• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,651 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 16 - Colorful Confessions

Author's Note:

-The princesses were found in a dazed state in their room at Light's Hope. Cause unknown.

-Shining Armor reported them acting normally when he brought them breakfast earlier that morning.

-Rose reports her sensors did not detect any unauthorized personnel entering or leaving the princess' room that night, nor the facility at any time.

-Redheart smelled alcohol on their breath. Further examination showed no sign of physical trauma.

-Luna and Cadance only had a single drink each the previous night.

-Shining Armor also reports Luna asking for some alone time to discuss private matters with Cadance.

-Ember accused Goldstone of committing the crime, as he's been leering at the females all through the summit.

-Goldstone changed glasses with Cadance after he ‘tripped’ and ‘accidentally’ grabbed her backside.

-Fiona and Goldstone talked at length about an unknown topic. Taking into account their past, this is highly unusual.

-Rutherford saw Kane leave the Dining Room during the celebration.

-Tugem followed Kane when he left.

-Rutherford claimed a cupcake tasted bad. Poison or cultural tastes?

-Tugem reports that neither Ikis nor the Marquis ate or drank at the celebration last night.

-Tugem admits to leaving the Dining Room to follow Kane, whom seemed agitated.

-Kane confided in Tugem regarding his defeat by Sereb. Apparently Kane is feeling insecure after suffering what may be defeat for the first time in his life.

-Tugem thinks he saw Fiona drop something into Goldstone's glass while they were talking. However, no harm appeared to befall Goldstone.

-Felix saw Kane looking at Sereb with an angry look on his face for a large portion of the evening.

-Fiona did not see Kane speak to anyone during the evening.

-Felix saw Cadance drop her glass when Goldstone fell and grabbed her backside.

-Fiona confessed to a conversation with Goldstone while Felix returned to their room for a change of raiments. They spoke of monetary policy.

-Fiona confessed to sprinkling Abyssinian Itchweed in Goldstone's glass when he wasn't looking.

-Felix saw Cadance set the glass Goldstone gave her on a tray, empty. It is assumed she drank it.

-Arc sent a sample of Abyssinian Itchweed to be tested against samples of the princess' blood.

-Fiona has submitted herself to face Equestrian justice for potentially accidentally poisoning the princesses.

-Why was Luna also poisoned if only Cadance drank from the tainted glass?

-Both Fiona and Felix have agreed to be held under house arrest pending the lab report.

-Sereb confirms he overheard Queen Fiona talking to Lord Goldstone about monetary policy.

-Kane heard Gestal whispering to his daughter about how to use a bad situation to gain leverage.

-Iris saw Ghaleon watching Goldstone closely. But if that's true, how was Fiona able to poison his glass?

-Iris overheard Lord Goldstone refer to certain diplomats as ‘Equestria’s pets’.

-Ikis claimed to sense something 'out of place' on the air. It was not native to Equestria.

-The Marquis saw Princess Luna pretend to take several sips from her glass before pouring it into a napkin.

-Pinky informed me that the dishes are washed with special detergent to remove EVERYTHING from theme. We won't be able to test them for signs of poisoning.

-Lab results show a similar toxin to the one used to take down Arc during his visit to the Griffon Kingdom some time back. However it has somehow been amplified and altered beyond what the normal antidote can cure.

-Ashe still denies involvement in the assassination attempts in the Griffon Kingdom as well as being responsible for the princess' sudden illness.

-Rarity believe Tugem's clothes were made by a Equestrian seamstress named Inky Rose.

-Trixie senses strange magical emanation inside Light's Hope.

-Rose found strange images on the security feed taken during the celebration.

-Eventide Shine seemed extremely nervous during her interview. She claims Cadance was dozing when she entered.

-Goldstone was caught on camera tampering with the princess' tea pot.

-When confronted, Goldstone was quick to blame everyone else involved.

-Discovering a false bottom in Goldstone's trunk, a leather satchel containing poison was found within.

-When Goldstone learned Arc was the Lord Regent again, he lost his mind and literally had to be dragged away.

