, King Guto will make a speech to commemorate the occasion.”

“Any idea what it will be about?”

“Probably boasting and political posturing. He is a griffon after all.”

“True. Then they’ll sign the treaty?”

“Most likely, yes.”

“Good! I’ll be glad to have this over and done with.”

“Why’s that, Arc?”

“So you and I can spend some quality time together in the castle. That is, if you can stay a few days.”

“The castle? I thought you’d be in a hurry to get home.”

Arc sighs. “Until the princesses take over again, the castle IS my home. So, you up for it? I can’t guarantee anything too exciting, but I’d love your company.”

Rose smiles at him. “I’d love to stay with you! No matter where you go!”


He points out the window at the fireworks.

“I’ll even order fireworks the first night we’re home.”

Rose giggles. “I’d like that!”

The pair laugh together happily. Suddenly stopping as they look into each other’s eyes silently.



Slowly the distance between their faces closes as the beautiful colored lights dance across the night sky. Suddenly an especially powerful blast rips through the night air bringing them both back to reality. Arc and Rose quickly resume looking out the window at the colorful display.

“Oh! I… um… these sure are beautiful!”

Arc looks away, slightly embarrassed. “Y-yes, they are!”

They are silent for a time.

“Cherry? Why don’t we see if we can get closer to the fireworks?”

Rose looks to him, confused. “Closer?”

Arc chuckles. “I’m saying, why don’t we take a walk? It would be a good chance to see this land for myself.”

“That… might not be a good idea, Arc.”

“Why not?”

“Well… something bad could happen to you!”

“I’ve been cooped up in the castle and this ship far too long. Besides, anyone gives us trouble and I’ll teach them a lesson.”

“Well… okay. But only if you let me be your Honor Guard.”

Arc laughs as they stand up. “Deal!”

The pair head for the door. Arc turns to Rose.

“Just let me head back to my room for something more formal.”

Rose looks confused. “What for, Arc?”

“One must keep up appearances for the good of the country, my dear. Why don’t you put on something nice too, and we can make a date of it?”

“Okay! That does sound nice!”

They head back to their rooms to change. Arc puts on his formal attire and looks himself over in the mirror.

“That should do it. Can’t wait to see how pretty Cherry will be in a dress!”

Arc leaves his room and steps out into the hallway. Rose is waiting for him.


Rose is wearing her Honor Guard armor and holding Arc’s Spear of Righteousness.

“Where did you get the armor?”

“You bought it for me, remember?”

“I did?”

“Yes! You said you didn’t want me to get hurt.”

“Oh. I don’t remember doing that, but okay.”

Rose holds out his spear. “Maybe you should keep this though.”

“Thanks. I think I will.”

Arc puts the spear back in his ring and offers Rose his arm.

“Shall we be off, my dear?”

Rose nods happily as she accepts his arm. “Yes! Lets! But only if you feel like you’re up for it.”

“I am.”

They head for the Main Hatch. Rose suddenly turns to Arc.

“Wait! Shouldn’t we tell someone?”

“Tell someone what exactly?”

Rose shrugs. “That we’re going out?”

Arc laughs. “I’m the Hero of Light AND Lord Regent! I go where I want!”

“But… Princess Luna…!”

“…isn’t the boss of me! Now let’s just go and have a good time, okay?”

Rose sighs. “I suppose.”

They leave the ship and walk down the gangplank together. A couple griffon guards stand at the base of the tarmac. Upon seeing Arc they hurry over.

“Sir? Where are you…?”

Arc interrupts as he pushes past him. “Wherever I want, guard!”

The pair chase after him.

“Princess Luna of Equestria was MOST insistent that you not be allowed to leave, sir!”

Arc stops walking and turns around.

“Was she now?”

“Yes sir! Please return to your ship!”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “And if I refuse?”

“Then we shall escort you!”

The pair approach Arc. He looks over their heads, a puzzled look on his face as he points at something behind them.

“What’s that?!”

The pair turn around. Arc takes a step forward and knocks their helmets together. They fall to the ground in a heap. Rose gasps.


She quickly scans them before turning to Arc.

“Why did you do that?!”

“They tried to put a stop to our date, my dear.”

“Well… couldn’t you have gone easier on them?!”

Arc shrugs. “They’re only unconscious. But I promise I won’t cause you to worry any more tonight.”

Rose nods. “Thank you.”

They continue on their way as the guards slowly stand up. One of them moves to make chase, but his companion stops him.

“Let him go! We’re no match for him!”

Meanwhile, Arc and Rose leave the Skyport and walk down the street together. It is bustling with griffons enjoying what appears to be a citywide party. Rose looks around happily.

“This place is really jumping!”

“That it is! Kinda like a big carnival!”

“What do you want to do, Arc?”

“How about we try some of the games? Maybe I can win you a prize?”

Rose looks at the rows of cute stuffed animals.

“That would be nice! But you don’t have to do that.”

Arc pats his ring. “Well, I have plenty of bits to play with here. Let’s just have some fun with them.”

“Okay. But only if you’re sure.”

They approach a stall. Arc pulls a couple bits out of his ring and gives them to the griffon behind the counter.

“I’ll try your game.”

The griffon accepts the bits and gives Arc a ball. “Knock over the bottles and win a prize!”