A short time later a portal opens in Arc’s room aboard The Equinox. Twilight and her friends emerge with Arc bringing up the rear. She hurries over to Cadance happily as Shining Armor steps back to give the pair some room.

“Cadance! Are you alright?!”

She smiles weakly. “I am. Thanks to Arc, that is.”

Arc walks over to Luna.

“The guilty party has been caught.”

“Excellent! Who was it?!”

Cadance looks to him with at worried expression on her face. “Not Eventide Shine, I hope!”

“No. Lord Goldstone.”

Shining Armor raises an eyebrow. “Come again?”

Applejack chuckles. “We heard the commotion all the way from the Dining Room.”

Pinkie giggles. “Yeah! He was REALLY mad!”

“I confronted him with some video footage that showed him messing with your teapot from this morning.”

Luna puts a hoof to her forehead. “This is… just so hard to believe! A Lord of the Griffon Kingdom doing something like that!”

Cadance turns to Luna soberly. “Remember, Luna. He’s been under investigation for some time now.”

Rarity appears confused. “He has?”

Arc clears his throat. “Yes. But we can’t really talk about that.”

Fluttershy tilts her head to one side. “Why not?”

Shining Armor looks to Luna. “Probably because his is what’s called a ‘pending case’. He needs to have the chance to defend himself before his name is slandered.”

Luna nods. “Yes.”

She turns to Arc.

“Now then. Are you ABSOLUTELY certain of his guilt?”

“Yes. I personally found poison hidden in a secret compartment in his luggage. Redheart is analyzing it now for use as evidence in his trial.”

Cadance nods. “Did he confess?”

“No. But with the evidence I collected it shouldn’t be hard to prove his guilt.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Yeah. If his screams of rage were any indication, he knows he’s finished.”

Redheart walks into the room. Arc turns to her.

“Perfect timing. Do you have that report, Redheart?”

“I do.”

She levitates an envelope over to him. Arc takes the paper and looks it over.

“A perfect match, huh?”

“Yes sir. There’s no doubt that the poison used came from that bag.”

“Good. Well, at least that’s wrapped up.”

Luna turns to Redheart. “Are we still on track to resume our duties tomorrow?”

“Yes. But not until after the summit.”

Cadance appears confused. “Come again?”

“You two shouldn’t be in any stressful situations for another few days. I understand your desire to return, but I’d still like to keep you under observation.”

Arc nods. “I can handle the last bit of the summit. Everyone’s heading home tomorrow morning anyways.”

Luna sighs. “I suppose that’s true. Although I had wished we could have organized more formal talks of peace among nations.”

Rainbow Dash shrugs. “Well, let’s just be glad this didn’t end with somepony getting badly hurt.”

Applejack shudders. “Right. Or war breaking out.”

Rarity turns to Twilight. “There’s always the potential to hold another summit, right?”

Twilight nods. “We’d be willing to help.”

Pinkie giggles. “Right!”

Fluttershy smiles. “Me too!”

Luna nods. “Thank you, everypony. I guess we’ll have to give some thought to this in another year or so.”

Arc frowns. “I’ll let you and Princess Cadance get to work thinking about the logistics. In the meantime, I’m going to head back to Light’s Hope and get ready for supper.”

Cadance smiles at him. “Will you be announcing our condition as well?”

“I can if you really want me to. But I recommend you two staying under wraps.”

Shining Armor looks worried. “Do you expect more trouble?”

“Nah. But the delegates might insist that you two make an appearance, or something.”

Luna bows her head. “Agreed. Again, thank you for doing this, Arc. You’ve certainly gone above and beyond the call of duty yet again.”

“It was my pleasure. Now you two get some rest. Shining Armor, stay with them.”

“Yes sir.”

“Everyone else follow me.”

Arc opens a portal and allows the others to pass through before turning back to the princesses.

“Enjoy your time off.”

Cadance giggles. “We will.”

Arc smiles and steps through the portal as it collapses in on itself. Cadance turns to Luna.

“I’m certainly glad that’s over.”

“As am I. Hopefully things will go smoothly over there now.”

Meanwhile, Arc and his friends appear on the sigil in Light’s Hope’s Main Hall. Twilight heads toward the front door with the others.

“We should make sure we’re presentable for tonight.”

Fluttershy nods. “Yes. Everypony will want to look their best for the occasion.”

Applejack turns to Arc as she puts a hoof on her Element. “Should we wear these too?”

“Yes. The delegates will certainly expect it.”

Rainbow Dash frowns as she flies to the door. “Great. Another fancy-schmancy gathering.”

Twilight laughs as she and the others follow. “It’s only one more night, Rainbow Dash.”

Applejack chuckles. “Yes, I’m sure we can all make it through this.”

They close the doors behind them. Rarity walks over to Arc and looks him up and down.

“Are you planning to wear those raiments to supper tonight?”

“Yes. Is there something wrong with them?”

Rarity nods. “They’re a bit… wrinkled. Would you mind if I took care of them for you?”

“That would be nice, yes. But don’t you have work of your own to do?”

“Not really. All I have to do it put on my dress and make sure my mane looks nice. If you’d like, I have an iron in my quarters aboard your ship.”

“Sure. But only if it doesn’t put you behind schedule.”

“Follow me.”

Rarity leads Arc out the door and aboard The Equinox. Twilight and the others have already reached their rooms. She opens her door and turns on the lights. Her sewing kit lies strewn over a table and the bed is unmade.

“Please forgive the mess. I had to do some quick work on Rainbow Dash’s dress earlier and didn’t have time to straighten up.”

“It’s fine. There’s only so many hours in a day.”

Rarity hurriedly makes the bed. “You’re one to talk, Arc. I always see your office and quarters so organized. What’s your secret? After all, you’re certainly much busier than I am.”

“You really want to know?”

Rarity nods as she fluffs the pillows. “Of course!”

“A base full of guards to tidy up after me.”

Rarity giggles as she works. “That seems a bit unfair.”

“Maybe. But it’s probably a welcome change over patrolling and guard duty. I’m always careful not to leave a big mess behind anyways.”

“Very considerate. Now then, why don’t you take a quick shower? That will give me time to work on your raiments.”

“I suppose. After all, I would like to get Goldstone’s stench off me.”

“There’s a thought. Just let me know when you get into the shower and I’ll come fetch them. I promise I won’t peek.”


Arc steps into the Bathroom and removes his raiments. Laying them on the counter he turns on the water and steps into the shower. Closing the curtain he lets the warm water wash over him

“All set, Rarity.”

The door opens and Rarity walks slowly inside. She picks up the clothes and looks toward the closed curtain.

“Are you… okay in there?”


“No… um… problems from what happened the other day?”

“Nah. That salve you rubbed on my back that night really worked wonders.”

“Oh… good. I’m… glad you’re feeling better.”

Rarity takes half a step toward the curtain before turning back toward the door and leaving as her face flushes red. She lays the garments out on the bed and levitates a clothes brush over to her waiting hoof as she smiles broadly.

“Arc is in my Bathroom, and I have his clothes! This is just so delicious!”

A moment later there is a knock at the door. Rarity stiffens as she turns he head and calls out.

“Who… who is it?”

“It’s Rainbow Dash. Sorry to bother you, but I need a little help with my dress. Can I come in?”

Rarity looks around frantically. “Um… just a minute!”

She hastily pulls the bedspread over the raiments lying on the bed with her magic and heads for the door. Opening it she steps back to let Rainbow Dash in.

“Sorry to bother you with this again, but I busted another stitch in my wing hole.”

Rarity frowns as she closes the door. “How?! I made sure to reinforce the seam!”

“Yeah, well… this time it’s the other one.”

“Oh! Sorry about that. Normally I would have fixed both at the same time. But as you know I was quite busy back then.”

Rainbow Dash flops down on the bedspread. “Yeah, I understand. You were running around like your hooves were on fire..”