“Watch this, Rose!”

The ball sails through the air. It hits the milk bottles and bounces off. Rose mutters to herself as she scans the game.

“Those bottles will never fall! They’re filled with lead and bolted down!”

The griffon chuckles. “Aw! We’ve only just started! You’ll continue, right sir?!”

Arc frowns. “You bet I will!”

He pays again and is handed the ball. This time Arc puts more force into his throw. Again the ball bounces off the bottles harmlessly.

“Nice try! Another throw, sir?!”

Rose takes his arm. “Don’t waste your money, Arc.”

Arc holds up a hand to Rose and smiles. “Please, Cherry. I’ll handle this.”

He turns back to the griffon with two more bits.

“One more try.”

The griffon tosses Arc the ball. “Your call, sir! Take your best shot!”

Arc looks at the ball for a moment then at the bottles. He closes his eyes and concentrates as he spins the ball in his hands a few times.

“You might want to duck.”


Arc winds up and launches the ball so hard down the lane that the milk bottles, for all intents and purposes, cease to exist. The proprietor is also knocked down as are several bystanders. After a few moments the griffon stands up.

“W… what happened?”

Arc points. “Looks like your bottles fell over.”

“WHAT?! HOW?!”

He glares at Arc.

“You didn’t knock them down! You OBLITTERATED them!”

Arc shrugs. “The rules were to topple them. You never said in how many pieces.”

The griffon sighs as Arc grabs a stuffed animal from overhead. “Fine… you win.”

TheY pair turn to continue on together as the stall owner puts up a ‘closed’ sign. Arc hands Rose the plushie.

“Here you are my dear.”

Rose smiles as she accepts the stuffed animal and holds it to her chest happily. “Thank you, Arc! It’s very nice!”

Arc looks around at the various other games. “Anything else you want, my dear?”

“Well… how about we try to win something to eat?”


He looks around and spots a game with food prizes. Grinning, Arc approaches the stall.

“Now we’re talking!”

A few minutes later Arc and Rose walk away from the heavily damaged stall with ice cream cones. Rose shakes her head.

“You really shouldn’t have done that, Arc.”

“Can I help it that game was rigged?”

Rose sighs. “I suppose not. But you don’t know that they’re…”

“Look around, Cherry. Do you see anyone else with a prize?”

“I admit, I don’t.”

“There you go!”

Rose points to a small tent. “What’s that?”

Arc reads the sign out front. “Hmmm… it looks like a fortune teller.”

“Fortune teller?”

“They supposedly know all kinds of stuff.”


Arc shakes his head. “Nah. If they really had knowledge like that, I don’t think they would be here.”

“Where else would they be?”

Arc shrugs as he turns to walk on. “I don’t know. Living in a palace or working as some big shot leader’s right hand?”

“Can we… try it?”

He stops and turns around. “Try what?”

“Get our fortunes told! I want to know a few things!”

Arc rolls his eyes. “But it’s all phony, Cherry.”

Rose takes his hand. “Come on! It will be FUN!”

Arc smiles at her. “Okay.”

They enter the small, dark tent. A hooded figure in a dark robe sits in front of a crystal ball. They speak in a deep voice.

“Welcome. I’ve been expecting you two.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “I’m sure you have.”


Rose look at the soothsayer.

“What can you tell me?”

“Anything you want, with a bit of coin that is.”

Rose looks to Arc. He sighs before setting down a handful of bits. The fortune teller takes the moeny and quickly puts them aside before turning their attention to the crystal ball before them.

“That will suffice. You may ask me three questions.”

Rose thinks for a moment.

“What is Arc’s favorite food?”

“Something called pizza.”

“Who is my mother?”

“You do not appear to have one.”

“I… guess that’s right.”

Arc looks at the robed creature incredulously. “HA! What about Twilight?!”

The soothsayer looks to Arc and speaks in an even tone. “Did this one come forth from her loins?”

“I… suppose not.”

“Then she is not her mother. One final question.”

Rose is silent for a time.

“Will I ever… find happiness?”

“That is up to you.”

Arc frowns as he puts down more bits. “Fine then! My turn!”

“Very well. You have three questions.”

Arc grins.

“How did I come to this land?”

“On an airship with Princess Luna of Equestria.

“Okay… I suppose that’s right. Where did I meet my fiancé?”

“A small town called Dodge Junction.”

Arc thinks for a moment before leaning forward.

“Okay smart guy. For my last question… where is Princess Celestia?”

The mystic is quiet for a time as they peer deeply into their crystal ball.

“I see… a large, white stone building. Towers everywhere. Guards patrolling inside and out. Several beings of great power residing within. They…”

Arc begins to laugh. Rose looks at him confused.


Arc stands up as he looks at the creature before him. “You almost had me there!”

Rose frowns. “But he just…!”

“He just described Canterlot Castle, Rose. This guy’s a fraud. Let’s get going.”

Rose stands and nods to the fortune teller.

“Thank you.”

The pair leave the tent together as the soothsayer shakes his head. He stands and pulls away his dark robe to reveal a navy blue cloak along with a strange white mask.

“You seek, but will not find what you are looking for with an attitude like that. The alicorn princess is closer than you think, Arc. So close to you one might even say she’s… within your reach.”

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