Rarity gasps slightly as her friend unknowingly lies on Arc’s raiments.

“Y-yes! Busy, busy, busy! Why don’t you slip out of that dress and let me work on it? After all, I wouldn’t want to poke you with a needle.”

“Good idea.”

Rainbow Dash pulls the dress off over her head. Rarity takes it and walks over to the table.

“I’ll get this done as quick as I can.”

“Thanks. And sorry for barging in like this.”

Rarity levitates over a spool of thread and a needle. “Oh, it’s no trouble.”

“Well, I still feel bad about it. After all, you were about to take a shower.”

Rarity looks up confused. “A shower?”

Rainbow Dash nods and points a hoof at the bathroom door. “Yeah. I can hear the water running.”

Rarity blushes heavily as she works faster. “Oh! Right! Well, I… um…”

“You probably need it. What with as hard as you’ve been working. I mean, you didn’t even have time to make your bed this morning.”

“Well, you know me! Always on the move!”

“You always keep your room at the boutique so tidy. I don’t think I’ve ever seen your bed not perfectly made.”

Rainbow Dash stands up and gives her wings a good flap to get some air.

“Let me help you with that.”

Rarity looks up, her eyes wide. “Wait!”

But it is too late. In a flash Rainbow Dash pulls the bedspread up and over the pillows. She turns to sit down on the bed again and lands on Arc’s raiments.

“What the…? Rarity? What are you doing with these?”

“Oh! I was just… making them presentable for tonight! Arc needs to look his best, after all.”

Rainbow Dash hops off the bed. “Yeah, you’re right. Sorry for getting fur all over them.”

“It’s quite alright.”

Rarity finishes the stitch and gives the dress back to Rainbow Dash who heads for the door.

“Thanks a lot, Rarity. I should let you get to your shower now.”

Rarity nods nervously. “Yes. Let me know if you need anything else.”

“I will.”

Rainbow Dash puts a hoof on the doorknob, but suddenly stops.

“Wait a second!”

“S-something wrong?

Rainbow Dash turns back to the bed. “Isn’t that the outfit Arc was wearing when we left him?”

“Yes. Why do you…?”

“He must change REALLY fast then!”


Rainbow Dash grins. “We only left him about ten minutes ago. Now THAT’S speed!”

“I suppose so.”

“Something wrong, Rarity? You’re acting kinda funny. Are you sick, or something?”

“N-no! I just… you see… um… I think I just need a bit of a nap to calm my nerves.”

“Oh. Well you go ahead and lie down. I’ll just pop into the Bathroom and shut the shower off for you.”

Rainbow Dash trots toward the door. Rarity Blinks frantically in front of her.


Rainbow Dash stops and raises an eyebrow. “Huh? Why not?!”

“Because… my Bathroom’s messy, that’s why! I don’t want you seeing it right now!”

A bottle of shampoo slips out of Arc’s soap covered hand and clatters noisily to the tile floor. The blood drains from Rarity’s face. Rainbow Dash turns to look at the clothes on the bed again before turning back to the bathroom door. She gives Rarity a sly smile.

“Arc’s in your shower, isn’t he?”

“What?! I would never…!”

Rainbow Dash shrugs. “Then I’ll just head in there and turn off the water. I’m not scared of a little mess.”

“You can’t! I… um…”

Her voice trails off as she sighs.

“…yes. Arc’s in there.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “That’s really impressive, Rarity. I mean, ‘Danger’ is literally my middle name, and even I’m too chicken to do something like this!”

She chuckles.

“I wasn’t even able to work up the courage to ask him out.”


Rainbow Dash sighs. “Yeah. I’ve wanted to do that for a while now. Ever since the whole Sugar Cube Corner incident.”

“You mean… back then?”

“Yeah. That time we try not to talk about. He really took care of me back there. Even after I hurled into the sink. I mean… it must’ve stunk horribly! That and it was all over my face!”

“Wha-what did he do?!”

“Grabbed a dish towel, got it wet, and cleaned the puke from around my mouth.”

“That was nice of him.”

Rainbow Dash blushes slightly. “Yeah, well… he didn’t take me up on my… advances back then.”

Rarity’s face turns red again. “Mine either.”

Rainbow Dash looks to Rarity and grins suggestively. “I don’t mind telling you, Rarity. What he did for me back then… it was really hot!

Rarity’s pupils shrink. “What… do you mean?”

Rainbow Dash smiles with a slight blush in her cheeks. “Getting cleaned up by a stallion like Arc was just amazing! Looking back, it might have just been the spell’s effects, but his tender touches really did it for me! That and he didn’t… um… make me do anything. I mean… I wanted it, but… when he said no, it… it just about pushed my hormones over the edge right then and there!

“I… Rainbow Dash, why are you telling me this?”

“Because I just wanted you to know that it’s okay for you to feel the way you do. You don’t need to hide this from me or the others.”

“Hide the fact I invited him on a date?”

Rainbow Dash’s eyes light up as the sly smile returns to her face. “No way! Really?! How’d you do it?!”

“I just kinda asked him.”

“What did he say?!”

“Um… yes.”

“That’s awesome! I hope you two have a great time!”

Rarity looks confused. “But we already had our date.”

Rainbow Dash takes a step back, surprised. “What?! Where did you go?!”

“Well, I mean it wasn’t REALLY a date mind you. I just had him over to my place for supper.”

“With Sassy Saddles and Sweetie Belle?”

Rarity shakes her head. “Sweetie was at Applejack’s having a sleepover, and Sassy Saddles helped me get everything ready before leaving for the evening.”

“Evening?! That was TOTALLY a date!”

“I… suppose it was, yes.”

“Did he have a good time?”

“Well… kinda. Truth be told I accidently spilled an entire pot of tea on him. He’s okay, mind you.”

Rainbow Dash grimaces. “Ouch. Sorry the date ended like that.”

Rarity shakes her head. “Oh no! I rushed him upstairs and into my shower. His back was pretty bad, but the cool water helped the swelling go down.”

“I’m glad he was okay.”

“Oh yes. Some salve I had in my medicine cabinet saw to that.”

“If you don’t mind me asking, how late did he stay.”

“All night. Why do you…?”

Rainbow Dash’s jaw nearly hits the floor.

“You two… spent the NIGHT together?!”

Rarity nods sadly. “I… suppose we did. Sorry.”

“You’re SORRY?! For WHAT?!”

“I just… you told me you wanted him to… you know…”

Rarity blushes. Rainbow Dash puts a hoof on her friend’s shoulder.

“That’s true. But if you two are an item, I’m not going to try and come between you.”


Rainbow Dash nods. “Of course! That wouldn’t be very loyal of me.”

“I suppose not.”

Rainbow Dash grins wickedly. “Well, I suppose if you wanted to, I’d be willing to be on the other side.”

Rarity looks confused. “Other… side?”

“Like I said, I don’t want to come between you two. That’s why I’d be on the other side.”

“I’m sorry, but I still don’t understand.”

Rainbow Dash thinks for a moment. “Arc’s bed aboard ship would certainly be big enough for all three of us.”

Rarity blushes furiously.

“I-I-I’m not into that sort of thing!”

Rainbow Dash shrugs. “Meh, just thought I’d mention it. You just make Arc happy, okay?”

“S-sure. I’ll certainly try.”

Rainbow Dash turns as she hears the water shut off. “Well, that’s my cue to leave. Thanks for the stitches, Rarity. And good luck.”

She trots out the door and returns to her room. As Rainbow Dash puts on the dress, she looks herself over in the mirror.

“Never thought Rarity would’ve had the guts to bed Arc. Well, I hope they’ll be happy together.”

She straightens her hem and turns to one side as she poses seductively.

“But if they ever break up, I’d love to pick up where she left off!”

Rainbow Dash giggles and blushes.

“Listen to me talk! I never thought any stallion would make me feel this way! But Arc certainly is VERY special.”

She looks herself up and down before picking up a brush and begrudgingly running it through her rainbow colored mane.

“Who would’ve thought a stallion holding my head at the sink while I puked would make me feel this way?!”

Meanwhile, Arc walks out of Rarity’s bathroom in one of his magic cloaks. Rarity looks over at him sheepishly.

“Sorry, but it’s going to be a bit. I’m just getting started.”

“Everything okay?”

Rarity nods. “Oh yes! Rainbow Dash came by a few moments after you jumped in the shower. She had a bit of a dress malfunction.”

“I see. But you were able to fix it, right?”

“Easily! But she also wanted to talk about something a bit… private.”

Arc chuckles as he sits down on the bed. “Ah! Girl talk, huh?”

Rarity blushes as she works. “S-something like that.”

“Well, I just want to thank you again for doing all this, Rarity. The delegates apparently liked their rooms very much.”

“I… really enjoyed it.”

“And thanks for looking over my apparel. I really didn’t notice just how wrinkled the back was.”

“Yes. What happened?!”

“I took a bit of a nap earlier on my couch.”

Rarity turns and smiles at him. “If anypony deserves that, you do.”

Arc sighs. “At least the hard part is over.”

“But there’s still dinner tonight.”

“True. But everyone should be in high spirits knowing that the guilty party was caught.”

“That would make anypony happy, I suppose. Sorry, I’m just a bit paranoid.”

Rarity bites her lip as she looks up from her work.

“Can I ask you something?”

“Sure. What is it?”

“I… uh… was just wondering… how you liked everypony’s dresses the other day?”


“The fashion designer in me just wants to know which dress looked best to you.”

“They all looked very nice, Rarity.”

“Did any of them stand out?”

“All of them did actually.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Well, each dress appeared to be specifically tailored to the one wearing it. I can tell you put a lot of love and attention into every one of them. It really accentuated the wearer’s features.”

Rarity nods nervously. “What… what did you think of Rainbow Dash’s outfit?”

“It was very… her. I mean, the rainbow cloth with the cloudlike hem was spot-on Rainbow Dash. But if someone else tried to wear it, like Twilight for example, I don’t think the effect would be the same.”

Rarity sighs. “I suppose you have a point.”

“Don’t doubt yourself, Rarity. You’re very talented at what you do.”

“Thank you, Arc. I’ll do what I can to see to it you look your very best for tonight.”

A short time later Rarity finishes her task. She hangs up the raiments and hands them to Arc.

“There you are.”

“Great! I can’t thank you enough for this. And don’t worry about the fee. I’ll see to it Raven sends over payment.”

“Oh, but I don’t…!”

“No, no. You have to be paid for this, Rarity. After all, you’re doing your part to make this event a success.”

“I… th-thank you, Arc. Would you like to use my Bathroom again to get dressed?”

“Thank you, but I should get back to my quarters so you can get ready.”

“Alright. I’m sure you’ll look positively dapper tonight.”

“I’ll be back in a little while to escort all of you to the Dining Room.”

Arc calls forth his gauntlet and opens a portal.

“See you soon.”

Stepping through he vanishes from sight. Rarity sighs and walks over to her own dress hanging up nearby.

“I’m looking forward to the dinner, Arc. But I can’t help but wonder. Who will you be looking at tonight? Rainbow Dash… Twilight… Applejack… Pinkie Pie… Fluttershy… or… little old uninteresting me.”

Rarity sighs as she puts on her dress and sits down at her vanity. Picking up a brush with her magic she begins to do her mane.

“I HAVE to make him notice me! Twilight has his eye, what with her being so intelligent and all. Rainbow Dash has her colorful mane and high energy. Applejack has her natural beauty and toned physique. Pinkie has an amazingly bubbly personality. And Fluttershy’s timid nature and thin frame has turned more than a few heads in town.”

She stops brushing and looks herself over in the mirror.

“What do I have? An overdone mane and a shrill voice.”

Rarity looks down at her body sadly.

“Why would Arc ever want to be with me… when he could have any one of my friends?”

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